NEC 42U Guide

Express5800 Series














U s e r ' s G u i d e

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The information disclosed in this document, including all designs and related materials, is the valuable property of NEC Solutions (America), Inc. and/or its licensors. NEC Solutions (America), Inc. and/or its licensors, as appropriate, reserve all patent, copyright and other proprietary rights to this document, including all design, manufacturing, reproduction, use, and sales rights thereto, except to the extent said rights are expressly granted to others.

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PN: 456-01511-004

January 2003

Copyright 2002, 2003

NEC Solutions (America), Inc

10850 Gold Center Drive, Suite 200,

Rancho Cordova, CA 95670

All Rights Reserved



General Information............................................................................................................


Automatic Installation ........................................................................................................


2 Using Express Setup to Install the Operating System

Starting EXPRESSBUILDER ............................................................................................


Running Express Setup.......................................................................................................


Run Express Setup as follows. ......................................................................................


Synopsis of Express Setup Automated Installation ..........................................................


3 Using Tools

Off-line Maintenance Utility ..............................................................................................


Starting the Off-line Maintenance Utility......................................................................


Using the Off-line Maintenance Utility.........................................................................


IPMI Information Viewer......................................................................................


BIOS Setup Viewer ...............................................................................................


System Information Viewer...................................................................................


System Information Management..........................................................................


System Diagnostics.............................................................................................................


Creating A Support Floppy Disk ........................................................................................


Creating a Maintenance Partition .....................................................................................



EXPRESSBUILDER for Windows....................................................................................


Online Document................................................................................................................


Setup ...................................................................................................................................


Configuration Diskette Creator .....................................................................................


Make OEM-Disk ...........................................................................................................


Update EXPRESS5800 System.....................................................................................


ESMPRO Manager........................................................................................................


ESMPRO Agent ............................................................................................................


ESMPRO Additional Applications................................................................................


Management Workstation Application (MWA)............................................................


Adobe Acrobat Reader ..................................................................................................


A Troubleshooting

B Configuring the Server for MWA

C Installing and Configuring Windows® 2000



Device Drivers ...................................................................................................................


Installation Assumption .....................................................................................................


Installation Preparation ......................................................................................................


Installing Microsoft Windows® 2000 Operating System...................................................


Installation Notes ..........................................................................................................


Windows 2000 Installation ...........................................................................................


Installing LAN Adapters ...................................................................................................


Driver Installation for the Intel PRO/100+ LAN Adapter ............................................


Setting Network Driver Details. ...................................................................................


Driver Installation for the ATI RAGE XL Display Adapter .............................................


D Running the Off-line Maintenance Utility from a Remote Console

Direct (cable) Connection .................................................................................................


WAN (modem) Connection ..............................................................................................


LAN Connection ...............................................................................................................


iv Contents



!General Information

!Automatic Installation

EXPRESSBUILDER is an automated software integration tool to help simplify the process of installing and configuring your server. Shipped with all servers, the EXPRESSBUILDER CD provides a flexible, guided installation process for system administrators to install Microsoft® Windows 2000®. The software also includes utilities that ensure consistent and effective server setup.

There are two versions of EXPRESSBUILDER on the EXPRESSBUILDER CD-ROM.

!A bootable version of EXPRESSBUILDER. This program is for initial setup of your system. Because the bootable version of EXPRESSBUILDER is MS-DOS based, you can use it to install a variety of Network Operating Systems.

!EXPRESSBUILDER for Windows. With this program, you can read/print documentation and generate driver and utility diskettes from the


Included on the EXPRESSBUILDER CD-ROM are the following utilities, drivers, and documentation.

!Express5800 software utilities

!Express5800 software drivers

!Express5800 Server User's Guides

!Management Workstation Application (MWA) First Step Guide

!ESMPRO User’s Guide

!Global Array Manager Installation and User’s Guides

!EXPRESSBUILDER User’s Guide (this document)

!Adobe Acrobat Reader .

General Information

Before starting EXPRESSBUILDER, connect and configure the hardware you plan to use with your server.

You can print your server's User’s Guide and other documents from the EXPRESSBUILDER CD-ROM if you have a system running Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, or Windows 2000 and a web browser that supports frames. With Windows running, insert the CD in the drive and follow the prompts at the EXPRESSBUILDER welcome screen. From the screen, you can access, view, and print a document. (For detailed document view and print procedures, see “EXPRESSBUILDER for Windows,” later in this guide.)

Documentation on EXPRESSBUILDER is in Adobe® PDF format. You can view or print the PDF documents using Adobe Acrobat® Reader (also on this CD).

1-2 Overview

You will need blank diskettes for making driver and utility diskettes. On-screen instructions tell you when you need them.

You will also need a blank diskette to save a configuration file on when installing the operating system.

