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implementation by customers of each product may vary, the suitability of specific product
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To allow for design and specification improvements, the information in this document is subject to
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partner, NECC has determined that this product meets the ENERGY star
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NEC is a register ed trademark; Versa is a U.S. register ed trademark; and PortBar, VersaBay, and VersaGlide are
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First Printing — September 2001
Copyright 2001
NEC Computers Inc.
15 Business Park Way
Sacramento, CA 95828
All Rights Reserved
Using This Guide
Text Convention s.............................................................................................................x
Related Documents ..........................................................................................................x
1 Introducing the NEC Versa
Before You Begin.........................................................................................................1-2
About Your NEC Versa L320 Notebook ........................................................................1-3
Aroun d the Front of the System .....................................................................................1-4
Opening Your System ............................................................................................1-4
Base Unit...............................................................................................................1-4
Control Panel.........................................................................................................1-5
Security and Personal Code Buttons.................................................................1-6
Power Button ..................................................................................................1-6
The NEC Versa® L320 User’s Guide gives you the infor mation you n e e d to ma ximize
the use of your NEC Vers a n ot ebook compu ter. Read this guide to familiarize your s elf
with the NEC Versa an d its features. For speci fi c infor mation see
Chap ter 1, “Introducing the NEC Versa,” to acq uaint yourself with the system
Chap t er 2 , “G etting Star ted,” for instructions on how to con nect, power on, an d care
for your system. This chapter includes in formation about using battery power .
Chapter 3, “Using the BIOS Setup Utility,” for details about modifying system
parameters and power management.
Chapter 4, “Using the Operating System and Utilities,” for an under standing of your
utilities and CDs for loading applications, drivers, and the NEC Info Center.
Chapter 5, “Usin g the System Drives and Bays, ” t o master procedures for using the
NEC VersaBay™ IV slot, using the NEC Modular Bay slot , an d installing a
memory module.
Chapter 6, “Communicating with Your NEC Versa,” for essential information about
using PC Cards, the built-in MDC modem, the optional Mini PCI LAN, and the
optional Mini PCI Wireless LAN.
Windows® opera ting system . You’ll also lear n h ow to u se the system
Chap ter 7, “Travel ing Tip s, ” for a variety of checklists to h elp you to prepare the
notebook com put er for travel, getting through customs and using your modem or
LAN connection when you ar e on the road.
Chap ter 8, “Usin g E xt ernal Devices ,” for procedur es for conn ecting external
devices like an external monitor, headphones, a printer, or speakers.
Chap ter 9, “Usin g Mu ltimedi a,” for steps on integrating vi d eo and sound cl ips into
impressive presentations.
Chapter 10, “Solving System Problems,” for s i mpl e s olutions to c ommon probl e ms
that may arise wh ile operat in g your notebo ok .
Chapter 11, “Getting Service and Support,” for information about getting h elp when
you n e ed it from NEC Comp uter s Inc.
Appen dix A, “Setting Up a Healthy Work Environment,” for g ui d elines th at help
promote a healthy work setting.
Appen dix B, “Specifi cations,” to r evi ew NE C Versa system specifications.
Appendix C, “Frequently Asked Questions,” (FAQs) for a look at questi ons that
users com monly ask and the ans wers to those qu es tions.
Using This Guide ix
Text Conventions
To make this guide as easy as possible to use, text is set up as follows.
Warnings, ca ut ions, and notes have the following meanings:
personal injury or l oss of life.
Warnings alert you to situations that could result in serious
Cautions indicate situations that can damage the hardware or
Notes give important information, et c.
Names of keys are pri nted as the y appear on th e keyboa rd, for exa mple,
Text that you mu s t type or keys t hat you must pre s s a re pre s e nte d in bold type. For
example, type
and press
Related Documents
See the fol l owing documents for additional information on your NEC Versa notebook
The NEC Versa L320 Quick Setup sheet helps get your system up and running.
The NEC Versa L320 Quick Reference card provides an easy-to-ca rry r eference t o
LED meanings, controls, function key combinations, and NECC help numbers.
