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Microsoft®, Windows®, and Windows NT® are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
SunOS™ and Solaris™ are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.
Cisco® is a registered trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and certain other countries.
Part number: 856-126757-404-00
Second edition: Oct 2007
Features ................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Web browser setup ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Starting the BBI ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
Forms window ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
User Access Dashboard ....................................................................................................................................... 17
802.1x System Information ................................................................................................................................... 23
Forwarding Database Information ........................................................................................................................ 27
LACP Port Dashboard .......................................................................................................................................... 34
Uplink Fast General Information ........................................................................................................................... 35
RMON History Group Information ........................................................................................................................ 36
RMON Alarm Group Information .......................................................................................................................... 37
RMON Event Group Information .......................................................................................................................... 38
IP Interfaces Dashboard ....................................................................................................................................... 39
Route Table Information ................................ ....................................................................................................... 40
ARP Cache Information ........................................................................................................................................ 42
OSPF General Dashboard ................................................................................................................................... 46
OSPF Areas Dashboard ....................................................................................................................................... 46
RIP General Information ....................................................................................................................................... 49
Domain Name System Dashboard ....................................................................................................................... 53
IP Routing Dashboard .......................................................................................................................................... 54
802.1p Priority to CoS Dashboard ........................................................................................................................ 55
802.1p CoS Weight Dashboard ............................................................................................................................ 55
Access Control List Dashboard ............................................................................................................................ 56
ACL Groups Dashboard Table ............................................................................................................................. 57
Access Control List Group Dashboard ................................................................................................................. 57
TCP/IP Statistics (IF and IP Statistics) ................................................................................................................. 62
TCP/IP Statistics (ICMP and TCP Statistics) ........................................................................................................ 64
CPU Utilization ..................................................................................................................................................... 69
Port 802.1x Statistics ............................................................................................................................................ 77
IP Statistics ........................................................................................................................................................... 81
IP Routing Management Statistics (part one) ....................................................................................................... 82
OSPF General Statistics ....................................................................................................................................... 90
OSPF Areas Statistics ................................ .......................................................................................................... 92
OSPF IP Interfaces Statistics ............................................................................................................................... 96
Domain Name System Statistics ........................................................................................................................ 101
Access Control Lists Statistics ............................................................................................................................ 102
User Configuration Table .................................................................................................................................... 111
User Access Control Configuration .................................................................................................................... 112
Port-Based Port Mirroring Configuration ............................................................................................................ 127
802.1x General Configuration ............................................................................................................................. 129
Switch Spanning Tree Groups Configuration ..................................................................................................... 135
MSTP/RSTP General Configuration ................................................................................................................... 139
Trunk Groups Configuration ............................................................................................................................... 143
RMON History Configuration Table .................................................................................................................... 148
IP Interfaces Configuration ................................................................................................................................. 154
IP Static Routes Configuration ........................................................................................................................... 156
OSPF General Configuration .............................................................................................................................. 171
OSPF Areas Configuration ................................................................................................................................. 172
VRRP General Configuration ............................................................................................................................. 189
Domain Name System Configuration ................................................................................................................. 190
IP Routing General Configuration ....................................................................................................................... 191
QoS Priority CoS Configuration .......................................................................................................................... 192
QoS CoS Weight Configuration .......................................................................................................................... 192
ACL Groups Configuration ................................................................................................................................. 200
The 1Gb Intelligent L3 Switch software lets you use your Web browser to access switch information and
statistics and perform switch configuration via the Internet.
This guide provides an overview of how to access and use the switch browser-based interface (BBI).
This chapter briefly describes the software features and requirements for the switch browser-based interface
(BBI) and explains how to access the BBI start page.
Additional references
Additional information about installing and configuring the switch is available in the following guides.
