2011 Getting Started Guide
The contents of this printed guide and accompanying exercise CD were originally created for Nemetschek Vectorworks, Inc. by Kevin Lee Allen.
© 2010 Nemetschek Vectorworks, Inc.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, faxing, emailing, posting online or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior written permission of the publisher. Published in the United States.
Vectorworks is a registered trademark of Nemetschek Vectorworks, Inc., in the United States and other countries. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. Macintosh is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the United States and other countries. Adobe, Acrobat and Reader are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems in the United States and other countries.
The information in this book is distributed on an “as is” basis, without warranty. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, neither the author nor Nemetschek Vectorworks, Inc., shall have any liability to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in this book or by the computer software described in it.
For additional Vectorworks training information, or to purchase copies of this book, please call us, in the United States at (410) 290-5114 or visit online.
Table of Contents
Introduction ..............................................................................................................................5
How to Use this Guide ....................................................................................................6
Getting Help ....................................................................................................................8
Section 1: Organizing Your Workflow ..................................................................................... 11
The Screen ...................................................................................................................11
Palettes .........................................................................................................................12
Document Window ........................................................................................................14
Preferences ...................................................................................................................15
Workspaces ..................................................................................................................16
Organization ..................................................................................................................18
Section 2: Stationery Documents ...........................................................................................21
Section 3: Drawing & Modeling ..............................................................................................23
Layer Plane and Screen Plane .....................................................................................23
2D Primitive Tools .........................................................................................................24
2D Modifying Tools ........................................................................................................26
2D Commands ..............................................................................................................28
3D Tools ........................................................................................................................29
3D Commands ..............................................................................................................32
Manipulating 2D and 3D Objects ..................................................................................38
Section 4: Hybrid Tools ...........................................................................................................41
Locus Points .................................................................................................................42
Wall Tools ......................................................................................................................42
Floor ..............................................................................................................................43
Door and Window Tools ................................................................................................43
Curtain Tool ...................................................................................................................44
Create Seating Layout ..................................................................................................45
Curved Wall Tool ...........................................................................................................45
Wall Sculpting ...............................................................................................................46
Rotated Views ...............................................................................................................47
Column Tools ................................................................................................................48
Section 5: Understanding Symbols ........................................................................................49
Symbol Geometry .........................................................................................................50
Available Resources .....................................................................................................50
Inserting Symbols .........................................................................................................50
Symbol Types ...............................................................................................................51
Modifying Symbols ........................................................................................................52
Editing Symbols ............................................................................................................52
File Referencing ............................................................................................................53
Exercise ........................................................................................................................53
Section 6: Drawing a Light Plot ..............................................................................................55
Label Legends ..............................................................................................................55
Focus Point Objects ......................................................................................................56
Lighting Positions ..........................................................................................................57
Trusses .........................................................................................................................59
Inserting/Modifying Instruments ....................................................................................59
Vertical Lighting Positions .............................................................................................62
Projection/Monitor Tools ................................................................................................63
Photometrics/PhotoGrid ................................................................................................63
Basic Scripting ..............................................................................................................64
Custom Lighting Symbols .............................................................................................65
Create Plot and Model View..........................................................................................65
Paperwork .....................................................................................................................68
Exercise ........................................................................................................................68
Section 7: Visualizing your Design .........................................................................................69
Rendering Modes ..........................................................................................................70
Layer Backgrounds .......................................................................................................71
Textures ........................................................................................................................73
Shaders .........................................................................................................................75
Textures for the Theatre Project ....................................................................................78
Assigning Textures ........................................................................................................79
Textures and Walls ........................................................................................................80
Textures in the OIP .......................................................................................................80
Mapping ........................................................................................................................80
Creating Image Props ...................................................................................................81
Decals ...........................................................................................................................83
Unified View ..................................................................................................................83
Camera Tool ..................................................................................................................84
Setting 3D View.............................................................................................................85
Lighting in the 3D World ................................................................................................85
Section 8: Presenting your Drawings .....................................................................................91
Viewports and Sheet Layers .........................................................................................91
Theatre Project–Next Steps ..........................................................................................93
Working on the Sheet Layer..........................................................................................94
Working in the Viewport ................................................................................................95
Adding Dimensions .......................................................................................................96
Working with Text ..........................................................................................................98
Lighting Paperwork .......................................................................................................99
Printing ..........................................................................................................................99
Section 9: Conclusion ...........................................................................................................101
Additional Resources ..................................................................................................101
Acknowledgements .....................................................................................................102
About the Author .........................................................................................................103


This guide is designed to teach the basics of working with the Vectorworks Spotlight and Renderworks software tools. The text and illustrations show some of many possible workflows. Your own methods may vary slightly over time. This book only begins to scrape the surface as to what you can do with Vectorworks.
