Ndrive NDRIVE 9 IPHONE User Manual

Welcome to NDrive! This guide was created for two purposes: to p rovide clear explanation of NDrive functions and to
discover new ways to use NDriv e m o re effectively.
General Application Information
NDrive is a GPS applicatio n which brings all the functionality of a stand-alone GP S device to the iPhone. NDrive provides reliable navigation guidance by way of visual and voice directions. Directions given include, but are not limited to, names of roads, locations, and door to door navigation.
NDrive partners with the best map companies in order to bring you detailed and accurate digital maps of the whole world. NDrive works with large map providers like Tele Atlas and Navteq, but also seeks to work with local map providers when available.
Interface and Navigati on
The user interface is simplistic. That makes it more intuitive for the average user. But beneath its simplicity lay powerful engines and design which deliver superior navigational control directly into the hands of both experienced and inexperienced users.
As a navigation application, NDrive’s primary purpose is to help you get to your destination safely and quick, i.e., by searching by initials. You can learn more about how to use NDrive by reading this guide.
Using NDrive and this User Guide
If you want to search for a specific function in NDrive check the Table of Contents below to find the appropriate s ection. You can also brows e through the manual for mo re comprehensive details on all the functions of your new NDrive.
1. STARTING NDRIVE ....................................................................... 4
Loading NDrive .................................................................................. 4
Language Selection ............................................................................ 5
Legal Information ............................................................................... 5
Welcome to the Map! ......................................................................... 6
Getting a GPS signal ........................................................................... 6
How to improve GPS signal quality? ..................................................... 7
Factors that limit and reduce GPS signal q uality ................................... 7
2. INTERACTIONS WITH THE MAP SCREEN ..................................... 8
Map Display and Icons ........................................................................ 8
Panning ............................................................................................. 8
Zooming ............................................................................................ 9
Tilting and Rotating ........................................................................... 10
3. USING THE KEYBOARD .............................................................. 11
QWERTY/ABC, Numbers, and extended cha racter sets ........................ 11
4. THE MAIN MENU ........................................................................ 14
First menu interface .......................................................................... 14
5. SETTINGS ................................................................................... 15
Overview .......................................................................................... 16
Basic Settings ................................................................................... 16
Language ......................................................................................... 17
Map Appearance ............................................................................... 18
Routing Options ................................................................................ 20
Traffic Options .................................................................................. 21
Safety Options .................................................................................. 22
System ............................................................................................. 23
GPS .................................................................................................. 24
6. FIND/NAVIGATE ........................................................................ 25
Overview .......................................................................................... 25
Search Methods ................................................................................ 27
The Navigation Display Screen ........................................................... 38
Adventure Mode ................................................................................ 39
Roadbook and Alternatives ................................................................ 39
7. MY NDRIVE ................................................................................. 42
Features Overview ............................................................................ 43
My Account ....................................................................................... 43
Managing Favourites ......................................................................... 46
Managing Itineraries .......................................................................... 51
Communities ..................................................................................... 58
8. CONCLUSION .............................................................................. 62
9. LIST OF IMAGES ......................................................................... 63
Information you can find in this section
Loading NDrive
Language selection
Legal information ( can choose not to display on start-up)
Welcome to the Map!
Fixing a GPS signal
How to improve GPS signal quality
Factors that limit and reduce GPS signal quality
Loading NDri ve
The first time you load NDrive you will see this screen:
Picture 1 - Loading Screen Picture 2 - Use current Locat i on?
You will see a prompt: “Allow NDrive to use your current location?” By tapping “OK” you are telling the application that it is alright to find your current locat ion. If you
are in a place where you do not receive recepti on (ex: in your house) t hen the application will be unable to calculate your position, or it will load the last known location until it does receive a signal. If you are inside it is bette r to choose “Don’t All ow”. If you tap “Don’t Allow” then the GP S will not activate the first time. You can always turn it on in “Settings” or restart the applicatio n.
Language Selection
Next you will be prompted to choose the language you would like to use. You can touch the loudspeaker icons to listen to the different voices. Be sure that the volume on your iPhone is at a level that is comfortable for you.
