NEC N8405-024F User Guide

Read this guide carefully before using this product. Always keep this guide at hand so that you can see it when necessary.
2008 Apr. 2nd Edition
Blade Enclosure (SIGMABLADE-H)
PN# 456-01750-000
This product has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interface when the device is operated in a commercial environment. This device generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this device in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interface in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
To meet FCC rule, use the following rack with front and rear doors in place and closed. Never operate without doors and under doors are opened. APC “NetShelter® VX 42U Enclosure w/Sides Black” [AR2100BLK]
This is Class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
NEC EXPRESSBUILDER and NEC ESMPRO, NEC DianaScope, EXPRESSSCOPE, NEC ExpressCluster, SigmaSystemCenter, WebSAM, DeploymentManager and VALMOware Network Manager are trademarks or registered trademarks of NEC Corporation. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Server, Internet Explorer, .NET Framework are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. Intel and Pentium are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. HP-UX is a registered trade mark of Hewlett-Packard Company. Wake on LAN is a trade mark or registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Java and all logos related to Java are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. Tomcat is a trademark or registered trademark of Apache Software Foundation. Linux is a trademark or registered trademark of LinusTorvalds in the United States and other countries. All other product, brand or trade names mentioned in this publication are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Microsoft® Windows ServerTM 2003, Standard Edition, Microsoft® Windows ServerTM 2003, Enterprise Edition, Microsoft® Windows ServerTM 2003, Datacenter Edition, Windows ServerTM 2003, Standard x64 Edition, Windows ServerTM 2003, and Enterprise x64 Edition are called Windows Server 2003 in short. Microsoft® Windows ServerTM 2003 R2, Standard Edition, Microsoft® Windows ServerTM 2003 R2, Enterprise Edition, Microsoft® Windows ServerTM 2003 R2, Datacenter Edition, Microsoft® Windows ServerTM 2003 R2, Standard x64 Edition, Microsoft® Windows ServerTM 2003 R2, Enterprise x64 Edition, Microsoft® Windows ServerTM 2003 R2, and Datacenter x64 Edition are called Windows Server 2003 R2 in short. Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Server operating system, Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Advanced Server operating system, Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Professional operating system are called Windows 2000 in shot. Microsoft® Internet Explorer is called Internet Explorer for short.
Java Runtime Environment is called JRE for short.
Names used with sample applications are all fictitious. They are unrelated to any existing product names, names of organizations, or individual names.
(1) No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form without prior written permission of NEC Corporation (2) The contents of this manual are subject to change without prior notice. (3) The contents of this manual shall not be copied or altered without prior written permission of NEC Corporation (4) All efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of all information in this manual. If you find any part unclear,
incorrect, or omitted in this manual, contact the sales representative where you purchased this product.
(5) NEC assumes no liability arising from the use of this product, nor any liability for incidental or consequential
damage arising from the use of this manual regardless of (4) above.
Notes for safe handling
Indicates there is a risk of death or serious injury.
Indicates there is a risk of burn or injury.
This symbol indicates the presence of a hazard. An image in the symbol illustrates the hazard type.
Prohibited actions
This symbol indicates prohibited actions. An image in the symbol illustrates a particular prohibited action.
(Do not
Mandatory actions
This symbol indicates mandatory actions. An image in the symbol illustrates a mandatory action to avoid a particular hazard.
Do not plug the cord into a nonconforming outlet.
Use wall outlets with specified voltage and power type. Failure to observe this caution could result in a fire or current leakage.
Keep this User's Guide handy for quick reference when necessary. Make sure to read "Notes for safe handling." When you relocate the product, make sure to take this guide with the product.
This section provides information for using the product safely.
To use this product safely, follow the instructions in this User's Guide. This guide explains components that pose a danger, types of dangers caused by failing to follow the instructions, and actions taken to prevent them; such components are labeled warning.
This guide and warning labels use "WARNING" and "CAUTION" to indicate a danger depending on the degree. These terms are defined as follows:
This guide uses the following three types of symbols to give indications and precautions against a danger. They are defined as follows:
Example of indications in this guide
Symbol indicating attention Description of a danger Term indicating degree of danger
Indicates the risk of electric shock.
Indicates the risk of explosion.
Indicates the risk of injury due to a caught hand or finger.
Indicates the risk of smoke emission or fire outbreak.
Indicates the risk of burn due to hot surface.
Indicates the risk of injury due to rotation of objects.
Indicates a general notice or warning that cannot be specifically identified.
Indicates prohibition of disassembling or reconfiguring the unit.
Avoid using water or liquid nearby. If it spills on the card, there is a risk of electric shock or fire.
Do not touch with wet hands. There is a risk of electric shock.
Indicates notice of general prohibition.
Indicates instructions to pull power plug from outlet and to turn off main circuit breaker.
Indicates required general actions for operators.
Symbols and their descriptions used in this User's Guide and warning labels are as follows:
Prohibited actions
Mandatory actions
General precautions
Do not use this product for services where critical high availability may directly affect human lives.
This product is not intended to be used with or control facilities or devices concerning human lives, including medical devices, nuclear facilities and devices, aeronautics and space devices, transportation facilities and devices; and facilities and devices requiring high reliability. NEC assumes no liability for any accident resulting in personal injury, death, or property damage if this product has been used in the above conditions.
Do not disassemble, repair, or alter this product.
Never disassemble, repair, or alter this product on any occasion other than described in this manual, otherwise it may cause an electric shock or fire as well as malfunctions of this product.
Do not use this product if any smoke, odor, or noise is present.
If smoke, odor, or noise is present, immediately turn off the POWER of the CPU blades and disconnect the power plug from the outlet, then contact your sales representative. Using this product in such conditions may cause a fire.