All of the screen shots here show the MacOS. Windows users will find the same information in the same places, although it may look a bit different. From time to time, I have inserted information about keyboard shortcuts. Again, I generally make reference to the Command key. On a PC, that usually means the Control key. There is a complete reference to these shortcuts in the Vectorworks help files, complete with cross referencing the two operating systems.
The approach contained here stresses the architectural concept of Building Information Modeling (BIM). Simply put, this is working and collaborating in the 3D environment. On a more complex level, BIM allows 2D and 3D representations of objects connected with data. On a collaborative level, this allows a set designer to provide a void—and technical directors to fill parts of that void with structure, lighting designers to add instrumentation, sound designers to insert microphones or speakers, and video designers to add screens and gear. BIM in the performing arts allows for a truly collaborative space for the various partners to work and share information across a series of referenced files.
This guide describes a professional workflow that allows designers and technicians to develop a project from beginning to end, collaborate effectively and produce both presentational materials and construction documents that evolve with the design. Working in the 3D space with dynamic links to presentations (sheet layers) keeps the entire project constantly updated.
Using Metric Units with Exercises
All exercise data set files for this tutorial are set to use imperial units.
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How to Use this Guide
Work through the guide and the exercises. Each exercise or process, no matter how simple, leads to the next exercise. It helps to have the hands and the mind work through the simple steps before reaching more complex problems.
This manual covers a lot of ground quickly. Yet, it just skims the surface of a powerful application. Everything is here so that you can get up to speed waith Vectorworks Spotlight quickly. The following are points to keep in mind as you work through the guide:
•  Alternate methods are shown for
activating/using many tools, commands, and modes.
•  Use what works best for you.
•  Experiment with different tools and
•  Watch for SmartCursor cues, which
appear as you hover your cursor over significant drawing – object geometry.
•  The text assumes you are familiar with
basic computer terms and basic theatrical concepts.
•  Save early, and save often. Save after
every operation.
•  Establish a back-up ritual. Macintosh
users should take advantage of the Time Machine feature within the OS.
•  Use the Vectorworks auto back-up in
addition to your own back up plan.
•  Save–As frequently, so you can always
access earlier ideas and solutions.
•  Use symbols, and get to know and
understand them early on.
•  Most tools have options, available for
selection in the Tool Bar. See the illustration on page 11.
•  Don’t be concerned if you do not
understand this entire introduction, it will all be explained as you make your way through this guide.
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Working through the Guide
This guide is built on a plan of exercises and two projects. Each time a concept or set of concepts is presented, there will be an associated exercise created to practice the base skills presented. The exercises are important for new and experienced users alike, and working through the exercises lays the foundation for more complex tasks.
The Lighthouse. The Cape Hatteras Lighthouse is a complex 3D model briefly illustrated in the text but strongly suggested as a challenge. The lighthouse project brings together all of the exercises. It is a daunting and intimidating task when viewed in total, however, it is actually many simple tasks combined. Users who can complete the lighthouse can generally model and present any other professional challenge that comes their way.
The Theatre Project. In the course of the text users will create a basic theatre space, a set, light plot, design visualizations, and a set of drawings from which these designs could be executed. Tangentially, completing this project will also assist users in configuring the application for future assignments.
