These warnings a re pr ovi ded i n the i nterest of safety. You
MUST read them car efu lly b efo re in sta lling or using the
Important safe ty in str uct ion s
Please provide this i nfo rma tio n ava ilable to the person who i s
responsible for ins tal lin g the a ppl ian ce as it could reduce your
installation cost s.
In order to avoid a hazar d, th is ap pli anc e must be installed
according to the se in str uct ion s for i nstallation.
Only qualified t ech nic ian c an in sta l and earth this cooktop p rop erl y.
This appliance shou ld be c onn ect ed to a c ircuit which incorporat es
an isolating switch p rov idi ng fu ll di sconnection from the p owe r sup ply .
Failure to insta ll th e app lia nce c orr ectly could invalida te an y
warranty or liab ili ty cl aim s.
Import ant safet y ins tructio ns
Elect rical S hock Hazard
Cracks or fractu res i n the g las s cer ami c may cause electric
shocks. Switch o ff th e cir cuit breaker in the fuse b ox. C ont act
the after-sale s ser vic e.
Make sure the appl ian ce is c onn ect ed to a g ood earth
wiring system.
Only qualified e lec tri cia n can m ake t he change of the
domestic wirin g sys tem .
Switch the cookt op of f at th e wall before cleaning o r
Do not touch the swi tch o n the w all w hen y our h and is wet.
Failure to follo w thi s adv ice m ay re sul t in electrical
shock or death.
Hot Sur face Ha zard
During and after u se of t he ho b, ce rta in pa rts will
become very hot. D o not t ouc h hot p art s.T he highest
temperature of t he su rfa ce co uld b e 570℃ ,do not let
children or persons w ith a d isa bil ity t o use this
Do not leave infla mma ble m ate ria ls ot her than
suitable cookw are c ont act w ith t he ce ramic glass until
the surface is coo l eno ugh t o tou ch.
Do not leave metal obje cts o n the c ook top a s they
can become hot very rap idl y.
Keep children away.
Failure to follo w thi s adv ice c oul d res ult in burns
and scalds.
Fire Ha zard
The voltage of the m ain p owe r sup ply s hou ld
corresponds to t he va lue g ive n on th e rat ing plate.
To connect th e co okt op to the mai ns p ower supply ,
do not use ad apt ers, re duc ers , or br anching de vic es,
as they can cause ov erh eat ing a nd fi re.
Do not leave infla mma ble m ate ria ls on t he Hob top.
Make su re th at el ec tr ic al co rd s c on ne cting ot he r
appliances in the p rox imi ty cannot co me in to contact w ith
the Hob top.
Never l eav e the app liance u nat ten ded when in us e.
Boilover causes smoking and greasy spillovers t hat
may ignite.
Never use your a ppl iance f or w arm ing or he ati ng
the room.
ov erh eating w ithout a c ook war e on it , cou ld cause
damage to the cook top .
Failure to f ollow th is ad vic e may r esu lt in
overheating, burn ing , and i nju ry.
Cut Haz ard
The blade of the coo kto p scr ape r is ra zor -sharp
Use with extreme c are a nd al way s sto re sa fely
Keep it away from ba bie s and c hil dre n.
Failure to use cau tio n cou ld re sul t in in jury or cuts.
Health Hazar d
This appliance comp lie s wit h ele ctr omagnetic safety
standards. How eve r, pe rso ns wi th ca rdiac pacemakers
or other electri cal i mpl ant s (such as insulin pump s)
must consult wit h the ir do cto r or im pla nt manufacturer
before using thi s app lia nce t o mak e sur e that their
implants will not be af fec ted by the electromagn eti c