Protocole for the deactivation of the FM transmitter function
- Plug the NTO to your computer with the USB cable
- If you have installed a previous version (activation software for
exemple) you have to deinstall it
- Launch theSETUP.exe le in the /NTO folder (Downloadable in
the download section of our website www.neonumeric.com)
- Once the software installed, lauch the application : NTO Firm-
ware Download (Menu Start -> Programs -> NTO Music Player)
- In the window that is going to appear, click on the «start».
- Wait for the end of the update. During the update DO NOT remove the USB cable, it may damage your NTO.
- Once the update is over, You can quit the software and unplug
the NTO from the computer.
- The FM transmitter function of the NTO is now deactivated. If
you encouter any problem or just have question regarding the
update protocole, you can go and check the ofcial forum of
Beware : The use of the FM transmitter is prohibited in France and
in the European Union.
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