NETGEAR XM128 Getting Started Manual

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NETGEAR, Inc. A Bay Networks Company 4401 Great America Parkway Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA Phone 888-NETGEAR
M1-XM128U-0 February 1998
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© 1998 by NETGEAR, Inc. All ri ghts reserved.
Bay Netw orks is a registered trademark of Bay Networ ks, Inc. NETGEAR and FirstGear are tradem arks of Bay Networks, Inc. Microsoft, W indows , and Windows NT ar e registered tradem arks of Mic rosoft Corporation. Other brand and product names are trademarks of their respective holders.
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In the interes t of improving internal design, operational function, and/or reliability, NETGEAR reserves the right to make changes to the products described in this document without notice.
NETGEAR does not assume any liability that may occur due to th e use or application of the product(s) or circuit layout(s) described herein.
Customer Support
For assistance with install ing and configuring your NETGEAR system or with post-installation questions or prob lems, contact your point-of-sal e representative.
To contact custo m er support or to purchase additional copies of this document and publicati o ns for other NETGEAR product s, you can contact NETGEAR at the follo w ing numbers:
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NETG EAR mainta in s a bu lletin board th at you can acc es s to ob tain the latest version of th e software. In th e U nited States , telephone 407-531-4574.
Defective or damaged merchandise can be returned to your point-of-sale representati ve.
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Purpose ............................................................................................................................vii
Conventions ......................................................................................................................vii
Special Message Formats .........................................................................................viii
Use of Enter, Type, and Press ...................................................................................viii
Other Con ventions ........ ...................................... .................................................. ....viii
Related Publica tion ...........................................................................................................viii
Chapter 1 Introduction
Features ..........................................................................................................................1-1
Chapter 2 Physical Description
Front Panel .....................................................................................................................2-1
LEDs ........................................................................................................................2-2
Rear Panel ......................................................................................................................2-3
Chapter 3 Installation
Package Contents ..........................................................................................................3-1
Installing the Modem . .....................................................................................................3-2
Verifying Hardware Installation .......................................................................................3-3
Installing Software for Windows ......................................................................................3-3
Installing the Windows 95 Driver .............................................................................. 3-4
Installing and Launching FirstGear .................................................................................3-6
FirstGear Installation Wizard ..........................................................................................3-8
About FirstGear .............. ....... .......... ....... .. ....... .......... .. ....... .......... ....... .. ....... .......... .. ....3-14
Configuring Windows 95 Dial-Up Networking ........................................................ 3 -18
Configuring Dial-Up Networking for One B Channel ............... ....... ....... ....... ....3-18
Configuring Dial-Up Networking for Two B Channels ........ ....... ....... ..... ....... ....3-24
Contents iii Page iv Wedn esday, Fe bruary 4, 1998 4:32 PM
iv Contents
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Figure 2-1. Front panel of the Model XM128U modem (with S/T interface) ...............2-1
Figure 2-2. Rear panel of the Model XM128U modem ...............................................2-3
Figure 3-1. Model XM128U modem connections ........... .......... .. ....... ....... .......... .. ......3-2
Figure 3-2. New Hardware Found screen ......................................... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .3-4
Figure 3-3. Install From Disk screen ..........................................................................3-5
Figure 3-4. Select Devi ce screen ...............................................................................3-5
Figure 3-5. Welcome screen .................................................... ....... ....... .. .......... ....... .3-7
Figure 3-6. Setup Complete screen ...........................................................................3-8
Figure 3-7. Introduction screen ................. ....... ....... ....... ..... ....... ....... ..... ....... ....... ......3-9
Figure 3-8. Telephone numbers assigned screen ....................................................3-10
Figure 3-9. Telephone number entry screen . ...........................................................3-11
Figure 3-10. Final sta tus screen .................................................................................3-12
Figure 3-11. ISDN Settings menu tab screen ................. ....... ....... ....... ..... ....... ....... ....3-13
Figure 3-12. Configuration menu screen .......................... .......... ....... .. ....... .......... .. ....3-14
Figure 3-13. Retrieve menu tab screen . .....................................................................3-15
Figure 3-14. ISDN Settings menu tab screen ................. ....... ....... ....... ..... ....... ....... ....3-16
Figure 3-15. Tools menu screen .................................................................................3-17
Figure 3-16. Help menu screen .......................... ....... ..... ....... ....... ....... ..... ....... ....... ....3-18
Figure 3-17. Make New Connection screen ...............................................................3-19
Figure 3-18. Make New Connection screen for entering ISP information ..................3-20
Figure 3-19. My Connection screen ................................. .......... .. ....... ....... ..... ....... ....3-21
Figure 3-20. Server Types tab screen ........................................................................3-22
Figure 3-21. TCP/IP Settings screen ..........................................................................3-23
Figures v Page vi Wedn esday, February 4, 199 8 4:32 PM
Table 2-1. LED descriptions ......................................................................................2-2
Table 2-2. Rear panel components ..... ....... .......... .. ....... .......... .. ....... ....... .......... .. ......2-3
vi Figures Page vii Wednesday, February 4, 1998 4:32 PM
Congratulations on your purchase of the NETGEAR™ Model XM128U ISDN Digital Modem. The Model XM128U modem sets a new price and per formance standard for rapidly growing Internet and telecommuting applications.