(The quick refer ence card does not ship with some s ystems purchased outside the
Unit ed States and Can ada.)
The NEC Info Center is a fully navigational PDF document con taining multimedia
elements, a ful l s earch capa bility, and impor tant information about your NEC Versa.
Ctrl, Alt
, or
x Using This Guide
Introducing the NEC Versa
Before You Begin
About Your NEC Versa L320 Notebook
Around the Front of the System
Around the Back of the System
Around the Left Side of the System
Around the Right Side of the System
Around the Bottom of the System
About the NEC Cable PortBar
About NEC Wireless LAN
Before You Begin
Prolonged or improper use of a computer workstation may pose a risk
of serious injury. To reduce your risk of inj ury, set up and use your computer in the
manner described in Appendix A, Setting Up a Healthy Wor k Environment.
After com pleting the step s in the qui ck setup sheet that comes with your com p u ter,
your NEC Versa L320 system is ready to go! T o get started, do the foll owing:
Read App endix A, “S etting Up a Healthy Work Environment,” for g uidelines that
help you us e your c omputer pr oduct ively and s afely. In formation incl udes how to
set up and use your computer to reduce your risk of developing nerve, muscle, or
tendon disorders.
Read through this guide to familiarize your self with the NEC Versa.
1-2 Introducing the NEC Versa
About Your NEC Versa L320 Notebook
The NEC Versa L320 notebook computer offers you a por table system filled with
exciting resources for business users. Standard features include a powerful Mobile
Pentium® III Processor-M running at 933 MHz, 1 GHz, 1.13 GHz, or higher.
This processor is designed to work together with the latest Peripheral Component
Interconnect (PCI) architecture.
Your notebook computer supports up to 1 GB of system memory. In addition, your
system come s with a high-performance hard disk drive, diskette drive, PC Card support
and one of the following variable-speed opti ca l dri ves: CD- ROM, DVD- ROM,
CD-RW, or combination CD-RW and DVD-ROM. Mi crosoft
Edition (SE) or Windows 2000 Professional is preinstalled. To optim i ze your
connectivity options, all systems ship with a built-in MDC modem and some models
come wit h a M in i PCI LAN or Mini P C I wireless LAN ( when available). A s a
multimedia system, your NEC Versa L320 supports the AGP x4 stan dard and provides
the tool s needed to create an d present impressi ve i mages using video clips and s ound.
NEC Versa L3 20 no tebook computer
Windows® 98 Second
To get comfortable with your notebook, read the followin g sections and take a tour
around you r syst e m!
Introducing the NEC Versa 1-3
Around the Front of the System
The NE C Ver s a is compa ct with features on every side. First, look at the front of the
Opening Your System
Open your NEC Versa L320 notebook computer by sliding the LCD pan el latch to the
righ t. Lift the cover to reveal the LCD panel and the ba s e unit feat ures. See the section,
“Front Featur es,” to locate the latch.
Base Unit
The base unit of your NEC Versa notebook offers the featur e s shown in th e follo wing
figure. Feature descriptions are provided after the figure.
After extended use, the surface of the base unit, below the
keyboard, may become hot to the touch.
LCD pa nel and ba se unit
– LCD Panel
– Operating Status LEDs
– Power Button
– Shortcut Buttons
1-4 Introducing the NEC Versa
– Personal Code Buttons
– NEC Ver s aGlide Touchpad
– Keyboard
– Power Status LEDs
LCD Pan el — Provid e s a high-r e s olut ion di s play for sha rp, e ffective vi suals on
your N EC Versa notebook .
Operating Sta tus LEDs — Keep you informed of your N EC Vers a noteb ook’s
curr en t op erating statu s (see the section, “Status LE Ds”).
Power Button — Powers on and off t he system ( see the section, “Control Panel”).
Shortcu t Buttons — Launch you r browser or your e-m a il app l ication with these
buttons (see the section, “Control Panel”).
