FIGURESMedical Center System Operations Manual - JAVA Edition
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Medical Center System Operations Manual - JAVA EditionINTRODUCTION
What is Medical Center System?
The Medical Center Syste m (MCS) provide s enhan ced operat or funct ions and ca ll
handling for a medical center environment. MCS combines the NEC Advanced
Attendant Console with a general purpose computer equipped with a UNIX
System V operating environment, the NEC Applications Manager support
platform, and a comprehensive package of software components.
MCS operates with a SN716 Attendant Console. The illustration below (Figure 1-
1) shows the MCS components in a typical configuration:
Internal Station
Attendant Console Station
PC Workstation
OAI Connection (TCP/IP Network)
Paging System
Hospital or other
Remote Computer
Figure 1-1 Medical Center System
MCS provides enhanced functionality by using the NEC Open Applications
Interface (OAI) communication pathway between the UAP computer and the
NEAX2400 PBX system. The PBX and UAP utilize standard TCP/IP network
media for communication allowing flexible deployment options.
The MCS JAVA Edition (MCS-J E) inc lu des a JAVA based client Graphica l User
Interface (GUI) that can be installed on any PC Workstation that supports Sun
Microsystems JAVA Virtual Machine (JVM) Release 1.1.7 or greater. The MCSJE client installation provides a compatible JVM runtime for Microsoft Windows
MCS-JE also supports previous MCS customers that do not use PC Workstations
to connect to the MCS UAP. The MCS-JE softwa re components can be con figured
with either PC Workstations and existing attendant console stations. This
capability provides a choice for the customer of how and when to upgrade.
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INTRODUCTIONMedical Center System Operations Manual - JAVA Edition
Telnet and JAVA
The MCS-JE supports both JAVA GUI and the character based Telnet terminal
session interfaces . The JAVA GUI is availa ble for ope rator feature s and funct ions.
Database administration between the PC Workstation (client) and the MCS UAP
uses the character based Telnet interface.
To use the charact er based int erface, a thir d-party ter minal emula tion program t hat
supports the Telnet session protoc ols must be inst alled on the PC Wor kstation. The
standard MS Windows Telnet program is NOT recommended as it does not
adequately support colors and cursor positioning. Other commercial terminal
emulation programs that support Telnet sessions such as PowerTerm or SCO
TermVision are suggested.
MCS provides up to 16 medical center ope rators with an on-sc reen display of ca ller
information and an interactive screen for caller assistance using the functions:
•Directory Assistance – Provides information retrieval from a computer
database and directs inc oming calls to the ir destinat ions. The databas e contains
patient, staff, and other information that is designed for either stand-alone use
or for interactive transactions with a remote data base server.
•Park/Page Retrieval – Allows the operator to transfer an incoming call to an
announcement trunk or to a monitored number for later retrieval.
•Beeper Connection – Displays a database listing of beeper assignments.
Automatic call placement and manual entry of message codes is supported.
Alphanumeric beeper messaging is supported with an add-on beeper interface
•Redial Caller – Automatically attempts to reestab lish connection wi th the most
previous internal extension.
•Emergency Response – Displays a database of emerge ncy response teams and
agencies for operator selection, and automatically places the chosen call.
MCS provides supervisory functions using password security access for the
management of the MCS resources used by MCS operator functions. The
Supervisor may perform the following functions by accessing the menu items
listed belo w:
•Database Administration – Add, delete, modify, view, and print the large
variety of database records that are required by MCS operator functions.
•System Administration – Make extension assignments, including the types of
restrictions that affect their use, and direct inward dialing numbers controlled
by MCS.
•Configuration Management – Modify or print configuration parameters that
affect processing of time-outs and the Operator Functions display fields.
•Login Maintenance – Manage the MCS login and password secur ity system as
well as to activate specific operators.
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Medical Center System Operations Manual - JAVA EditionINTRODUCTION
•Supervisor Reports – View and print statistical reports generated from
operator call proces sing activity.
Note:The initial release of MCS-JE does not support JAVA GUI interfaces for all su-
pervisory functions. Where not supported, the Telnet session interface will be
In addition to these menu-driven capabilities, the supervisor can respond to an
operator emergency aler t by silent ly monitori ng an ongoin g conversat ion between
a caller and an operator.