Do not insert a wire or metal object.
Do not insert a wire or metal objects into a vent or a slot. There is a risk of electric shock.
Do not install or remove multiple CPU blades at the same time.
Install or remove CPU blades one at a time. If you install or remove two or more CPU blades, or install a CPU blade while the cover of another slot is removed, there is a risk of electric shock.
Precautions for safety
Observe the precautions for safety described in this section. The blade enclosure
(SIGMABLADE-H) on which this card is installed has power units. Carefully use them to avoid any electric shock.
Prevent water or foreign objects from the product.
Do not allow water or foreign objects (e.g., pins or paper clips) to enter into the product. There is a risk of fire, electric shock, and breakdown. When such things accidentally enter the server, immediately turn off the power and unplug the cords. Contact your sales representative instead of trying to disassemble it yourself.
Connect firmly.
Connect interface cables, option boards, and modules to the CPU blade securely. Install the card securely on the blade enclosure. Failure to connect or install securely may result in poor contact that can cause a fire or smoke.
Do not use any unauthorized interface cable.
Use only the interface cable that comes with this product. Use of an unauthorized interface cable may cause a fire when the electric current exceeds the rated flow. Also, observe the following to prevent an electric shock or fire caused by a damaged cord.
Do not touch the fan blades when moving.
Keep your hands or hair away from the cooling fans on the rear of the blade enclosure; otherwise they may get caught in the fan, resulting in injury. Do not insert an object in the fan. Doing so may cause personal injury as well as the malfunction of the device.
Do not touch the heated objects.
Immediately after the blade enclosure is powered off, components in the blade enclosure and CPU blades are very hot. Leave the blade enclosure until those components fully cool down before installing/removing any component. In addition, hot air is exhausted from the power supply fan. Keep your face and hands away from the air outlet.
Avoid contact with the blade enclosure during thunderstorms.
Disconnect the power plug from the outlet when a thunderstorm is approaching. If it starts thundering before you disconnect the power plug, do not touch any part of the blade enclosure including the cables, otherwise it may cause a fire or an electric shock.
Keep animals away.
Keep animals away from the product. Animal waste or hair may get inside the product, causing a fire or electric shock.
Do not use a cellular phone or pager near the product.
Turn off your cellular phone or pager when you use the product. Their radio waves may cause the server to malfunction.
Power Supply and Power Cord
Do not hold the power plug with wet hands.
Do not disconnect/connect the plug while your hands are wet, otherwise it may cause an electric shock.
Do not connect the protective earthing conductor to a gas pipe.
Never connect the protective earthing conductor to a gas pipe; otherwise it may cause a gas explosion.
Plug into a proper power source.
Use a proper wall outlet. Use of an improper power source may cause a fire or a leak. Do not install the blade enclosure where you need an extension cord. Use of a cord that does not meet the power specifications of the blade enclosure may heat up the cord and cause a fire. The maximum power consumption per power unit is 3000 VA. Note the capacity of a power unit when it is connected to CPU blades.
Do not connect many loads on one electrical outlet.
The electric current exceeding the rated flow overheats the outlet, which may cause a fire.
Place the power supply tap in a place where it is noticeable and easy to access.
Place the power supply tap in a place where it is noticeable and easy to access so that power can be shut off in emergency.
Insert the power plug completely.
Heat generation resulting from a halfway inserted power plug (imperfect contact) may cause a fire. Heat will also be generated if condensation is formed on dusty blades of the halfway inserted plug, increasing the possibility of fire.
Use the proper power cord only
Use of an improper power cord may cause a fire when the electric current exceeds the rated flow. Also, observe the following to prevent an electric shock or fire caused by a damaged cord.
Do not stretch the cord harness. Do not pinch the power cord. Do not bend the power cord. Keep chemicals away from the power cord. Do not twist the power cord. Do not place any object on the power cord. Do not bundle power cords. Do not alter, modify, or repair the power cord. Do not secure the power cord with staples or equivalents.
Do not use any damaged power cord. (Replace a damaged power cord with a new one of the same specifications. Ask your sales representative for detailed information on power code.)
Installation and handling of the rack
Install the server rack ONLY in a specified or designated environment
Do not install the rack on which the blade enclosure is installed in an unsuitable place. Other devices installed on the blade enclosure or the rack may be affected, a fire may occur, or the rack may fall, causing injury. For details about installation environment and quake-resistant engineering, see the manual attached to the rack or contact your maintenance service agent.
Do not install the blade enclosure in a non-conforming rack
Install the blade enclosure in a 19-inch rack conforming to the EIA standard. Do not install the blade enclosure in a nonconforming rack, otherwise devices on the blade enclosure may not function properly, and there is a risk of injuries or damage to physical assets. For more information about suitable racks on which the blade enclosure can be installed, contact your sales representative.
Set up noise treatment
The blade enclosure may emit loud noises from fans when it is operating. It is recommended to install the blade enclosure in a dedicated room that is distant from people. Arrange acoustic noise treatment such as partitions if you work near the operating blade enclosure for a long period of time.
Do not carry or install alone.
Carry or install a rack with two or more people. If the rack is carried by one person, the rack may fall and cause injury or damage to physical assets. A tall rack such as a 44 U rack, in particular, is unstable if it is not fixed by stabilizers. Make sure to support the rack with two or more people to carry and/or fix it.
Do not install the rack in such a manner that weight is imposed on a single spot.
Avoid concentration of weight loads of the rack and units installed on a single spot. Use stabilizers or connect two or more racks to balance loads. If not, the rack may fall over and cause injury.
Do not carry or remove parts alone.
Do not work alone to install or remove a part such as a rack door and tray. The part may fall and be damaged, and there is a risk of injury.
