NETGEAR XM128 ISDN User Manual

A Bay Networks Company 48105 Warm Springs Blvd. Fremont, CA 94539 USA
M-XM128NA-1 November 1997
© 1997 by NETGEAR, Inc. All rights reserved.

T rademarks

Bay Networks is a registered trademark of Bay Networ ks, Inc. NETGEAR and Fir stGear are tr ademarks Bay Networks, Inc . Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Other bra nd and product names are tradem arks of their respective holders.

Statement of Conditions

In the interest of improving internal design, operational function, and/o r reliability, NETGEAR reserves the right to make changes to the products described in this document without notice.
NETGEAR does not assume an y liability that may occur due to the use or application of the product(s) or circuit layout(s) described herein.

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Compliance Notice: Radio Frequency Notice

This de vice complies wi th part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the follo w ing two condit ions:
This de vice may not cause harmful interference.
This device must ac cept any inte rference re ceived, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Note: Thi s equipment has be en tested and fo und to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pur suant to part
15 of the FCC R u les. These lim its are designed to provide reasonable protecti on against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is n o guarant ee tha t in te rf erenc e wil l no t oc cur in a pa rt ic ular ins ta llat io n. I f this equi pme nt do es ca use har mful in te rf erenc e to radio or tele vision rec eption, which can be de termined by turning the equipm ent off and on, th e user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or mo re of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect t he equipment int o an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

EN 55 022 Declaration of Conformance

This is to certify that the NETGEAR Model XM128 Digital Modem is sh ielded agai nst the genera tion of radio inter ference in accordance with the application of Council Di rective 89/336/EEC, Article 4a. C onformity is declared by the application of EN 55 022 Class B (CISPR 22).

Bestätigung des Herstellers/Importeurs

Es wird hiermit bestätigt, daß das Model NETGEAR Model XM 128 ISDN Digital Modem gemäß der im BMPT-Amtsbl Vfg 24 3/1991 und Vfg 46/ 199 2 aufg ef ühr ten Be st immung en ent stör t i st. Das v or schri f tsmä ßige Bet reibe n einiger G eräte (z.B. Test sender) kann jedoch gewissen Beschränkungen unterliegen. Lese n Sie dazu bitte die Anmerk ungen in der Betriebsanleitung.
Das Bundesamt für Zulassungen in der Telekommunikation wu rde davon unt errichtet, daß dieses Gerät auf den Markt gebrach t w urde und es ist berechtigt, die Serie auf die Erfüllung der Vorschriften hin zu überprüfen.

Certificate of the Manufacturer/Importer

It is hereby certified that the N ETG EA R M odel XM128 Digital Modem has been suppressed in accordance with the conditions set out in the BMPT-AmtsblVfg 243/1991 and Vfg 46/199 2. The operation of some equi pment (for example, test transmitters) in accordance with the regulations may, however, be subject to certain restrictions. Please refer to the notes in the operating instructions.
Federal Office for Telecommunications Approvals has been notified of the placing of this equipment on the market and has been granted th e right to te st the series for com p li ance wit h th e regulations.

VCCI-2 Statement

This equi pment is in the second Class category (informatio n equipment to be used in a reside ntial area o r an adjacent area the reto) and conforms to the standards set by th e Voluntary Control Council for Interference by Data Processing Equipment and Electronic Office Machines aimed at preventing radio interference in such residential areas.
When used near a radio or TV rec eiver, it may become the cause of radio interference. Read instructions for correct handling.

Customer Support

For ass istance with installing and configuri ng your NETGEAR system or w ith post-installation questions or problems, contact your point of purchase representative.
To contact customer suppo rt or to purchase additional copies of this document and publ ications for other NETGEAR products, you can contact NETGEAR at the following numbers:
Phone: U.S./Cana da:1-800-211-2069
Japan: 0120-66-5402 Europe: (4 4) 171-571-512 0 Australi a:1-800-142-046
•Fax: U.S./Canada: 510-498-2609

World Wide Web

NETGEAR maintains a World Wide Web Home Page that you can access at the universal resource locator (URL) A direct connection to the Internet and a Web browser such as Internet Explorer or Netscape ar e required.

