NEC PlasmaSync 42XR4, PlasmaSync 42XR4A, PX-42XR4A - Product User Manual

he NEC 42XR4 ($3,995 list) is the most impressive a 42-inch plas-
ma display panel that PC Maga­zine has tested to date. It doesn't include many extras, and its advanced picture controls demand professional setup, but with some tweaking, this TV's accurate and faithful video repro­duction is a pleasure for the eyes.
Except for the power cord and remote control, all accessories for the 42XR4, such as speakers and mounting hard­ware, must be purchased separately. The benefit of this à la carte arrangement is that owners don't pay extra for things they may not want or use. The downside, of course, is that they must consider their setup needs and purchase the appropri­ate hardware for the display. For our re­view, NEC provided the remarkably sturdy PX-ST2U ($292 list) swivel table stand, which offers about 10 degrees of rotation left and right (20 degrees total). This is definitely not a plug-and-play dis­play; securing the 60-pound 42XR4 onto its new perch is best accomplished with the aid of a second pair of hands. Com­fortable handholds on the rear of the 42XR4 helped reduce the risk of damage to the display (or to the people lifting it) during setup.
The 42XR4's thin black bezel has a matte finish, which helps suppress the re­flection of ambient light sources. Silver
trim outlining the edge of the display was attractive yet not distracting. The on-dis­play controls located under the left side of the 42XR4 are slightly recessed into the frame, keeping them out of sight but still accessible. A small power indicator light on the bottom right edge was appropriate­ly unnoticeable unless you looked for it. The included remote control is a slender, comfortable device with relatively few but­tons. The remote performed flawlessly when we tried it from various angles and distances, but as it has no backlight and the keys don't glow, it's pretty hard to use in dimly lit environments.
All A/V inputs on the 42XR4 are grouped on a downward-facing block on the rear of the display. The selection of connections includes two HDMI in­puts, a pair of component video inputs, and a VGA input for PC use. The tight clearance between the inputs and the top of the table stand required our pre­mium cables to make a 90-degree bend close to the connection. But this con­figuration did prevent the cables from being visible from the front of the dis­play. The 42XR4 is officially labeled a monitor, since it lacks a television tuner (DTV or otherwise). For cable and satellite set-top box users, the lack of a tuner is mostly irrelevant. But an inte-
grated DTV tuner would have been a useful inclusion for those who enjoy the superb quality of digital broadcast television.
The 42XR4 has a native resolution of 1,024 by 768 pixels. That means that it has 150,000 fewer pixels than a standard 720p broadcast signal. In general, 42­inch plasma TVs such as the 42XR4 are considered high-definition displays, since they offer at least 720 lines of ver­tical resolution. Horizontal resolution is not a factor in the established definition of what counts as "HD."
After connecting our standard and high-definition sources, I found the 42XR4's default brightness (black level) settings caused the darker de­tails of the picture to disappear into the background. Color saturation ap­peared good, but the monitor's default color temperature resulted in whites appearing a bit cool (bluish). The de­fault picture settings for displays are rarely optimal (except for standing out on a store shelf), so increasing the 42XR4's brightness and adjusting the
“The NEC
42XR4 offers
the best
picture quality
of any 42-
inch plasma
TV we have
seen to date.”
color temperature preset to low re­turned the lost dark details while pro­ducing the most natural-looking imagery to my trained eyes.
The 42XR4's menu system appears bland when compared with some of the more colorful interfaces we've seen on other consumer televisions (Samsung's TVs spring immediately to mind), but though the simple text menus lack vi­sual appeal, they are easy to read and navigate. And for professional calibra­tors and videophiles, the 42XR4 offers an advanced menu that provides a comprehensive set of image controls that are second only to those on the Brillian 6501mPB in terms of available options from a user-accessible menu.