Use a lifter to install a unit.
Use a lifter to install/remove a unit. Otherwise, the unit may fall and be damaged, and there is a risk of injury especially when you are working with a tall rack (such as 44U rack).
Do not pull out a unit when the rack is not stabilized.
When you pull out a unit from the device, make sure that the rack is fixed (by using stabilizers or quake-resistant engineering).
Do not pull out two or more units from the rack at the same time.
When two or more units are pulled out from the rack, the rack may fall over. Pull out one unit at a time.
Do not install excessive wiring beyond the rated power supply.
To prevent burns, fires, and damage to the rack, make sure that the rated load of the power branch circuit is not exceeded. For more information on installation and wiring of power-related facilities, contact your electrician or local power company.
Installation, relocation and storage of the blade enclosure
Separate the blade enclosure into two components and carry each component with two or more people.
When you want to carry the blade enclosure, separate the rear cage from the module to make the blade enclosure into two components. With no modules such as a CPU blade or power unit installed, the enclosure and the rear cage weigh 35.5kg and
31.5kg respectively. Carrying the enclosure or rear cage alone may result in injury. Carry the enclosure/rear cage with two or more people and firmly hold the handles of the enclosure or any designated areas. Do not carry the blade enclosure if any module, such as a CPU blade or power unit, is installed.
Do not install the blade enclosure in a place other than specified.
Do not install the blade enclosure in a place other than specified in this guide. Avoid the following locations. There is a risk of fire.
a dusty place
a humid place located near a boiler, etc.
a place exposed to direct sunlight
an unstable place
● a non-restricted access place
Do not use or store the blade enclosure in a corrosive environment.
Avoid using or storing the blade enclosure in an environment which may be exposed to corrosive gases, such as those including but not limited to: sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen dioxide, chlorine, ammonia and/or ozone. Avoid installing the blade enclosure in a dusty environment or a place that may be exposed to corrosive materials such as sodium chloride and/or sulfur. Avoid installing the blade enclosure in an environment that may have excessive metal flakes or conductive particles in the air. Such environments may cause corrosion or short circuits within the blade enclosure, resulting in damage to the blade enclosure and possibly a fire hazard. If there are any concerns regarding the environment at the planned site of installation or storage, please contact your sales representative.
Do not use the blade enclosure with its covers and fan units removed.
Do not use the blade enclosure with its covers and fans removed. If you use the blade enclosure without them, the cooling efficiency inside the blade enclosure degrades, causing malfunction. Also, dust may get in and cause a fire or electric shock.
Be careful not to hurt your fingers.
Take precautions to avoid pinching your fingers when installing or removing the blade server on or from the rack.
Be careful not to drop the blade enclosure.
Firmly hold the handles on both sides of the blade enclosure to install or remove it on the rack. Since brackets on the rack have no mechanism to prevent the device from falling off, such as a stopper or lock, pulling a device fully out of the rack can result in the device falling and causing injury. When you install or remove the blade enclosure, hold the handles on both sides firmly or use a lifter.
Do not impose loads on the blade enclosure while it is pulled out of the rack.
Do not impose loads on the top of the blade enclosure while it is pulled out from the rack. The frame may be damaged, and you may not be able to install the blade enclosure on the rack. There is a risk of the blade enclosure falling and causing injury as well.
Do not cover ventilation openings.
Do not cover ventilation openings of the blade enclosure. Additionally, do not cover rack openings. If they are covered, the temperature of devices on the blade enclosure may rise, which may result in a fire.
Do not leave the blade enclosure pulled out of the rack.
Do not operate or perform maintenance with the blade enclosure pulled out. Since the brackets on the rack have no mechanism to prevent the blade enclosure from falling off, such as a stopper or lock, pulling the blade enclosure fully out of the rack can result in the blade enclosure falling and causing injury.
Do not hold any installed module or power unit cover.
When you carry the blade enclosure, do not hold any installed module or power
unit cover. Because they are movable, you might drop the blade enclosure if you
hold them.
Wear a wrist strap to eliminate static electricity.
Installed modules and peripheral devices contain parts that are sensitive to electrostatic discharge. Wear a wrist strap to eliminate static electricity when you install or remove the modules or peripheral devices or connect interface cables.
Failure action
Failure action.
When the device fails, shut off the branch circuit breaker of the power distribution board, unplug the device, and contact your sales maintenance personnel.
Lithium battery.
The EM card installed on the blade enclosure uses a lithium battery (the battery is not replaceable). Contact your NEC sales representative before disposing the EM card.
Disposal and recycling.
Contact your NEC sales representative before disposal, collection, or recycling of the device.
Maintenance, cleaning and handling of internal devices
Do not place your hands inside the blade enclosure.
Do not place your hands inside the blade enclosure when you install or remove it. There is a risk of electric shock. Do not remove the cover attached to the blade enclosure except when necessary, such as when installing a device. Installation/removal of a device should be done one by one.
Unplug power cords before maintenance.
Before maintenance, power off all devices installed on the blade enclosure and unplug the power cords. Even if devices are powered off, there is a risk of electric shock or fire as well as malfunction when maintenance is performed on the devices on the blade enclosure with their power cords plugged in. Disconnect the power plugs from the outlet occasionally and clean the plugs with a dry cloth. Heat will be generated if condensation is formed on a dusty plug, which may cause a fire.
During operation
Do not touch when it thunders.
Unplug the power plugs when a thunderstorm is approaching. If it starts to thunder before you unplug them, do not touch the blade enclosure and cables. There is a risk of fire or electric shock.
Keep animals away.
Keep animals away from the blade enclosure. Animal waste or hair may get inside the blade enclosure and cause a fire or electric shock.