Picture 3 - Voice Selecti on
After choosing the language of your choice, click “OK” to continue.
Legal Information
Read this through the first time using the product. It is important.
Picture 4 - Legal Information
Legal Information contains a disclaimer about liability and s peed data accuracy. You can select to
Picture 5 - Map view
show this menu on start up, or not to display on start up. You can always view it in the About Menu.
Welcome to the Map!
You should see on your screen the default location for NDrive. The default position will vary by country. The screen displays the time in the bottom left and a menu screen in the bottom right.
Getting a GPS signal
If you have chosen to let the GPS use your current position it will attempt to gain a GPS signal. If this is the first time using yo ur GPS it will take many minutes t o gain a signal for the first time,
ranging anywhere from 5minutes to 50 minutes. The time it will take varies highly on where you are – outs ide with a cle ar vi ew of the sky is best. T his is normal for all GP S systems when boot ing the first time.
What if the GPS is not locking onto my position?
Your GPS may not lock on for one of two reasons:
You might have chosen not to allow it to use your current position when first starting the application.
You are in a location where it is no t possible to receive GPS reception.
If you selected not to allow the GPS to lock on to your current location you will need to enter Menu, select settings, scroll down to GPS, and toggle it on with a finger tap.
If you are indoors where the signal is very weak you will need to find a location where you can receive the signal.
Once you receive a signal you will see the NDri ve map display ing your current locat ion. (As shown in the image above)
How to improve GPS signal quality?
GPS works best when it has a clear view of the sky. Clouds, buildings, and other materials will cause a GPS signal to degrade. GPS works best in open areas.
It is a good idea to sync your phone 3-4 times a week. If you sync your i Phone frequently, GPS accuracy will increase greatly. The longer you go without synchronizing your iPhone, the less accuracy and reception quality your iPhone will have.
When using NDrive in the car place it high on the dash, near the windshield. GPS reception will increase dramatically.
Factors that limit and reduce GPS signal quality
Some cars have athermic heat reflecting windshields, which will prevent GPS signals from being received. When using GPS in the car be sure that it is placed near the wind shield or by a window, not far inside the dash, and that your car does not have an athermic heat reflecting windshield.
Signal reception will often be weaker in cities with v ery large buildings. The signal will bounce off these buildings multiple times before reaching your receiver, resulting in a much weaker signal.
Picture 6 - Map icon functions
Picture 7 - Auto Zoom and Panning
Information you can find in this section
Map Display and Icons
Panning and Sound
Tilting and Rotating
Map Display an d Icon s
If you slide your finger along the bottom of the screen you can increase the audio level.
Picture 8 - Pinch to zoom out
Picture 9 - Reverse pinch to zoom in
You can also use pinch gestures to zoo m and rotate the map. Use a regular pinch motion t o zoom out.
Use a reverse pinch to zoom in. A s ind i ca ted below.
Tilting and Rotating
To rotate the map you can use a twist gesture. See below.
Picture 10 - Twist to rotate the map
You can tilt the map without using the tilt keys on the left hand side by sliding two fingers up or down the screen vertically, as shown below.
Picture 11 - Tilting
Information you can find in this section
How to adjust the Keyboard to your preferences
How to use the Keyboard efficiently
QWERTY/ABC, Numbers, an d extended character sets
With NDrive you can choose to view the keyboard in either ABC or QWERTY display. The user can enter alphabet and numerical characters, punctuation, and other characters with the NDrive keyboard. Access the Keyboard menu via “Settings” > “Languages”. Menu d isplayed below.
Picture 11 - QWERTY and ABC Keyboard Options
Picture 12 - QWERTY and ABC Display
Pressing “123” button on the QWERTY keyboard will display a keypad with larger numbers and symbols, as well as buttons to access extended symbols and characters keyboards.
Pressing “123” button on the ABC Keyboard will open up the numbers keyboard, which has buttons on the bottom that can be used to access the extended keyboard and extended symbols.