The network administrator can access all switch configuration and monitoring functions through the BBI, a
Web-based switch management interface. The BBI has the following features:
Most of the same configuration and monitoring functions as the command line interface
Intuitive and easy-to-use interface structure
Nothing to install; the BBI is part of the switch software
Two default levels of password protection
Can be upgraded as future software releases are available
To use the browser-based interface, you need the following:
N8406-023 1Gb Intelligent L3 Swtich
Installed switch software
PC or workstation with network access to the switch
Frame-capable Web-browser software, such as the following:
Netscape Navigator 4.7x or higher
Internet Explorer 6.0x or higher
JavaScript enabled in your Web browser
Switch setup
Before you can access the BBI, minimal configuration is required on the switch.
Configuring IP interfaces
At least one IP interface must be configured on the switch. This is usually done from the command line
interface during first-time switch set up. Each IP interface address provides a point of access for switch
For more information about configuring an IP interface for management access, see the ―Using the command
line interface‖ section in the ―Accessing the switch‖ chapter of the N8406-023 1Gb Intelligent L3 Switch
>> Main# /cfg/sys/access/http <disable|enable (or just d|e)>
>> Main# /cfg/sys/access/https/https <disable|enable (or just d|e)>
>> Main# /cfg/sys/access/wport <TCP port number>
NOTE: JavaScript is not the same as Java™. Be sure that JavaScript is enabled in your Web browser.
By default, BBI access is enabled. If you need to disable or re-enable access, use the following command from
the command line interface:
By default, secure BBI access is disabled. If you need to enable access, use the following command from the
command line interface:
The default TCP port to use for BBI access is port 80. To change the port number, use the following command:
For more information on accessing and configuring the switch through the command line interface, see the
N8406-023 1Gb Intelligent L3 Switch Command Reference Guide.
Web browser setup
Most modern Web browsers work with frames and JavaScript by default, and require no additional set up.
However, you should check your Web browser‘s features and configuration to be sure frames and JavaScript
are enabled.
Starting the BBI
When the switch and browser setup is complete, follow these steps to launch the BBI:
1. Start your Web browser.
2. Enter the switch IP interface address in the Web browser Uniform Resource Locator (URL) field.
For example, if the switch IP interface has a network IP address of Using Internet Explorer,
you could enter the following (for secure BBI access, use https://).
If you do not use the default TCP port number (80) for BBI access, you can include the port number when
you enter the IP address:
If the switch IP interface address has a name on your local domain name server, you can enter the name
instead. Using Internet Explorer, you can enter the following:
3. Log in to the switch.
If your switch and browser are properly configured, you will be asked to enter a password.
Enter the account name and password for the switch.
For more password information, see the N8406-023 1Gb Intelligent L3 Switch Command Reference
NOTE: There may be a slight delay while the Dashboard page is initializing. You should not stop the browser
while loading is in progress. When loading is complete, a folder icon for the switch displays in the left-hand BBI
window. Click this folder and a tree of folders displays.
When the proper account name and password combination is entered, the BBI Dashboard page is
displayed in the browser viewing area.
When selected, you can access and alter the switch configuration forms. Select an item in the
navigation window to display the desired configuration form in the forms window.
Note: This context is only available when you are logged in as an administrator.
When selected, you can view information about switch performance. Select an item in the
navigation window to display the desired statistics in the forms window.
This context button is selected by default when the BBI is first activated. When selected, basic
switch information and status can be viewed in the forms window. Select an item in the navigation
window to display the desired dashboard information in the forms window.
Navigation Window
Forms Window
Browser-based interface basics
Once you are properly logged in, the switch BBI displays in the Web browser-viewing window.
There are three main regions on the screen.
The Toolbar is used for selecting the context for your actions in the other windows.
The Navigation window is used for selecting particular items or features to act upon.
The Forms window is used for viewing or altering switch information.
The toolbar contains buttons and commands used to access and execute switch functions.
Context buttons
The toolbar is used for setting the context for your actions in the application. There are three context buttons:
First click a context button, and then click an item in the navigation window. When a context button is selected,
the button is highlighted as a reminder of the current context mode.
Pending configuration changes do not take effect until you select the Apply command. Once
applied, all changes (except enabling/disabling Spanning Tree Protocol) take effect on the switch
immediately. If you do not save the changes, however, they will be lost the next time the switch is
Writes applied configuration changes to non-volatile flash memory on the switch (with the option of
not overlaying the current backup).