Person al Code Buttons — Sets a person al code for securit y. Ava ilable on some
systems ( s ee the sect ion, “Control Panel”).
NEC VersaGlide™ Touchpad — Work s lik e a s tandard com p uter mouse. Simply
move your fingertip over the VersaGlide to control the position of th e cursor. Use
the selection buttons below the VersaGlide to select menu items. See “NEC
VersaGlide Touchpad” in Chapter 2 for in formation about using the VersaGlide and
for cus tomizing VersaG lide sett ings.
Keyboard — Pr ovides 87 keys with t he sta ndard QWE RTY-k e y l ayout. ( Model s
pur cha s ed ou tside of the U.S. and Canada ship with cou ntry-sp ecific keyboar d
Power Status LEDs — Indicate whether the system i s running on AC power or
battery power, and indica te battery statu s (s ee the secti on , “Status LEDs”).
Control Panel
The NEC Versa L320 control panel provides the features shown in the following
figure. The control panel featur es ar e d es cribed a ft er the figure.
Introducing the NEC Versa 1-5
Control panel
– Personal Code Button 1
– Personal Code Button 2
– Personal Code Button 3
– Personal Code Button 4
Security and Personal Code Buttons
Some s ystems have Personal Code Settin g buttons. Use th e buttons to set, enter,
chang e, or cancel a personal security code. See “Personal Code Setting Utility” in
Chapter 4 for more information .
Power Button
Power button and hold it in place approximately 4 to 5 seconds until the system powers
The Power button is a “smart” switch . It recognizes when th e s ystem is in a
Windows 98 or Windows 2000 Standby m ode, if the BIOS paramet er “Power Switch”
is set to “Sleep.” If the system is in Standby mode, you cannot power off until you
press the Power button to resume operation.
Put the unit in Standby mode when you need to be away from your system for a short
period of time and want to return to where you left off. Standby mode shuts down all
devices in the s ystem whil e r etainin g data and system status.
If you are unable to power off the system, use the power over ride. Press the
In Windows 98 and Windows 2000, go to Start, Shutdown, Standby to put your
system into Standby mode.
– Personal Code Enter Button
– Shortcut Button
– Power Button
– Shortcut Button
1-6 Introducing the NEC Versa
Use the Power button in the following ways:
— Press th e Power button to power on.
— Press the Power button to resume from a Windows 98 or Windows 2000
— Hold th e Power button in place for 4 or more seconds to initiate power over r ide
Shortcut Buttons
Some systems h a ve shortcut buttons tha t you can configure to launch your default
Internet br ows er and your defa ult e-mail appl ication. See “One- Touch Star t Bu tton
Settings Utility” in Chapter 4 for information about configuring the buttons.
Status LEDs
The NEC Versa L320 system uses status lights marked with icons to comm uni cate
power status an d operating statu s. M ost of these LED s are on th e con trol panel (see the
following figure). See the following sections for information about each LED.
Standby mode an d proceed with normal operation.
(po wers of f the s ystem) . Only use this option if you cannot p ower off your
system using Start, Shutdown.
Control panel LEDs
– Power LED
– Battery Status LE D
– E-mail Notifi cation LED
– Drive Activity L ED
– NEC Modular Bay Drive Activity LED
– Caps Lock LED
– Scroll Lock LED
– Num Lock LED
– Security Indicator LED
Introducing the NEC Versa 1-7
of t he uni t. See “Around the Right Side of the System” to locate the LED and for a
description of the LED.
The Radio Wave Status LED (available on some models) is on the right side
Power Status LEDs
Power Status LEDs in d icate your NE C V er s a L3 2 0 ’s current power status.
Power Status LED — Lights to indicate the following status:
— Light s green when the system po wer is on.
— Blinks green when the system is in Standby mode.
— Lights yel l ow (blinks when in Standby mode) to indicate that bat tery power is at
8% capacity or less.
— Light s amber (blinks when in S tandby mode) to indicate that batter y power is at
3% capacity or less.
Battery Charging LED — Lights to indicate battery charging activity.