Bulletin Board Service

NETGEAR maintains a b ulletin board that you can access to obtain inform ation about the latest version of the software. In the United States, ph one 407-531-457 4.
Reference Guide for the Model XM128 ISDN Digital Modem


Purpose ..........................................................................................................................xvii
Conventions ...................................................................................................................xviii
Special Message Formats .......................................................................................xviii
Use of Enter, Type, and Press .................................................................................xviii
Other Conventions ............. ......... .......... ......... .......... ......... .......... ......... .......... ......... ..xix
Related Publication ..........................................................................................................xix
Chapter 1 Introduction
Features ..........................................................................................................................1-1
Interface Options ........... .......... ......... ......... .......... ......... .......... ......... .......... ......... ......1-3
Front Panel .....................................................................................................................1-3
Rear Panel ......................................................................................................................1-6
Chapter 2 Installation
Package Contents ..........................................................................................................2-1
Installing the Modem ......................................................................................................2-2
Verifying Hardware Installation .......................................................................................2-3
Chapter 3 Setup for Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0
Selecting the Appropriate Windows 95 Driver (INF file) ................................................. 3-1
Contents v
Reference Guide for the Model XM128 ISDN Digital Modem
Chapter 4 Configuration
Configuring Your ISDN Line and Network ......................................................................4-1
Configuring Your Modem Using a Terminal Program .....................................................4-1
Understanding AT Commands ................................... .. .......... ....... ....... .. .......... ....... .4-2
Quick Tips for Issuing AT Commands ................................................................4-3
Using AT Commands to Verify Modem Response .............................................4-4
Communication Speed Setup ................. ....... ....... ....... ..... ....... ....... ..... ....... ....... ......4-4
Switch Type Setup for North America ................................................................4-5
SPID Setup for North America ...........................................................................4-6
Entering DNs ............................................................................................................ 4-7
Setup for Europe and the United Kingdom .................................... ....... ....... ......4-7
Chapter 5 Async to Sync PPP
Internet and Remote Access PPP and SLIP .................................................................. 5-1
Making Async to Sync PPP and SLIP calls .............................................................. 5-1
Keeping a Line Connection During Idle Time ................................ ....... ....... ..... .5-2
Answering Async to Sync PPP calls ...............................................................................5-3
Multilink PPP ............................................................................................................5-3
Making a call using Mu ltilink PPP .......................... .......... ......... .......... ......... ......5-3
Dialing Pre-stored Phone Numbers .........................................................................5-4
Endpoint Discriminator . .....................................................................................5-4
Call Bumping Dynamic Channel Allocation . .............................................................5-5
Chapter 6 ISDN Overview
Commands for Outgoing Calls ........................................................................................6-1
Dialing Out Using ISDN Mode ..................................................................................6-1
Dialing Out Using ISDN Mode Optional Speech Bearer Service .............................6-2
Dialing Out for Analog Adapter Port 1 ......................................................................6-2
Dialing Out for Analog Adapter Port 2 ......................................................................6-2
Manually Switching Communication Modes ............................................................. 6-2
Placing the Call ........................................................................................................6-3
vi Contents
Reference Guide for the Model XM128 ISDN Digital Modem
Commands for Incoming Calls ........................................................................................6-4
Digital Data ............................................................................................................... 6-4
Determining the Packet Length ................................................................................6-5
Answering a Call Using MSN ...................................................................................6-6
Data over Speech Channel ................................................ ....... ....... ..... ....... ......6-7