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Getting Help
Vectorworks Help
With the Vectorworks application installed and up and running, select Vectorworks Help from the Help menu to open the Help application. Alternately, select the “What’s This?” command, which will change your cursor to an arrow with a question mark. You may then use this cursor to select an object within Vectorworks, which will send you to the appropriate location within the Vectorworks Help application.
The Vectorworks Help application is a robust depository of information that users can modify and adjust to their needs. The Help application can be automatically updated.
The Help Application Window is divided into two columns. The left column provides navigation, and the right column provides information. Enter search criteria where it says “Enter text to search.” Results will be displayed in the right column. Selecting a search result will display the search topic. Search results can be saved as Favorites by clicking on the star icon. You may also add comments and other information.
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Additional Help
At it is possible to access a number of additional learning and information­al tools, including user forums, mailing lists and demonstration videos and other guides (http:// The Vectorworks online community (http://www. is dynamic and supportive. Join the user forums and e-mail lists.
There are specific lists and forums for theatre and Spotlight, but do not neglect the general forums and lists. Many issues that arise in Spotlight are familiar to the larger groups of users. Questions posed to the online community are often answered almost immediately. Vectorworks is used widely internationally. Whenever you are working, there are others working around the world.
Links to the online community and RSS feeds are in the favorites tab of the Help Application. User links may also be added.
Application Resources
On a Mac, the Vectorworks directory should be in the Applications folder on your hard drive. On a PC, this directory should be in the Program Files folder.
The libraries are an important feature that will take time to explore. Critically, the Objects­Entertainment directory contains symbols (pre–drawn objects) for nearly all of the lighting instruments available. There are also lighting accessories, lighting positions, speaker symbols, and truss symbols.
There are also libraries for textures (used to “paint” scenic elements and create gobo projections). The file names are generally descriptive of the file contents.
Symbols are 2D, 3D, or combined 2D/3D (Hybrid) objects, that can be used repetitively and can have critical information attached to them via a data record. Symbols will be discussed throughout this guide.
PDF manuals can be accessed from the Help table of contents.
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Section 1: Organizing
Your Workow
This section provides an overview of the Vectorworks environment and basic definitions. Everything described in this section will be reviewed in greater detail throughout the Guide

The Screen

When rst opening the Vectorworks 
Spotlight application, your screen should look like this illustration. If it does not, go to the Menu at the top of the screen and select
Tools> Workspaces>Spotlight.
On the left side of your screen you should see the Basic tool palette and the Tool Sets palette, which allow you to access additional tools for particular jobs. The Attributes
palette and the Snapping palette are also to the left. On the right you should see the Object Information palette (OIP), Navigation palette, Visualization palette and Resource browser.
At the top of the active window, you will see the View bar and the Tool Bar. The Message bar is located at the bottom of the window.
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Basic Tool Set
The Basic tool set provides ready access to a collection of 2D drawing tools, 2D and 3D drawing modifiers, and basic dimensioning tools.
Tool Sets
Tool sets are collections of tools grouped for specific tasks. Note, for example that there is a Dimensioning tool set in addition to the Dimensioning tools provided in the Basic tool set. In the Dimensioning tool set the basic tools are joined by additional tools.
The Attributes palette sets various graphic attributes of 2D and 3D objects. When an object is selected, the line, fill, line style, and opacity of an object may be changed.
The Constraints palette sets options for drawing with precise alignment. Constraints can be temporarily turned off by pressing and holding the apostrophe (‘) key.
Users may set Preferences for the constraints and the displayed grid by double–clicking on any of the constraint icons. Constraints help with precise drawing and provide cues to the Smart Cursor.
SmartCursor. The Smart Cursor provides a series of cues displayed as text at the cursor’s current location. The Smart Cursor
can create snaps to specic points relative 
to other objects.
Smart Points. Smart Points allow the use of existing geometry as drawing guides. When Smart Points snapping is on, a Smart
Point can be dened by pausing the cursor 
over an object point and pressing the “T” key. Drawing can then be aligned with that point. The alignment is visually shown with a dotted red line.
