NEC America reserves the right to change the specifications, functions, or features in this document at any time without notice. NEC
America has prepared this document for use by its employees and
customers. The infor mation c ontai ned h erein is the proper ty of NEC
America and shall not be reproduced without prior written approval
from NEC America.
This manual provides the information needed to configure and operate the
Attendant Console Statisti cs software application.
What is Attendant Console Statistics?
Attendant Console Statistics (Console Stats) is an application that collects data
from Attendant Console call pr ocessing and produces statistical repor ts for display
or printing. Console Sta ts may be used as a stand -alone product or as a supplemen t
to the Hospitality Center System (HCS) or Medical Center System (MCS)
Console Stats provides opti ons for design and generation of any number of re ports
from a variety of available statistics for attendant call processing and attendant
queue activity. Reports can also be designed and generated for trunk route group
and station group activity. The statistics can be calculated by the hour, day, or for
the current day, up until the current time.
The design process involves naming the repo rt, selecting the statistics it is to
contain, and namin g the time interval by which thos e statist ics are to be calculat ed.
Once formatted, a report can be generated from the Main Menu to reflect statistics
calculated from call processing data collected during a previous time period or
scheduled for autom atic generat ion either once in the future or on a recurring basis
(i.e., Monday morning a t 1:00 a.m., every week and month of t he year). Report da ta
is collected for a configurable length of time.
The list of statistics available through Console Stats during report formatting is
extensive and includes totals, percentages, ranges, and averages calculated from
such things as numbe r and types o f calls queued and answered, co nnected a nd idle
periods, calls waiting in queue for available operators, and abandoned calls.
NDA-30122 Revision 1
Console Stats retains all saved reports (whether formatted and generated through
the menus or routinely produced by Console Stats) for a configur able period durin g
which time they can be displayed and printed from a Main Menu option.
Interface to other OAI Applications
Console Stats requires an external application to act as an Event Collector. The
figure on the following page illustrates how the Console Stats components
interface with other OAI applications.
MCS and HCS application s may be con figured to c ollect events f or Console St ats,
or the Attendant Monitor application may be used when attendant consoles are
used in a stand-alone environment.
The Event Collector detects events generated by the attendants and the PBX, then
sends messages to the Console Stats Logger application. The Logger parses the
messages and saves the statistic data in an Informix Database.
The data in the I nformix Database is use d by the Console Stats Administrator and
Automated Report Generator applications to build reports, that can be viewed or
printed by the Administrator application.
This manual describes the various screens, windows and functions for the
configuration and operation of Console Stats. Examples of displayed screens and
step-by-step proce dures are shown in the f ollowing chapters. The proce dural st eps
to perform a given task (Adding a Report Format) are given in sequence and
marked as shown below:
Step 1:
From the Main Menu, select...
Chapter 1 - Introduction
This chapter details how to use this manual, t he actual manual org anization, and an
overview of the Console Stats application.
Chapter 2 - Installation and Configuration
Chapter 2 describe s how to install and con figure the applic ation, along with th e key
usage conventions, main menu screen, and an overview of the main menu
Chapter 3 - Report Formats
Report Formats descri bes the available st atistics for re port formats. All scre ens and
procedures for adding ne w report formats , modifying forma ts, deleting fo rmats, or
printing reports are described.
Chapter 4 - Report Generation
This chapter describes the screens and all procedures for generating a report.
Chapter 5 - Automated Report Generation
Chapter 5 describes the screens and all procedures for configuring an Automated
Generated report.
NDA-30122 Revision 1
Chapter 6 - Report Viewing
This chapter describes the procedures for viewing reports.
Chapter 7 - Route Groups
Chapter 7 describe s the screens and procedures for adding ne w trunk route gr oups,
and modifying, deleting, or printing groups information.
Chapter 8 - Station Groups
This chapter describes the screens and procedures for adding new station groups,
and modifying, deleting, or printing groups information.