Best-effort Call Answering ................................................................................. 6-7
Ambiguity Resolution Switch for Voice Calls .....................................................6-8
Multi Auto-Answering of Data Calls ...................................................................6-8
Understanding ISDN Communication Protocols ....................................................... ..... .6-9
V.110 ISDN Commun ications .................................................................................6-10
Answering a V.110 Call .................................................................................... 6-10
Making a V.110 Call .........................................................................................6 -10
V.120 ISDN Commun ications .................................................................................6-11
Selecting V.120 for European ISDN (DSS1) Switch ........................................ 6 -11
Selecting V.120 for German Nat ional ISDN (1TR6) .........................................6-11
Answering a V.120 Call .................................................................................... 6-12
Making a V.120 Call .........................................................................................6 -12
Configuring the V.120 Mode . .....................................................................6-12
Dialing in V.120 Mode ...............................................................................6-13
Making a Bundled Call with V.120 .............................................................6-13
Identifying Your Line Provisioning .............................................................6-14
128 Kbps Speeds ......................................................................................6 -15
Dialing Prestored Phone Numbers ............................................................6-15
Error Correction and Data Compression with V.120 .................................6-15
X.75 ISDN Communications (Europe) ...................................................................6-16
Answering an X.75 Call ...................................................................................6-16
Making an X.75 Call ........................................................................................6 -17
Making a Bundled Call with X.75 ..............................................................6-17
Dialing Prestored Phone Numbers ............................................................6-18
Invoking V.42bis Data Compression ..........................................................6-18
Bundle Connection with V.42bi s Data Compression .................................6-19
Contents vii
Reference Guide for the Model XM128 ISDN Digital Modem
Chapter 7 Advanced ISDN
Call Control for DSS1 .....................................................................................................7-1
Control of Outgoing Service Indicator ......................................................................7-2
Control of ISDN Phone Numbers and Subaddresses ..............................................7-3
Call Control for 1TR6 (Old German ISDN) .....................................................................7-5
Control of Outgoing Service Indicator ......................................................................7-5
Control of EAZ (ENDGERÄTEAUSWAHLZIFFER) ..................................................7-6
Command Functio n .............. .......... ......... .......... ......... .......... ......... .......... ......... .7-6
Answering a Call .............................................................................................................7-7
Answering a Call for DSS1 ....................................................................................... 7-7
Answering a Call for 1TR6 .......................................................................................7-8
Best-effort Call Answering ........................................................................................7-8
Ambiguity Resolution Switch for Voice Calls ............................................................ 7-9
Multi-Auto-Answering of Data Calls ..........................................................................7-9
Data Call Indication .........................................................................................7-10
Disable Inbound Call Connection ........................................... .. ....... .......... .. ....7-10
Point-to-Point Configuration .............................................................................7-11
Placing a Call ................................................................................................................7-11
Placing a Call for DSS1 ..........................................................................................7-11
Placing a Call for 1TR6 ..........................................................................................7-12
User-To-User Information .......................................................................................7-13
Chapter 8 Analog Call Handling
AT Commands for Analog Calls ......................................................................................8-2
Making and Receiving Analog Calls ...............................................................................8-3
Placing a Call from the Analog Adapter ...................................................................8-3
Accepting an Incoming Call ......................................................................................8-4
Chapter 9 Modem Upgrade
Upgrading with Flash EPROM ........................................................................................ 9-1
Upgrad e Instructions ............ .......... ......... .......... ......... .......... ......... ......... .......... ........9-2