Automatic Installation

EXPRESSBUILDER has two new features that expedite the setup and installation of Windows 2000 on Express5800 Series servers.

Express Setup streamlines the installation process via a MS-DOS-based graphical user interface. From Express Setup, you can build a configuration file on a floppy disk, read the file to the server and install a Windows-based Network Operating System. After building the configuration file, EXPRESSBUILDER performs multiple tasks for you, like applying RAID settings, building a partition on the system disk, loading utilities and drivers, and installing the operating system. You only have to perform a few simple tasks like inputting a Product ID and acknowledging a license agreement. Express Setup is described in Chapter 2.

Configuration Diskette Creator is a component of EXPRESSBUILDER that you can use to create configuration file(s) that you save to a floppy disk. (This floppy disk is called the configuration diskette.) You can use the configuration diskette with Express Setup to expedite the setup of Windows 2000 on EXPRESS5800 Series servers.

Configuration Diskette Creator has a mass installation feature. You can use this feature to conveniently install multiple systems with similar configurations. You can replicate a configuration (setup) file and modify a minimum number of parameters for a specific system.

With Mass installation you can save multiple configurations to a single floppy disk or you can save specific configurations to multiple floppy disks.

Configuration Diskette Creator operates on systems running Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000.

Configuration Diskette Creator and mass installation are described in Chapter 4.

Overview 1-3

1-4 Overview


Using Express Setup to Install the Operating System


!Running Express Setup

!Synopsis of Express Setup Automated Installation

Use the following procedures for initial setup and installation of your system. If when starting EXPRESSBUILDER you receive an error message, please see the Appendix A Troubleshooting.

Note: If you have already used EXPRESSBUILDER and have an operating system installed, you might want to use EXPRESSBUILDER for Windows (see “EXPRESSBUILDER for Windows” later in this guide). EXPRESSBUILDER for Windows lets you access pertinent documentation, drivers and utilities.


1.Connect your server and all external peripheral devices to the appropriate power outlets. Refer to your user's guide for information on server connections

2.Power on all external peripheral devices.

3.Press the power button on your server to initiate the server’s power up routine.

Note: Steps 4 and 5 require that both the CD-ROM and floppy disk drive precede the hard disk in the boot sequence as defined in the BIOS. If you have any doubt about the boot sequence, at the boot startup message “Press <F2> to enter SETUP,” press F2 and check your BIOS settings.

4.Insert the EXPRESSBUILDER CD-ROM into the server’s CD drive.

5.Press Ctrl-Alt-Delete to boot EXPRESSBUILDER. (You can also turn power off and then on again to reboot the server.) MS-DOS boots and a series of startup screens display momentarily.

6.The Keyboard Selection Menu displays. Select the keyboard type to use for this EXPRESSBUILDER session. Then select Confirm.

7.The Language Selection Menu displays. Choose one of the supported languages to use for this EXPRESSBUILDER session. Then select


2-2 Using EXPRESSBUILDER Setup to Install the Operating System

8. The EXPRESSBUILDER Main Menu displays.

Express Setup is used to install your operating system. We recommend that you run Express Setup during initial installation, unless your Operating System was factory preinstalled. (See Running Express Setup in the next section.)

Tools is used to change hardware settings or parameters after initial installation, or to run various utilities.

You may also use Tools Setup for non-Microsoft operating system installations to create support diskettes and build a maintenance partition. See Chapter 3

Using Tools.

Running Express Setup

Use Express Setup if this is the first time that EXPRESSBUILDER is run on your server.

From the Express Setup menu, you can:

!Create a new configuration file on a configuration diskette.

!Use an existing configuration file on a configuration diskette.

!Automatically configure your server for RAID.

!Automatically create the maintenance and system partition.

!Automatically install utilities (from the EXPRESSBUIDER CD).

!Automatically install drivers (from the EXPRESSBUILDER CD).

!Automatically install the Operating System.

Using EXPRESSBUILDER Setup to Install the Operating System 2-3

Run Express Setup as follows.

1. At the EXPRESSBUILDER initial screen, select Express Setup.

Express Setup overwrites the contents of your hard disk. If you have data you want to keep, follow the directions on the screen in Express Setup.

Note: In addition to the mouse, the Tab and Arrow keys may be used to navigate the Express Setup menus.

2. The system prompts you to insert a floppy disk.

NEC EXPRESS5800 ExpressBuilder Rev. 4.0 Copyright (C) NEC Corporation 2000




Express Setup


Insert configuration diskette

Setup Information





Configure RAID




Install Utilities






Create OS Partition




Format OS Partition






OS Drivers/Utilities










Install OS









!If you have a configuration diskette, insert it into the floppy disk drive . When prompted select the *.tre file to use. Select Use and press Enter. You will be given the option of reviewing and changing setup parameters.