Do not pull out the blade enclosure from the rack while it is running.
Do not pull out or remove the blade enclosure from the rack while a device on the blade enclosure is running. The device may malfunction, and there is a risk of injury.
Do not place any unfixed equipment on the top of the blade enclosure.
To avoid the risk of personal injury or damage to the equipment, never place unfixed equipment on top of the blade enclosure.
In the European Union
EU-wide legislation as implemented in each Member State requires that used electrical and electronic products carrying the mark (left) must be disposed of separately from normal household waste. When disposing of used NEC products, you should comply with applicable legislation or such terms which may have been agreed between NEC and your company regarding used products. The mark on the electrical and electronic products only applies to the current European Union Member States.
Outside the European Union
If you wish to dispose of used electrical and electronic products outside the European Union, please contact your local authority and ask for the correct method of disposal.
Disposing of your used NEC product
Warning labels
Warning labels are placed in certain parts of the blade enclosure so that the user stays alert to possible risks that may arise. (Do not remove or damage these labels). If a label is missing, peeling off, or illegible, contact your sales representative. For information on symbols in the labels, see "Safety indications" at the top of this document.
About maintenance services
Diagnostic and maintenance services by personnel with expertise on maintenance of the blade enclosure are available.
Handling precautions to use the device correctly
Observe the following precautions to use the blade enclosure device correctly. Failure to observe the precautions can result in malfunction or mechanical error.
Blade enclosure
- Use a rack that allows installation of the blade enclosure.
- This product must be installed in a restricted access location.
- Make sure to install or remove parts, such as fan units, correctly when a module is installed or removed.
- Remove the dust on the exterior and fans located at the front and rear of the blade enclosure regularly. Regular cleaning prevents various failures from occurring.
- The voltage may drop momentarily due to lightning. It is recommended to use a device such as an uninterruptible power supply system to prevent this problem.
Adding optional power supplies and other electronic parts
- These products are made of very static-sensitive parts. Eliminate static electricity before handling the products. Do not touch plug terminals or parts with your hands. Do not place the products directly on a desk.
- Do no use any optional devices other than those shipped with the blade enclosure or specified by NEC. Even if such optional devices can be installed on or connected to the blade enclosure, they may not work properly or can damage the blade enclosure.
- It is recommended to use genuine NEC products for optional devices. Some optional devices from other manufacturers are supported in the blade enclosure. However, services for repairing malfunctions or damage caused by them are provided at your expense, even in the warranty period.
Notes for safety handling ........................................... 3
SAFETY INIDICATIONS .................................. 3
Symbols and their descriptions used in this User's Guide and warning labels ar
as follows: ........................................................ 4
Precautions for safety ..................................... 5
General precautions ............................. 5
Power Supply and Power Cord .......... 7
Installation and handling of the
rack ....................................................... 8
Installation, relocation and storag
of the blade enclosure ...................... 10
Failure action ..................................... 12
Disposal .............................................. 12
Maintenance, cleaning and
handling of internal devices .............. 13
During operation ................................ 13
Installing a switch module or
pass-through card .............................. 38
Removing a switch module or
pass-through card .............................. 40
Installing a CPU blade .................................. 41
Installable CPU blades ...................... 45
Installing a CPU blade ...................... 46
Removing a CPU blade .................... 48
Assembling a full-height CPU
blade slot cover ................................. 49
Disassembling a full-height CPU
blade slot cover ................................. 53
Installing the EM card ................................... 54
Installing an EM card ........................ 55
Removing an EM card ...................... 56
Installing a fan unit ....................................... 57
Installing a fan unit ........................... 61
Disposing of your used NEC product .......... 14
Warning labels ............................................... 14
Handling precautions to use the device corre
ctly .................................................................. 15
Preface ....................................................................... 21
Overview .................................................................... 21
Accessories ................................................................ 21
Components ............................................................... 22
Front view ...................................................... 22
Rear view ....................................................... 23
Installation .................................................................. 24
Checking components ................................... 24
Installing the blade enclosure on a
rack ................................................................. 24
Check components to install............. 24
Required Tools ................................... 25
Installation Procedure ........................ 25
Removing a fan unit ......................... 62
Installing the front bezel ............................... 63
Filter cleaning..................................... 63
Opening the front bezel .................... 64
Closing the front bezel ...................... 65
Connecting cables ..................................................... 66
Front ............................................................... 66
Local console ..................................... 66
Rear ................................................................ 68
EM serial console .............................. 68
EM console ........................................ 69
LAN console....................................... 70
SFP connector (switch module) ........ 71
SFP connector (pass-through card) . 71
Power connector ................................ 72
Installing cable clamps ...................... 74
Removing a power cord form
Removing the blade enclosure
from the rack ..................................... 29
Installing a switch module or
pass-through card .......................................... 31
Installable switch modules and
pass-through cards ............................ 32
a cable clamp .................................... 77
Emergency power off (EPO) .................................... 79
Power supply tap ............................... 79
Emergency power off switch............. 80
Power unit .................................................................. 81
Installing a power unit ....................... 84
Removing a power unit ..................... 85
Power unit cover ........................................... 86
Opening the power unit cover .......... 86
Closing the power unit cover ........... 87
Moving the key box .......................... 87
Power on and off ...................................................... 88
Powering on and off the blade
enclosure ........................................................ 88
Powering on and off the blade
enclosure without uninterruptible
power supply system (UPS). ............ 88
Powering on and off the blade
enclosure with uninterruptible
power supply system (UPS). ............ 89
Powering on and off a CPU blade .............. 90
Powering on and off a CPU
