nct 100M, 990M, 2000M User Manual

Controls for Milling Machines and Machining Centers
Operator`s Manual
Valid from software version x.057
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Introduction ............................................................ 7
1 Operator’s Panel ....................................................... 8
1.1 The NC Control Panel: Display Unit and Data Input Keyboard ................. 8
1.1.1 Data Input Keyboard ............................................. 10
1.1.2 Information Displayed in General Displaying Area and the Status Bar ........ 11
1.1.3 Indication of Ready Status of Control ................................ 13
1.2 Machine Control Board ..............................................13
2 General Operating Knowledge ........................................... 17
2.1 Screen Menu ...................................................... 17
2.2 Action Menu ...................................................... 19
2.3 Data Input ........................................................ 19
3 General Displaying Areas and Actions Executed on Them ..................... 21
3.1 POSITION Screens ................................................. 22
3.2 CHECK Screens.................................................... 24
3.2.1 PROGRAM TEXT Screen, Listing of Running Program .................. 24
3.2.2 FUNCTION Screen, Subprogram and Macro Levels ..................... 24
3.2.3 LAST and ACTIVE screens. G Codes and Compensations................. 25
3.2.4 OPERATOR’S PANEL Screen ..................................... 26
3.2.5 MESSAGES Screen ............................................. 28
3.3 PROGRAM Screens................................................. 29
3.3.1 DIRECTORY Screen ............................................ 29
3.3.2 VIEW Screen .................................................. 31
3.3.3 EDIT Screen ................................................... 33
3.3.4 BLOCK INPUT ................................................ 34
3.4 OFFSETS Screens .................................................. 35
3.4.1 WORK OFFSETS Screen ......................................... 35
3.4.2 TOOL OFFSETS Screen.......................................... 36
3.4.3 WORK OFFSET MEASURE Screen ................................ 38
3.4.4 TOOL LENGTH OFFSET MEASURE Screen ......................... 39
3.4.5 RELATIVE POSITION OFFSETS Screen ............................ 40
3.5 GRAPHIC POSITION Screens ........................................ 41
3.5.1 GRAPHIC PARAMETERS Screen .................................. 41
3.5.2 DRAW Screen.................................................. 43
3.6 SETTING Screens .................................................. 45
3.6.1 Screen of LOCAL MACRO VARIABLES #1–#33 ..................... 45
3.6.2 Screen of COMMON MACRO VARIABLES #100–#199 ................. 46
3.6.3 Screen of COMMON MACRO VARIABLES #500–#599 ................. 47
3.6.4 TIMER AND COUNTER Screen ................................... 48
3.6.5 TOOL POT TABLE Screen ....................................... 48
3.6.6 PLC TABLE Screen ............................................. 50
3.6.7 USER’S PARAMETERS Screen (User’s Params) ....................... 51
3.6.8 SECURITY PANEL Screen ....................................... 52
4 Editing Part Programs ................................................. 55
4.1 Structure of Part Program............................................. 55
4.2 Division of EDIT Screen during Editing.................................. 56
4.3 Basic Editing Functions: Typing, Cursor Moving, Delete, Insert, Select .......... 58
4.4 Editor Action Menu................................................. 61
4.5 File Actions: Save, Save as ........................................... 61
4.6 Edit Actions: Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Find and Replace ..................... 61
4.7 Insert Actions ..................................................... 63
4.8 Actions of Window ................................................. 63
4.9 Help ............................................................ 64
5 Switching Over Operation Modes ........................................ 65
6 Manual Operation Modes .............................................. 66
6.1 Manual Reference Point Return Mode ................................... 66
6.2 Jog Mode ........................................................ 68
6.3 Incremental Jog Mode ............................................... 70
6.4 Manual Handle Mode ............................................... 72
7 Actions Executed in Manual Operation Modes ............................. 74
7.1 Single Block Operation .............................................. 74
7.2 Work Zero Point Offset and Tool Length Offset Measurement . . .............. 74
7.2.1 Work Zero Point Offset Measurement ............................... 75
7.2.2 Tool Length Offset Measurement ................................... 78
8 Modes of Automatic Operation .......................................... 81
8.1 Automatic Mode ................................................... 81
8.1.1 Program Execution in DNC ....................................... 81
8.2 Edit Mode ........................................................ 83
8.3 Manual Data Input Mode............................................. 84
9 Override Switches ..................................................... 86
9.1 Feedrate Override Switch ............................................ 86