This chapter provides a st ep- by- step description of the install at io n, configuration,
and Main Menu functions for Console Stats. Before proceeding with the
configuration, ensure that the SCO UNIX operating system and the Applications
Manager (APM) platform software are installed on the system.
The Applications Manager Operations Manual provides detailed instructions for
using the APM menus and for completing the data entry screens illustrated in this
manual. NEAX2400 IMS system manuals provide the procedures for making the
data assignments at the NEAX MAT.
Before Installation
Before insta lling Console Stats, the following two procedures must be performed:
Informix Database
Database Space
The Informix On-Line database application must be installed on the UAP before
Console Stats can run. Since the installation scripts will attempt to create the
application databas e, it is a good i dea to insta ll In form ix bef ore in stall ing Console Stats. Informix may already be installed if one of the following is true:
•HCS or MCS is currently installed and running
•The UAP is a UAP2000 or UAP3000
If Informix is not installed, Console Statistics can sti ll be installed on the UAP, but
it will not run until Informix is installed and the application database is created
using the Console Statistics Administration utility
After the Informix On-Line database has been installed, the Console Stats database
space must be created us ing the Informix tbmonitor utility. The database space
must contain at least 400 MB of free space.
If HCS or MCS is currently installed, the “atcsspace” or “mcsspace” database
spaces may also be used by Console Stats if there is enough free space; other wise ,
use the Informix tbmonitor to create a new database space with the name
“statsdbspace”. Remember the database space name (“statsdbspace, “atcsspace”,
“mcsspace”, etc.) as the installation scripts will prompt fo r it later.
This section describes the procedures to install the Attendant Console Statistics
application software. Follow the procedure below to install the software.
login: apmadm
Some ke yboar d s use a mar ked
keyboards mark this function key as
tify this function as
key for the carriage return function. Other
. The installation procedure will iden-
(Enter). When the pr o cedur e ind icates, use the ap pr o-
priate marked key on your part i cular keyboard.
To begin the
installation, type apmadm at the UNIX
login prompt and press Enter.
(If your “apmadm” account requires a
password, enter the “apmadm”
password at the subsequent password
Console Stats
NEC America APM Administration Wed - Oct 31, 1996
APM Platform Release Rel2.3 (May 22, 1996)
Main Menu
Debug Facilities
Halt APM System
File Archive
Installation of Applications/Packages
PBX Simulator
Removal of Packages
Start-up APM System
Enter Option: [i]
APM Administration Main Menu.
Type ’i’ in the “Enter Option: [ ]” field
to select “Installation of Applications/
Packages” and press Enter.
The screen displays the files as they are
loaded from the media. Some f ile s may
scroll off the screen, until all the files
from the diskette have been processed.
You are asked if all of the application
release media (diskettes) have been
processed. Type ’n’ for any additional
diskettes for Console Stats. When all
diskettes have been loaded, type ’y’
(yes) and press Enter.
and/or files may vary from this example.
The number o f bytes, tape blocks,
APM installation be gins , pro cessi ng al l
of the Console Stats installation files
and checking them for c orrectne ss. The
screen indicates the status of this
from this example.
Some revisions and dates may vary
Installing the Release Files
Processing files
NEC America Console Statistics Wed - Oct 31,1996
Installation Options
[C]ancel Installation
Enter Option
Select the installation option for
Console Stats. For a new installation,
type ’I’ and press Enter. The
installation of files will now begin.
If performing an upgrade, type U and
press Enter. If you wish to Cancel the
installation at this time, type ’C’ and
press Enter.
Status messages show the installation
and configuration of the first Console Stats main component.
At the prompt, press Enter to continue
the install ation.
Status messages show the installation
and configuration of the second
Console Stats main component.
At the prompt, press Enter to continue
the install ation.
