NETGEAR XM128S User Manual

A Bay Networks Company 4401 Great America Parkway Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA Phone 888-NETGEAR
M1-XM128S-1 March 1998
© 1998 by NETGEAR, Inc. All rights reserved.


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In the int erest of impr oving internal design, operational function, and/or reliability, NETGE A R reserves the right to make changes to the products described in this document without notice.
NETGEAR does not assume an y liability tha t m ay occur due to th e use or application of the product(s) or circu it layout(s) described herein.

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For assistance with installing and configuring your NETGEAR system or with post-installation questions or problems, contact your point of purchase representative.
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NETGEAR maintains a World Wide Web Home Page that you can access at the universal resource locator (URL) . A direct connection to the In ternet and a Web browser such as Internet Explorer or Netscape ar e required.

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NETGEAR maintains a bulletin board that you can access to obtain the lat est version of the softw are. In the United States, phone 407-531-4574.


Purpose ............................................................................................................................vii
Conventions .....................................................................................................................viii
Special Message Formats .........................................................................................viii
Use of Enter, Type, and Press ...................................................................................viii
Other Conventions ..................................................................................................... ix
Related Publication ........................................................................................................... ix
Chapter 1 Introduction
Features ..........................................................................................................................1-1
Chapter 2 Physical Description
Fr o n t Panel .......... ......... ......... .......... ......... .......... ......... .......... ......... .......... ......... .......... ...2-1
LEDs ........................................................................................................................2-2
Rear Panel ......................................................................................................................2-3
Chapter 3 Installation
Package Contents ..........................................................................................................3-1
Installing the Modem ......................................................................................................3-2
Verifying Hardware Installation .......................................................................................3-3
Installing Software for Windows ......................................................................................3-3
Installing the Windows 95 Driver ..............................................................................3-4
Installing and Launching FirstGear .................................................................................3-6
Using the Advanced Feature for Setting Telephone Numbers .................................3-9
Configuring Windows 95 Dial-Up Networking ........................................................3 -11
Configuring Dial-Up Networking for One B Channel ................. ....... ..... ....... ....3-11
Configuring Dial-Up Networking for Two B Channels ......................................3-16
Contents iii
iv Contents


Figure 2-1. Front panel of the Model XM128S modem (with S/T interface) ...............2-1
Figure 2-2. Rear panel of the Model XM128S modem ...............................................2-3
Figure 3-1. Model XM128S modem connections .......................................................3-2
Figure 3-2. New Hardware Found screen ..................................................................3-4
Figure 3-3. Install From Disk screen ...........................................................................3-5
Figure 3-4. Select Device screen ...............................................................................3-5
Figure 3-5. Welcome screen ......................................................................................3-7
Figure 3-6. FirstGear screen ..................... ..... ..... .... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .3-8
Figure 3-7. Multiple Subscriber Numbers screen....................................................... 3-9
Figure 3-8. Outgoing Telephone Numbers screen ....................................................3-10
Figure 3-9. Make New Connection screen ...............................................................3-11
Figure 3-10. Make New Connection screen for entering ISP information ..................3 -12
Figure 3-11. My Connection screen ...................................... ....... ....... ..... ....... ....... ....3-13
Figure 3-12. Server Types tab screen . .......................................................................3-14
Figure 3-13. TCP/IP Settings screen ..........................................................................3-15
Figures v


Table 2-1. LED descriptions ......................................................................................2-2
Table 2-2. Rear panel components ..................................................................... ......2-3
vi Tables


Congratulation s on your purchase of the NETGEAR™ Model XM128S ISDN Digital Modem. The Model XM128S modem sets a new price and performance standar d for ra pidly growing Internet and telecommuting applic ations.
The NETGEAR Model XM128S modem provides connection for one or more PCs to the Internet or to the off ice over ISDN (Integr a ted Services Digital Network) lines. The modem operates at a speed of up to 460 kilobits per second (Kbps) da ta rat e, or 128 Kbps data rate without compression, and can download video clips, music, or high-resolution color graphics from the World Wide Web or other online services many times faster than an analog modem. The Model XM128S modem supports concurrent data and voice communications, reducing cost and administrati on of multiple phone lines.


This guide provides instructions for the installat ion and use of the Model XM128S modem. This guide also p rovi des inst ruct ions in t he instal lation and use of t he Fi rstGear™ configura tion sof tw are application for insta lling, configuring, and monitoring the Model XM128S modem.
Preface vii
Getting Started Using FirstGear for the Model XM128S ISDN Digital Modem


This section describes the conventions used in this guide.

Special Message Formats

This guide uses the following formats to highlight special messages.
This format is used to highlight inf ormation of importance or special interest.
equipment failur e or loss of data.
equipment damage.
This format is used to highlight information that will help you preve nt
This format is used to highlight material involving possibility of injury or

Use of Enter, Type, and Press

This guide uses “enter,” “type,” and “press” to describe the following actions :
When you read “enter,” type the text and press the Enter key.
When you read “type,” type the text, but do not press the Enter key.
When you read “press,” press only the alphanumeric or named key.
When you read “click,” click the left mouse button.
viii Preface
Getting Started Using FirstGear for the Model XM128S ISDN Digital Modem

Other Conventions

This guide uses the following additional conventions:
Initial Caps Menu titles and window and button names.
Book titles and UNIX file , command, and directory names.

Related Publication

For more information a bout the Model XM128S modem, refer to the
Model XM128 ISDN Digital Modem
Referenc e Guide for the
Preface ix
Chapter 1
This guide describes how to install and use the Model XM128S ISDN Digital Modem. It includes a physical description and installation instructions for the hardware, as well as instructions for installing and usin g FirstGear to configure the modem. Use this guide as a reference for getting started. For more detailed information about installi ng your Model XM128S modem, refer to
Reference Guide for the Model XM128 ISDN Digital Modem.
When used with off-the-shelf Internet or remote access client software, the Model XM128S modem enables mobile or home use rs to connect o v er Inte gr ated Service s Digit al Networ k (ISDN) lines to the Interne t or to branch offices. The Model XM128S modem also allows a user to conne ct to the analog world through a modem, fa x machin e, or telephone.
To take advantage of constant new developments while sustaining your hardware investment, the Model XM128S modem uses flash EPR OMs that enable convenient uploading of newly available firmware.


The Model XM128S ISDN Digital Modem supports a variety of compression schemes including V.42bis and Hi/f n LZS Compress ion (Sta c). This modem c an e f fectively communicate at speeds up to 460 kilobits per second (Kbps) over ISDN lines.
The Model XM128S modem has two an alog ports to c onnec t analog de vic es suc h as fa x machines, modems, and telephones. The Model XM128S modem can communicate over the two B channels to differ ent locations simultaneously, enabling you to send a fax and “surf” the web at the same time. The analog ports recognize standard dual-tone multifrequency (DTMF) tones as well as pulse dialing.
Introduction 1-1
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