This guide was created with two purposes: to provide clear explanation of NDrive functionalities and
to serve as a comprehensive resource for those seeking to get more out of NDrive.
In this guide you can find answers to your questions about NDrive 10. You can also discover new ways
to use NDrive more effectively.
General Application Information
NDrive is a GPS application which can be used on many devices, like mobile phones, portable
navigation devices, tablets and smartbooks. NDrive provides reliable navigation guidance via visual and
voice directions.
NDrive partners with the best map companies in order to bring you detailed and accurate digital maps
for all our products. NDrive works with large map providers like Tele Atlas and NAVTEQ, but also with
local map providers.
Interface and Navigation
The user interface is simple and user friendly. That makes it more intuitive for the average user. But
beneath its simplicity lies a powerful engine that delivers superior navigational control directly into the
hands of both experienced and inexperienced users.
As a navigation application, NDrive’s primary purpose is to help you get to your destination safely,
quickly and effortlessly. You can learn more about how to use NDrive by reading this guide.
Using NDrive and this User Guide
If you want to search for a specific function in NDrive check the Table of Contents above to find the
appropriate section. You can also browse through the manual for more comprehensive details on all the
functions of NDrive.
Starting NDrive
In this section you will learn…
• How to quickly start using NDrive 10.
• What you have to do in the first steps.
• How the map and location information is displayed.
The first steps
The first time you load NDrive you will see this screen:
Loading screen
Next you will be prompted to choose the language you would like to use. You can tap the loudspeaker
icons to listen to the different voices before choosing. Make sure that the volume on your device is at an
audible level.
Tap on a language
to select it
Language choice screen
Tap on the
loudspeaker icon to
listen to the voice
When finish press
ok to move on
After choosing the language, click “OK” to continue. On the next screen you will see a legal information
screen and an anonymous data collection screen. Read them through the first time you use the product
and choose an option.
Legal information screen
The legal Information screen contains a disclaimer about liability and speed data accuracy. You can
select to show/hide this menu on start up. You can always view it in NDrive’s About > Startup Wizard
After these initial steps you will be shown the map.
Getting your position and GPS signal performance
If this is the first time you’re using your NDrive, it may take several minutes to gain a signal, ranging
anywhere from 5 minutes to 25 minutes. The time it will take can vary greatly depending on where your
location. This is normal for all GPS systems when booting for the first time.
Once you receive a signal you will see the NDrive map displaying your current location (as shown in the
next chapter).
What to do if my NDrive cannot get a GPS signal
Your GPS may not lock on because you are in a location where it is not possible to receive GPS
reception. If you are indoors where the signal is very weak you will need to find a location where
you can receive the signal. GPS works best when it has a clear view of the sky. Clouds, fog, rain
and snow are barriers and will cause a GPS signal to degrade.
Signal reception will often be weaker in cities with very large buildings. The signal will bounce off
these buildings multiple times before reaching your receiver, resulting in a much weaker signal.
How to improve GPS signal quality?
When using NDrive in the car, place it high on the dashboard, near the windshield. GPS reception
will increase dramatically.
Some cars have athermic heat reflecting windshields, which will prevent GPS signals from being
received. When using your device under these conditions, please place it closer to your vehicle’s
side windows (non athermic).
Zoom in button
Zoom out button
Time/speed /
Map pan/zoom
GPS signal
Bottom display field
Map tilt buttons
In this section you will learn…
• What types of information can be displayed on a map.
• How to interact with a map using the touch screen of your NDrive.
First look on the map
Map overview
On the Map-Display Screen you will find all important information needed to navigate. Roads, parks,
lakes, rivers and urban areas are all presented in very intuitive way. Amongst all of them, users can find
on the map small colourful icons representing Points of Interest and, in some maps, 3D buildings* and
radar (safety cameras) positions. You can tap any POI icon to get more information about it. You can
also point to any other place on the map to get information about the name of the street, 3D building or
to find the coordinates of the place.
* may be hidden on devices with low performance.
The most important information and meters that you can find on the map are presented on the following
distance controls
First look on the map – waiting for GPS signal
strength bar
When you click Menu, you will go directly to the Main Menu, where you can manage your settings, find
new places or start navigation.
When your position is locked on the map, you will see it indicated by a green pointer. Tap on the map
for more options:
The two icons on the
bottom are used to add a
point from the map to the
Favourites or itineraries
Icons on the bottom of the screen are used to mark a location as a Favourite, an Itinerary waypoint,
Start Navigation. To learn more how to use them, please check the sections Managing Favourites,
Managing Itineraries in the chapter My NDrive, and refer to Find & Navigate chapter to check how
you can navigate.
Changing the Volume Level
When navigating, you can also change the volume level. If you slide your finger over the bottom of the
screen you can increase/decrease the audio level.
In this section you will learn…
• How to adjust the Keyboard to your preferences.
• How to use the Keyboard efficiently.
• How to switch between QWERTY/ABC, numbers and extended character sets.
Using the keyboard
With NDrive you can choose to view the keyboard in either ABC or QWERTY mode. The user can enter
letters, numbers, punctuation, and other characters. Access the keyboard menu via Settings►Language. You will have a choice between two types of keyboards.
Switching between QWERTY and ABC ke yboard
The difference between keyboard sets is presented below.
Difference between keyboards: left - ABC, right – QWERTY
Pressing the “123” button on the QWERTY or ABC keyboards will display a keypad with larger
numbers and symbols, as well as the buttons: “EXT” and “#&?”. Pressing any of the buttons will let
you access extended symbolsandcharacters keyboards.
Extended symbols and characters keyboard
Pressing the Back Arrow button at anytime will take you back to the menu.