Removes pending configuration changes between Apply commands. Use this command to restore
configuration parameters set since last Apply command.
Shows any pending configuration changes.
Writes current switch configuration to the screen. Configuration information is displayed with
parameters that have been changed from default values.
Show Log
Opens a new Web-browser window for displaying the 100 most recent switch log messages. Close
the log browser when finished.
Opens a new Web-browser window for displaying the basic online help information. Close the help
browser when finished.
Logs off the switch and exits the BBI.
Open folder-
Click to close
Feature icon-
Click for form
Closed folder-
Click to open
Underlined item-
Click for form
The following general commands are available on the toolbar:
Navigation window
The navigation window is used for selecting a particular switch feature to act upon. Status, statistics, or
configuration forms for the selected item will display in the forms window, depending on the context chosen on
the toolbar.
The navigation window contains a tree of folders, subfolders, and feature icons.
Click any closed folder to open it and reveal its contents. Click any open folder to close it. Click any feature
icon to load the appropriate status, statistics, or configuration form in the forms window.
Some folders also have forms. If the name of a folder is underlined, click the name to display the appropriate
NOTE: Some items display blank forms, depending on the context. A blank form indicates that no information
or actions are available in that context.
Forms window
When a feature icon is selected on the navigation window, a status, statistics, or configuration form is
displayed in the forms window. The exact nature of the form depends on the current context selected on the
toolbar, as well as the type of information available. Not all feature icons have forms for all contexts.
Some forms display switch information such as settings, status, or statistics. Others allow you to make
configuration changes to switch parameters.
Displays the amount of time, in seconds, before a TACACS+ server
authentication attempt is considered to have failed.
Tacacs+ retries
Displays the number of failed authentication requests before switching to
a different TACACS+ server.
Tacacs+ Server
Displays the status of the TACACS+ server.
Tacacs+ Backdoor for Telnet
Displays the status of the TACACS+ back door for telnet. The telnet
command also applies to SSH/SCP connections and the Browser-based
Interface (BBI). This command does not apply when secure backdoor
(secbd) is enabled.
Tacacs+ Secure Backdoor for telnet
Displays the status of the TACACS+ back door using secure password for
telnet/SSH/ HTTP/HTTPS. This command does not apply when backdoor
(telnet) is enabled.
Tacacs+ new privilege level mapping
Displays the status of the TACACS+ new privilege-level mapping feature.
To display the following form, select System > Tacacs+.
The following table describes the switch TACACS+ Dashboard controls:
Shows if the port is enabled (green) or disabled (black).
Switch Port Info
Summarizes the following port information:
STP: Shows if the port has Spanning Tree Protocol enabled or disabled.
rmon: Shows if RMON is enabled or disabled.
portfast: Shows if Port Fast Forwarding is enabled or disabled.
tagging: Shows if this port has VLAN Tagging enabled or disabled.
PVID: VLAN ID of any VLAN(s) to which this port is a member.
Operational Status
Displays the operational status of the port.
Speed/Duplex/Flow Ctl
Displays parameters for the port link.
Input Frames/Output Frames
Displays the number of frames that have been received by this port (Input Frames)
and the number of frames that have been transmitted by this port (Output Frames).
Link State Changes/Total Errors
Displays the total number of link state changes for this port and the total number of
errors logged by this port.
Switch Ports Dashboard
To display the following form, select Switch Ports (click the underlined text, not the folder).
The following table describes the Switch Ports Dashboard controls:
For more information, select a port number to display detailed statistics for that port.
NOTE: The master forwarding database supports up to 8K MAC address entries on the MP per switch.
Table 13 Forwarding Database Information controls
Show Entries of a Specific Source Port
Displays FDB entries for the selected port(s).
Show Entries of a Specific State
Displays FDB entries by state.
Show Entries of a Specific VLAN
Displays FDB entries for the selected VLAN.
Show Entry of a Specific MAC address
Displays a single FDB entry by IP address.