Password SecurityThe MCS menu system serves up to 16 operators and one supervis or. Operators can
be configured with operator functions or with operator and database management
capabilities. If operators are not configured for access to database functions,
entering the operator password on the login screen automatically displays an
Operator Functions screen.
The supervisor ca n access all opera tor functions as well as datab ase, configurat ion,
login name, and report management options. Authorized access by the supervisor
displays the full MCS Main Menu.
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INTRODUCTIONMedical Center System Operations Manual - JAVA Edition
How to Use This Manual
This manual is organiz ed around the MCS Main Menu illu strated in Chapte r 3 for
the Telnet inte rface and Chapt er 4 for the JAVA GUI interface. The later chapters
describe these Main M enu f eat ur es a nd functions. Refer to the following chapters
to install, configure, and operate MCS-JE:
•This chapter addresses the server hardware and software installation of MCS as
well as the necessary configuration files, databases, and other data and
equipment assignments that are required by MCS.
If using the JAVA GUI, this describes the procedure to inst all the MCS-JE JAV A
GUI on a PC Workstation.
This provides an illustrated reference and procedural guide to all of the
functions provided to MCS operators using the Telnet protocol interface.
This chapter provide an illustrated reference and procedural guide to all of the
functions provided to MCS operators using the JAVA GUI.
This chapter describes the proce dures to manage the various types of database
records us ed by MCS.
This describes phone equipment number s (e.g., exten sions and trunk number s)
and the necessary assignments associated to them.
This chapter des cribes c onfigurat ion para meters that af fec t MCS oper ation an d
that can be modified by the supervisor as necessary.
This describes the procedures for a supervisor to manage the login name and
password security sy stem.
This chapter describes the procedures for the supervisor with information on
how to view call processing statistics by operator on a daily basis.
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Medical Center System Operations Manual - JAVA EditionINTRODUCTION
This chapter presents an alphabetical list of the messages that might appear
throughout MCS screen oper ations with a brief descript ion of their meaning and
recovery measures, if appropriate.
This chapter provides illustrated instructions for performing various tasks in
support of MCS functi ons, including backing up t he database on tape, managin g
the database indexes, resetting the colors seen on the MCS screens, and
displaying MCS records and terminal assignments.
This chapter describes the options that are available for managing the
communication interface between the MCS and the hospi tal information
system, including log file access, initialization and termination of the interface,
and configuration and statistical data.
This appendix describes the features and basic operation of NEC’s MCS
alphanumeric paging interface.
Chapter Layout
Medical Center System
When using MCS, you can often choose a Main Menu option to display either a
second-level menu of options (e.g., choose the System Administration option on
the Main Menu to display the System Administration menu) or a new series of
commands (e.g., Add, Delete, Modify). The chapters in this manual follow the
same organization in t hat each second -level menu opt ion or command is pr esented
as a separate section.
Each multi-level chapter begins with an overview that describes the entire chapter
and the options discu sse d wit h in the chapter. Each section includes an i ll ustration
of the screen(s) or window(s) associated with the procedure, information related to
performance of the procedure, and step-by-step instructions.
Some graphics illustrate the progression among a group of related screens.
*** Main Menu ***
*** MCS System Administration ***
Operator Functions
Database Administration
System Administration
Tue Aug 17 09:02 am
RSC DEscriptions
Extension Maintenance
Patient DID Numbers
*** Extension Maintenance ***
Patient Room Extensions
Attendant Console Extensions
Nurse Station Extensions
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INTRODUCTIONMedical Center System Operations Manual - JAVA Edition
The numbers in parent heses beside each scr een graphic repres ent the number of th e
screen in the progression. These numbers are referenced in the procedural
instructions, whe re applicable, to help you associate the ac tion with the approp riate
screen. In the illustration above, the Extension Main ten ace screen (3) displays
after you select System Administration from the Main Menu (1) and Extension
Maintenance from the MCS System Administration screen (2).
Commands can be sel ected in eithe r of tw o ways that are conf ig urable thr ough t he
Configuration Management option on the MCS Main Menu. Either you type the
first letter of the command to immediately implement that command, or you type
the first letter of the command followed by the Enter key. Instructions provided in
this manual are all based upon entry of the first letter. When the first letter of a
command or menu options has be en used for another opt ion on that screen, the nex t
unused letter in the word is highlighted for use.
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Medical Center System Operations Manual - JAVA EditionINTRODUCTION
Each section includes step-by-step instructions on how to select and move to the
required screen and how to perform the available actions. The procedures are
presented in a two-column la yout. The left column contai ns the acti on to be taken.