9.2 Rapid Traverse Override Switch ....................................... 87
9.3 Spindle Speed Override Switch ........................................ 87
10 Program Execution Start and Stop ...................................... 89
10.1 Starting Program Execution.......................................... 89
10.2 Feed Stop ....................................................... 89
10.3 RESET ......................................................... 89
10.4 Programmed Stop: M00 ............................................ 90
10.5 Conditional Stop: M01 ............................................. 90
10.6 End of Program: M02, M30.......................................... 91
11 Intervention in the Course of Program Execution .......................... 92
11.1 Conditional Block Skip ............................................. 92
11.2 Increasing Feedrate by Means of Rapid Traverse Jog Button . ................ 92
11.3 Intervention by Means of Manual Handle in Automatic Operation ............. 93
12 Debugging the Part Program ........................................... 95
12.1 Single Block Execution ............................................. 95
12.2 Dry Run (All Feedrates at High Speed) ................................. 95
12.3 Machine Lock Function ............................................. 96
12.4 Other Locking Possibilities .......................................... 96
12.5 Test Run......................................................... 97
13 Interruption and Restart of Automatic Operation .......................... 98
13.1 Interruption of Automatic Operation.................................... 98
13.2 Restart of the Automatic Operation. Modal Information. .................... 98
13.3 Unconditional Restart of Automatic Operation ........................... 100
13.4 Automatic Operation Restart with BLOCK RESTART Condition . . .......... 105
13.4.1 Return to the Block Start Position by Means of Manual Operation......... 105
13.4.2 Return to Block Start Position in Automatic Mode .................... 105
13.4.3 Cases of Return by Means of BLOCK RESTART Condition ............. 106
13.5 Automatic Mode Restart with BLOCK RETURN Condition ................ 109
13.5.1 Return to the Interruption Point by Means of Manual Operation .......... 109
13.5.2 Return to the Interruption Point in Automatic Operation . ............... 109
13.5.3 Cases of Return by Means of Condition BLOCK RETURN.............. 110
13.6 Automatic Operation Start after Block Search ........................... 113
13.6.1 Pointing at the Desired Block. Entering the Repetition count. ............ 113
13.6.2 Command SEARCH ........................................... 114
13.6.3 Command GOTO ............................................. 117
13.6.4 Search for INTERRUPTED Block ................................ 118
14 Listing of Messages and their Codes ..................................... 119
14.1 Local Message ................................................... 119
14.2 Global Messages.................................................. 119
14.3 Listing of Global Messages.......................................... 121
Notes ................................................................ 141
Alphabetical index ..................................................... 142
March 18, 2003
© Copyright NCT March 18, 2003
The Publisher reserves all rights for the contents of this Manual. No reprinting, even in extracts, is permissible unless our written consent is obtained. The text of this Manual has been compiled and checked with utmost care, yet we assume no liability for possible errors or spurious data and for consequential losses or damages.
Dear User,
Thank you for having opted for one of our NCT100M, NCT990M or NCT2000M control systems. It is hoped sincerely that you will be always satisfied in your work with its facilities.
It should be remembered that the skill of operating the machine can only be learnt in the possession of the part programming fundamentals. Similarly, no programming is feasible unless the skills of machine operation are acquired.
Conditions of Operation and Storage
The control system may be operated at an ambient temperature between +10 and +50/C; It must not be turned on at any other temperature. The programs in the memory cannot be
warranted for preservation if the control is stored at a temperature below +10/C. The storage temperature range is -10 to +50/C.
The control unit is cooled by one or two built-in fans. The fan with a filter, mounted on top of the electronic section, should produce a slight over-pressure inside the cabinet. It should be made sure that the external and the built-in fans are not working against each other. The cleanliness of the filter of the external fan, or if necessary, a replacement thereof is a basic condition for the faultless operation of the control system. It is forbidden to open the door of the cabinet of electronic section (or to disassemble the unit) for aeration or any other purpose while the control system is under power. It is also forbidden and involves the loss of the warranty to remove, repair or subsequently adjust the PC boards of the control system. The only exceptions are the replacements of the 1.6 and 6.3 fuses on the front panel of the PC board of the power supply, and setting the brightness control of the screen. Replacement of fuses can only be done if the tool machine is in power-off status.
