(for Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Mac OSx)
Wireless Setup Guide
The following steps will take you through the process of setting up and connecting to your
wireless network. You can also use these steps to troubleshoot wireless connection issues.
Step 1: Checking Computer Network Settings:
You will need to set the network connection on your computer to obtain an IP address
automatically. Please follow the instructions appropriate for your operating system below:
Below are the instructions for setting Windows XP to obtain an IP address automatically for
your ethernet connection:
1. Click on the Start Menu, and go to “Control Panel”.
2. Click on “Network Connections”.
(If you only see "Network and Internet Connections", open that first, and then click on
"Network Connections".)
3. Right click on “Local Area Connection” and select “Properties”.
4. Double-click on “Internet Protocol”.
5. Select "Obtain an IP address automatically", and "Obtain DNS server
address automatically".
6. Click “OK”, and then click “OK” (or “Close”).
Below are the instructions for setting Windows Vista to obtain an IP address automatically for
your ethernet connection:
1. Click on the Start Menu, and go to “Control Panel”.
2. Click on “Network and Sharing Centre”.
(If you only see "Network and Internet", open that first, and then click on "Network and Sharing Centre".)
3. Click on “Manage network connections” (on the lefthandside of the window).
4. Right click on “Local Area Connection” and select “Properties”.
5. Double-click on “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)”.
6. Select "Obtain an IP address automatically", and "Obtain DNS server
address automatically".
7. Click “OK”, and then click “OK” again.
Below are the instructions for setting Windows 7 to obtain an IP address automatically for your
ethernet connection:
1. Click on the Start Menu, and go to “Control Panel”.
2. Click on “Network and Sharing Centre”.
(If you only see "Network and Internet", open that first, and then click on "Network and Sharing Centre".)
3. Click on “Change adapter settings” (on the lefthandside of the window).
4. Right click on “Local Area Connection” and select “Properties”.
5. Double-click on “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)”.
6. Select "Obtain an IP address automatically", and "Obtain DNS server
address automatically".
7. Click “OK”, and then click “OK” again.
Below are the instructions for setting Windows 8 to obtain an IP address automatically for
your ethernet connection:
1. In Windows 8 Desktop view, move your cursor to the lower right; select Settings,
and then Control Panel.
2. Double-click Network and Sharing Center.
3. From the list of tasks on the left, click Change adapter settings
4. For a wired network connection, right-click Local Area Connection, and select
5. From the Networking tab, make sure Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) is
checked, and then click Properties.
6. Select "Obtain an IP address automatically", and "Obtain DNS
server address automatically".
7. Click “OK”, and then click “OK” again.
Below are the instructions for setting Mac OS X to obtain an IP address automatically for your
1. Click on the Apple Menu, and go to "SystemPreferences".
2. Click on "Network".
3. Click on “Ethernet” or "Built-in Ethernet".
4. Click on the "Configure" drop-down box, and select "Using DHCP" then click
ethernet connection:
Step 2: Configuring your wireless settings:
Please ensure that your router is connected to your computer using an ethernet
cable before continuing.
Troubleshooting Tip
After logging into your router, verify the following settings to troubleshoot issues with your wireless connection:
- Wireless MAC filtering is disab l ed.
- Your SSID is not hidden.
- Confirm your wireless security settings (Make sure you are using the correct wireless security key).
- Confirm your selected wireless security is supported by your wireless device.
1. Navigate to a web browser using “admin” as both the
username and password to login to the router.
2.If you have been asked for First-time Setup Wizard, choose “No thanks, take me to the
Basic interface.”
3. Select the Wireless tab.
4. Ensure Wireless(Wifi) is set to On.
5. Set the SSID Broadcast to Enable.
6. Make a note of or change the Wifi Network name (SSID). This will be the name of the
wireless network.
7. Change the Wireless Security Key to your preference. We recommend at least 8
characters with numbers and letters, including capitals and lower-case characters.
8. To save any changes to the settings you have made press the “Save and Apply the
Changes” button.
Step 3: Scanning for, and connecting to your Wireless Network:
You can now scan for your wireless network and connect to it.
Please click the appropriate operating system listed below and follow the steps for
operating system specific instructions on how to do this:
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If you cannot see a “Wireless Network Connection”
item, your wireless adapter may not be installed or
inserted correctly. Please check this before continuing
with steps in this guide.
1. Click on the Start Menu and then “Run”. Type: ncpa.cpl<and click “OK”>
You should now see the following window:
2. Right click on “Wireless Network Connection” and select "Properties".
3. Click on the "Wireless Networks" tab, as shown below.
(If you do not see this tab, you will need to enable and start the “Wireless Zero Configuration” service.
Please refer to the steps at the end of the guide to enable th is)
Make sure "Use Windows to configure my wireless network settings" is TICKED.
This window will list any wireless networks you have previously connected to. If you see an
entry matching the SSID you obtained at the start of this guide, you will need to select it and
then click "Remove".
(Typically, a number of networks will be listed here. This is nothing to worry about. You can
delete the other entries too. These are just stored settings and passwords for connecting to
the listed networks.)
If your SSIDis not listed, or you have just removed it, click “OK”.
The window will close and you should now be returned to the “Network Connections” control
panel window.
4.Right click on “Wireless Network Connection” and select "View Available
Wireless Networks".
5.You should see a network listed with the SSID you obtained at the start of this guide.
Select your wireless network and click “Connect”.
6. If you are prompted to enter a “Network key” (also known as a WEP or WPA key),
The default WEP key for most NetComm products is:
If you have changed this key, you will need to enter
this new key instead of the one above.
please type the following into the “Network key” and “Confirm network key”
sections: a1b2c3d4e5 (all in lowercase) and click "Connect".
7. You should now see the following window listing your network with "Connected"
(If you do not, you may have entered an incorrect security key, please try following these steps again.)
After completing the steps above, you should now be connected to your wireless network and
able to surf the internet.
Please remember to disconnect your ethernet cable.
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1. Click on the Start Menu, and go to “Control Panel”.
2. Click on “Network and Sharing Centre”.
(If you only see "Network and Internet", open that first, and then click on "Network and Sharing Centre".)
3. You should then see the following window:
Click on "Manage wireless networks" on the left-hand side.
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