— Light s amber when the primary battery is charging. Blinks amber to in d icate an
error. The primary battery is installed in the battery bay.
— Light s green when the secondary battery is charging. Blinks green to indicat e an
error. The secon d ary (optional) battery is hou s ed in the NEC Modu lar Bay.
back of the LCD panel. You can see t hese LEDs when you are behind your notebook
computer or when the LCD panel is closed.
The system al so has a Power Status LED and a Battery Charging LED on the
Operating Status LEDs
Operating sta tus LEDs keep you inform ed of your NEC V er s a L3 2 0’s curren t op erating
E-mail Notification LED — Some systems have an LED that lights when new
e-mail is received.
You can see t his LED when you are behind your notebook computer or when the LCD
panel is closed.
1-8 Introducing the NEC Versa
The system al so has an E-mail Notification LED on the back of the LCD panel.
Drive Activity LED — Li ghts when th e NE C Versa L320 a cces s es the hard disk or
an NEC VersaBay™ IV drive (second hard disk, CD- ROM, DVD- ROM, CD-RW,
or combination CD- RW and DVD-ROM drive).
NEC Modular Bay Drive Activity LED — Lights when the NEC Ve rsa L32 0 writes
data to or retrieves data from the diskette drive in the NEC Modular Bay.
Caps Lock LED — Lights wh en caps lock is in ef fe ct.
Scroll Lock LED — Lights when scroll lock is in effect (not supported in the U.S.
or Canada).
Num Lock LED — Lights when num lock mode is active.
Security Indi cator LED — Ligh ts green when the system is in security mode (not
supported on all systems).
Radio Wave L ED (on the righ t side of the system) — Ligh ts gree n when a
Bluetooth™ (when avail able) or Wireless LAN d evice is on. The LED goes out
when th e device is in a S leep mode. To locate th is LED, see the figure “Right-side
features” later in this chapter.
Keyboard Panel
The NEC Versa L320 keyboar d has a standard QWERT Y-key layout. (Model s shipped
outs ide the U.S . are equipped wi th countr y-s pecific k eyboa rd layout s.) Keyboa rd
features are described after the figure.
– Function Keys
– Numeric Keypad
– Cursor Control Keys
– Windows Keys
– Control Keys
Introducing the NEC Versa 1-9
Function Keys — Twelve function keys, F1 through
Versa L320 keyboar d. These keys wor k together with the
, are avail able on th e NEC
key to act ivate special
preprogrammed functions.
Function keys can also be used within applications. Most are application-driven, so
their functi on varies accor d ing to th e ap pl ication in u s e. See the speci fi c
application’s user guide for in formation about how each function key works within
the application you are using.
The following function key combinations are pre-programmed for the NEC Versa
Fn-Left Ctrl
— Simulates pressing the ri ght control key to support IBM 327X
connections (not supported in U.S./Canada).
Toggles a wireless device on and off (supported in some systems).
Toggles the video mode between LCD only, CRT only, Simultaneous
mode, and TV out.
— Support ed for Wind ows NT® Workstation 4.0. Sets standby power
management mode on in Windows NT.
— In Windows NT, press any key to resume from Stand by mode.
— No function wh en Windows 98 or Windows 2000 is configured for Advanced
Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI). In Windows 98 or Windows 2000,
Standby is equiva l ent to the Windows NT Suspend mode. To resume from the
Windows 98 or Windows 2000 Standby mode, press the Power button.
— Zooms the s creen in or ou t slight ly.
Toggl es the system speakers/beep of f and on.
— Toggles between various power management levels in Windows NT.
Beeps in dicat e the level chosen as follo ws:
1 beepOff
2 beepsCustom
3 beepsHighest Performance
4 beepsLongest Life
Fn-F7 has no fun ction when Windows 98 or Windows 2000 is con figured for
Advan ced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI).
— Increases LCD brightness (ei ght settings).
— Reduces LCD br ightness (eight settings).
Scroll Lock
— Toggles th e s cr ol l lock featu re on and off.
