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Ness reserves the right to make changes to features and specifications at any time without prior notification in the interest of ongoing
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© Ness Corporation Pty Ltd ABN 28 069 984 372
Ness Medi-Alarm
Programming Manual
National Customer Service Centre
Ph: 1300 551 991

Doc I D . 100-106 PRO GRAM M ANUAL.DOC
Wiring. Inputs \ Outputs.
Program Summary
Program Mode
Program Options.
Peripheral Devices
Radio PIR
Radio Reed Switch
Alarm reporting

Doc I D . 100-106 PRO GRAM M ANUAL.DOC
1. Introduction
Ness Security Products have developed the Ness Medi-Alarm which provides the sick or
elderly, Mum, Dad, friend or patient a simple and instant means of summoning assistance
when needed.
And nothing could be easier to use than the feature packed Medi Alarm. It’s like having a full
time carer that never sleeps.
Simply by pressing a radio pendant that can be worn aro und the neck, as a wrist watch or on a
key ring, assistance can be summoned within seconds. These seconds could make all the
If the t r a ns mit t e r is a c t iva t e d a r a d io sig na l is se nt t o th e ma in u nit. T he M ed i Ala r m will t he n
dial one or two pre-programmed telephone numbers and send an alarm message to central
monit oring st atio n indicating that ‘ HE LP’ is required.
Th e N es s M ed i Ala r m is ea sy t o ins ta ll an d ve r y simp le t o us e. It is de sig ned t o co mp ly wit h
the Australian Standard AS2999 for such devices.
2. Packaging
Th e Ness Medi Alarm come s comp lete w ith th e fo llowing items.
1 x Medi Alarm Main unit
1 x Plug Pack for Mains connection
1 x 9 volt Lithium lo ng life battery
1 x Showerproof transmitter pendant with battery
1 x Connection lead for T200 Series telephone
1 x Owners Manual
Optional Mode 5 Adaptor lead

Doc I D . 100-106 PRO GRAM M ANUAL.DOC
3. Installation
The Ness Medi is extremely easy to install and requires no too ls. The normal location for the
Medi Alarm is at the first telephone installed in the premises. This ensures that the Medi Alarm
has priority if it needs to send a message to t he centr al monitoring station. The local telephone
sits on top of the Medi Alarm unit to make it as unobtrusive as possible.
Ano ther import ant aspect of t he inst allation is t he locat ion o f the Med i Alarm unit to give
op timum rad io covera ge. To give the bes t all round cover age it is be s t t o have the Me di Alarm
inst a lled ce nt r ally in t he pr emis es . T his may no t a lwa ys be po ss ible du e t o t he loc at io n o f t he
telep hone and mains po wer but it must st ill be a consideration. Once a suitable locat ion is
found the install can take place.
This example is based on the common Telstra T200 series telephone.
1) Select the best location, t aking into consideration the customers requirements and the above
2) Connect the plug pack and 9 volt Lithium battery and enter program mode if necessary by
pr essing the ‘CAN CEL’ within five seco nds o f po werin g up t he system. (See pr ogramming
3) Program in any additional pendants and \ or detection devices and other program
parameters as required.
4) After which conduct a signal strength check on all devices to ensure correct radio
5) Unplug the modular telephone plug on the T200 phone (marked as ‘LINE’) and plug it into
the modular telephone socket marked ‘Line In’ on the Medi Alarm.
6) Using the supplied jumper lead with a modular telephone plug on each end. Plug one end
into the socket o n the Medi Alarm marked ‘Line Out’ and the other end into the T200 phone
marked ‘LINE’.
7) Lift the handset on the telephone to check that dial tone is present. This completes the
telephone wiring process.
8) If t he Med i Alar m is in pr og ram mo de a nd no fur the r pr og ramming is re quir ed p res s t he
‘CANCEL’ button until ‘E’ is on the display then press the ‘HELP’ button to leave program
NOTE: I t may be worth while to pre- program the system prior to arriving at the customers
premises to ensure a smooth install takes place.

Doc I D . 100-106 PRO GRAM M ANUAL.DOC
Colour code (AS2999)
RED help
YELLOW fault
GREEN cancel
WHITE reassurance
Yellow 7 segment display used for PROGRAM mode and FAULT indication.
Green MAINS FAIL steady = normal, flashing = mains fail
Yellow LOW BATTERY off = normal, flashing = low battery
FAULT off = normal, flashing = fault
The wrist watch is water proof. The wrist watch model is
attached to the wearer’s wrist by a strap. It may be worn
either left or right handed. It has 1 HELP button on the face.

Doc I D . 100-106 PRO GRAM M ANUAL.DOC
Display Option Default
1 Transmitter 1 Program P
2 Transmitter 2 Program -
3 Transmitter 3 Program -
4 Transmitter 4 Program -
5 Transmitter 5 Program -
6 Transmitter 6 Program -
7 Transmitter 7 Program -
8 Transmitter 8 Program -
C System Check -
d Dial Type (Aus / NZ) 0
N Primary Phone Number -
n Secondary Phone Number -
A Client Account Number -
o Over Due Timer Enable 0
i Inactivity Timer 0
t Test Call Timing 24
F Time to First Test Call 12
r Restores Enabled r
b Button Operation A
q Quiet Operation 0
p Programming Via modem 1
E Exit Program Mode