NEMO Equipment ASASH LIN User Manual

Our 2010 product line is the result of 8 years of devoted
labor and half a million years or so of developing better tools for shelter and survival. NEMO is about what we have just discovered and what we have known for a long time. It’s about beautiful design and intelligent engineering. It’s about serene cloudless days and bitter cold nights spent battling snow drifts and frostbite. It’s about bringing two worlds together: the world of design and technology and the actual world where we test ourselves and our inventions. We are pursuing perfection. It is an epic journey, often elusive, demanding youthful energy, creativity, and courage. We have come a long way in our travels and we promise never to yield in our determination. Like our ancestors who explored new places for the first time, we will change the common idea of what is possible.
Enh ance th e liv ing sp ace be twee n two A sash i™ tent s wit h the A sashi ™ Lin k™. Whe ther used a s a com munal meeti ng spa ce, ve rsati le ent rance , sle eping area f or pe ts, or cover ed sto rage for yo ur gea r, the A sashi ™ Lin k™ is su re to b ecom e a fav orite access ory f or all trips and a dventu res. Feat uring dual entran ces, a floo rless inter ior, a nd doo r tie downs , the Lin k™ give s you unpre cedent ed fl exib ility when extra space is ne eded. Conv ert t he Lin k™ to a dditi onal s leepi ng spa ce wit h the o ption al Asa shi™ L ink™ F ootpr int.
Packed Weigh t: 1.1 lbs (0.5 kg)
Fabric: 75D PU Polyester
Floor Dimensi ons: 48” x 100” (122 x 254 cm)
Inter ior Heig ht: 54” (140 cm)
Floor Area: 33 sq ft (3.1 sq m)
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