1 Operator’s Panel
1 Operator’s Panel
1.1 The NC Control Panel: Display Unit and Data Input Keyboard
The NC control panel employs the display unit (monitor), the softkeys beneath, and the data input keyboard.
The NCT100M, NCT990M, and the NCT2000M control panels are available in different versions. The monitor can be 9" monochrome, or 15" color.
Operator’s panel with 9" monochrome monitor and with optional Machine control board
1 Operator’s Panel
Operator’s panel with 15" color monitor and with optional Machine control board
1 Operator’s Panel
1.1.1 Data Input Keyboard
In case of a 9" monitor directly beneath the screen are five softkeys, in case of a 15" monitor ten softkeys built together with the screen. In both cases the meaning of these softkeys can be read in the menu bars found in the bottom line of screen, therefore their meanings may alter. However it is likely, that in some right-side menu bar there are no captions. This can only mean, that in that situation the softkeys have no function at all. To the left of the first softkey is the
screen menu key , while to the right of the last softkey is the
action menu key . The meaning of these keys is permanent and serve for changing
the meaning of softkeys. The data-input keyboard may be found beneath or to the right of the monitor. The LED “NC ready” is placed on the data-input keyboard.
The main key groups found on data input keyboard are as follows:
Delete keys:
RESET for deleting global and
CANCEL for deleting local messages.
Alphabetical keys:
On the panel the letters of English alphabet, the space key without caption as well as key
SHIFT can be found.. In case key SHIFT is held down, and at the same time a letter
key is pressed, the symbol indicated at the top left corner of the keytop appears.
Numeric input keys:
The numeric input keys (digits, decimal point, sign change) are beside the letters in a separate block that gathers up 3x4 keys.
Scrolling and editing keys:
Arrow keys and move the cursor on characters within a word.
When editing part programs (using EDIT screen) their meanings are:
: Enter (Line Feed s)
: Backspace
The , , and keys move the cursor the respective direction.
Keys PgUp and
PgDn are used for turning pages within the text.
1 Operator’s Panel
Keys INS and
DEL serve for inserting and deleting characters.
The above listed units (monitor and keyboard) constitute the permanent part of NC and are transported together with the control in any case of configuration.
The NC keyboard is fitted with repeater-type keys. This means ) that a depressed key produces an immediate effect, ) that a held-down key produces an effect again after a programmed delay (Typematic
) that, with the key held down permanently, the appropriate code will be entered into the
CPU of the system over and over again at a programmed rate (Typematic Rate). The delay (TD) and the rate (TR) can be set with the help of parameter 1121 TYPEMATIC (for details see Parameters).
1.1.2 Information Displayed in General Displaying Area and the Status Bar
Information seen in general displaying area can be divided into 3 parts: – in the bottom line are the fields of current captions of softkeys, – above - in the middle of screen - is the general displaying area, – while the top three lines form the status bar.
The Status Bar
The top three lines give a general outlook on the present status of control and tool machine. The content of this displaying area is permanent, no matter which general screening area is selected. In the first line there are eight status fields. Each status field can only display logically connecting states. In case there are more states to be displayed in one status field (for there are simultaneously more state conditions), the last one in the list below is shown.