The NETGEAR Model XM128U modem pro vide s connection for one or more PCs to the Internet or to the office over ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) lines. The modem operate s at a speed of up to 460 kilobits per second (Kbps) data rate, or 128 Kbps data rate without compression, and can download video clips, music, or high-resolution color graphics from the World Wide Web or other online services many times fas te r than an analog modem. The Model XM128U modem supports concurrent data and voice communications, reducing cost and administration of multiple phone line s.
This guide provides instructions for the installation and use of the Model XM128U modem. This guide also provides instructions for the installation and use of the FirstGear™ configuration software application for installing, configuring, and monitoring the Model XM128U modem.
Conven tions
This section describes the conventions used in this guide.
Preface vii Page viii Wednesday, February 4, 1998 4:32 PM
Getting Started Using FirstGear for the Model XM128U ISDN Digital Modem
Special Message Formats
This guide uses the following formats to highlight special messa ges .
equipment failure or loss of data.
or equipment damage.
This format is used to highlight information of importance or special interest.
This format is used to highlight inform ation that will help you prevent
This format is used to highlight information about the possibility of injury
Use of Enter, Type, and Press
This guide uses “enter,” “type,” and “press” to describe the following actions:
When you read “enter,” type the text and press the Enter key.
When you read “type,” type the text, but do not press the Enter key.
When you read “press,” press only the alphanumeric or named key.
When you read “click,” click the left mouse button.
Other Conventions
This guide uses the following additional conventions:
Initial Caps Menu titles and window and button names.
Book titles, command, and directory names.
Related Publication
For more information about the Model XM128U modem, refer to the
Model XM128 ISDN Digital Modem
viii Preface
Reference Guide for the
(Bay Networks part number M-XM128NA-1 or a later Page ix Wedn esday, Fe bruary 4, 1998 4:32 PM
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Xm128 Page 1 Wedne sday, February 4, 1998 4:32 PM
This guide describes how to install and use the Model XM128U ISDN Digital Modem. It inc ludes a physical description a nd installation instructions for the hardware, as we ll as instructions for installing and using FirstGear getting star ted. For more deta iled inf ormation about insta lling your Model XM128U modem, refer
Refere nce Guide for the Model XM128 ISDN Digital Modem.
for configuring the modem. Use this guide as a refer ence for
Chapter 1
When use d with o ff-the-s hel f In tern et o r remo te access client software, the Mo d e l XM128U modem enables mobile or home use rs to co nnect ov er Integrated Services Digital Networ k (ISDN) lines to t he Interne t or t o bra nch of fi ces. The Model XM 128U modem also a ll ows a user to connec t to the analog world through an anal og modem, a fax machine, or a telephone.
To take advantage of constant new developments while sustaining your hardware investment, the Model XM128U modem uses flash EPROMs that enable convenient uploading of newly available firmware.
The Model XM128U modem supports a variety of compression schemes including V.42bis and Hi/fn LZS Compression (Stac). The Model XM128U modem can effectively communicate at speeds up to 460 kilobits per second (Kbps) over ISDN lines.
The Model XM128U modem has two analog ports to connect analog devices such as fax machines, modems, and telephones. The Model XM128U modem can communicate o ver the two B channels to different loc at ions simultaneously , en abl ing you to send a fax and “surf” the web at the same time. The analog ports recognize standa rd dual-tone multifrequency (DTMF) tones as well as pulse dialing.
Introduction 1-1
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Getting Started Using FirstGear for the Model XM128U ISDN Digital Modem
The Model XM128U modem has the following speed and compatibility features:
Plug-and-Play support for a Windows
Full compatibility with both ISDN and remote public-switched telephone network (PSTN) by way of ISDN
Multiple signaling protocol compatibility with DSS1, 1TR6, NI-1, AT&T 5ESS, and Northern Telecom DMS 100 network switches
X.75, V.110, V.120, and Point- to-Point Protocol (PPP)
B channel spe eds of 56 Kbps (in-band signaling) and 64 Kbps (out-of-band signaling)
112 Kbps/128 Kbps channel bundling: MLP and Multipoint PPP (RFC1717)
Hi/fn LZS compr ession (Stac)
95 environment
V.42bis data compression using the X.75, V.120, and bundle protocols
Configur a bility using either FirstGe ar (a Windows 95 utility) or AT commands
Automatic ISDN and analog call detection
Two analog telephone jacks (analog adapters)
Push-button switch for quick dial and teardown
Easy-to-use F irstGear configuration software
Flash EPROM for easy firmware upgrades
1-2 Introduction
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This chapter provides information about the ha rdware features of the Model XM128U ISDN Digital Modem. Use the key a t the bottom of each illustration to identify the panel component s.
Chapter 2
Physi cal De scrip tion
Front Panel
For easier management and control of the Model XM128U modem, familiarize yours elf with the components on the front panel, as ill ustrated in Figure 2-1.
ISDN Digital Modem
1 = PWR (power) LED 2 = ISDN LEDs 3 = RS-232 COM LEDs 4 = PHONE 1 and PHONE 2 LEDs
Figure 2-1. Front panel of the Model XM128U modem (with S/T interface)
2 3 4
Physical D escription 2-1
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