Kernel Mode . ............................................................................................................9-2
viii Contents
Reference Guide for the Model XM128 ISDN Digital Modem
Chapter 10 Troublesho oting
P o we r -o n Se lf-test ............... .......... ......... ......... .......... ......... .......... ......... .......... ......... ....10-1
Loopback Tests ............................................................................................. ................10-2
ISDN Loopback test (AT&T9) .................................................................................10-2
Loopback with Self-test (AT&T10) . .........................................................................10-2
B1/B2 Loopback with Self-test ...............................................................................10-3
The Diagnostic Command ................. ....... ..... ....... ....... ..... ....... ....... ....... ..... ....... ....... ....10-3
Modem Reset .................. .......... ......... .......... ......... .......... ......... .......... ......... .......... .10-4
Using The Embedded Protocol Analyzer ........................................ ....... ..... ....... ....10-4
Setting up the Embedded EPA ........................................................................1 0-5
Capturing the Protocol Data ............................................................................1 0-5
Analyzing the Captured Data ...........................................................................10-6
Appendix A Technical Specifications
General Specifications ...................................................................................................A-1
Appendix B Security Functions
Security Types and Levels . ......... .......... ......... .......... ......... .......... .................. .......... .......B-1
Level 1 Security .......................................................................................................B-2
Level 2 Security .......................................................................................................B-2
Level 3 Security .......................................................................................................B-3
Setting and Modifying Passwords ..................................................................................B-3
Nonpassword Auto Callback Function ........... ....... ....... ....... ..... ....... ....... ....... .......... .......B-4
Appendix C AT Command Set Reference
Operation Mode of the DTE Interface ............................................................................C-1
Simplex Mode .................................. ....... ....... ....... ..... ....... ....... ..... ....... ....... ....... .....C-1
AT Command Descriptions ............................................................................................C-2
Description of ATI3 Output ......................................................................................C-7
Contents ix
Reference Guide for the Model XM128 ISDN Digital Modem
Appendix D Status Registers and Result Codes
Viewing and Setting S-Registers ...................................................................................D-1
Setting S-Registers .................................................................................................D-2
Examples for Setting S-Reg isters ................. ......... .......... ......... .......... ......... .....D-2
S-Register Descriptions ..........................................................................................D-4
ATXn Result Code Option Table ............................................................................D-19
Result Code Chart Symbol Reference ..................................................................D-21
Result Code Field Descrip ti o n s ............... ................... .......... .................. ...............D-22
Connect Strings for Error Corrected Connections ............................................ .....D-23
Appendix E Connector Pin Assignments
RJ-45 Plug and Connector ...................................................... ....... ..... ....... ....... ....... .....E-1
RJ-11 Plug and Connector ...................................................... ....... ..... ....... ....... ....... .....E-3
Appendix F Serial Port Interface
RS-232 Serial Interface ..................................................................................................F-1
Asynchronous Cable Connections ................................... .. .......... ....... .. ....... .......... ....... .F-2
Appendix G ISDN Reference
ISDN Overview ..............................................................................................................G-1
Basic Rate Interface ................................................................................................G-2
Out-of- Ba n d Sig nal ing ............... ......... .......... ......... .......... ......... .......... ......... .......... ..G-2
Terminal Adapter or Digital Modem .........................................................................G-3
ISDN Basic Rate Interface Points ........................................................................... G -3
SPID Setup .............................................................................................................G-4
Ordering ISDN Service ..................................................................................................G -4
Order Fo rm fo r AT&T 5ESS Switch (NI-1 ISD N) ............. ......... .......... ......... .......... .........G-6
Order Form for DMS-100 Switch (NI-1 or Custom ISDN) ..............................................G -7
Order Form for EWSD (NI-1 ISDN) ............................................................................... G -8
x Contents