Pressing back at anytime while using the application will cause you to exit from the Add ress entry screen.
It is not possible to capitalize letters where they would not normally be capitalized.
Picture 13 - Keyboard numbers and symbols
Picture 14 - Extended Character s
You can access extended characters by pressing the ext button, below.
Picture 15 - Main Menu Options
Information you can find in this section
Explanation of the first user interface menu
First menu interface
When you first open NDrive ther e w i l l be a few buttons visible on the screen.
• Navigate
• Settings
• My NDrive
Beneath these buttons there are two more:
• About
• Map
These buttons can be considered the top level of NDrive operation. This guide is organized to address the functions and sub-processes of each area (Find, Navigate, Settings). “My NDrive” is a n area where you can keep personalized i nformation that you create while using NDrive. For more information you can visit the “My NDrive” section of the manual.
By clicking on “About” you can get version, map, privacy and legal information about the software.
Information you can find in this section
Basic Settings
a) Speaker b) Light
Map Appearance
a) Auto Zoom b) Light c) 3D Landmarks d) Map Control Buttons e) Templates f) Favourites g) Points of Interest
Routing Options
a) Fastest b) Shortest c) Pedestrian d) Adventure e) Tolls
Traffic Options (Available in select countries)
a) Traffic On/Off b) Traffic refresh time
Safety Options
a) Speed Limit Alarm b) Road Speed Alert c) Safety Camera Alert
a) 12h/24h format
a) On/Off b) Coordinates Format
Picture 16 - Settings Menu
The way NDrive functions is both enabled and restricted by the settings. Having a very strong understanding of what the different settings do will greatly increase the quality of experience you will have with NDrive.
The NDrive Menu system is controlled by touch operation. To select an option, tap or pr ess once. To slide the menu horizontally or vertically, drag your finger across the screen. Opening the settings tab will display a number of configurable options . *Note – in order to determine if Traffi c is available in your country refer to the product description in the iTunes store.
Basic Settin gs
Speaker: Allows you to change the NDrive voice instruction vo lume from “Off” to level 5. Always
set a volume level that doesn’t interfere with your driving.
Light: Allows you to manage the backlight, there are two options: Always on: Backlight stays on System: Light will dim after ~30 seconds of disuse and then sleep. Navigation will continue, voice
commands will not be given
Picture 17 - General Settings
In this menu you can set the language and other language related display options such as Keyboard type (ABC or QWERTY) and KpH/MpH.
Please remember language of your choice.
, when you change the language the spoken instructions also change to the
Picture 18 - Language Settings
Map Appearance
Picture 19 - Map Appearance Settings
Changing options in this menu will change how you view the map and its components. Auto Zoom: Will change the level of zoom according to the speed you are travelling. NDrive
automatically adjusts to allow a better view of the map. By disabling Auto Zoom you can control manually your zoom level. Zoom will not adjust itself when Auto Zoom is disabled.
3D Landmarks: Allows you to enable or disable 3D buildings which can be found in cities on your NDrive. When disabled, 3D landmarks will not appear as 3D representations. Some maps do not have 3D landmarks. Refer to the pr oduct description in iTunes to determine if your country app has 3D landmarks.
Map Control Buttons: Turning this option on enables tilting and causes two curved arrows to appear on the middle left hand side of the screen. It also enables zoom buttons. The curved arrows can be used to manually tilt the screen, or you can sli de two of y our fingers vert ical ly to t ilt the map.
Disabling the map control buttons remo ves the tilting option. The application will be locked at the tilt level set before the option was disabled.
Templates: Allows you to choose your map color scheme. There are five template choices: default, night, balanced, Britannica, and contrast.
Picture 20 - Day and Night template settings
Picture 21 - Different template views
Favourites: Allows you to add, edit, and remove favourite’s categories. NDrive comes with th ree categories, personal, friends, and work , but you can create an unlimited number as you like. This is a unique feature of NDrive.
Points of Interest: You can choose Point of Interest categories and g roups that will be appear as icons on the map. Use this option to make the POI you are interested in visible and others invisible.
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