E-CODER® Solid State
Absolute Encoder
The E-CODER® is Neptune’s high-resolution solid state absolute
encoder register. The E-CODER features a custom integrated-circuit
design that digitally encodes the rotation of the measuring chamber,
providing “absolute” registration with no internal battery requirement.
The E-CODER functions in two modes: E-CODER BASIC and
E-CoderPLUS. The E-CODER BASIC mode functionality is the same
as ProRead
number, three user characters, and 3-6 digit meter reading. In addition
to the meter reading, the E-CODER provides a visual readout on rate
of flow every twelve seconds when the LCD display is activated. When
connected to Neptune
E-CODER automatically operates in E-CoderPLUS mode, providing a
high-resolution, 8-digit remote meter reading, and value-added features
including leak, tamper, and reverse flow detection. True point-of-use leak
detection is provided by monitoring a 24-hour period in fifteen-minute
intervals. Tamper detection is provided by reverse flow detection and
monitoring the number of days of zero flow over the previous 35 days.
The E-CoderPLUS features are communicated through the E-CODER
protocol, allowing host software platforms to interpret the data and pass
the information directly to billing packages, CIS screens, and operational
and maintenance reports. The E-CoderPLUS features enhance customer
service and improve operational efficiencies for water utilities.
(ARB® VI), featuring programmability up to a 10-digit ID
R900®, R450™, or cellular MIU (CMIU™), the
“Absolute” 9-digit meter
reading on display
Up to 8-digit remote meter reading
Batter y-free functionality
Pit set version: roll-sealed copper shell
and glass lens
Inside set version: plastic enclosure
True point-of-use leak detection*
Tamper detection*
Reverse ow detection*
LCD leak indicators
Directional ow indicator
Rate of ow on LCD displays
unaected by meter position or in-line
piping stresses
Enhanced “customer care”
• Leak history/diagnostics
The E-CODER is available in two different configurations – inside set
meters and pit set meters. For inside set applications, the E-CODER is
housed in our plastic encoder register housing with terminal screws. For
pit set applications, the E-CODER is housed in a glass lens and copper can
enclosure with factory-potted wire connections.
Neptune provides a 10-year limited warranty with respect to its
E-CODER solid state absolute encoder register for performance, materials,
and workmanship.
• Proactive leak notification
Increased operational eciencies
• Work order reduction for high water
bill inquiries
• Prioritization of meter maintenance
• Drought management
• Reduction of water loss through
proactive notification of water leaks
Tamper management
• Identification and prioritization of
potential tamper situations
* When connected to Nept une R900 or R450 RF MIUs.

• Available for all sizes and makes of
current Neptune meters
Electronic Accessory Equipment
• R900 Wall and Pit RF MIUs
• R450 Wall and Pit RF MIUs
• Cellular Wall and Pit MIUs
Data Collection Systems
• Pocket ProReader
• Advantage
• CE5320
• MRX920
• R900® Gateways
Units of Measure
9-digit local registration
8-digit remote registration
4-8 digits can be communicated
for billing
Technical Specications
• Inside Set Housing: polycarbonate
Pit Set Housing: copper shell and
glass lens
• Connecting wire: 3-lead #22 AWG
• Remote receptacles: ABS, nylon,
and polycarbonate
• A single register may be located with
up to 500 feet (152 m) of wire from
receptacle or MIU.
• Two networked registers can be
located with up to 300 feet (91 m) of
wire from receptacle or MIU.
Environmental Conditions
• Operating temperature:
15°F to 149°F (-10°C to 65°C)
• Storage temperature:
-40°F to +158°F (-40°C to +70°C)
• Operating humidity:
0 to 100% (pit version)
• Warranty: 10 years
• US Gallons, Cubic Feet, Imperial
Gallons, Cubic Metres
Solar Panel 1
Date of Manufacture 2
LCD Display 3
Shows the direction of ow through the meter:
ON Water in use. OFF Water not in use.
Flashing Water is running slowly. (-) Reverse ow.
(+) Forward ow.
Displays a possible leak:
OFF No leak indicated.
Flashing Intermittent leak indicates that water has
been used for at least 50 of the 96 15-minute
intervals during the previous 24-hour period.
On Continuously Indicates water use for all 96 15-minute
intervals during the previous 24-hour period.
Average ow rate is displayed every twelve (12) seconds on LCD
Nine-digit LCD displays the meter reading in billing units of
measure: U.S. gallons, cubic feet, Imperial gallons, or cubic metres.
1 E-CODER Basic Reading/Customary 6-digit remote reading
2 Customary sweep hand digits
3 E-CoderPLUS Reading (8-digit remote reading)
© 2018 Neptune Technology Group Inc. All Rights Reserved. The trademarks, logos and service marks displayed in this
document herein are the property of Neptune Technology Group Inc., its aliates or other third parties. Availability and
technical specications are subject to change without notice. 18-002719 PS ECODER 10.18
Neptune Technology Group
1600 Alabama Highway 229
Tallassee, AL 36078
800-633-8754 f 334-283-7293