Figure 1-1. Front panel of the Model XM128 modem (with S/T interface) ..................1-3
Figure 1-2. Front panel of the Model XM128 modem (with U interface) .....................1-4
Figure 1-3. Rear panel of the Model XM128 modem (with S interface) .....................1-6
Figure 1-4. Rear panel of the Model XM128 modem (with U interface) .....................1-6
Figure 2-1. Model XM128 modem connections .................................................. ....... .2-2
Figure E-1. RJ-45 plug and RJ-45 connector ............................................................E-1
Figure E-2. RJ-11 plug and RJ-11 connector ............................................................E-3
Figures xi
xii Figures


Table 1. Manual contents ........................................................................................xix
Table 2. Manuals ...................................................................................................xx
Table 1-1. Interface options ......................................................................................1-3
Table 1-2. LED descriptions ......................................................................................1-4
Table 1-3. Rear panel components .................................................. ....... .......... .. ......1-7
Table 4-1. Terminal programs ...................................................................................4-2
Table 4-2. Suppor ted AT command types .................................................................4-3
Table 4-3. Result codes commands ..........................................................................4-4
Table 4-4. Switches supported by the Model XM128 modem ..................................4-5
Table 4-5. AT commands for setting protocols ..........................................................4-8
Table 4-6. AT commands for setting MSN ................................................................4-8
Table 5-1. S85 register values ..................................................................................5-4
Table 6-1. Dialing commands ...................................................................................6-3
Table 6-2. Call placing commands ............................................................................6-3
Table 6-3. Commands for assigning ISDN numbers .................................................6-6
Table 6-4. Best-effort call answering bit commands .................................................6-8
Table 6-5. ISDN protocol specifications ....................................................................6-9
Table 6-6. V.110 configuration commands .............................................................. 6 -10
Tables xiii
Table 7-1. S-register values and functi o n s ............. .......... ......... .......... ......... .......... ...7-2
Table 7-2. Outgoing low-layer compatibility commands ............................................7-3
Table 8-1. Frequently used AT commands ................................................................8-2
Table 8-2. Frequently used AT commands (Europ ean switches) .............................. 8-2
Table 9-1. Definitions for the d modifier .................................................................... 9-1
Table 10-1. Power-on self-test ..................................................................................10-1
Table 10-2. EPA Commands ................................................ ....... ..... ....... .. .......... ......10-6
Table 10-3. Comm ands for analyzing captured data ................................................10-6
Table 10-4. Control key functions .............................................................................10-7
Table B-1. Types of security .....................................................................................B-2
Table B-2. Levels of security ....................................................................................B-3
Table B-3. Auto callback commands ........................................................................ B-4
Table C-1. Basic AT command set ...........................................................................C-2
Table C-2. ATI3 command output .............................................................................C-8
Table C-3. Extended AT& command set ...................................................................C-8
Table C-4. Extended AT* command set .................................................................. C-12
Table D-1. Bi n ary con version tab le ...... .......... ......... .......... ......... .......... ......... .......... ..D-3
Table D-2. Setting bit 3 .............................................................................................D-3
Table D-3. Basic S-registers ATSn=x .......................................................................D-4
Table D-4. Extended S-registers ATSn=x .................................................................D-5
Table D-5. ATXn command setting options ............................................................D-19
Table D-6. Result code char t ..................................................................................D-21
Table D-7. Result code field descrip tio ns ...............................................................D-22
Table D-8. Connect strings .....................................................................................D-23
xiv Tables
Table E-1. RJ-45 plug and RJ-45 connector pin assignments for the S/T interface . E-2
Table E-2. RJ-45 plug and RJ-45 connector pin assignments for the U interface .... E-2
Table E-3. RJ-11 connector pin assignments ........................................................... E-3
Table F-1. Serial port interface ..................................................................................F-1
Table F-2. Asynchronous flow control cable connection ...........................................F-2
Table G-1. ISDN line configuration ...........................................................................G-6
Table G-2. ISDN line configuration ...........................................................................G-7
Table G-3. ISDN line configuration ...........................................................................G-8
Tables xv
xvi Tables


Congratulation s on your purch ase of the NETGEAR™ Model XM128 ISDN Digital Modem. The NETGEAR Model XM128 modem provides connection for one or more PCs to the Internet
or to the office over ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) lines. The modem operates at a speed of up to 460 kilobits per second (Kbps) data rate, or 115 Kbps data rate without compression, and can download video clips, music, or high-resolution color graphics from the World Wide Web or other online services many times faster than an analog modem. The Model XM128 modem supports concurrent data and voice communications, reducing cost and administrati on of multiple phone lines.


This guide provides instructions for the installat ion and use of the Model XM128 modem. This guide also prov ides inst ru ctions for the inst alla tion and us e of Fir stGear™, a configuration software application for insta lling, configuring, and monitoring the Model XM128 modem.
Preface xvii
Reference Guide for the Model XM128 ISDN Digital Modem


This section describes the conventions used in this guide.