Working Planes.The Working Planes palette is not opened by default. For the purposes of working through this book, go to Window>palettes>Working Plane to open the palette. Locate the palette so it is accessible, but not in the way of drawing. Simply explained, working planes allow you to change the base plane on which you are
drawing. Typically, the base plane is a at 
horizontal plane. This palette will allow you to access multiple saved base planes.
Object Information Palette (OIP). The Object Information palette (OIP) is a critical design control point; every object selected in Vectorworks can be manipulated via the OIP. When you can’t gure out how to  modify something, look here rst. 
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The OIP has three tabs: Shape, Data, and Render. Shape affects size, location,
and specic parameters associated with 
different types of objects. Data references information associated with the object for use in worksheets, and Render affects the look of 3D objects in presentations.
Resource Browser,The Resource browser allows access to symbols, textures, and
other data within your le and other les 
that may or may not be open. Select the disclosure arrow at the top right of the Resource browser and select Add New
Favorite Files. Navigate to the Vectorworks
directory and add the following les to your 
•  Libraries>Defaults>Renderworks-
•  Libraries>Objects-
•  Libraries>Textures-Gobo>Rosco-
Gobos>Rosco Abstract.vwx
•  Libraries>Objects-
Entertainment>Lighting Positions Imp.v wx
•  Libraries>Objects-Building
Architecture & Interior>Detail-Molding
Proles Copper Beech Millwork.vwx
•  Libraries>Objects-Building
Architecture & Interior>Furniture­Furnishings and Scenic Elements.vwx
•  Libraries>Objects-Building Services>
Electrical-Accurate Lamps-Imp.vwx
Libraries>Default Content is available from within the Vectorworks application. For example, the Default Textures can be accessed from the OIP and when editing
class denitions. 
The Navigation palette will be covered thoroughly in Organizing the Drawing, but for the moment notice that this palette allows you to quickly access Classes, Design Layers, Sheet Layers, Viewports, Saved Views and References. Each of
these items will be covered and dened. 
From the Navigation palette you can activate, navigate, and control visibilities.
The Visualization palette will be covered in depth in Drawing a Light Plot. Note that this palette allows control of Light Objects and Camera Objects.
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Document Window

View Bar
The View bar allows ready access to a number of important functions. View bar functions can be hidden and displayed from the drop-down list accessed via the Disclosure Arrow on the right of the View bar. We will cover most of the View bar elsewhere, but from the left you will see forward and backward arrows; clicking on these will take you back and forth between recent document views. Skip to the center right and you will see two magnifying glass icons that take you to a view of either a selected item or to a view of all items in the visible drawing (if nothing is selected). Command-6 on a Mac and Control-6 on a PC have the same functionality.
There is a drop–down menu for your view of the drawing. Typically, set to Top/Plan (Command-5), which is the 2D view from overhead.
Top is a 3D overhead view, and the others should all make logical sense. You may also access each of these views from your numeric keypad with 5 being Plan, 2 being Front, etc.
Tool B a r
The Tool bar displays different options available for each tool selected from the Basic tool set or one of the task–specific
tool sets. On the right of the Tool bar you have Quick Preferences; selections available from the Vectorworks Preferences allowing the user to make rapid interface changes, as desired. Select available options via the Disclosure Arrow on the right of the Tool bar.
Message Bar
The Message Bar displays precise information about the location of the cursor in the drawing space. This display can be affected by selecting preferences accessed by clicking the Disclosure Arrow in the far right hand corner of the screen. Additionally, the Message Bar displays important alerts, back-up information and rendering progress.
Moving the View
To pan across the drawing at any time (even if a tool or command is active) hold down the Space bar and drag the cursor. This action is referred to as Boomerang mode since you will be returned to the active tool as soon as the space bar is released. Boomerang Mode does not work when editing text.
You may also directly select the Pan tool from the Basic tool set.
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By default, the applications preferences set the scroll wheel of the mouse to zoom in and out. Similarly, two fingers on a multi-touch track pad will zoom in and out of a drawing.