1 State of First Operation Mode Group
MDI: manual data input mode – AUTM: automatic mode, program execution from memory – AUTD: automatic mode, program execution from external device – EDIT: edit mode
2 State of Second Operation Mode Group
JOG: jog mode – INCR: incremental jog mode – HNDL: manual handle feed mode – REF: manual reference point return mode – SBEX: execution of a single block
3 Functional State of Automatic and Manual Data Input
NSCH: block search – INTD: automatic execution interrupted – STRT: start state – STOP: stop state
4 Program Manipulation State
1 Operator’s Panel
LOAD: loading program from external device – SAVE: saving program to external device – SORT: sorting programs in directory is in progress – EDIT: long-lasting edit operation – WFTG: waiting for trigger – TRGD: triggered – Exch: change between general displaying areas is in progress – BURN: burning into FLASH
5 Interpolator StateMOV: either axis moves (interpolator started) – DWL: waiting specified by dwell G4 – POS: waiting for in position signal – 1: increment size 1 increment – 10: increment size 10 increment – 100: increment size 100 increment – 1000: increment size 1000 increment – feedrate: feedrate value from table – DRUN:dry run – HOLD: feed hold state
6 PLC State – FIN: execution of a PLC function is in progress
7 Message Line State
– #*®!: # mirror, * scaling, ® active rotation, and ! the common offset is not zero – OPRM: operator’s message in message line – PLC: PLC message in message line – ALRM: alarm message in message line – ! !: access forbidden – º»: conflicting state
8 General NC State
REF: no reference point on an axis – TEST:test mode – LOCK: machine lock state – EMG: emergency stop state – KYBD: no connection to keyboard
In the second line is the message field. In this field the global messages, i.e. messages independent of the general displaying area, alarm messages of NC, PLC and macros as well as the operator’s messages of PLC are displayed. The date and time display can also be found in this line. In the third line the name of the active general displaying area and behind the number of programs indicated for running can be read. In case of manual data input mode, the number of programs belonging to the manual data input can be seen here, otherwise the number of programs indicated for automatic mode is displayed.
1 Operator’s Panel
1.1.3 Indication of Ready Status of Control
The light of the LED "NC ready" indicates the power-on and functional ready condition of the control system. The LED will turn dark – upon power-off of the control system, – if the control breaks down, – if the monitoring program (watchdog) of the control detects a malfunctioning or a fatal
If the LED is dark, the control is out of service!
1.2 Machine Control Board
The operation mode and functional state of the machine must be capable of being changed and the machining must be capable of being started and stopped. The buttons and switches influencing the function of the machine are called machine control items. The machine control items can be operated – partly after selecting the appropriate general displaying area by means of softkeys on NC
keyboard, or – by means of buttons, switches installed separately. A summary of the state of control items, the active mode ect. appears if the CONTROL PANEL screen is selected.
The machine control panel must contain primarily those operating items, that cannot be accessed from the data input keyboard by means of softkeys (e.g. START, STOP), or their access is hard. Certain items of the machine keyboard can make the intervention from data input keyboard through softkeys unnecessary. Of course the developed machine keyboard can also activate all, from data input keyboard through softkeys attainable machine control items. The case, whether an operating item is to be accessed from softkeys or only from machine control panel is determined by the machine tool builder as a function of the developed machine keyboard, so for details turn to him for an information mat erial.
Optional machine control board
1 Operator’s Panel
Below the operating items of machine control board delivered by NCT are described. The lighting state of LED in the top left corner of buttons shows, that the function indicated by the key is active.
Emergency stop. By its depressing the NC registers the emergency stop state, shuts down all movements, and cuts its outputs off the machine. It can be undone by rotating the head of the button in the direction of the arrow. For more details of its functioning turn to the machine tool builder for an information material.
Machine on button. By affecting it, if the machine is not in emergency stop state (e.g., the emergency stop is not in held down state) the control and the machine link. Other parts of the machine, e.g., hydraulic, etc. come into effect.For more details about the power-on process of the machine turn to the machine tool builder.
Operation mode selectors:
Incremental jog
Manual handle
Manual reference point return
Manual data input
Increment selectors:
Selecting 1, 10, 100, 1000 increment size.
Override switches:
Feedrate override switch. By affecting it the programmed feedrate
can be changed in the 0-120% range.
Rapid traverse override value can be influenced by four
optionally supplied buttons.
Spindle speed override buttons. By affecting <–> the pro-
grammed revolution is reduced, by affecting <+> it is increased by 10% in the 50-150% range. As the effect of button 100% the programmed revolution is acknowledged.
Switches modifying the conditions of program execution:
Single block execution
Conditional block skip
1 Operator’s Panel
Conditional stop
Program test
Machine lock
Dry run
Block restart
Block return
Function lock
1 Operator’s Panel
Movement, start and stop buttons
Start button. Details of its functioning are discussed in the forthcoming
chapters of the Manual.
Stop button. Details of its functioning are discussed in the forthcoming
chapters of the Manual.
Jog buttons. Operators of jogging and incrementing. In case of running to reference point they serve for selecting axes. The arrangement of buttons can vary for machine types.
Spindle start and stop buttons. By affecting them the spindle
starts to spin in CW direction (M3), or in CCW direction (M4), as well as stops to spin (M5).