Press Return to continue installation
NEC America Console Statistics Wed - Oct 31,1996
The Console Statistics Informix database may be installed now if an Informix
database space has been created. This may be an existing database space used
by other applications, or a new space dedicated to Console Statistics. If the
database does not exist at this time, type ’N’ when prompted below. The
Console Statistics Informix database can be created later using the Informix
tbmonitor utility to create the database space, and then using the Console
Statistics Administration utility to create the database and build the
WARNING: If an Informix database already exists for Console Statistics, it
will be destroyed before the new database is installed, and all
data will be lost.
Do you want to install the Console Statistics Informix database now? (y/n)
Please enter the Informix database space name: [statsdbspace]
You entered [statsdbspace], is this correct (y/n)
NEC America Console Statistics Wed - Oct 31,1996
Ready to install Console Statistics Database in statsdbspace
WARNING: If an Informix database already exists for Console Statistics, it
will be destroyed before the new database is installed, and all
data will be lost.
Do you want to continue? (y/n)
If HCS or MCS is currently installed,
the ’atcsspace’ or ’mcsspace’ database
spaces may also be used by Console Stats-- if there is enough free space.
If not, type the Console Stats default
database space name ’statsdbspace’
and press Enter.
At the prompt, ve rify the database space
name. If correct, type ’y’ and press
Ensure there is no existing Console Stats database or that the existing
database has been backed-up before
At the prompt, type ’y’ and pre ss Enter
to continue.
NEC America Console Statistics Wed - Oct 31,1996
Removing the old Console Statistics Informix database...
Installing the new Console Statistics Infomrix database...
Building the Console Statistics Informix database indices...
NDA-30122 Revision 1
Status messages sh ow the inst allation of
the new database.
Old files saved in /tmp/stats0, the system deletes these after 7 days.
Apm should now be Terminated and then Re-Initialized and the appropriate
Console Statistics APM Database files should be modified.
Installation Complete.
Press Return
Status messages show the progress of
the Console Stats inst allati on. When al l
files have been set-up by the installer,
the Console Stats installation is
Press Enter to exit this screen an d
return to the APM Main Menu.
The Console Stats application can be used with the Hospitality Center System
(HCS) or Medical Center Syst em (MCS) applications. If Console St ats is to be used
with either of these applications, perform the following steps as appropriate:
HCS Configuration
If HCS is to be used with Console Statistics, then HCS must be configured as
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
Step 5:
Halt all HCS applications.
Add the following line to “/oai/app/hcs/cfg/Matcsii.cfg”:
- /oai/app/stats/cfg/api.cfg
Create a file called “/oai/app/hcs/cfg/Mserver.cfg” and insert the
following line:
- /oai/app/stats/cfg/api.cfg
Use the APM Administrator to set the User Defined #13 value of all
HCS_ServerX applications (HCS_Server1, HCS_Server2, etc.) to the
- /oai/app/hcs/cfg/Mserver.cfg
Restart all HCS applications.
MCS Configuration
NDA-30122 Revision 1
If MCS is to be used with
Console Statistics
as follows:
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Continue to Steps 4 and 5 on the next page...
Halt all MCS applications .
Add the following line to “/oai/app/mcs/menus/Mcs.cfg”:
- /oai/app/stats/cfg/api.cfg
Create a file called “/oai/app/mcs/menus/Mserver.cfg” and insert the
following line:
Since Console Stat s is int ernal ly suppo rted by t he APM, its two co mponents must
be configured in the APM enviro nment. This sec tion provides the i nformation tha t
must be entered into the APM configuration file.
Console Stats is set-up in the APM system using the Add function of the
Application Configuration option on the APM System Administration menu.
A Note on Se lecting Comm ands
In the following procedure s, a step may c all for pressi ng the Tab key to selec t
a command. It may be necessary to press the Tab key multiple times in order
to select the specific command. When reading a step, understand to press the
Tab key (as needed) to select the specified command.
APM System
Console Stats
Follow the steps to configure the APM system for Console Stats.
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Console Stats has two components that must be configured through the APM.
