Ensure your Smar tCam is setup
online and has the updated firm ware.
Solid blue light
Plug the Smart B ridge and wait
until you get a solid b lue light.
Connect the d evice in the app by
following the i n-app instruction.
2cm apart
Please note, thi s is just an example
of where the Smar t Motion and Smart
Contact Sens or can be placed.
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RoHS Dire ctive 2011/65/EU
The Neos Smar t Motion Sensor and Ne os
Smart Contac t Sensor, Neos Smart Bri dge
complies with th e relevant provisions of
the RoHS Direc tive for the European Union .
Incommon with all Ele ctrical and Electroni c
Equipment (EEE) the Neo s Smart Motion
and Neos Smar t Contact, Neos Smar t
Bridge should n ot be disposed of as
household waste.
Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU
Hereby, Neos Venture s Limited declares
that the radio eq uipment type Neos Sm art
Motion and Neo s Smart Contact, Neo s
Smart Bridg e is in compliance with
Directive 2014/53/EU.
The full text of th e EU declaration of
conformity i s available at
www.ne os.co.uk/compliance.
Designed in U K
Made in China
47 Bermondsey St reet, London,
SE1 3XT, United Kingdom
www.ne os.co.uk
Instruc tions for safe u se
To avoid malfunctio n or damage to your
Neos Smart M otion Sensor and Neos Sm art
Contact Sens or, Neos Smart Bridge pl ease
observe t he following:
+ Designed fo r indoor use only.
+ Do not expose it to w ater or moisture
whilst at any time.
+ Do not expose it to h eat from any source;
the Neos Smar t Motion Sensor, Neos
Smart Contac t Sensor, Neos Smart Bri dge
is designed for reliable operation at
normal ambient room temperatures.
When the batte ries are depleted in your
Neos Smart M otion Sensor and Neos Sm art
Contact Sens or we recommend replacin g
with the follow ing:
1 new CR2450 lithium batte ry for the
Neos Smart Motion.
1 new CR2032 lithium batte ry for the
Neos Smart Contact.
Keep small cells and bat teries away
from children. Swa llowing may lead to
burn, perf oration of soft tis sue and death.
Severe burns ca n occur within 2h of
ingestion . If swallowed, consult a do ctor
at once. Batter y can explode or leak if
heated, disassembled, shorted, recharged,
exposed to fire or high tempe rature or
instead inserted incorrectly.
Keep in original pa ckaging until ready to
use, and pleas e retain original produc t
literature for f uture reference. Do not car ry
batteries lo ose in your pockets or b ag.
If you decide to clea n the device, remove
the batter y from the Neos Smart M otion
Sensor and Ne os Smart Contact Sen sor.
This also applie d when the equipment is
not in use. Pleas e make sure you keep
the equipment aw ay from water and
other liquids at all tim es.
To avoid environmenta l and
health problem s due to
hazardous subs tances in
electrical a nd electronic good s,
the following s ymbol indicates that thi s
product and/or b attery should not b e
disposed of w ith household wast e.
When you decid e to dispose of this
product and/ o r its battery, do so in
accordance with lo cal environmental
laws. Your local aut hority will be able to
advise you o n the location of the neare st
recycling centre t hat is authorised to
accept this ty pe of waste. Please rec ycle