Special Message Formats

This guide uses the follo wing formats to highlight special messages.
This format is used to highlight inf ormation of importance or special interest.
equipment failur e or loss of data.
equipment damage.
This format is used to highlight information that will help you preve nt
This format is used to highlight mate rial inv olving possibility of injury or

Use of Enter, Type, and Press

This guide uses “enter,” “type,” and “press” to describe the following actions:
When you read “enter,” type the text and press the Enter key.
When you read “type,” type the text, but do not press the Enter key.
When you read “press,” press only the alphanumeric or named key.
When you read “click,” click the left mouse button.
xviii Preface
Reference Guide for the Model XM128 ISDN Digital Modem

Other Conventions

This guide uses the following additional conventions:
courie r fon t
Book titles and UNIX file, command, and directory names.
Screen text, user-typed command-line entries. Initial Caps Menu titles and window and button names. [Enter] Named keys in text are sh own enclosed in square brackets. The notation
[Enter] is used for the Enter key and the Return key. [Ctrl]+C Two or more keys that must be pressed simultaneously are shown in text
linked with a plus (+) sign. ALL CAPS DOS file and directo ry names.

Related Publication

Refer to installati on guide. Refer to Table 1 to identify the contents of bot h manuals. The subje ct column in this table identifies the order of basic proc ed ures you must complete to install your Model XM128 modem.
T able 1. Manual contents
Getting Started Using FirstGear for the Model XM128 ISDN Digital Modem
for a quick
Getting Started Using FirstGear
Installing modem hardware Chapter 3 Chapter 2 Configuring the modem Chapter 3
Installing th e W indows 95 and Windows NT Driver
Installing Fir stGear Chapter 3 No information given. Assigning ISDN numbers Chapter 3 Chapter 4 and Chapter 5
for the Model XM128 ISDN Digital Modem
(If you are using Windows or Windows NT
Chapter 3 No information given.
Reference Guide for the Model XM128 ISDN Digital Modem
Chapter 4 (If you are using a terminal program.)
(For using AT commands when assigning ISDN numbers.)
Preface xix
Reference Guide for the Model XM128 ISDN Digital Modem
Table 1. Manual conten t s (c ont i nued)
Getting Started Using FirstGear
Assigning multiple subscriber numbers
Assigning proto cols Chapter 3 Chapter 4 and Chapter 5
Configuring Windows 95 Dial -Up Networking
for the Model XM128 ISDN Digital Modem
Chapter 3 Chapter 5
Chapter 3 See:
Reference Guide for the Model XM128 ISDN Digital Modem
(For using AT commands when assigning multiple subscriber numbers.)
(For using AT commands when assigning proto cols.)
Getting Started Using
Table 2 lists the manuals that are available for various localized products.
T able 2. Manuals
English Model XM128S
English Model XM128AU
Japanese Model XM128D
German Model XM128GE
Korean M odel XM128KO
Product Model/ Version
North America
S/T M-XM128NA-0 M1-XM128S-0
U M-XM128NA-0 M1-XM128U-0
DSU M-XM128JP-0 M1-XM128JP-0
S/T M-XM128NA-0 M1-XM128S-0
U M-XM128KO-0 M1-XM128KO-0
Reference Manual
FirstGear Manual
xx Preface
Chapter 1
Congratulation s on your purch ase of the NETGEAR Model XM128 ISDN Digital Modem. The Model XM128 modem sets a new price and performance standard for the rapid ly growing Inter net and telecommuting applic ations.
When used with off-the -shelf Inte rnet or remote access client software, the Model XM128 modem enables mobile or home users to easil y connec t to the Internet or branch offices over Integr ated Services Digital Network ( ISDN) lines. The same device also allo ws a user to connect to the analog world via a modem, fax machine, or telephone connected directly to the Model XM128 modem.
To take advantage of constant new dev elopments, the Model XM128 modem employs flash EPROMs, which allow for conv enient uploading of newly available fi rmware that preserves your hardware investment.
The Model XM128 modem supports both D and B channel protocols. For the D channel, it supports DSS1, 1TR 6, DMS-100, AT&T Custom, and NI-1. For the B channel, it supports X.75 SLIP, V.120, V.110, PPP Async-to-sync Conversion and Bundle (128 Kbps).
With its Hi/fn LZS or V.42bis compression on the B channel using eit her X. 75 or V.120, the Model XM128 modem can effectively communicate at speeds up to 460 kilobits per second (Kbps) over ISDN lines.