blade by its power switch ................. 91
an user (EM card) ........................... 108
Power unit settings (EM card)........ 109
Verifying, backing up, and restoring the EM card
configuration ..................................... 110
DianaScope settings (EM card) ...... 112
Other settings (CPU blade) ............ 112
Console connection to switch
module/pass-through card ............... 112
Other settings
(switch module/through card) .......... 113
Checking operational status ........................ 114
Blade enclosure ............................... 114
Fan unit ............................................ 114
Power unit ........................................ 115
Updating the enclosure manager
firmware ........................................................ 116
Powering on a CPU blade
by the blade enclosure ..................... 91
Powering on a CPU blade via a network (switch module/pass­through card)/serial connector
(CPU blade) ....................................... 91
Powering on a CPU blade by the net work serial (COM) port of an EM card
............................................................ 92
Command-line interface (CLI) (EM card) ................. 97
Connecting a cable to a console ................. 97
Starting a console ......................................... 97
EM serial console (serial
connection) ......................................... 97
EM console (Telnet connection) ....... 98
EM console (SSH connection).......... 98
Initial settings ................................................. 99
Setting EM firmware image ............ 117
Updating the EM firmware .............. 118
Password recovery ...................................... 120
Replacing modules .................................................. 121
Switch module/pass-through card ............... 121
CPU blade ................................................... 122
EM card ....................................................... 123
Fan unit ........................................................ 125
Power unit .................................................... 126
Command input Specifications................................ 131
How to start a CLI ...................................... 131
How to start ..................................... 131
Via the EM serial console .............. 131
Telnet/SSH ....................................... 132
How to enter a command .......................... 133
Basics ............................................... 133
How to enter a command .............. 133
Date and time settings
(EM card) ........................................... 99
User settings (EM card) .................. 100
Rack settings (EM card) ................. 101
Blade enclosure settings
(EM card) ......................................... 101
Network settings (EM card) ............ 103
SNMP settings (EM card) ............... 106
Setting module access right for
User account management ......................... 136
Prompt .............................................. 134
Key operation for entering a
command .......................................... 134
Overview ........................................... 136
Default user...................................... 136
User account .................................... 136
Access right ..................................... 136
Administrator..................................... 136
CLI additional user .......................... 137
Commands ............................................................... 138
Commands ................................................... 138
Command specification ........................................... 147
Description .................................................... 147
General commands...................................... 148
Clearing the CLI terminal
screen ............................................. 148
Terminating CLI ............................... 148
Displaying a help message............. 148
Displaying command entry
history ............................................. 149
Rack management commands ................... 151
Naming a rack ................................. 151
Displaying a rack name .................. 151
Configuring the unique ID for the rack
.......................................................... 152
PING ................................................. 162
Initializing the configuration data
(restoring default values) ............... 163
Enclosure network commands .................... 165
Registering DNS servers ................. 165
Registering addresses to allow IP acc
ess .................................................... 165
Registering SNMP trap
destinations ..................................... 165
Disabling the IP-based access
control function ............................... 166
Disabling the NTP functions ........... 166
Disabling the functions for the
SSH connection ............................... 166
Disabling the SNMP functions ........ 167
Disabling the SNMP TrapAck
Displaying the rack unique ID ........ 152
Displaying connection status of blade enclosures in the same
rack ................................................. 152
User management commands .................... 154
Adding a user .................................. 154
Assigning a user (for CPU blades/swit
ch modules) ..................................... 154
Assigning a user (for EM card) ..... 155
Disabling a registered user ............. 156
Enabling a disabled user ................ 156
Deleting users .................................. 156
Configuring a password .................. 157
Registering a user contact
information ...................................... 157
Configuring a full user name .......... 158
Configuring a password .................. 159
functions ........................................... 167
Disabling the functions for
Telnet connection ............................. 167
Enabling the IP-based access
control function ................................. 168
Enabling the NTP functions ............ 168
Enabling the functions for the
SSH connection ............................... 168
Enabling the SNMP functions ......... 169
Enabling the SNMP TrapAck
functions ........................................... 169
Enabling the functions for Telnet
connection ........................................ 169
Deleting a registered DNS
server ................................................ 170
Deleting a registered IP
address ............................................. 170
Configuring the access right ........... 159
Displaying registered users ............. 160
Cancelling user assignment
(for CPU blade/switch module) ..... 160
Cancelling user assignment
(for EM card) ................................. 161
System management commands ................ 162
Forcefully disconnecting access to the EM serial console of switch module 1
Deleting a registered SNMP trap desti
nation ................................................ 170
Configuring IP addresses ................ 171
Configuring a domain name ........... 172
Configuring the default gateway ..... 172
Configuring NTP refresh
intervals ............................................ 172
Configuring the IP address of the pri
mary NTP server ............................. 173
Configuring the IP address of the sec
ondary NTP server .......................... 173
Configuring the name of an SNMP community allowing the
Get operation ................................... 173
Configuring the name of an SNMP community allowing the
Get/Set operation ............................. 174
Configuring the name of an SNMP community allowing the
Trap operation .................................. 174
Configuring a SNMP contact .......... 175
Configuring an SNMP location ....... 175
Configuring the blade enclosure
location in the rack ......................... 176
Configuring the rack height............. 176
Configuring a SNMP TrapAck
Configuring a time zone ................. 187
Displaying all information about
configuration of the blade
enclosure. ......................................... 187
Displaying the configuration of the CLI
auto termination function ............... 188
Displaying the configuration
information in the CLI command
format ............................................... 188
Displaying date and time ................ 190
Displaying the configuration of the fun
