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The Nest Thermosta t E works with most 24V
systems, including for ced air, variable speed,
heat pump and radiant systems, as well as
common f uel types such as natural gas,
electricit y and oil.
It can control:
• Heating and cooling: one stage of heating
and cooling, and a s econd stage of either
heating or cooling
• Heat pump s: with auxiliar y and
emergency heat
• Fans: one speed
You can check your sys tem’s compatibility
at nest.com/works
Professional installation is recommended for
dual fuel systems (heat p ump with furnace).
Watch the video
To see an over view of how to inst all the Nest Thermostat,
visit support.nest.com/thermostat-e
¿Prefieres leer esto en español? Visita nest.com/es-guide
Don’t want to install your
Nest Thermostat yourself?
The Nes t Thermost at is designed f or DIY install ation,
but you can also hire a Nest Pro to do it for you.
They’ll take care of inst allation and make sure
ever ything’s up and running. Go to nest.com/install
to find a Nest Pro installer near you.

1. Switch off power
This pr otects you and avoids blowing a fuse in your
equipment. To make sure the power is o ff, change
the temperature with your current thermostat
and wait at least five minute s to be sure that your
system doesn’ t turn on.
Breaker box
2. Remove the cover
Some thermostat covers pop off, while o thers
need to b e unscrewed. Old er thermostats may
have a sec ond plate that sh ould also be removed
to expose the wires.
System switch

3. Take a picture of the wires
Take a picture o f your thermos tat’s wires and
save it f or referenc e. Make sure you can r ead
the wire t erminal label s.
IMPORTANT: If there are two label s on
your thermostat’s wire connectors, go
to nest.com/labels for detailed help
and instructions.