NEC Express5800 1080Xd Guide

NEC Express5800 1080Xd Guide


NEC Express Server

Express5800 Series


User’s Guide

4th. Edition, Jan. 2004



ESMPRO and CLUSTERPRO are trademarks of NEC Corporation. EXPRESSBUILDER is a trademark of NEC Corporation. Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and MS-DOS are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Intel is a trademark of Intel Corporation. Itanium is a trademark of Intel Corporation. ATis a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Datalight is a trademark of Datalight, Inc. ROM-DOS is trademark of Datalight, Inc. DLT and DLTtape are trademarks of Quantum Corporation. Adobe and Adobe logo, and Acrobat are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.

Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

Limited Edition is the abbreviated name of Microsoft ®Windows ®Advanced Server, Limited Edition. Windows XP is the abbreviated name of Microsoft ®Windows ®XP Home Edition operating system or Microsoft Windows XP Professional operating system. Windows 2000 is the abbreviated name of Microsoft ®Windows ®2000 Server operating system, Microsoft ®Windows ®2000 Advanced Server operating system, or Microsoft ®Windows ®2000 Professional operating system. Windows NT is the abbreviated name of Microsoft ®Windows NT ®Server network operating system version 3.51/4.0 or Microsoft ®Windows NT ®Workstation operating system version 3.51/4.0. Windows Me is the abbreviated name of Microsoft ®Windows ®Millennium Edition Operating System. Windows 98 is the abbreviated name of Microsoft ®Windows ®98 operating system. Windows 95 is the abbreviated name of Microsoft ®Windows ®95 operating system.

Names used in sample applications are all fictitious, having no relations to existing product, organization, and individual names.

<Purpose of Use of This Product>

Since this product has high-speed processing performance, it is on the list of the Japanese government guideline for peaceful use of computers.

When using this product, note the following points.

1.Place this product on a site where there is no danger of illegal intrusion and robbery.

2.Control accesses to this product using a password or other protection tools.

3.If there may be a possibility of accesses regarding the development of mass-destruction weapons or missiles, inform to our consultation sections.

4.If illegal usage is found, immediately inform our consultation sections.

Our consultation section: First Contact Center

Tel 0334555800


This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.



Products Conformance to the Japanese Guideline for Reduction of Harmonic Emission

This product conforms to the Japanese Guideline for Reduction of Harmonic Emission for home electrical appliances and general electrical products enacted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry.

Momentary voltage drop prevention

This product may be affected by a momentary voltage drop caused by lightning. To prevent a momentary voltage drop, an AC uninterruptible power supply (UPS) unit should be used.

Laser Safety

This product includes Class 1 laser products based on JIS C6802, EN60825, IEC825 and FDA21CFR chapter1 subchapter J.

Note) Class 1 laser is laser that is defined by JIC6802, EN60825, IEC825 and FDA 21CFRas the laser imposing no harmful influences on human health when exposed.

The following label is affixed.

Class 1 Laser Product




Complies with 21CFR chapter 1, Subchapter J


This product including software may be classified into limited products or service that is controlled in Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law. In this case, an export permission from the government is required. If documents are needed for exporting this product, please contact with our sales office.

Conformance to FCC regulations

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. This equipment may cause radio interference when used at home.

In such cases, user is required to take measures against interference.


(1)No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of NEC Corporation.

(2)The contents of this use's guide may be revised without prior notice.

(3)The contents of this User's Guide shall not be copied or altered without the prior written permission of NEC Corporation.

(4)All efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of all information in this User's Guide. If you notice any part unclear, incorrect, or omitted in this User's Guide, contact the sales agent where you purchased this product.

(5)NEC assumes no liability arising from the use of this product, nor any liability for incidental or consequential damages arising from the use of this User's Guide regardless of Item (4).

©NEC Corporation 2003



Operators who use this product should put this manual near the product in order to refer to it quickly when necessary. Always read Directions for Safe Use carefully.

Directions for Safe Use: Be sure to read this!

Necessary information for safely operating the Express Server is included.

Indications Regarding Safety Instructions

To safely use the Express 5800 Series, follow these instructions when operating.

This manual includes information about which parts are dangerous, what dangers you will face if you do not follow the instructions, and how you can avoid danger. In addition, Warning labels, which indicate danger, are stuck on such parts or portions.

This manual employs “Warning” and “Caution” for stickers for safe use, indicating the danger according to its seriousness. The meanings are as follows.



This symbol denotes that improper handling poses a high risk of causing death or serious injury.

This symbol denotes that improper handling poses a risk of causing injury or property damage.

This manual employs three symbols to indicate attention and danger. The symbols have the following meanings:



Calls for

This symbol means danger may be generated if





the instructions are not followed. The graphics





inside the symbol are the types of danger that

(Electrical Shock!)




are symbolically illustrated.









Action to be

This symbol means actions that are prohibited.





The graphics inside or near the symbol are the





types of prohibited actions that are symbolically







(Do Not Dismantle!)




This symbol means actions that must be





performed. The graphics inside the symbol are





the types of compulsory actions that are





symbolically illustrated. To avoid danger, these





actions are necessary.



How Symbols Are Indicated in This Users Guide







Symbol denoting caution Catch phrase indicating the seriousness

Description about the caution

Before booting up the system, confirm that all Caution I/O installations and

upgrading have already been completed.



Symbols Used in This Guide and Warning Labels and Their Descriptions

Calling attention



Danger of smoke and fire


Danger of electrical shock








Danger of explosion


Danger of chemical














Action to be avoided





General prohibition


Prohibition of dismantling




and modification










Compulsory action





Unplugging or turning


General actions to be



circuit breaker off








How to Handle

Express Server configuration changes and removal or installation of optional build-in parts are only to be carried out by maintenance personnel. To make modifications, contact a maintenance service company.



Safety Precautions

Read, understand, and follow all the precautions described below in order to safely use the Express Server. Refer to Indications Regarding Safety Instructions as well.

General Precautions


Do not reach into the server.

Only maintenance personnel should open the door. Do not dismantle, repair, or modify.

Do not reach into the server while maintenance personnel is opening the door. Doing so causes danger of electrical shock.

Do not insert any foreign materials into the server.

Do not insert foreign materials such as pieces of metal or wire through the ventilation opening. Doing so can cause fire or electrical shock.

Measures at failure

When the server is not running correctly, cut the power from the distribution panel or unplug the server. Then contact maintenance personnel.

Emergency measures

If danger arises and the server must be shut-down, press the emergency power-off (EPO) switch. If the EPO is used, data in the server may be destroyed. Accordingly, the guidelines for EPO operation should be determined in advance, and operators should familiarize themselves with the guidelines. For more information, please contact our sales representatives.

Contact address

To users: Please fill in the name of the sales agency and emergency contact address on the following lines.

Emergency contact address Tel:



Disposing or recycling

Before disposing of or recycling the server, contact our sales representative.


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