ction to display events .................... 190
Displaying the fan information ........ 190
Displaying the blade enclosure
information ........................................ 193
Displaying the power unit
information ........................................ 194
port number...................................... 177
Displaying the network settings ...... 177
Displaying the SNMP settings ........ 178
SNMP Trap test ............................... 179
Enclosure management command ............. 180
Downloading the configuration
settings (restoration) ........................ 180
Switching active EM ........................ 181
Restarting the EM firmware ............ 182
Configuring the function to
automatically terminate CLI ............. 182
Configuring date and time .............. 182
Configuring the function to display
events ............................................... 183
Configuring the asset tag of the blade
enclosure ........................................ 184
Configuring the machine serial
Displaying the blade enclosure
status ................................................ 196
Displays the blade enclosure
temperature ...................................... 197
Displaying the settings on the
power management function ........... 197
Displaying the EM card /EM
firmware version ............................... 198
Updating EM firmware ..................... 198
Uploading (backing up) the
configuration information .................. 199
Configuring the power saving
mode ................................................. 200
Configuring the maximum
consumable power setting .............. 200
CPU blade management commands.......... 202
Power off CPU blades .................... 202
number of the blade enclosure ...... 184
Configuring the blade enclosure
name ................................................. 185
Configuring the ID LED of the
blade enclosure ................................ 185
Configuring the power control
policy ................................................ 186
Configuring the power redundancy mo
de ...................................................... 186
Power on CPU blades .................... 202
Resetting CPU blades ..................... 203
Controlling the CPU blade ID LED 203
Displaying CPU blade
information ........................................ 203
Listing the CPU blade information in a
list ................................................... 206
Displaying the CPU blade port
map information
(E-Keying information) ..................... 207
Displaying CPU blade status .......... 207
Configuring the power-on delay
time of the CPU blade ................... 208
Displaying the power-on delay
time of the CPU blade ................... 209
Switch module management
command ...................................................... 211
Connecting to the EM serial
console of the switch module......... 211
Powering off switch modules .......... 213
Powering on switch modules .......... 214
Restarting a switch module ............ 214
Configuring a User Assigned
Name of a switch module .............. 215
Controlling the ID LED of a switch m
odule ................................................. 215
Configuring the language type for EM
cards ............................................... 223
NEC Diana Scope control commands ....... 225
Configuring an NEC DianaScope user
password ........................................ 225
Command name .............................. 225
Argument .......................................... 225
Default value .................................... 225
Supplementary information .............. 225
Displaying an NEC DianaScope
user password .................................. 225
Configuring the DSG status ........................ 226
Default value .................................... 226
Supplementary information .............. 226
Displaying the DSG status ......................... 226
Default value .................................... 227
Supplementary information .............. 227
Displaying information on switch
modules ............................................ 216
Displaying the list of switch
modules ............................................ 216
Displaying the switch module map info
rmation (E-Keying information)........ 217
Displaying the status of switch
modules ............................................ 218
EM management commands ...................... 221
Configuring the unique name of
an EM card ...................................... 221
Controlling the EM card LED ......... 221
Displaying information about the
EM card(s) ....................................... 222
Displaying EM card status .............. 222
Configuration management .......................... 228
Overview ........................................... 228
Backing up configuration ................. 228
Restoring configuration .................... 228
Appendix ....................................................... 229
Time zone ........................................ 229
NEC ESMPRO Manager and Agent ...................... 230
NEC DianaScope Manager, Agent ......................... 231
Troubleshooting ........................................................ 232
Power supply ............................................... 232
Input/output ................................................... 233
Disposal .................................................................... 238
Transfer to third party ............................................. 238
Specification ............................................................. 238
Keep the accessories in a safe place. You may need them when an optional device is added or when the blade enclosure experiences a failure.
Thank you for purchasing the N8405-024F Blade Enclosure (SIGMABLADE-H). The blade enclosure houses modules such as CPU blades, switch modules, pass-through cards, EM cards, power units, and fan units to integrate their functions and to allow CPU blades to function as servers. Read this guide before you start using the blade enclosure. Also, refer to the "User's Guide" and "Startup Guide" that come with the SIGMABLADE series.
* This guide can be used for the Slot Cover (Power Unit) N8405-036, Slot Cover (Fan) N8405-037 and the Slot Cover (Switch
Module) N8405-038 as well.
This blade enclosure can integrate a maximum of 16 servers' functions into one blade enclosure by housing a maximum of 16 CPU blades and 8 pass-through cards or switch modules in a case of 10U (about 445mm).
N8405-025F Power Unit (option) can be optionally added to the power units that are equipped as standard. A maximum of six power units can be mounted. The power units support the N+1 redundant mode or the N+N redundant mode. These modes allow for continuous operation even if one power unit or one power unit system fails. The EM card on the blade enclosure allows for management of fan units, power units, and CPU blades. You can use remote KVM of CPU blades by connecting the LAN connecter on an EM card to an external console (such as a PC).
This product is shipped with various accessories. See the attached components list to check that everything is included and not damaged. If any accessory is missing or damaged, contact your sales representative.
1. Blade slot
From the upper left: Slot 1 – Slot 8 From the lower left: Slot 9 – Slot 16
2. CPU blade slot cover
A plate to cover a slot where no optional CPU blade is installed
3. Power unit
From the left: Power unit 1 - Power unit 6
4. Power unit slot cover
A cover for a slot where no optional power unit is installed
5. Power unit ejector
Turn this ejector and pull the handle to remove a power unit.
6. Power unit lock
Pull this lock forward to release the lock of a power unit ejector.
7. Power LED (green)
This LED is green when AC power is supplied.
8. Power STATUS LED (amber)
This LED is amber when an error occurs.
9. Key box
A box to fix and lock the power unit cover (can be slid toward left and right)
10. Separator
A plate to separate the blade slot into the upper and lower tier (when installing a full-height blade, remove this plate)
1 3 6 7 8 5 2
4 9 10
The following illustrationdepicts the blade enclosure components. The illustration depicts optional modules attached to the blade enclosure that are not included as standard.