Apart from these buttons the machine control panel contains 8 optionally used buttons equipped with LEDs, about which the machine tool builder decides, what function he chooses to build in. Also, a manual handle can be attached to the machine control panel.
2 General Operating Knowledge
2 General Operating Knowledge
2.1 Screen Menu
After turning the power on among the captions interpreting the softkeys the screen menu is active. On a color screen the default background color of the menu bar of the screen menu is
light grey. In order to switch over from another menu to this, the screen menu key
must be pressed. The different screens can be selected in the screen menu by pressing the softkey with the appropriate caption. Actions (e.g. Data input) cannot be initiated from the screen menu, this menu is only for to switch over between screens. The screen menu is of two levels, in the first level the following screen menus can be found:
If the appropriate screen within the screen menu is active, the caption of the menu field is highlighted, otherwise the caption is dark (black). After turning the power on the ABSOLUTE POSITION screen is active, this is why the Position (Positn) is highlighted. In order to switch over to another screen menu simply the softkey of the desired screen menu must be pressed.
The last softkey of the first level of screen menu (beside the action menu key ) is the
Page. With this softkey can the next screen be switched over within the screen menu without activating the menu by pushing the softkey of the active screen menu.
The control memorizes the screen within the screen menu, and when returning to the screen menu it offers the same screen. For example: On the POSITION screen menu the MACHINE POSITION is displayed by means of Page than after selecting the OPERATOR’S PANEL screen menu the POSITION screen menu is returned, in this case the MACHINE POSITION screen appears (the name of the screen can always be seen in the third line).
Should the control contain five softkeys (9" monitor), it can only display five menu fields at a time. In this case the first level of the screen menu is as follows:
Note, that the fifth softkey is the Page! The part containing the further screen menus can be displayed by pressing screen menu key
Here the caption of neither screen menu is highlighted, for the POSITION screen menu is active, but presently it is not shown. As the last screen menu is the SERVICE, by pressing
screen menu key again the previous part of the screen menu is returned. If there were
2 General Operating Knowledge
further items after Service screen menu, those would be shown by pressing the screen menu
key , until the first part of screen menu is returned.
The number seen in the bottom right corner of menu field indicates the softkey number of the appropriate menu field and not the line number of the menu within the screen menu (for more see parameter SFNUMB ). By pressing the softkey of the active screen menu, its menu appears. On the basis of the previous example the following menu appears by pressing the Position softkey:
The Position menu consists of five items, therefore starting with the sixth menu field the forthcoming ones stay blank (for those have no meanings at all). Suppose, that the second - and last - level of the screen menu is in effect. Here by pressing the softkeys the caption of the appropriate menu field becomes highlighted and the selected screen appears immediately. On the second level there is no Page softkey, because there the desired screen can instantly be selected. If there is not enough room for the screens forming a screen menu in the menu bar, the subsequent parts can be brought in by pressing screen
menu key If the last menu item of the screen menu is already in the menu bar, then by
pressing screen menu key the first level of screen menu is returned.
The following menu items (screens) can be selected from the screen menus:
panel 5
Messag e6
Director y1
View 2
Work offsets 1
Tool offsets 2
param 1
Edit 3Block
input 4
W. offs. measur 3
T. leng. measur 4
5 6 7 890
Rel. pos offsets 5
2 3 45
2 General Operating Knowledge
#1- #33 1
#100­#199 2
#500­#599 3
Timer / counter 4
Tool pot 5PLC ta-
ble 6
User’s params7
Security 8 9 0
Param 1PLC 2Test
I/O 3
Logic anal 4
Test mes 5
Scope 6Errors 7Version
Summary: The screen menus are in two levels. The first level has eight screen menus. On the
first level the screens can be switched over within the active menu field by means of
page softkey. If all menu items do not have enough room on the screen, the screen
menu key turns a page. If the last menu item is shown in the menu bar, then by
pressing screen menu key again, the first part of the first level is returned.