1-10 Introducing the NEC Versa
Windows Keys — Use the following two keys to facilitate your work.
Shortcut/Application key – provides quick access to shortcut menus.
(This key acts like a right mouse button.)
Floating Window key – disp lays the Start menu.
Numeric Keypad — Pressing
Num Lock
on the keyb oa rd activates th e numeric
keypad numbers and func tion s print e d in yellow on top of t he ke ys.
The keypad lets you type numbers and mathematical oper ands (+, –) as you would
on a calculator. The keypad is ideal for entering long lists of numbers.
When you press
Num Lock
again, the keys revert to their normal functions as
typew riter keys.
Typewr iter Keys — Typewriter keys (also called alphanumeric keys) are used to
enter text and ch aracters. Keys with yellow print on them behave differently when
combined with control keys, the
Control Keys —
Ctrl, Alt, Fn
, and
key, or wh en
are controls used in con junction with oth er
Num Lock
is active.
keys to ch ange th eir functi ons. To use con trol keys, p ress and hold the con trol key
Ctrl C
whil e pressing another ke y. For exampl e, “Press
key and type the letter C. Key combinations work specific to the application
” means to ho ld do wn the
you are running.
Cursor Control Keys — Cursor control keys let you position the cursor on the
screen where you want. On the screen, th e cursor is a blinkin g und erline, block, or
verti cal bar dep ending on the appli cation. The cursor in d icates where the nex t text
typed is inserted.
Introducing the NEC Versa 1-11
Front Featur es
The features on th e front edge of the system are described aft er the figure.
Front features
– LCD Panel Latch
– Speakers
– IR Por t
– Built-In Microphone
LCD Pan el Latch — Slid e the latch to the right to open the N EC Versa L320
– Microphone In Port
– Headphone In Port
– Volume Control
Ster eo Sp eakers — Provide stereo sound for your m ultimedia presentations or
listening pleasure. The built-in sound system also supports 3D sound, which
simulates the latest surround-sound technology.
IR Port — Allows you to tran s fer files bet w een your N EC Versa and an in frared
(IR)-equipped deskt op or notebook comput er.
Microphone — Allows you to record monophonic sound directly into your
notebook com put er. See Chapter 9, “Using Multimedia,” for details about
Microph one In P ort— All ows you to conn ect an extern al microphone for
monophonic recording or amplification through the unit. Plugging in an external
microph one disables the built-in microphone.
Headphone In Por t — Lets you plug in stereo headphones or powered spea kers.
Volume Control — Allows you to cont rol the sp eaker volum e th rough th e thumb
1-12 Introducing the NEC Versa
Around the Back of the System
You’ll find syst em ports for connecting your NEC Versa L320 to optiona l devices (like
a print er or ext e rnal m onit or) on the ba c k of your NEC Versa L320. The por ts are
described after the figure.
Back featur es
– PS/2 Port
– USB Ports
– Serial Port
– NEC Cable PortBar Connector
PS/2® Port — Use the standard PS/2 port to conn ect an exter nal PS/2- s tyle mouse,
– VGA P ort
– S-Video Out
– IEEE 1394 Po rts
– Parallel Port
PS/2- style keyboard, or P S /2 - s tyle Numeric Keypad to the system. With an optional
Y-adapter cabl e, you can connect up to two of t hese devices at th e s ame time.
USB P o rts — Each Universal Serial Bus (USB) port allows you to connect up to
127 USB-equipped peripheral devices (for example, printers, monitors, and
scanners) to your NEC Versa L320.
Serial Port — Use th i s por t to conn ect a digital camera or oth er serial d evice.
NEC Cable P ortBa r™ Conn ect or — Plug your optiona l NEC Cable P ort Bar (port
replicator) in to this connector. You can connect man y of your peri pheral devices to
the NE C Cable Port Bar instead of to the connectors on the back of the system.
VGA Port — Use this 15-pin port to attach an external monitor to your NEC Versa
S-Video Out Port — Use thi s p ort to connect a camcorder, VCR, or a game
machine for a conn ection th at provides i ncreas ed clarit y an d sh arpness of imagery.