Front view
(When the front bezel and the power unit cover are opened)
1. Fan unit
From the upper left: Fan unit 1 – Fan unit 5
From the lower left: Fan unit 6 – Fan unit 10
2. Fan LED (green/amber)
This LED is green when the status is normal. When an error occurs, it is amber.
3. Fan unit ejector
Pull this ejector to remove a fan unit.
4. Switch module slot
From the top left: Slot 1, Slot 2 From the second tier left: Slot 3, Slot 4 From the third tier left: Slot 5, Slot 6 From the bottom left: Slot 7, Slot 8
5. Switch module cover
A cover for a slot where no optional switch module is installed.
6. EM card
From the left: EM card1, EM card 2
7. EM card slot cover
A cover for a slot where no optional additional EM card is installed.
8. EM card release lever
Pull this lever forward to remove the EM card.
9. EM tray release lever
Pull this lever forward to remove the EM tray. *This module should not be removed by anyone
except maintenance staff.
10. AC inlet
A socket to which a power cord is connected AC inlets correspond to the power units 1 – 6 on the front side from right
11. Dedicated Management LAN connector (EM card)
Connected to a network system that supports 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX (auto-negotiation only)
12. SPEED LED (green) (EM card)
Green when the management LAN is operating in 100BASE-TX
13.LINK/ACT LED (green) (EM card)
Green when the management LAN connector is connected to a network. When there is access, it flashes green.
14. RESET switch (EM card)
A switch to reboot the EM card
15. STATUS LED (green/amber) (EM card)
Green when the status is normal. When an error occurs, it is amber.
16.ACTIVE LED (green) (EM card)
Green on the active EM card. Off on the standby EM card
17.ID LED (blue) (EM Card)
Used to identify EM card
18.Serial (COM) port (EM card)
A port to connect the EM serial console
19. ID LED (blue) (the blade enclosure)
Used to identify blade enclosure
20. Power fan vent
Ejects exhaust air from a power fan
21. Power retention tie
A tie to fix a power cord * These parts may not be installed.
22. Connector for maintenance
* These ports are for maintenance only.
23. Support stay
A plate to separate the switch module slot into the left and right side.
1 3 4 8 9
14 1516
Close-up of the EM card
2 5 7
11 13
20 6 21 8 22
Rear view
Make sure to follow the instructions and notes to use the blade enclosure and other devices safely. There is a risk of death or serious injury. For more information, see the descriptions on page 3.
Do not install the blade enclosure on a nonstandard rack.
●Do not use the blade enclosure in a place other than specified.
Make sure to follow the instructions and notes to use the blade enclosure and other devices safely. There are risks of a burn, injury, or damage to physical assets. For more information, see the descriptions on page 3.
Separate the blade enclosure into two components and carry each component with two or more people.
Do not install the blade enclosure in a place other than specified
Do not use the blade enclosure with its covers and fan units removed.
Be careful not to hurt your fingers.
Do not impose loads on the blade enclosure while it is pulled out of the rack.
Do not cover air vents.
Check components to install
The shapes of rail brackets (L) and (R) are not the same. See the illustrations on the following pages to check the locations and directions they should be installed. The rail brackets (L) and (R) can be distinguished from each other by their marks.
Checking components
See the attached list to check that you have all the accessories and components.
Installing the blade enclosure on a rack
Install the blade enclosure on a rack. This section also describes how to remove the blade enclosure as well.
You need the following components:
- Rail bracket (L) (1) (Shipped with the blade enclosure)
- Rail bracket (R) (1) (Shipped with the blade enclosure)
- Core nut (square hole) or clip nut (circular hole) (4) (Shipped with the blade enclosure)
Required Tools
Installation Procedure
Before you install the blade enclosure on a rack, remove the doors at the front
and rear of the rack. For information on removing the rack doors, see the instructions that come with the rack.
Holes on the rack frame are not spaced evenly. Check that the four projections on each rail bracket's end match with holes on the rack frame where the rail bracket is attached before installing the blade enclosure.
Attach core nuts or clip nuts here (four total on right and left).
Attach the rail brack et (R) here.
Attach the rail brack et (L) here.
No core nuts/clip nuts are attached on the rear of the rack.
Attach rail brackets (R) and (L) on the rear of the rack like the front side.
Blade enclosure is installed here.
Rack front view
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 9
A torx driver (T25) is necessary to install the blade enclosure on a rack.
Complete the following steps to install the blade enclosure on a rack. See the instructions that come with the rack as well.
● Check where the blade enclosure will be installed. Attach core nuts or clip nuts as shown in the illustration below and attach the rail brackets
(L)/(R) to the rack to install the blade enclosure. Check where the blade enclosure, rail brackets, and core nuts/clip nuts will be attached and installed.
Next to the rack holes, there are marks that are spaced by 1U (a unit to represent rack height). Because the height of the blade enclosure is 10U (approximately 445mm), install the blade enclosure in a space with a 10U height.
Check that the core nuts/clip nuts are attached on the same height on the right and left side of the rack.
Check that the rails are installed on the same level at the front and rear of the rack. Check that the right and left rails are installed in parallel.
Insert 4 projections into the rack frame holes.
Insert 4 projections into the rack frame holes.
Rack front
Rack rear
Attaching the rail bracket (R)
● Attach core nuts/clip nuts. Attach core nuts or clip nuts inlcuded with the blade enclosure at the positions determined in
"Check where the blade enclosure is installed." Attach a total of four core nuts or clip nuts on the rack front (two each on the right and left side).
● Attach rail brackets. Attach rail brackets to the rack.