From the View bar, click Fit to Objects (Command-6). The view is adjusted to fit the
Application Preferences
On a Mac, the Application Preferences can be accessed from the Vectorworks Menu. On either a Mac or a PC, the Application Preferences can be accessed by navigating to Tools>Options>Application
Select the Session tab, and then enter 100
in the maximum number of undos eld. 
Verify or adjust other settings as desired. These are application–wide settings.
Document Preferences
File>Document Settings>Document Preferences allows you to set parameters
specic to the active le. In the United 
States, select the Dimensions tab and set the Dimension Standard to “Arch.”
selected object to the screen. When nothing is selected, the same action will fit all objects to the screen.
Command-1 will zoom in, Command-2 will zoom out, Command-3 returns to the last view, and Command-4 shows the full–page view.
Unit Preferences
File>Document Settings>Units sets the
options for dimensioning and specic units/
measurement systems.
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Spotlight Preferences
File>Document Settings>Spotlight Preferences allows you to establish
specic settings for conguring the plot and 
communicating with Lightwright. (
Quick Preferences
Some preferences can be toggled from the Tool bar. Available Preferences may be added or deleted by selecting the drop– down menu via the Disclosure Arrow on the right side of the Tool bar.
The Spotlight Workspace
Vectorworks is completely customizable. Adjusting the menu and palette layout is the most readily apparent way that the average user can make Vectorworks their own.
Editing/Creating Workspaces
Go to Tools>Workspaces> Workspace Editor and you will have several choices:
•  Edit the current workspace
•  Edit a copy of the current workspace
•  Create a new workspace.
Avoid creating a new workspace and avoid editing one of the workspaces that are provided in the installation process. Creating a new workspace gives you a blank slate.
Making a copy of the Spotlight Workspace gives you an excellent foundation on which to build, and you always have the original to go back to for reference. You can name the copy whatever you like to differentiate your workspace from the original.
Most users have several of their own workspaces. Typically at least one for use on a laptop and one for use with a larger
screen. Over time you may nd additional 
tools or plug-ins that you would like to add to Vectorworks. Some come with their own workspace. Other add-ons or plug-ins need to be added to any workspace where you might want to use them.
For example, lighting designers, may be interested in utilizing the visualization capabilities of ESP Vision (http://espvision. com) and would want to modify a workspace. If you work in television or corporate theatre, you will notice the Video Screen capabilities available in the Spotlight tool set. Developer Andrew Dunning also offers a more powerful commercial version.
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Use of the commercial version requires
adding plug-In les and modifying your 
wor kspace(s).
From the workspace editor, we will make a copy of the Spotlight Workspace just to see how this is done. You will now have a window with three tabs that allow you to edit the Menus, tools and Misc Keys. Grab the New Menu from the left column and drag over to the right column. Name it. Note that you can readily rename the other menus just as you
can rename a le. You can also delete a 
menu by selecting and hitting the delete key. Once you have a new menu, you can drag other items from the left column into your new menu, and arrange them as you like. You can also edit the contextual menus to readily access an often–used tool from the right mouse button.
From the tools tab, you can modify your palettes in much the same way. You can totally reorganize the tool sets to meet your
work ow and needs.
In both cases, you can alter the keystrokes
required to bring up a specic tool.
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Vectorworks documents use several conventions for organization:
•  Classes
•  Design Layers
•  Sheet Layers
•  Viewports
•  Saved Views
•  Referenced Files
When working in a team or just to keep les 
smaller, develop different elements in
different les, and then use the File 
Referencing features to bring all of the elements together.
Let’s look at the Organization dialogue box. Select Tools>Organization. Note the differences and similarities between this dialogue and the Navigation palette. Also be aware that this dialogue can be accessed from the Edit Classes and Edit Layers buttons in the View bar.
Classes are used to assign graphic attributes and to control visibility in drawing and when creating Viewports for presentation. Classes can be used for objects on different layers. Like Design Layers, they can be used to control what is visible. Vectorworks starts by giving you two classes: Dimension and None. Begin by editing the Dimension class. Check
Use at Creation and set the ll color to none 
so that your Dimension text does not conceal other details.