IEEE 1394 Ports — Use each port to daisy chain up to 63 IEEE 1394 devices to
your system . IEEE 1394 devices suppor t Plug and Play connectivity for tr ansfer
rates of up to 400 Mbps. The Windows NT operating system does not support the
IEEE 1394 ports.
Introducing the NEC Versa 1-13
Parallel Port — Connects a parallel printer or other parallel device. The parallel port
default supports the Enhanced Capabilities Port (ECP) standa rd. The port also
supports bi-direct i onal and output only pr otocols.
Around the Left Side of the System
The left side of your NEC Versa L320 provides the features shown in the following
figure. The left- s ide featu res are des cr ibed after the figure.
Left-side features
– AC Power Port
– Fan
– LAN Port
AC Power Port — Lets you attach the NEC Versa L320 to the AC power source
– Modem Port
– PC Card Slots
– Kensington Lock Slot
using the AC adapter that comes wi th your system. K eep the system connect ed to
AC power whenever p oss ible to keep the battery pack and intern al CMOS battery
Fan — All ows your syst em to cool properly and maintai n a safe opera tin g
Do not block t he fan while the NEC Versa L320 is in use.
Modem/LAN Ports — Some system s include a V.90 fax/data modem or a Mini PCI
LAN port for network or Intern et access.
PC Card Slots — Two PC Card slots all ow you to i nser t two T ype II PC Ca rds or
one Type III PC Card in the bottom slot.
Kensington® Lock Slot— This slot allows you to attach a Kensington security lock
or oth er compatible lock to secure the notebook from theft.
1-14 Introducing the NEC Versa
Around the Right Side of the System
The righ t side of t he NEC Vers a L320 offer s t he fea tur es shown in the following figure.
The right side features are described after the figure.
Right side features
– Radio Wav e Stat us LED
– NEC Modular Bay Slot
Radio Wave S tatus LED — Provid e s th e opera t i ng st a tus of a Blue tooth ™ or
– Modular Bay Latch
– NEC VersaBay I V Slot
Wireless LAN devi ce. The LE D li ghts green when the Blu etooth or Wireless LA N
device i s on . The LED goes out when the d evice is in a Sleep mode.
NEC Modular Bay Slot — Houses a diskett e dr ive or an opti onal secondary battery.
Devices ca n be swapped wit hout t he syst e m being disas s e mbled or tur ned ove r.
Modular Bay Latch — Slide th e latch to the left before removing a Modular Bay
device fr om th e s ystem.
NEC VersaBay IV Slot — Houses a CD-ROM, CD-RW, DVD-ROM, combin a t ion
CD-RW and DVD-ROM drive, or a second har d dri ve. On e of these dri ves comes
with th e notebook. This slot accommodates an optional hard disk drive that has
been pl aced in a specially desig ned cradle.
Introducing the NEC Versa 1-15
Around the Bottom of the System
The bottom of the NEC Versa L320 offers the features shown in the following figure.
The features are descri bed after the figur e.
Bottom features
– Battery Rel ease Latch
– Primary Battery Bay
– Mini PCI and MDC Bay Cover
– NEC VersaBay I V Slot
Battery Release Latch — Press th e latch toward the edg e of t he system and hold it.
Lift the battery up slightly by its edge and pull the battery toward the edge of the
system to free the battery connectors and remove the battery. Do not lift the battery
straight up.
Pri mar y Ba ttery Bay — Equipped with a lithium ion (Li-Ion) battery.
Mini PCI and MDC Bay Cover — Remove the screw to find the Mini PCI or MDC
NEC VersaBay IV Slot — Houses a CD-ROM, CD-RW, DVD-ROM, combin a t ion
CD-RW and DVD-ROM drive, or a second har d disk drive.
Memory Module Bay Cover — Remove the screw to find two SO-DIMM slots.
One sl ot contain s an SDRAM memory board configured by the factory. The oth er
slot is empty for upgrade use.