Contrast ratios, certainly the most abused statistic in the world of con-
sumer televisions, are calculated by measuring the light output of a white test pattern and dividing the result by a similar measurement of a black test pattern. By itself, this dynamic range calculation doesn't reveal how bright an image a particular display will pro­duce, nor if the display's representation of black will appear inky dark or have more of a grayish glow. Interestingly, the specs for the 42XR4 listed on the company's Web site don't include con­trast-ratio information. But after cali­bration, the 42XR4 produced an ANSI contrast ratio of 1,001:1, the best among all displays (plasma or otherwise) that we have tested to date. Impressive black-level measurements (0.15 Cd/m^2) were responsible for that out­standing result, and only in a pitch­black room (like our test lab) would you notice the slight glow of video black on this display. Compared with
the Panasonic TH-42PX50U, a more af­fordable 42-inch plasma TV, the 42XR4's black levels were almost three times as dark, improving the percep­tion of contrast in the picture, particu­larly in dimly lit viewing environments. When you are viewing letterboxed movies, the black bars will appear black instead of dark-gray.
Prior to calibration, the 42XR4 ex­hibited a slight greenish tint in the dark­est portions of the grayscale, with the image becoming more bluish toward the bright (white) end of the scale. I also noticed greenish dark grays in the black bars of letterboxed movies such as The Fifth Element. These color­tracking errors were corrected using the 42XR4's advanced menu features, and post-calibration, the display's re-
sponse was admirably consistent.
The 42XR4 is better than most dis­plays "out of the box," but proper cali­bration, including black-level and color adjustments, transform a relatively good plasma TV into one that grabs your attention with its natural-looking imagery. More important, the necessary controls were accessible from the user menus and didn't require a trip into the arcane world of a display's internal ser­vice menus.
Considering that 42-inch high-defini­tion plasma displays have lower resolu­tion than 50-inch (or larger) models, the 42XR4 was better than other 42-inch plasmas we have seen at scaling video into its native resolution. HDMI video input provided the best overall imagery; component video input introduced slight amounts of noise with 720p and 1080i signals. The 42XR4 passed aspect-ratio and geometry tests with all resolutions
and inputs. This means a video image of a circle will appear circular and not flat­tened or otherwise stretched, as we saw recently with the Dell W5001C. Over­scan with widescreen video formats was less than one percent, which is very good.
I use the HQV Benchmark DVD to evaluate a display's video-processing performance when displaying standard definition (480i) content—similar to traditional broadcast television. The 42XR4 managed a good HQV result by providing excellent noise-reduction abilities without softening image detail. Deinterlacing was also impressive, with no noted jagged edges in the synthetic portions of the test or in the video clip of the waving flag. The classic racetrack scene that uses film-based video (24 frames per second) revealed that 3:2 pulldown engaged quickly, preventing distracting moiré artifacts from ap­pearing in the grandstands. This indi­cates that the video processor is throwing away half of the visual infor­mation. The beginning of chapter 12 of the DVD movie Gladiator is a great check for 3:2 pulldown problems, as the slow panning shot of the bird statue with its horizontal lines can turn into a jagged, blurry mess if not properly processed. The 42XR4 handled this challenging scene perfectly.
The 42XR4 is a 42-inch plasma dis­play that, post-calibration, delivered the most impressive imagery that we have seen from any plasma TV in its class. Subjectively, both DVD movies and HDTV appear pleasingly correct, with accurate colors and detailed imagery. The 42XR4 strikes me as a great plasma display that was designed for profes­sional installation. The à la carte acces­sories and the advanced menu options (which can be hidden when not in use) are ideal for customizing the display to its owner. Yes, the 42XR4 costs more than most other 42-inch plasma dis­plays, but I have yet to see a 42-inch TV come this close to image perfection.
NEC Visual Systems Division
OTTOM LINE: The NEC 42XR4 offers the best picture
quality of any 42-inch plasma TV we have seen to date. But its premium price doesn't include many extras, the remote is near-useless in the dark, and to get the most out of it you'll need to have it professionally calibrated.
ROS: Exceptional image quality. Comprehensive display
control options.
ONS: Remote lacks backlight. No extras bundled in.
Reprinted from PC Magazine, March 22, 2006 with permission from Ziff Davis Media Inc.
©2006 Ziff Davis Publishing Holdings Inc. All rights reserved.