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Create a Normal Weight class that has Use at Creation checked and set the line weight to a medium width, about twice the width of the Dimension Class line weight. Also create a class called Section Style with a thick line weight and cross hatch
pattern ll. Vectorworks will call for this 
class. Save in your Default.sta document as described below.
Classes truly allow full use of Vectorworks, and, as a best practice, no object should be drawn without having a class assigned. Going further, consider that your theatre walls may have one color and your set wall to have another color. By using classes to assign these attributes, when the color of the set changes, you can change all of the walls at once. Similarly, you would want different classes to distinguish the Grand Drape from the masking.
Design Layers
The design layer is the basic level of organization. Think of layers as sheets of vellum on a table; architects use layers to
distinguish oors of a building. Many 
theatrical designers create layers for the theatre, the set, the light plot, and the sound plot. Each design layer can have a different scale and can be set to different Z elevations.
This is a basic layer structure:
•  Sound Plot
•  Light Plot
•  Scenery
•  Audience
•  Theatre Architecture
•  Audience Seating
•  Tra ce La yer
A PDF or a JPEG of the theatre, ballroom, or television studio architecture can be imported to a bottom tracing layer. On top of that you may have an architecture layer and a master layer for the set and other information. Design layers can be used to
create specic physical elements that may 
be saved as symbols and placed in the layer with the architecture or the set.
Layer visibility is controlled in the Organization dialogue or via the Navigation palette.
The enclosed DVD includes a sample document so that you can examine a basic class structure and another that shows basic layers needed for every drawing.
Sheet Layers
Sheet Layers are used for presenting drawings. Sheet Layers are always in a 1:1/ Full Size or Actual Scale. We’ll discuss Viewports and Sheet Layers for presentations in the Presenting your Drawings section on page 91.
Saved Views
Saved Views (in the View bar) allow you to revert to previously saved views quickly at any time. There may be an area of detail that you continually need to return to in plan; a Saved View will allow that. Views can have different layers and classes visible. Saved Views are also very useful for looking at scenes rendered with lights focused, lighting levels set, and gobos inserted as you adjust the light levels.
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Section 2: Stationery
When creating a new document (File>New), Vectorworks will ask if you want to create a
blank document or use a stationery le. Vectorworks comes with a selection of stationery  les, most geared for architecture. It is a useful time saver to create and evolve your own  stationery les.
When you go to File>Save As Template and
save a le as Default.sta Vectorworks will automatically le your template in the proper 
place. You will be able to access your saved
settings whenever you create a new le.
Go to File>New to create a new document; you will have a choice between selecting a blank document or using a template. A template le has various predetermined characteristics. Select Create Blank Document and we will determine our own parameters.
Go to File>Page Setup. Here you establish the size of the page and select a printer. The printer does not need to be selected now if you will be printing from a PDF, which is the recommended practice. “Draw” on a sheet size that is the same as the size on which you plan to print. Let’s establish an Architectural size D sheet (24” by 36”). If you are not connected to a plotter, you will have to check “Choose size unavailable in printer setup” on the top right and then US Arch D from the drop–down menu. On the left select “Show page boundary” and de-select “Show page breaks.” Showing breaks will clutter your drawing area with division markers, likely dividing the 24 x 36 inch pages into 8 ½ x 11 inch chunks.
Click OK and now we will begin to make some specic settings.
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Go to File>Document Settings> Document Preferences; you will see three
tabs. We will leave the left and right tabs set to the default; select the Dimensions tab. Make sure the three check boxes are checked and that the drop–down menu is set to Arch. Click OK.
Go to File>Document Settings>Units and be sure that your document is set to feet and inches – or metric units – as appropriate. Of course, if you design the show in one system, you can go back later and convert the document from imperial to metric, or vice versa. Click OK.