The Model XM128 modem supports a variet y of compres sion schemes including V.42bis and Hi/fn LZS Compression (STAC) and communicates effectively at speeds up to 460 kilobits per second (Kbps) ov er ISDN line s.
Introduction 1-1
Reference Guide for the Model XM128 ISDN Digital Modem
The Model XM128 modem has two analog ports to connect analog devices such as fax machines, modems, and telephones. Two different devic es can communicate over the two B channels to different locations simultaneously, enabling you to send a fax and make a voice call at the same time. The analog ports recognize standard dual-tone multifrequency (DTMF) tones as well as pulse dialing.
The Model XM128 modem has the following featur es:
Plug-and-Play support for a windows 95
Full compatibility with both ISDN and remote public-switched telephone network (PSTN) by
way of ISDN
Multiple signaling protocol compatibility with DSS1, 1TR6, NI -1, AT&T 5ESS, and Northern
Telecom DMS 100 network switches
X.75, V.110, V.120, and Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) Async-to-Sync Conversion B Channel
Protocol support
B channel speeds of 56 Kbps (in-band signaling) and 64 Kbps (out-of-band signaling)
MLP and Multipoint PPP (RFC1717)
Hi/fn LZS compression (STAC)
V.42bis data compression using the X.75, V.120, and bundle protocols
NETGEAR ISDN A T modem commands
Automatic ISDN and analog call detection
Two a nal og telephone jacks (analog adapters)
Push-button switch for quick dial and teardown
Easy-to-use configuration software
Flas h EPROM me mo ry fo r easy firmware upg rad e s
1-2 Introduction
Reference Guide for the Model XM128 ISDN Digital Modem

Interface Options

Several interfaces are available. Table 1-1 lists the interface options for the Model XM128 modem as applicable for each region.
Table 1-1. Interface options
Unit XM128U XM128S XM128S XM128S XM128D Region North America Germany UK Australia Japan Interface U (internal NT -1) S/T S/T S/T Internal DSU
Auto SPID Switch
For the North American I SDN, NETGEAR provides an optional 2B1Q U interface to allow direct connection to the networ k without the use of an external NT-1 devi ce.

Front Panel

For easier management and control of the Model XM128 modem, familiarize yourself with the components on the front panel, as ill ustrated in Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-2. Use the key at the bottom of each i llustration to identify the panel components.
ISDN Digital Modem
1 = PWR (power) LED 2 = ISDN LEDs 3 = RS-232 COM LEDs 4 = PHONE 1 and PHONE 2 LEDs
Figure 1-1. Fr on t panel of the Model XM128 modem (with S/T interface)
Introduction 1-3
2 3 4
Reference Guide for the Model XM128 ISDN Digital Modem
2 3 4
ISDN Digital Modem
1 = PWR (power) LED 2 = ISDN LEDs 3 = RS-232 COM LEDs 4 = PHONE 1 and PHONE 2 LEDs
Figure 1-2. Fr on t panel of the Model XM128 modem (with U interface)
LEDs on the front panel of the Model XM128 modem allow you to monitor and diagnose the device. Table 1-2 des cribe s each LED.
Table 1-2. LE D de scriptions
Label Color Activity Description
PWR (Power)
D Green On The ISDN link on the D channel is active.
B1 On A connection is establ ished to the B1 channel. B2 On A connection is establ ished to the B2 channel. AA On The Model XM128 modem is in the automatic answering mode. CP Blinking An incoming call is ringing.
Yellow On Power is supplied to the modem.
Blinking The modem is attempting to make a connection to the switch.
On Compression is active on either of the B channels.
1-4 Introduction
Reference Guide for the Model XM128 ISDN Digital Modem
Table 1-2. LE D des criptions ( continued)
Label Color Activity Description
DTR Green On The data terminal or computer connected to the COM port on
the Model XM128 modem is ready to communicate.
DSR On The Model XM128 modem is ready to communicate wit h the
connected data termin al or computer.
RTS On The data terminal or computer connect ed to the COM port on
the Model XM128 modem is ready to transmit data.
CTS On The Model XM128 modem is ready to accept data from the
connected data termin al or computer.
TD Blinking The data terminal or computer connected to the Model XM128
modem is transmitting data to the modem.
RD On The data terminal or computer connected to the Model XM128
modem is receiving data from the DTE port of the modem.
PHONE 1 On The handset of the telephone connected to the port is not
properly placed in the receiver cradle.
PHONE 2 On The handset of the telephone connected to the port is not
properly placed in the receiver cradle.
Introduction 1-5
Reference Guide for the Model XM128 ISDN Digital Modem