The right column contains the results of that action. Where there are field entries
to be made on the screen, this manual provides field names in the left column and
corresponding field definitions in the right column.
General Key Use
On the Main Menu , typ e s to select the
System Ad ministration option. (1)
On the System Administration menu,
type e to select the Extension
Maintenance option.
Throughout MCS, the following keys generally perform the actions described
Note:Clear notation is made wherever other key or key combinations apply or these do
Enter –Accepts a s election or field entry.
Esc–Generally exits the current screen or action to the last
screen or action.
Arrow keys–Move the cursor in the direction shown.
Space bar–Selects an option when more than one is available in a
field; serves to toggle among scrolled or side-by-side
options in a field.
The System Administration menu
displays. (2)
The Extension Maintenance menu
displays. (3)
Backspace–Erases any data in a field.
Tab–Expands a data record to expose more information or
provide other options that can be selected.
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Medical Center System Operations Manual - JAVA EditionSERVER INSTALLATION
This chapter provides a step-by-step description of the installation and setup of
Medical Center System (MCS). The fo llowing steps must be taken befor e MCS can
be installed:
1. The OAI/APM system must be installed on the SCO UNIX system.
2. The Informix Dynamic Se rve r ( IDS) Workgroup Edition Version 7.30 must be
installed on the SCO UNIX system.
Note:A system obtained through NEC CNG Division will normally have been precon-
figured with these requir ements. If reinstalling or upgrading a system, the installer should contact NEC to obtain the system staging procedures.
The installation and setup of MCS involves the following procedure. Perform the
installation in th is sequence and refer to the listed sectio ns for detailed inst ructions:
1. Hardware Installation on page 11
Each attendant station consists of an NEC Advanced Attendant Console and a
CRT. This section presents the attendant setup for each station and discusses
how the hardware confi gurations are us ed to determine so ftware characte ristics.
2. Software Installation on page 12
This section discusses installation and configuration of the MCS software
components of the UAP.
3. Application Configuration on page 19
MCS is internally supported by the Applications Manager (APM) and must
therefore be set up in the APM environment. This section presents a detailed
description of the required setup. Use the instructions provided in the APM Operations Manual to make the entries contained in this section.
4. Database Requirements on page 32
MCS provides two default APM databases that are loaded during software
installation. One of thes e databases can be ch anged through the APM Databa se
Administration option. This section defines the fields and entries in this
database. Use the instr uctions provided in the APM Operat ions Manual to make
any required changes to the database presented in this section.
5. MAT Assignments on page 34
Specific data settings must be assigned at the NEAX2400 Maintenance
Administration Terminal (MAT) before MCS will function. This section
specifies the necessary commands and the values to which they are to be set.
6. Attendant Station Preparation on page 35
Attendant stations are set up via the MCS Main Menu. Enter from the UNIX
login prompt during this step.
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SERVER INSTALLATIONMedical Center System Operations Manual - JAVA Edition
7. Extension Installation
After the installation is performed as outlined in Steps 1 through 6, the extensions
must be added to the Informix database. Each extension is assigned through the
Extension Maintenance option, ent er ed fr om the Syst em Admini st ration option on
the MCS Main Menu.
Note:In some cases, sequence is important in the a ssi gnmen t process. We recommend a re-
view of Chapter 7, “SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION” before beginning these assignments.
The Applications Manager Operations Manual pr ovides detail ed instructi ons for using
the APM menus and for completing the data entry screens shown in this manual.
NEAX2400 IMS System manuals provide the procedures for making the data
assignments at the NEAX MAT.
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Medical Center System Operations Manual - JAVA EditionSERVER INSTALLATION
Hardware Installation
The hardware configuration of each attendant station determines the software
characteristics for the attendant configuration in JAVA MCS. Each MCS attendant
station consists of an NEC Advanced Attendant Console and a PC Workstation, and
each is identified by the following unique characteristics:
Attendant ID: An attendant console equipment number for each particular station
ranging from 1 to 16.
Extension: A unique extension assigned to the attendant console on the PBX.
Number each attendant station with a unique value between 1 and 16, and label each
with its assigned Att endant ID. The easiest method is to make the stat ion Attenda nt ID
match the logical ID of each attendant console as it is assigned on the NEAX
Maintenance Administration Terminal. (Refer to MAT Assignments on page 34 for
more information.)
