NTC-40W - HSPA+ M2M WiFi Router
NTC-40WV - HSPA+ M2M WiFi Router with Voice
Quick Start Guide
Quick Start Guide
This guide covers the models NTC-40W and NTC-40WV. This guide will
provide a series of step by step instructions to ensure the conguration of
your Cellular Router goes as smoothly as possible.
Firstly please check that you have received all the items in your package:
No. Descr iption
1 NTC-40W / N TC-40W V HSPA+ Cellu lar Route r
1 Ethern et cable
1 Power Sup ply Unit
4 Antenn as
1 Quick S tart G uide
If any of these items are missing, please contact NetComm Technical Support.
2 NTC-40 Series Quick Start Guide
NetComm Wireless M2M Series - NTC-40 Series
Overview of LEDs
Overview of Indicator Lights
LED Display Descr iption
POWER (red) Solid O N T he red Power LED indicates cor rect powe r is appli ed to
the DC powe r input j ack.
Tx Rx (amber) Solid O N T he ambe r LED will l ight upo n data bei ng sent to or
recei ved from th e cellu lar network.
DCD (gre en) Solid O N T he ambe r Carrier Detect L ED illum inates to in dicate a
Data co nnection.
Serv ice Type
RSSI (gr een) This green L ED indic ates the Re ceived S ignal S trength . There ar e three
The gre en LED wil l illuminate whe n cellul ar netwo rk cover age is dete cted.
Solid O N 3 G: indica tes UMTS/ HSPA availa ble cover age
Blink ing EDGE: indicates ED GE avail able cove rage
Off 2G: indic ates GSM/G PRS avail able cove rage only.
possi ble state s that the RS SI LED can o perate in, b ased upon signa l level.
Solid O N ST RONG - Ind icates th e RSSI leve l is -86d Bm, or greater
Flash ing
once pe r
Secon d
Off POOR - Ind icates th e RSSI leve l is less t han
MEDIUM - Indicates the RSSI l evel is -101dBm and
–86d Bm, (medi um)
-101dBm (po or)
NTC-40 Series Quick Start Guide 3
Overview of the Cellular Router Interfaces
SIM Card Reader
For insertion and removal
of the SIM card
Mini USB Port
For insertion of the Mini USB cable
4 NTC-40 Series Quick Start Guide
NetComm Wireless M2M Series - NTC-40 Series
Receive Diversity
Antenna Socket
SMA Female
2Way Captive Power Terminal Block
Power terminal block and the wide voltage
range of 8-28V DC simplify the installation in
different industrial environments
Ethernet Port
Connect to a terminal using RJ45
cable or a number of terminals
through a hub or network router
Voice (RJ45) Port
Insert one end of the RJ-45 Cable
into the Voice Port and the other
end into a telephone
Only active on the NTC-40WV
Main Antenna
SMA Female
NTC-40 Series Quick Start Guide 5
Overview of Cellular Router Interfaces
Field Descr iption
Main An tenna So cket SMA Fem ale
Recei ve Diver sity An tenna
Main Wi Fi Antenn a Socket SMA Fem ale
Recei ve Diver sity An tenna
5 Indic ator LEDs Indic ate visua lly the ac tivities and con nectio n state for power,
2-Way Captive Power Power term inal blo ck and the w ide volt age range of 8-28V DC
Terminal B lock simpl ify the i nstall ation in d iffer ent indu strial e nvironm ents
Reset B utton Reset ting the ro uter to facto ry defa ult valu es
Ethernet Port For direct c onnect ion to your device or n umber of d evices
Voice (RJ -45) Port To connect a te lephone direct ly to your rou ter
SIM Card Reader For insertio n and remov al of SIM Car d
SMA Fem ale
SMA female
serv ice type, data tra fc, dat a carri er connection and networ k
signa l streng th.
throug h a hub or net work rou ter.
Conguring your Router
You will need the following hardware components to set up the Cellular
Power Supply (8-28VDC)
Ethernet cable
Laptop or PC
Active SIM card
The router is primarily managed via web interface.
Before you power up the Cellular Router, please insert an active SIM card.
6 NTC-40 Series Quick Start Guide