Note: To expedite your configuration and installation (of Microsoft operating systems) by about 30 minutes, create a configuration diskette. See Chapter 4, Express Setup for Windows.

!If you do not have a configuration diskette, insert a blank floppy disk and enter a filename for the setup file to be created under Setup File Name. Select Use and press Enter.

2-4 Using EXPRESSBUILDER Setup to Install the Operating System

Identify Configuration Diskette


Setup File Name : (A)









3.If creating a new setup file, the system prompts you for an Operating System to install. Select one and press Enter.

Operating System Installation Menu

Microsoft Windows 2000

Other operating System

Return to Main Menu

4.The Language Information Menu displays. Choose the language version of the Windows 2000 Operating System to be installed. Select the keyboard type to be used on the installed system. Select OK.

5.If you are using a blank floppy disk or if you have chosen to review/change parameters, a series of configuration file screens display. If you have a RAID board installed, the Configure RAID screen displays first

Note: If you have RAID hardware installed, and the Configure RAID screen fails to display, you must resolve the RAID problem in order to continue with the installation. Refer to the RAID documentation.

If you do not have RAID, the Basic information screen displays.

If you choose not to review an existing setup file, Express Setup automatically begins to configure the server and install the Operating System.

Using EXPRESSBUILDER Setup to Install the Operating System 2-5

[ Configure RAID ]

Setup RAID









New/Existing RAID Configuration

Use existing RAID




Total Number of Attached Drives

Number of Drives in Drive Group

RAID Level

Write Mode setting

Write Mode Type






[ Basic Information ]

Target Machine

Operating System to Install OS Language

System Partition

Partition Size

Convert File System to NTFS Apply Service Pack Installation Directory


Windows 2000 Server.

Create New Partition





Cancel Next Help

6.Enter the setting for individual parameters as necessary. Each configuration screen has a Help button, from which you can access detailed descriptions of setup parameters. Enter settings and select Next to access the ensuing configuration screen (shown on the pages that follow).

Note: In the “Basic Information Screen,” specify Yes for “Apply Service Pack” if a Windows 2000 Service Pack is to be installed from a separate CD during the installation.

2-6 Using EXPRESSBUILDER Setup to Install the Operating System

[ User Information ]

User Name


Bill Graham







Corporate Name

NEC Solutions (America), Inc.

Product Key




Time Zone













































































[ Role of Computer ]


















































Computer Name




















































Role of Computer





stand alone server











Network Setup














































Domain Name






































- - -













































Workgroup Name





Work Group











Client License



































per server











Maximum Concurrent Clients

















































































Create Account (Account Name)




- - -



















































- - -













(Password check)






































- - -


































































































































[ SetupUser InformationGraphics Accelerator]

Board ]
































GraphicsUserNameAccelerator Board




Bill Graham











Prodct ey





































Vibren Technologies











Corporate Name



Use Default











Number of Colors


















Time Zone



Use Default


























Use Default











Refresh Rate











Back Next Help

Using EXPRESSBUILDER Setup to Install the Operating System 2-7

[ Setup Network Adapter Card ]

First Network Adapter card


Express5800/120Re-2 standard adapter

Protocol for First Adapter



Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

















Second Network Adapter Card





Protocol for Second Adapter





Third Network Adapter Card





Protocol for Third Adapter





Fourth Network Adapter Card





Protocol for Fourth Adapter




















Note: The Detail button allows configuration of the selected protocol.

[ Network Services]

Remote Access Services (RAS)

SAP Agent

Back Next Help

2-8 Using EXPRESSBUILDER Setup to Install the Operating System

NEC 42U Guide

[ Network Client]

Microsoft Network Client









Gateway and Client Services for

Do Not Install






[ Component]

Back Next Help

[ ApplicationUserInformation]






User Name









Prodct ey



Vibren Technologies

Corporate Name




Express Report Service





Time Zone






Application of Update Media





Apply OEM-FD for Mass Storage


Back Next Help

Using EXPRESSBUILDER Setup to Install the Operating System 2-9

[ ApplicationUserInformation2 ] ]

AutoUser CleanName-up Tool (CCTool)









Prodct ey














Vibren Technologies


Corporate Name




Auto Recovery Tool





Time Zone





Global Array Manager (Server)













Power Console Plus










Back Next Help

7.After completing the Management of Users and Groups screen, you will be prompted: If the configuration settings are current and complete, press OK to continue. If not, press Cancel to return to the configuration screen.

If you select OK, a message displays: The system will be rebooted. See the next section, Synopsis of Express Setup Automated Installation.

2-10 Using EXPRESSBUILDER Setup to Install the Operating System

+ 40 hidden pages