Enter the MAC address using the format, xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx.
For example, 08:00:20:12:34:56
Clear Dynamic MACs
Removes learned FDB entries.
Entry #
Displays the numeric identifier of the FDB entry.
MAC Address
Displays the MAC address of the FDB entry.
Displays the VLAN number of the FDB entry.
Source Port
Displays the source port of the FDB entry.
Displays the trunk number of the FDB entry, if applicable.
Displays the port state of the FDB entry.
Learned Port
Displays the port number of the port that received the FDB entry.
Displays whether the FDB entry is a static, permanent entry.
To display the following form, select Layer 2 > FDB.
The forwarding database (FDB) contains information that maps the media access control (MAC) address of
each known device to the switch port where the device address was learned. The FDB also shows which other
ports have seen frames destined for a particular MAC address.
The following table describes the Forwarding Database Information controls:
An address that is in the forwarding (FORWARD) state means that the switch has learned it. When in the
trunking (TRUNK) state, the port field represents the trunk group number. If the state for the port is listed as
unknown (UNKNOWN), the MAC address has not yet been learned by the switch, but has only been seen as a
destination address. When an address is in the unknown state, no outbound port is indicated.
To search for a VLAN, enter a range of VLAN numbers in the From and To fields.
Search Options
To focus the search for a VLAN, enter optional search parameters:
VLAN Name VLAN State
Fields that have a value of ―any‖ are ignored during the search.
Choose a search operation:
or: Search for VLANS specified in the search range that meet any of the criteria
and: Search for VLANS specified in the search range that meet all of the criteria
Click Search to display VLANS that fit the range and meet the criteria entered.
Displays the numeric identifier of the VLAN.
Displays the name of the VLAN.
VLAN Ports
Displays the port numbers of ports that are members of the VLAN.
Shows if the VLAN is enabled or disabled.
VLANs Dashboard
To display the following form, select Layer 2 > Virtual LANs (click the underlined text, not the folder).
This form displays information for all configured VLANs and all member ports that have an active link state.
The following table describes the VLANs Dashboard controls:
Table 15 Switch Spanning Tree Groups Information controls
Search Range
To search for a Spanning Tree Group, enter a range of group numbers in the From and To
Search Options
To focus the search for a Spanning Tree Group, enter optional search parameters:
Bridge Priority Spanning Tree State
Fields that have a value of ―any‖ are ignored during the search.
Choose a search operation:
or: Search for spanning tree groups specified in the search range that meet any of the
criteria entered.
and: Search for spanning tree groups specified in the search range that meet all of the
criteria entered.
Click Search to display spanning tree groups that fit the range and meet the criteria entered.
Spanning Tree Group
Displays the numeric identifier of the Spanning Tree Group.
Shows if Spanning Tree is turned on or off for the port.
Bridge Priority
Controls which bridge on the network will become the STP root bridge.
This command does not apply to MSTP.
Bridge Hello Time
Specifies, in seconds, how often the root bridge transmits a configuration bridge protocol
data unit (BPDU). Any bridge that is not the root bridge uses the root bridge hello value.
This command does not apply to MSTP.
Bridge Max Age
Specifies, in seconds, the maximum time the bridge waits without receiving a configuration
bridge protocol data unit before it reconfigures the STP network.
This command does not apply to MSTP.
To display the following form, select Layer 2 > Spanning Tree Groups (click the underlined text, not the folder).
The following table describes the Switch Spanning Tree Groups Information controls:
Table 15 Switch Spanning Tree Groups Information controls
Bridge Forward Delay
Specifies, in seconds, the amount of time that a bridge port has to wait before it changes
from learning state to forwarding state.
This command does not apply to MSTP.
Bridge Aging Time
Specifies, in seconds, the amount of time the bridge waits without receiving a packet from a
station before removing the station from the Forwarding Database.
Select a Spanning Tree Group number to display detailed information.
Switch Spanning Tree Group Information
To display the following form, go to the Switch Spanning Tree Groups Information form. Select a Spanning
Tree Group number.