StatPatroller–Clears the database of old records, clears directories of old
StatLogger –Logs attendant on-line, off-line, login, and logout messages. It
Enter the APM option from the APM Platform Management menu.
Enter the System Administrator password at the APM password screen.
Select the Application Configura tion option from the System
Administration menu.
reports and old log files, and date-stamps the log files.
also logs ca ll messages — incoming, answer, abandon, recall,
and release. Messages are logged in the Informix database.
NDA-30122 Revision 1
Proceed to the next page to define these components...
From the APM Configuration En try scre en, config ure each c omponent as f ollows.
All parameters ma rked wi th aste risks (*) shoul d be ente red exactly as shown. The
rest of the en tries in the table below a re just examp les.
Application NameStatPatrollerStatLogger
Executable Filename*/oai/app/stats/bin/patroller/oai/app/stats/bin/logger
Response Mode*I(gnore)I(gnore)
Initialization Batch N(o)N(o)
Termination Mode*T(erminate)M(essage)
Standard Output/dev/null/dev/null
Number of Restarts00
Queue Key112
Application NameThe name to be displayed in the APM menus. This name
is displaye d as it is entered here — i.e., capital letters,
lowercase, etc.
Executable Filename*The path name of the executable file.
Group*The group that the comp onen t be longs to. Make no entry.
Response Mode*The action that the APM is to take with the component
should a member of the group terminate.
Initialization BatchWhether (Yes or No) the component is to be initialized
automatically when the OAI system is initialized.
Termination Mode*How the APM is to notify the component to terminate.
Standard Output Where any output is sent.
Number of R estarts Ho w many times the APM may restart the component
after it terminates in error.
Queue KeyThe interprocess communication key by which the
component communicates with other processes.
This completes the configuration of Console Stats into the APM.
Proceed to the next page to review database support for Console Stats...
Console Stats requires one database of its own in the APM. The Console Stats
database (statcfg) was loaded during software installation from the release media
and contains default field entries, most of which should not be changed without
first consulting an NEC representative. The statcfg database struc ture and contents
are described in the table below:
Master File Definition
Field Name
Automated Reports DirA25ASCII/oai/log/stats/arpts
Non-Automated Reports DirA25ASCII/oai/log/stats/narpts
Login Reports DirA25ASCII/oai/log/stats/lrpts
Log DirectoryA25ASCII/oai/log/stats
Report Generator ProcessA25ASCII/oai/app/stats/bin/rptgen
Database NameA9ASCIIstatsdb
Max Days to Keep RecordsN31730Short Integer365
Max DB Records to QueryN2150Short Integer50
The only field i n thi s dat abase whose en try s hould b e ch anged is t he Max Days to
Keep Records. This value reflects the number of days for which attendant data is
maintained in the database and can be any number of days, from 1 to 730. If you
need to change this value, use the Database Administration option on the APM
System Administration Menu. Refer to the APM Operations Manual for more
detailed instructions.
Page 18
Proceed to the next page to initialize the Console Stats components...
The two Console Stats components must be initialized from the APM as follows:
StatLogger Component
Follow the steps below to initialize the StatLogger component:
Step 1:
Step 2:
On the APM System Operations Menu, select the Non-CRT
Application Control option.
Use the Initialize command to start up the “StatLogger” component.
StatPatroller Component
Follow the s teps below to initialize the StatPatrolle r component:
Step 1:
On the APM System Administration Menu, select Control Options.
Step 2:
Step 3:
This completes all the application configurat ion.
On the Application Selection screen, selec t StatPatroller.
On the Application Control Options screen, create a schedule for StatPatroller to automatically initialize every midnight by making the
following entries:
Minute (0-59):0
Hour of Day (0-23):0
Day of Month (1-31):*
Month of Year (1-12):*
Day of Week (0-6):*
NDA-30122 Revision 1
Proceed to the next page to start-up the Console Stats application...
The Console Stats application executes on a UAP (User Application Processor).