When you attach a rail bracket, make sure that the four projections at its bent end are inserted into the holes on the rear frame of the rack from the outside . Slide the rail according to the rack depth and insert the four projections on the other end into the holes on the front frame of the rack as well. The illustration below shows how the rail bracket (R) is attached. Attach the rail bracket (L) in the same way.
● Separate the blade enclosure into two components. Remove the rear cage from the
1. If any modules such as CPU blades
or power units are installed on the blade enclosure, remove them. For information on removing installed modules, see their instructions for removal.
● When you carry the rear cage, hold the two handles at the rear of the enclosure (one each on both the right and left side) and the holding points at the bottom (one each on the right and left side).
● When you remove the rear cage, make sure not to bump or bend the connectors and pins of the rear cage that are located at the section connecting to the enclosure (midplane) against the enclosure or rack frame. The midplane is the board to connect the CPU blades to switch modules or pass-through cards inside the blade enclosure.
● Do not touch any connectors and pins of the rear cage.
The rear cage is heavy, especially the side of the section connecting to the enclosure of the blade enclosure (midplane).When you hold the holding points at the bottom to carry the rear cage, hold the midplane side as much as possible.
Stop lever One each on the right and left side
Holding point (One each on the right and left side)
2. Use a torx driver (T25) to remove the screws at the rear of the blade enclosure (two each on the right and left side for a total of four), and then bend the hinges outward so that the rear cage will not hit them when it is removed.
3. Firmly hold the handles of the
blade enclosure, which are located at its rear, on the right and left side and slowly slide the enclosure out approximately 10 cm. This step should be done by two or more people.
4. Firmly hold the handles of the rear
cage and the holding points at the bottom (one each on the right and left side) as shown in the right illustration with two or more people and pull out the rear cage slowly until the tips of the stop levers located at the side of the rear cage are shown.
5. Keep pressing the two stop levers
on both the right and left sides and hold the handles of the rear cage and slowly pull out the rear cage until the stop levers are fully shown.
6. Firmly hold the handles of the rear
cage and the holding points at the bottom with two or more people and slowly remove the rear cage from the enclosure.
● When you carry the enclosure, hold the four handles at both sides of the enclosure (two each on the right and left side).
● When you install the enclosure, stow the four handles at both sides of the enclosure (two each on the right and left side) to prevent them from bumping against the rack frames.
Check that the enclosure is correctly mounted on the L-shaped frames of the rail brackets during the installation.
Before installing the rear cage, bend the hinges to the outward direction to prevent the screws at the rear of the blade enclosure (four screws, two each on the right and left side) from hitting the rear cage.
Check that the rear cage is correctly mounted on the rails of the enclosure during the installation.
● Install the blade enclosure on the rack. Hold the blade enclosure with its front facing front with 2 or more people. Slowly put the
L-shaped frames on both the right and left side of the blade enclosure on the L-shaped frames of the rail brackets that have been attached to the rack.
Push the enclosure into the rack until it stops. Use a torx driver (T25) to tighten the front screws of the blade enclosure (four screws, two each on the right and left) and secure the blade enclosure to the rack.
Install the rear cage.
1. Firmly hold the handles at both
sides of the rear cage (one each on the right and left side) and slowly put the rear cage on the rails of the enclosure. This step should be done by two or more people.
2. Push the rear cage into the
enclosure with two or more people until it stops.
3. Bend the hinges to the inward
direction. Then, use a torx driver (T25) to tighten the rear screws of the blade enclosure (four screws, two each on right and left side) and secure the rear cage to the enclosure.
Removing the blade enclosure from the rack
Make sure to follow the instructions and notes to use the blade enclosure and other devices safely. There are risks of a burn, injury, or damage to physical assets. For more information, see the descriptions on page 3
Separate the blade enclosure into two components and carry them with two or more people.
Be careful not to hurt your fingers.
Do not impose loads on the top of equipment that is pulled out.
Do not pull out equipment when the rack is not stabilized.
Do not pull out two or more modules from the rack at the same time.
Do not pull out the equipment from the rack while it is running.
Before you remove the blade enclosure from its rack, remove the doors at the front and rear of the rack. For information on removing the rack doors, see the instructions that come with the rack.
Do not impose loads on the top of equipment that is pulled out. There is a risk of equipment falling off.
When you pull out the rear cage from the enclosure or carry it, firmly hold the holding points located at the bottom (one each on the right and left) and the two rear handles (one each on the right and left) so that you will not drop the rear cage.
Do not impose loads on the top of equipment that is pulled out. There is a risk of equipment falling off.
The blade enclosure has no stopper or lock mechanism that prevents it from being pulled out of the rack. Firmly hold the handles at the bottom and sides of the blade enclosure when removing it so you will not drop it.
Follow the steps below to remove the blade enclosure from the rack.
1. Shut down all devices installed on the blade enclosure to power them off.
2. Disconnect the power cords of the blade enclosure and then disconnect all the interface cables.
3. Remove all modules, such as CPU blades and power units, installed on the blade enclosure. For information on removing installed modules, see their instructions for removal.
4. Use a torx driver (T25) to remove four screws (two each on the right and left) at the rear of the blade enclosure.
5. Slowly pull out the rear cage from the enclosure.
6. Firmly hold the rear cage and remove it from the enclosure.
7. Use a torx driver (T25) to remove four screws (two each on the right and left) on the front of the blade enclosure.
8. Slowly pull the blade enclosure out of the rack.
● Hold the four handles at both sides of the enclosure (two each on the right and left) for carrying.
9. Firmly hold the blade enclosure and remove it from the rack.
To remove any parts attached to the rack, see the description in "Installing the blade enclosure." To install the rear cage on the enclosure, see "Installing the blade enclosure."
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