Til t Foot — Ad j ust each foot to provide a flexi ble keyboard angle.
1-16 Introducing the NEC Versa
– VersaBay IV Latch
– Memory Module Bay Cover
– Tilt Foot
About the NEC Cable PortBar
The NE C Cabl e P ortBar is an a cces sory th at duplicates some of the port s on th e ba ck of
your NE C V er s a L3 2 0 system, including a power connector. Ports include a LAN port
for a network connection. Keep the NEC Ca bl e PortBar in your office c onnected to
peripherals while you take your NEC Versa L320 on the road.
The ports on the NE C Ca bl e PortBar are descri bed after the following figur e.
NEC Cable PortBar
– PS/2 Keyboard Port
– PS/2 Mouse Port
– Parallel Port
– Serial Port
PS/2 Keyboard Port — Connects to a 6-pin standard PS/2-style ke yboard.
PS/2 Mouse Port — Connects to a PS/2-style mou se.
Parallel Port — Conn ects to a print er . You can change the LPT M ode in the Set u p
– VGA P ort
– LAN Port
– USB Port
Serial Port — Conn ects to a serial device, such as a digital camera.
VGA Port — Connects to an external VGA/SVGA monit or.
USB P o rt — Connects up t o 127 peripheral devices to your notebook c omputer.
LAN Port — Connects vi a an RJ-45 connector t o th e s yst em’s built-in LAN card
(available on some models).
Power C onnector — Conn ects to an AC a da pt er . The NEC Ca bl e PortBar has two
power connect ors on the left s ide of the P or tBar (see the following figure). Use the
19-volt DC power connector for the NEC Versa L320 n otebook computer.
Introducing the NEC Versa 1-17
NEC Cable PortBar power connectors
– 19-volt DC Power Connector for the NEC Versa L320 system
– 15-volt DC Power Connector (for future use)
About NEC Wireless LAN
Some NEC Versa L320 notebook computers come with built-in wireless LAN
capabilities featur ing the Wi-Fi™ (wireless fidelity) IEEE 802.11b High Rate (HR)
stan dard for bus iness users. Wirel es s LA N eliminates the n eed for conn ecting cables
between your computer and your local area networ k, facilitating mobility, minimizin g
downtime, and improving your product ivity. With a wir eless L A N solution, you have
the flexibility of accessin g e-mail, th e In ternet, corporat e intranets, and res ource
planning application s on the network from your notebook computer.
The Wi-Fi compliant radio techn ology provides high- s p eed (11 Mbps) wireless
networ king with the perfor mance ca pa biliti es of a wi red 10BaseT LAN conn ection.
Wi-Fi products are tested by an industr y group, WEC A (Wireless E thernet
Compatibility Alliance), to meet the international IEEE 802.11b standard for wireless
radio technology an d guaranteed to wor k with all other Wi-Fi certified pr oducts.
1-18 Introducing the NEC Versa
Getting Started
NEC VersaGlide Touchpad
Power Sources for Your NEC Versa
AC Adapter
System Batteries
Using the Primar y Batt er y
Using a Secondary Battery
System Care
NEC VersaGlide Touchpad
The NEC VersaGlide touchpad is an easy way to control the cursor with your finger .
Lightly glid e your finger a cross the NEC VersaGlide and th e cursor follows. Use the
VersaGlide touchpad as follows.
Single tap the touchpad
— equivalent to a single click of the primary mouse
Double tap the touchpad
— equivalent to a double click of the primary mouse
your finger acr oss the VersaGlide touchpa d —
equivalent to a click and drag of th e primary mouse button.
the scroll button up or down to scroll your document or screen.
VersaGlide features
– NEC Ver saGlide touchpad
– Left Button
Try all of the VersaGlide fea tures and decide wh ich you prefer. If you find the doubl e
tap or any of the other features difficult to use, go to the n ext section for general
direct ions about adjust in g the Versa G lide properties.
capability may be lost.
2-2 Getting Started
– Scroll Button
– Right Button
If you install another m ouse driver ov er the s hipping default, t he double- tap
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