Go to the View bar. There should be a data
eld that says, 1:1 and next to that, on the 
right, there should be a ruler icon. If not, select Layer Scale from the View bar menu. Click on the ruler and set the scale to 1/2”=1’-0” and click OK.
Select Tools>Options>Line Thickness and review the default settings.
Select and set a default font. With nothing selected on the page, go to Tex t >Font and select your preferred font. It should be something generally readable and if you will
be sharing les, the font should be one that 
works across platforms and is installed on your colleagues’ systems. You can make adjustments to text later in the OIP or Text menu.
Create the classes as indicated above.
Now, save the le settings as a template le. 
Go to File>Save as Template and the Save as Vectorworks Drawing Template dialog
box will open and suggest that the le 
Default.sta be saved in the Templates folder of your User folder or the Vectorworks Directory. Click Save. Also save a copy of
your default le as DefaultLetter.sta. In this le, change the document size to a standard 
letter–size page. All new documents, unless you select another template, will have the
attributes you have specied set by default. 
You will likely need to save over this
Default.sta le several times as you further 
adjust to the program.
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Section 3: Drawing &
Vectorworks provides many ways to draw. For the user, it is a matter of choice to determine
what works best for him or her and/or specic scenarios. Flexibility in drawing is one of the 
many great reasons to use Vectorworks.

Layer Plane and Screen Plane

These are not drawing modes, but planar modes to draw within. 2D objects drawn in the Layer Plane will rotate in 3D space. 2D objects drawn in the Screen Plane will always be seen as facing the screen, no matter the 3D view and they will not rotate in 3D space.
Planes are useful when preparing to extrude an object from 2D into 3D.
The Layer Plane is indicated by a pink box, You may choose whether to draw in Layer or Screen Plane from the drop–down menu on the View bar. You may change what plane an object is assigned to by selecting the object and changing the plane in the OIP.
unless you have changed the color in your
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2D Primitive Tools
Open a copy of your DefaultLetter.sta le and use this le to work along as described below.  Switch the plane from Layer Plane to Screen Plane in the View Bar.
You can easily nd which tool is which by 
hovering and waiting for the descriptive text
to appear or by going to the Help les.
Begin by selecting the Rectangle tool. Notice the options in the Tool bar change when a tool is selected. Each mode or option available in the Tool bar offers a different way of drawing. By hovering over the mode icons you will see descriptive text appearing to describe the mode. There will also be text in the Mode bar that describes the active option.
These options will vary with the tool selected. In each case, as you explore the application try every mode available.
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You can simply begin to draw by clicking
and dragging. As soon as you begin to draw,
you will note the appearance of the Floating
Data bar (FDB). Hit the Tab key to select the
rst eld in the FDB and enter a specic 
dimension, tab to the next eld, repeat, and 
click the mouse button. You have created a
specically sized shape!
Draw a few rectangles and note the
highlight color when you hover over a shape
and the change in color when you select a
shape. You can select multiple objects by
pressing and holding the Shift key or doing
a marquee selection (click and drag with the
2D Selection tool).
Select an existing rectangle and note that you can move it or resize it interactively with the mouse. Also note that you can change its size and location in the OIP.
Notice the Circle by 3 Points option. This
options also appears in Arcs and Curved
Walls and is very useful in tracing curves
and in designing the right size circle or arc.
Select the Rectangle tool and hover the cursor near another rectangle. Note the SmartCursor hints and alignments indicated. Align with a corner, indicated by the red extension line and hit the “T” key to lock in that alignment.
Try this again. When hovering near a snap point, hit the “Z” key to enable the snap loupe, which allows you to zoom in close until you click the mouse. You can also use
the snap loupe when you want to nish 
drawing a shape if aligning to another point.
Circle and Oval
Notice two similar tools, the circle and the oval. Select the Oval tool, and notice the different options in the Tool bar. Draw a few ovals using the different options, some freehand, some with absolute positioning, and then with the FDB.
Regular Polygon
Like the Circle and Rectangles, the Regular
Polygon allows you to make simple
multi-sided objects.
Polygon and Polyline
These tools allow for freehand drawing. The
Polygon only has straight lines, but the
Polyline tool allows you to introduce curves.