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SERVER INSTALLATIONMedical Center System Operations Manual - JAVA Edition
Software Installation
This section discusses the installation of MCS software from the release media and
describes the r equired MCS software configur ations. Be fore beg inning th is se ction, be
sure to install the UNIX operating system, including the raw partition required for
Informix, and the Applications Manager platform. Refer to the instructions provided
with each of these soft ware packages for more information.
Installation of MCS software is initiated from the Applications Manager (APM)
Platform Maintenance Main Menu. To display this menu, type the login apmadm at
the UNIX prompt and press Enter. When prompted, type the assigned password and
press Enter. Using inst ruct ions i n the APM Operati ons Manual, sele ct and impleme nt
the Installation of Applications/Packages option from this menu to load MCS
software from release media. As the installation process executes, follow the steps
described below as they correspond to the screen display, and make entries as
indicated. Required input is shown in boldface type.
Step 1:
Root Password
Type the password for the root logi n and press Enter to continue. If you type an i nvalid
password, the message “Error entering root password. Installation failed” displays, t he
installation cancels, and you must restart the installation.
MCS Installation
Installation requires Super User (root) privileges.
NOTE: To re-run this script login as ‘apmadm’ get to ‘Unix’
and execute the following command ‘/oai/install/mcs.ins’.
su root:
Password: <root password> <Enter>
Figure 2-1 Super User Root
After entering a valid root password, the MCS user account installation will quickly
display several screens as the install process continues. Some example screens are
shown below:
Installing 16 mcs network users on SCO UNIX.
User (mcs1) installed.
User (mcs2) installed.
User (mcs3) installed.
User (mcs4) installed.
Deleting password for user: mcs1
Last successful password change for mcs1: NEVER
Deleting password for user: mcs2
Last successful password change for mcs2: NEVER
Figure 2-2 Example Install Screens
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Medical Center System Operations Manual - JAVA EditionSERVER INSTALLATION
Step 2: MCS
Login Names
Step 3: MCS
The mcs and mcsadm login names are installed with the same user ID. (The default is
4001.) Any change in the use r ID value must be made for bot h login names, s ince they
both use th e same user ID value. Press Enter at each user ID prompt to accept the
default value. A warni ng message disp lays when the 4001 user is being ins talled. Type
‘y’ and press Enter at the warning prompt and continue the installation. The
installation shoul d default throu gh this section . If another u ser is using the assigned ID,
you will need t o s el ect another ID by adding one to the default until i t ca n be assigned.
The installation script performs several steps after you enter the login name.
Information about these steps displays as they are performed. None of these steps
require input. This process includes the following actions:
•Entering boot-up commands into UNIX boot-up sequence.
•Installing all remaining MCS files and directories as well as MCS host directories
and executables.
•Entering MCS crontab information.
At the prompt, type ‘y’ and press Enter to continue the installation.
Installing MCS system boot sequence...
mcs crontabs entries complete...
Installing gettydefs entry for MCS.
Installing MCS directories and executables...
Continue with installation of Mcs/Informix Database (y/n) [ ]
Figure 2-3 MCS Installation Processing
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Step 4: Informix
The figure below shows a normal execution of the Informix setup and includes the
required input for each prompt. Type y and press Enter if this is the first time this
installation is being performed.
The informix user must not have a password, as described in the APM Informix
Installatio n section. If the informix user does have a password , this step will fail.
Required input is shown in boldface type .
Please Enter su/informix Password: <Enter>
MCS Informix Database Installation
Bringing Informix Database Engine On-line...
Does the Mcs Database already exist? (y/n) n <Enter>
Creating MCS Informix database...
Building Mcs database indexes: [mcsdb].
Mcs database [mcsdb] indexes built.
MCS Informix database created.
Do the Mcs Database Indexes already exist? (y/n) n <Enter>
MCS Installation Complete.
Step 5: Jmcmp
Figure 2-4 Informix Setup
The APM Main Menu displays. Select the Logout option from the Main Menu.
JMCMP Pre-Install
This installs the Java JMCMP server software. The JMCMP Pre-Install step of the
installation checks for previous installed versions of JMCMP Server. If no previous
versions exist, the following is displayed: Press Enter to continue.
JMCMP Server Pre-Instal l
Checking the system configuration....
