Negri Electronics R 500T User Manual

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OOppeerraattoorr’’ss MMaannuuaall
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R 500T
La ditta NEGRI in qualunque momento si riserva il diritto di apportare alla propria produzione modifiche e miglioramenti ritenuti necessari a suo insindacabile giudizio. / NEGRI reserves the right to make any modifications and improvements to its products that it considers necessary at any time. / La Maison Negri se garde le droit de changer à n’importe quel moment les donnés, les poids et les mesures. / Negri tiene el derecho de cambiar datos, pesos y medidas en cualquier momento. / Die Firma Negri kann in jedem Moment Daten, Gewichte und Maβ e ä ndern. / Negri bedhout zich het recht voor om gegevens, gewichten en maten te wijzigen zonder aankondiging vooraf.
Le immagini presenti in questo libretto istruzioni hanno scopo puramente illustrativo. / The picture shown in this manual onlly have an illustrative purpose. / Lef photos qui se trouvent danf ce livret d’instructions sont purement illustratifs. / Las im à genes presentes en este manual de instrucciones tienen un fin exclusivamente illustrativo. / Die in diesen Gebrauchsanweisungen enthaltenen Bilder haben nur einen erlä uternden Zweck. / De afbeeldingen in dit instructieboekje hebben alleen maar een illustratieve betekenis.
Introduction 4
Aim of the machine 4
Warnings and safety directions 4
Assembly 6
Transport 7
Information on use 7
Maintenance 13
Wiring diagram 18
Hydraulic system 19
Storage 20
Guarantee 20
Technical specifications 21
This manual is to be considered part of the machine. Distributors of new and used machines are required to issue a document stating that the user ’s manual has been delivered along with the machine itself. Operators are strongly required to read the manual thoroughly and carefully before undertaking any kind of operation on the machine.
The R500bio-shredder is a machine designed for professional uses. It is particularly suitable for the treatment of bulk material. It grinds up all sorts of vegetable waste (pruning and garden waste, hedges, fruit and vegetable waste, wooden boxes, wooden packages, pallets and so on). When working, it always considers the size, the quantity and the quality of the material to be shredded.
Operators safety measures
People under the age of 16 are not allowed to use the shredders. When attending the machine, the user is responsible for any damages, which might occur to third parties. During the shredding sessions it is absolutely necessary to wear protective gloves and glasses. It has been proved that, following an uninterrupted use, the allowed noise level is exceeded. It is therefore advisable for the user to wear ear-protection devices, too. During the shredding session the user always has to wear robust shoes and long trousers. Hair must be gathered up. Do not use the machine if you are tired, ill or if you have taken medicines, drugs as well as if you have been drinking alcoholics. When the machine is working, please do not use ladders or stools to get to the driving roller located at the bottom of the hopper, unless the machine is off. Do not approach the working area of the cardan shaft transmission when it is working. Please use cardan shaft transmission gears provided with a free wheel device. The transmission-gears must be in compliance with the regulations envisaged by the machine guideline.
Safety measures concerning the machine
When starting the machine, please make sure that all its parts are assembled correctly . Replace the broken or the damaged parts before using the machine. The machine has to be placed on a flat and steady base.
Before leaving the shredder unattended, it is necessary to stop the tractor and to disconnect the transmission shaft. It is compulsory to use the machine with all its safety devices correctly mounted to it. Roll the discharging conveyor belt completely open and turn it on before starting introducing the material. Never modify the machine. Do not use the machine for purposes, which are different than the ones it was designed for
Safety measures during the shredding session
When using the bio-shredder, the operator must wear the individual safety devices; he must stay close to the hopper into which he inserts the material he wishes to grind up. He has also to make sure that nobody is around within radium of 20 meters. Please do not insert branches having bigger sizes than the foreseen ones (18 cm as stated in the picture graph on the hopper). Please do not insert any stones, metals, glass, plastic, earth, and newspaper bundles and so on in the bio-shredder but only vegetable materials. Do not remove any protection housing when the machine is working. The operator shall keep off the discharging conveyor belt when the machine is working. Do not get close with any parts of your body to the protection housings. When the machine is working, do not let any parts of your body get close to the transmission-gear. The PTO of the tractor has to revolute at an approximate speed of 540 revolutions/minute. Please do not let it revolute faster than that.
Safety measures when maintaining
For the maintenance of the machine, please follow the procedures mentioned in MAINTENANCE. Use original spare parts only. When replacing the hammers and when carrying out the cleaning processes, please watch out not to cut yourself. "Cutting-heads are very dangerous!" Start carrying out the maintenance only after you have worn protective gloves and stopped the tractor; wait until the rotor has come to a complete stop.
Safety during transport and storage
Please make sure that all parts of the shredder are well fastened to the trailer not to lose anything during transport. The machine must be transported with great care and the engine must be off. Please use the appropriate hooks to lift the machine.
Before transporting the machine hooked to the tractor, please disconnect the transmission shaft.
The R500 bio-shredder is delivered to you fully assembled and, therefore, ready to use. If you purchase an unassembled machine, please use the exploded diagram (picture
1), the basic components list and the corresponding instructions to carry out the assembly of the machine in the correct way. It is of the utmost importance that trained and authorized staff only sees to the assembly of the machine.
Basic list of components
1 Mobile conveyor belt frame 9 m8 aut nut 2 Fixed conveyor belt frame 10 M8x10 dowel
3Gudgeon pin for conveyor belt frame 11 m8 collar
4 A4x50 split pin 12 hydraulic pipes 5 Cylinder 13 screw for the collar 6 Mobile pin for cylinder 14 rubber conveyor belt 7 Hydraulic engine frame 15 M27 nut 8 8 Flat washer
Directions for assembly:
Please wear protective gloves first. Fix the mobile conveyor belt frame (1) to the fixed one (2) by using the pin for the conveyor belt frame (3). Block the pin with the two split pins (4). Let the bush of the cylinder (5) overlap with the holes of the mobile conveyor belt frame (1); insert the mobile pin for the cylinder (6) and block it with the two split pins (4). Assemble the hydraulic engine frame (7) on the mobile conveyor belt frame (1) by using the four flat washers (8) and the four M8 nuts. Block the coupling made through the dowel (10). Put the hydraulic pipes (12) in place in the collars (11) ; bolt the screws (13) placing the washers (8) in between. Place the rubber conveyor belt (14) on the roll of the mobile conveyor belt frame (1) and, using the four M27 nuts (15), stretch it until it touches the scraper of the mobile conveyor belt frame (2). The conveyor belt (14) must be centred as to roll freely.
Authorised trailers only can transport this Bio-Shredder. Before transporting the machine hooked to the tractor, please disconnect the transmission shaft. During transport, fasten the machine to the trailer as well as you can, making sure that the Bio-Shredder does not exceed the allowed limits of the overall volume of the means of transport used.
Working times
According to the regulations for noise reduction, Bio-Shredders can not be used at the following times: on working days from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. and from 7:00 to 7:00 a.m. of the following day; on bank holidays from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 and from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. of the following day.
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