You can access extended characters by pressing the “Ext” button, as shown below.
Extended Characters
Using non-Latin-based alphabets
NDrive provides users with more than one type of alphabet. It is a must when you use a map
from, for example,. Arabic or Russian speaking countries, where the names of the streets need
to be presented with non-Latin characters.
Non-Latin characters are directly connected with the map.
Users can choose the type of the alphabet by selecting between two available map sources. In
order to do so, please go to Menu ► About ► Map , click on the map and then on the Select
button. In this way, not only the keyboard set but also all street names will be displayed and fully
searchable in the new alphabet.
Capitalisation of the letters and country specific characters
NDrive automatically changes the capitalisation of the letters, so there is no need to
worry about addresses which are capitalised in a special way. The search engine will
find them anyway!
The same rule applies to country specific characters. Although some of them are
available on the Extended Characters keypad, the search engine will also find the
address when they are not included.
Calculate routes
Explore the map,
Adjust basic
In this section you will learn…
• How to find your way starting from the Main Menu
• What can you find in the main sections of the Main Menu.
Main menu’s main sections
When you open NDrive you’ll see Menu with buttons visible on the screen
• Navigate
• Find
• My NDrive
• Settings
Tapping the side-button or scrolling the screen to the right, you will find additional buttons:
• Programs (available on selected devices)
• Help
• Games (available on selected devices)
• Exit/Turn Off
• About
and directions
Access Community
features, manage
Favourites and
Main Menu Options
POI and Favourite
operational settings
and preferences
All these buttons can be considered the top level of NDrive operation.
Generally the most important sections are Find and Navigate, which are the starting points for most of
users. Settings and My NDrive are mostly connected with setting up and personalisation of the
The next section is a complete guide about all NDrive’s Settings. We recommend you to read it if you
aren’t familiar with navigation software and if you want to take full advantage of NDrive 10.
In this section you will learn…
• How to setup general settings and s ystem language.
• How to change the map appearance.
• How to adjust Favourites and Points of Interest display settings.
• How to choose from different routing modes.
• How to personalise the Safety Options.
• Where to change the time and coordinates format.
• Where to turn on/off GPS reception.
The way NDrive operates is both enabled and restricted by its Settings. Understanding the different
types of settings will improve NDrive’s usability.
Overview of the Settings Menu
The NDrive Menu system is controlled by a touch screen interface. To select an option, tap on it once.
To slide the menu horizontally or vertically, drag your finger across the screen. Opening the Settings tab
will display a number of configurable options.
General and Language Settings
General Settings
Speaker toggle allows you to change the NDrive voice instruction volume from “Off” to level “5”.
This toggle allows you to manage the backlight. There are two possible options:
• Smart Power Save: Backlight changes to a brighter level when close to a direction change.
• Light Sensor: Backlight changes according the light sensor (when available).
• System: NDrive uses the predefined Backlight level.
Light dim timing
Light will dim after 30 seconds of disuse and then sleep.
Language Menu
In the Language Menu you can set the language and other language related display options such as
keyboard mode (ABC or QWERTY) and KpH/MpH.
Changing the language changes spoken instructions
Please remember, when you change the language the spoken instructions also change
to the language of your choice.
Map Appearance
Changing options in this menu will change how you view the map and its components.
Map Appearance Settings
Lane Assistant*
The Lane Assistant informs you which side of the road you should you keep in, in order to easily follow
the calculated route. The Lane Assistant toggle lets you choose between a detailed and simple display
mode for Lane Assistance graphics.
*Available in selected maps.
Templates allow you to choose your map colour scheme. There are five template choices: Default,
Night, Balanced, Britannica, and Contrast.
In this panel you can also control auto toggling between Night/Day mode.
Map Appearance Settings
Templates gallery
Favourites option allows you to add, edit, import/export and remove Favourites categories. NDrive
comes with three categories, Personal, Friends, and Work, but you can create an unlimited number as
required. More information about managing Favourites can be found in the chapter My NDrive, in the
Managing Favourites section.
Points of Interest
POI settings let you choose Point of Interest categories and groups that will be shown as icons on the
map. Use this option to make the POI you are interested in visible and others invisible.
You can tick the
categories to make
them visible on the
Clicking in the square
button will enable you
to select/deselect all
Personalisation of displayed P OIs
Routing Options
The configuration of NDrive’s routing options will greatly influence NDrive’s route selection.
Picture 1 - Routing Options Menu
It is important to know the behaviour of the different modes so you can understand how the software will
make decisions.
Fastest is best for longer routes. NDrive will calculate routes by giving high priority to faster roads, such
as highways, minimizing travel time. This option is usually not the best for travelling short distances, or
within cities.
Shortest: Shortest is primarily used for in-city driving or for travelling over short distances. NDrive will
choose the shortest path to the destination by minimizing the distance to drive. This routing option does
not consider the quality of the road, speed limit, number of stop signs, or any other attribute that may
make the road less desirable.
Pedestrian Mode: NDrive will calculate routes without considering traffic signs, such as one-way signs.
This mode will avoid any road that does not give pedestrian access, such as highways.
Adventure Mode: This mode does not use the normal map. Instead it functions primarily by using a
free-roaming mode with waypoints. Extra tools such as the compass are available in Adventure Mode.
Refer to the Adventure Mode section in the end of Find & Navigate chapter for more details.
Tolls: This option is especially valuable if tolls are an important consideration. There are two options for
• Yes: If necessary, NDrive will use toll roads to minimize travel time.
• Avoid: When calculating its route, NDrive will avoid toll roads. If that is not possible, you’ll hear
the word “Toll” at the end of the calculation.
Safety Options
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