From the UAP terminal, follow the steps below to login and start Console Stats:
Step 1:
At the Login: prompt, type ’stats’ (lower case) and press Enter.
- If the system is configured for a password
, a password prompt will be dis-
played. Type your password at the prompt and press Enter.
Step 2:
The Console Stats application will start and display the Main Menu
screen. See Figure 2-1.
Throughout Console Stats, the keys shown in the table will produce the associated
Enter or ReturnAccept a chosen selection or field entry
EscapeExit the current screen or window
TabMove to the next field on the screen or window
Back TabMove to the previous field on the screen or window
Down Arrow• Move down one line in a scrolling window or selection list
• Move to the next field on the screen or window
Up Arrow• Move up one line in a scrolling window or selection list
• Move to the next field on the screen or window
Left ArrowMove left one character in a field
Right ArrowMove right one character field
BackspaceMove left one character in a field, then delete the character
DeleteDelete the current character in a field
Home• Move to the first character in a field
• Move to the first line in a scrolling window
End• Move to the last character in a field
• Move to the last line in a scrolling window
Page UpMove up one page in a scrolling window
Page DownMove down one page in a scrolling window
Following the Console Stats login, the Con sole Stats Mai n Menu will be displ ayed
(Figure 2-1).
Figure 2-1 Main Menu Screen
Console Stats call pr ocessing reports can be d esigned with statistics to be computed
by hour or by day over a definable range of time or for today only. For example,
Console Stats can calc ulate the amount of ti me out of eve ry hour th at all l ogged-in
and active attendants spent talking to callers over the past week. The format for this
report would contain these settings:
Time Interval:Hourly
Statistic:Total Talk Time
The range of time set fo r this formatted rep ort when it is being gene rated on August
17, 1999 would look like this:
Starting Date:08/17/1999
Starting Time:08:00 AM
Ending Date:08/10/1999
Ending Time:08:00 AM
The Console Stats Main Menu shows the sequential approach to report product ion.
•The first s tep i s to cr eate a format
storage and retrieval), naming the interval by which its statistics are ca l culated
(e.g., by hour), and naming the specific statistics that are to be calculated from
call processing data.
the report, giving i t a name and identif ier (for
•The second step is to genera te the fo rmat ted r eport or schedul e it for automatic
generation. Generatin g the report in v olves naming t he range of time o ver which
the formatted statistics are to be calculated from the call pr ocessing data
collected for that time (for instance, over the past three days) and showing
whether the report is to be displayed, printed, and/or saved. Scheduling
automatic report generation involves naming a time at which the formatted
report will be generated, either once or on a recurring basis.
•Lastly, formatted and generated reports can be viewed and printed.
Main Menu
This sequence (descr ibed above) to produce a report is reflec ted in the Main Menu
(Figure 2-1) options.
•Report Formats –Create formats for reports of statistics calculated by
attendant or by the types of calls that ar e queued for and
by attendants.
•Report Generation – Genera te a formatted report of statis tics calculated f rom
call processing data collected before. Note that rep orts
formatted with a Current interval c an only be generated
through this option. They cannot be scheduled for
automatic generation.
•Automated Report – Schedule the specific time at which a formatted
Generation report is automatically generated once or on a recurri ng
basis. Note that only repo rts formatted for statistics
calculated by the hour and by the day
can be scheduled for automatic generation.
•Report Viewing –Display existing attendant login, automated and non-
automated reports for viewing and printing.
•Route Groups – Create trunk route groups
•Station Groups – Create station groups
Page 22
These option sele ctions and t heir functi ons are des cribed in de tail in ot her chapters
of this manual. Refer to the following:
•Report Formats – See Chapter 3
•Report Generation – See Chapter 4
•Automated Report – See Chapter 5
•Report Viewing – See Chapter 6
•Route Groups – See Chapter 7
•Station Groups – See Chapter 8
NDA-30122 Revision 1
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