JMCMP Server Pre-Install Complete
Press "Enter" to Continue Installation:
Figure 2-5 Jmcmp Pre-Install - 1st Install
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Medical Center System Operations Manual - JAVA EditionSERVER INSTALLATION
Step 5: Jmcmp
However, if a pr evious version is detected, a n option is given to ei ther upgrade (leaving
configured data alone), overwrite (completely overwrite all Jmcmp data), or abort the
installation. Enter ‘u’, ‘o’, or ‘a’ to upgrade, overw rite, or abort the installation and
then press Enter.
JMCMP Server Pre-Instal l
Checking the system configuration....
JMCMP Server Ver1.0 Currently Ins talled
Do you wish to upgrade, overwrite the existing
JMCMP Server Installation or Abort? (u/o/a):
Figure 2-6 Jmcmp Pre-Install - Install Options
If the upgrade option is chosen, the following is displayed: Press Enter to continue
Saving Current JMCMP Server Applications and Configurations
To insure access to data please login as root
Login: root
Adjusting directory access ... Done.
JMCMP Server Pre-Install Complete
Press "Enter" to Continue Installation:
Figure 2-7 Jmcmp Pre-Install - Upgrade Option
If the overwrite option is chosen, the following is displayed: Press Enter to continue
Overwriting Existing JMCMP Server Installation
To insure access to data please login as root
Login: root
Adjusting directory access ... Done.
JMCMP Server Pre-Install Complete
Press "Enter" to Continue Installation:
Figure 2-8 Jmcmp Pre-Install - Overwrite Option
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SERVER INSTALLATIONMedical Center System Operations Manual - JAVA Edition
Step 5: Jmcmp
JMCMP Install
After the Pre-Install phase of installation, the following is displayed:
Installation requires Super User (root) privileges.
NOTE: To re-run this script login as ’apmadm’ get to ’Unix’
and execute the following command ’/oai/install/jmcmpServer.ins’.
su root
Figure 2-9 Jmcmp Installation - Access to Data
Enter the root password and press Enter to allow proper access to configuration data.
If this is a first install of Jmcmp Server, the follo wing is displ ayed:
Pressing Enter installs the new applications, and then restores all configuration data
from the previous installa ti on. For the ‘Upgrade’ option, no other configuration is
needed, and installation is complete.
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Medical Center System Operations Manual - JAVA EditionSERVER INSTALLATION
Step 5: Jmcmp
If overwrit e the existing installation is selecte d, the following is displayed:
This installs the new applications, plus sets all configuration data to default values. If
the Jmcmp Server was previo usly installed, the APM application “JmcmpConnServer”
may already be configured. If so, the following is displayed:
Application "JmcmpConnServer" is already configured.
Do you wish to overwrite current configuration
data with the new default data? (y/n)
To keep the same configuration parameters for the APM application
“JmcmpConnServer”, type ‘n’ and pres s Enter. To set the configuration parameters to
default values, which must be modified later, type ‘y’and press Enter.
If this is an “Initial” installation, or if overwriting the existing installation, the
allowable client connections to the Jmcmp Server must be defined. The following is
JMCMP Server Connection ID Configuration
For each Java Client connection, an identifier must be
defined. The identifier can be either:
(a) A fully qualified host name, or a hostname that can be
resolved on the Server machine.
(e.g., "")
(b) The 32-bit IP address of the client machine.
(e.g., "123.45.678.901")
(c) The 48-bit MAC address (Ethernet address) of the client’s
Network Interface Card.
(e.g. 00:20:af:9c:5a:b3)
Do you wish to edit the JMCMP Server Connection ID configuration
file at this time (vi editor) ? (y/n)
NOTE: To exit the vi editor without saving, enter ":q!"
(Hit Enter to continue)
For each client position, enter the hostname, IP address, or MAC address of the client
machine. When the installation is complete, the following is displayed:
NEC America Inc JmcmpConnServer Ver1.0 Installation Wed - Aug 25, 1999
A Java software component must be installed on the server to enable communication
with Java clients. This installation is initiated from the Applications Manager (APM)
Platform Maintenance Main Menu. To display this menu, type the login apmadm at
the UNIX prompt and press Enter. When prompted, type the assigned password and
press Enter. Using inst ruct ions i n the APM Operati ons Manual, sele ct and impleme nt
the Installa tion of Applications/Pac kages option from this menu to load thi s software
component from release media. When all release media has been loaded, the
installation of this component is complete. No further setup is required for this
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