Consider tracing a scanned drawing or
placing locus points. You can also use the
2D Line lools and absolute positioning to
create a set of guides. Then you can
connect the dots with the Polygon tool.
Note that the Polyline tool introduces a
preferences option in the Mode bar and six
different modes for drawing, including very
precise arcs and curves. You can switch
modes in the midst of drawing by reaching
into the Mode bar.
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The Triangle tool is located under the 2D Polygon tool. Click on the 2D Polygon tool icon and hold. The Triangle tool will then appear for you to select. Note that this tool has three different Modes of Operation available in the Mode Bar.

2D Modifying Tools

The Reshape tools allows for the editing of polygons.
If you want to edit a rectangle into a shape
other than a rectangle, you must rst 
convert the rectangle into a polygon. Select the rectangle and go to
Modify>Convert>Convert to Polygon.
The Reshape tool has several modes and options. Reshaping allows users to move points, add points (between existing points), subtract points, or convert points from corners to curves and visa versa.
Let’s assume that you have not been able to make the shape that you want. Draw a rectangle. A rectangle is not a polygon, but you can make a rectangle into a polygon by
Adding or Clipping. In this case we will
select the rectangle and go to
Modify>Convert>Convert To Polygon.
Select the 2D Reshape tool from the Basic
tool set and edit. You can also double–click
the polygon and the 2D Reshape tool will
self select. Let’s look at the options:
•  Move points
•  Convert points
•  Add a point
•  Subtract a point
•  Hide or show edges
Note: When you select Add or Convert, other
options become available. Note also the options
for selecting points.
This is a very robust tool and is very useful
for creating sweeping curves.
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Your rectangle now shows eight points or, more precisely, four points on the corners and four midpoints. Experiment with the tool: try these things and then undo so you always return to the basic rectangle. First
select the rst option on the left; Move Polygon Handles mode. Grab a corner and move it around. Undo. Select the Delete Vertex mode, and delete one of the corners
so that you have a rectangle. Undo. Select Add Vertex, and be sure that you have the Corner Vertex option selected. Note that you can add and manipulate points only at a mid-point. Select the Change Vertex mode and then select Bezier Curve.
Click on a corner and observe the curve.
Manipulate this curve with the Move Mode.
On another corner, convert the corner point
to a Cubic Spine Point. Manipulate the
curve and compare how they differ.
The Offset tool allows you to quickly
duplicate a surface inside or outside of an
object. Select the tool and go to the tool
preferences in the Tool bar. Consider that if
you have just drawn a complex shape and
you will use that shape as a platform and
you will need to allow for the thickness of
the reveal and/or the structure. Simply offset
the shape.
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Fillet and Chamfer
The Fillet and Chamfer tools are very similar. These terms are generally used in cabinetry and millwork. In each case, these tools trim the corner off of a polygon. A chamfer is a
straight line cut and a llet makes a rounded 
corner. In each case, select the tool and trim the edge of a polygon. First select a mode. They each have the same three modes. The
rst Chamfer or Fillet option adds the detail, 
the second, trims the lines of the polygon to the detail, the third ‘trims’ the original shape to the new detail and deletes the lines left when using the second mode.
Select the tools, set your preferences and mode and then hover over the edge of a polygon. If eligible for Chamfer/Fillet, the edge will be highlighted.

2D Commands

Modify>Clip Surface is used to subtract one shape from another. First, draw one primitive shape over a larger shape. Select both and go to the command. Only the top object will remain selected. Delete that object and you will notice a hole in the bottom object.
Modify>Add Surface combines two object into one. Draw two over lapping objects,
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Click and drag to an adjacent edge ,and it
too will be highlighted. Click to execute.
select both, and invoke the command.
You will be left with one new object.
Combine into Surface
The Combine into Surface command forms
a new object from a group of objects. The
objects must intersect and form a closed
polygon. Depending on objects selected
and the location of the mouse click, you can
create several different polygons from the
same set of objects.
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