Rear Panel

As illustrated in Figure 1-3 and Figure 1-4, the rear panel contains a power switch, a power receptacle, and ports to connect a computer, ISDN line, and two analog devices (phone, fax, or modem).
1 2 3
1 = ON/OFF switch 2 = Receptacle for power adapter 3 = RS-232 COM port for connecting to a computer 4 = ISDN port for connecting to an ISDN line NT-1 5 = PHONE 1 and PHONE 2 ports for connecting analog de vices (telephone , fax, or modem)
Figure 1-3. Rear panel of the Model XM128 modem (with S interface)
1 2 3
1 = ON/OFF switch 2 = Receptacle for power adapter 3 = RS-232 COM port for connecting to a computer 4 = ISDN port for connecting to an ISDN line 5 = PHONE 1 and PHONE 2 ports for connecting analog de vices (telephone , fax, or modem)
Figure 1-4. Rear panel of the Model XM128 modem (with U interface)
1-6 Introduction
Reference Guide for the Model XM128 ISDN Digital Modem
Table 1-3 describes the components on the rear panel of the Model XM128 modem.
Table 1-3. Rear panel components
Label Description
ON/OFF This switch turns power on or off. POWER This is the power receptacl e for the power adapter. RS-232 This RS-232 COM port is for connec ting the Model XM128 modem to the serial port
of a computer or data terminal. ISDN This port is for connecting the RJ-45 connector of an ISDN line. PHONE 1 This port is for connecting the RJ-1 1 connector of an analog device (telephone, fax,
or analog modem). PHONE 2 This port is for connecting the RJ-1 1 connector of an analog device (telephone, fax,
or analog modem).
Introduction 1-7
Chapter 2
This chapter informat ion abo ut installing and using the Model XM128 ISDN Digital Modem.

Package Co n t e n t s

Your package should contain the following items:
Model XM128 ISDN Digital Modem
Power adapter
RJ-45 ISDN telephone cable
Shielded RS-232 25-pin to 25-pin cable
25-pin to 9-pin adapter
This manual
Getting Started Using FirstGear
CD ROM with bundled software
3.5-inch driver and uti lity diskettes
Warranty Registration Card Call your reseller or customer support in your area if there are any wrong, missing, or damaged
parts. Refer to pag e iii for the location of customer support in your area. Keep the carton , inc luding the original packing materials. Use them to repack the modem if you
need to return it for repair.
Installation 2-1
Reference Guide for the Model XM128 ISDN Digital Modem
To qualify for product updates and prod uct warranty registrations, fill in the Warranty and Owner Registration Card within 30 days of purchase and return it to NETGEAR, Inc.

Installing the Modem

Before connecting any of the devices to your modem, make sure the powe r is turne d off on your computer and your Model XM128 modem. If connecting to the model with the S/T interface, you must use an NT-1 device, whic h converts the S/T interface to a U interface. If connecting to the Model XM128 modem with the U interface, you can connect directly to your ISDN line. Refer to
Figure 2-1
and then the detailed steps that follow for making those connections.
4 5
1 = Model XM128 modem 2 = AC power adapter 3 = Station (PC, Macintosh, or UNIX workstation) 4 = Shielded RS-232 25-pin straight cable 5 = ISDN wall connection (connected with ISDN cable provided in package) 6 = Analog device (telephone or fax)
Figure 2-1. Model XM128 modem connections
2-2 Installation
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