Netgear orporated 06200045 User Manual

Introduction: WNCRDBSB WLAN Card User's Guide - DRAFT
Before you begin Things you should know WNCRDBSB network
Before you begin
Obtain the following information from your network administrator (if you are a home user, obtain this information from the person that installed your wireless access point):
Network names (SSID) of the specific wireless networks that you want to connect to.
For Microsoft® Windows® networking, your customer name and workgroup name.
For your network account, your user name and password.
Your IP address (if not using a DHCP server)
Things you should know
When you start your computer, your WNCRDBSB WLAN card detects certain wireless networks that are within range. Before you can connect to these and other wireless networks, you must configure a profile for each network using the information you obtained from your network administrator.
WEP is a security protocol for wireless local area networks (defined in the IEEE 802.11g standard) that encrypts data sent over radio waves. The use of the WEP key is optional and can be enabled or disabled. If the network you are connecting to has enabled WEP, you must also enable WEP in the network profile and set the WEP key to match the WEP key used by the network. Otherwise, you cannot connect to the network.
WNCRDBSB network
The WNCRDBSB solution allows you to make a wireless connection to a network, as illustrated below.
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Using the Broadcom Wireless Utility: Broadcom AirForce™ 54g™ and Intensi-fi™ Wireless Network Adapter User Guide

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Using the Broadcom Wireless Utility: Broadcom AirForce™ 54g™ and Intensi-fi™ Wireless Network Adapter User Guide
Utility Components
The Broadcom Wireless Utility enables you to do the following network tasks:
Manage your wireless networks and create network connection profiles (Wireless Networks tab)
Connect to available networks (utility icon in notification area)
Get information about the network status and signal and noise of your network connection (Link
Status tab)
View current and accumulated statistics (Statistics tab)
Find out which broadcasting networks are in range and search for nonbroadcasting networks (Site
Monitor tab)
Run tests on the wireless network adapter (Diagnostics tab)
Get date and version information about the utility, and software, hardware, and location details
about your wireless network adapter (
Information tab)
Manually add or delete trusted servers and enable the manual acceptance or rejection of auto-
provisioning and A-ID group changes (
Wireless Networks tab)
Manually import EAP-FAST PACs (Wireless Networks tab)
In the utility, you can open Wireless Network Wizard to connect to a basic network or create an ad hoc network, or you can open the Wireless Network Connection Settings tool to connect to an advanced network. To do any of the other tasks, click the tab that is associated with the described task.
To start using the utility, right-click the utility icon
in the notification area, and then click Open Utility.
If the icon is not available, open Broadcom Wireless Utility in Control Panel.
NOTE: The utility icon may not appear exactly as shown here. See "
Table 1. Signal
Strength Indicated by the Broadcom Wireless Utility Icon."
Utility Components
Utility components include the utility icon in the notification area, the six utility tabs, and Wireless Network Connection Settings.
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Using the Broadcom Wireless Utility: Broadcom AirForce™ 54g™ and Intensi-fi™ Wireless Network Adapter User Guide
Utility Icon
To do any of the following tasks or operations, right-click the utility icon, and then click the appropriate item.
Open the on-line Broadcom AirForce™ 54g™ and Intensi-fi™ Wireless Network Adapter User Guide
(Help Files)
Open About WLAN Card Utility to view links to Broadcom and Broadcom Customer Support websites
and to view the version and date of the utility (About)
Hide the utility icon (Hide Tray Icon)
Disable or enable the radio (Disable/Enable Radio)
Connect to any of the networks for which you have created a connection profile and are within
range (Connect To)
Open the utility to the Wireless Networks tab (Open Utility)
Open the utility to the Link Status tab to view information about the connection (Status)
Display a log of your wireless network events (Display Log)
Wireless Networks Tab
The Wireless Networks tab has tools that enable you to do the following:
Use the utility to manage your wireless networks
Add a network connection profile
Edit or remove a network connection profile
Change the order in which profiles are listed under Preferred network connections
Connect to any listed network without changing its order in the list
Disable or enable the radio (Disable/Enable Radio)
Show or hide the utility icon in the notification area
Choose which type of network to access
Lock or unlock a preferred network connection profile
Save your wireless network connection profiles as a WPN file
Import a WPN file
Manually add or delete trusted servers and enable the manual acceptance or rejection of auto-
provisioning and A-ID group changes
Manually import EAP-FAST PACS
On the Add menu, you can use either the wireless network wizard that is available from Broadcom Wireless Utility (see
Connecting to a Basic Network or Creating an Ad Hoc Network Using the Wireless Network Wizard") or the utility (see "Connecting to an Advanced Network Using the Broadcom Wireless Utility") to add a network connection profile.
To use the utility to manage your wireless networks, select the Let this tool manage your wireless networks check box.
To add a network connection profile, click the Add arrow, and then click either Use Wizard (basic network) or Use Utility (advanced network).
To edit or remove a network connection profile, right-click the network name, and then click either Edit or Remove.
To change the order in which profiles are listed under Preferred network connections, click the network name, and then click either the up arrow or down arrow.
To connect to any listed network without changing its order in the list, right-click the network name, and then click Connect.
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Using the Broadcom Wireless Utility: Broadcom AirForce™ 54g™ and Intensi-fi™ Wireless Network Adapter User Guide
To disable the radio, clear the Enable radio check box. To enable the radio, select the Enable radio check box.
To hide the utility icon
, clear the Show utility icon check box. To show the icon, select the Show
utility icon check box.
To choose the type of network to access, click the Options arrow, and then click Advanced.
To lock or unlock a preferred network connection profile, right-click anywhere in the row that lists the network name, and then click Lock or Unlock, as appropriate.
NOTE: You must have system or administrator rights to be able to lock or unlock a
To save your wireless network connection profiles to a WPN file, click the Options arrow, and then click Export (see "
Saving Preferred Network Connection Settings to a File" in "Connecting to an Advanced
Network Using the Broadcom Wireless Utility."
To import a WPN file, click the Options arrow, and then click Import (see "
Importing a Preferred Network
Connection Profiles File" in "Connecting to an Advanced Network Using the Broadcom Wireless Utility."
Click Apply or OK after you change any of the settings for the change to take effect.
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