2.2 Action Menu
If some kind of action e.g. data input is to be done on different screens, the action menu belonging to the screen can be switched over in the menu bar by pressing action menu key
. As could the screen menu, the action menu can also have maximum two levels, but in
some cases there are menu items already on the first level, that result in direct action. The default background color of the action menu is orange. The active state of menu field may also be indicated apart from the highlighted (white) or dark (black) colors of the caption by the depressed state of menu field. If an action cannot be activated in the given control state, the background color of menu field changes to the color of the screen menu and the menu field serves no longer as a start button and is only surrounded by a frame. If all action menu items belonging to the given screen do not have enough room in the menu bar, then - as in case of screen menu - it is possible to turn the page within the menu by means
of action menu key . If the last menu is already on the screen, then by pressing action
menu key the first part of the first level of the action menu is returned.
The action menu is determined by the active screen.
2.3 Data Input
On the different screens data input can be initiated. Data input must be started by pressing
action menu key The data input line is on the bottom of screen, above the softkeys is
the data input line, where the control gathers the entered data. Numbers are entered according to the following rules: – The number entered gives value to the address defined in the data input line. – It is not mandatory to enter the left-hand (insignificant) zeros. – The digit entered is interpreted as an integer or as a decimal digit before or after the decimal
point has been pressed, respectively.
2 General Operating Knowledge
– It is not necessary to enter the right-hand insignificant zeros behind the decimal point or the
decimal point (in the case of an integer value).
– The data input can be started with decimal point when the integer part of a number is zero.
– Key and incremental operator I (provided they are permissible for the given address
character) may be hit several times during the input of the number, any time before the use of arrow keys terminating the numeric input. The default is a positive absolute value. The incremental data input and the sign will be indicated in the first and second positions of the location in front of the number, respectively.
– The control system displays DATA error message during data input whenever a formal
error is committed in the number to be specified for the given address (exceeding the number of integer or decimal digits, illegal use of the incremental operator or one of
keys or .
– A numeric input in progress can be cleared any time by key <DEL> before termina-
tion. In this case the condition preceding the commencement of numeric input is restored.
The effects of keys and terminating a numeric input differ from each other in that
forward or backward stepping in the address chain will be perfo rmed upon depression of
or , respectively. Keys and can be used for stepping the address
chain (in the absence of a numeric input) as well as for the termination of a numeric input.
3 General Displaying Areas and Actions Executed on Them
3 General Displaying Areas and Actions Executed on Them
Each general displaying area is accessible any time, independent of the current operation mode or other states of control. However actions belonging to the given display cannot be executed any time, the execution can depend on the mode or other states of control. For example editing of parameters can only be done in EDIT mode, although the list of parameters can be seen any time, in AUTO­MATIC mode even during milling . If execution of an action is impossible in the given control mode, it is indicated by two arrows pointing at each other º» (conflicting state) in the status field of the seventh message line. It is quite another matter, that the action may be able to be executed in any control mode, still the action will not be effective immediately. For example the t ool compensation value can be changed any time, even during milling, yet the machining must be interrupted (create INTD state) and restarted for the control to register the new compensation value.
3.1 POSITION Screens
3.1 POSITION Screens
There can be five types of POSITION screens. The first four screens displays the selected position with big-size characters, meanwhile on the fifth screen all position displays as well as in case of six or fewer axes the feed and revolution values are also displayed with normal characters. In case of an oriented spindle when the loop is closed (state M19) the screen shows the angle position of the spindle instead of the revolution. If the spindle can be programmed as axis C, the line starts with C in place of S. In the line of feed display the current coordinate system number can also be read.
en : In the selected coor-
dinate system in respect of the appropriate offsets and compensations.
en After reference point
has been returned it corresponds to absolute position. It can be overwritten or zeroed in an optional state.
en: Position measured in
the G53 coordinate system in respect of length compensations.
END POSITION Screen: End position of the block in the current coordinate system in
respect of length compensations.
en: Beside the previous
four displays the distance to go also gets to be displayed. It shows how much is left of the current movement. By this display (in case of six or fewer axes) the programmed and current feed and revolution can also be seen.
Screen: In the state of
polar coordinate interpolation on (G12.1) it indicates the tool
3.1 POSITION Screens
position in the programmed Cartesian coordinate system. In the state of polar
coordinate interpolation off (G13.1) positions indicated here are the same as on the
screen ABSOLUTE.
The first three screens also have a setting function; The position display selected the last time will be beside distance to go and end position by general displaying areas (except for offsets), where the position display can be seen on the top of general displaying area.
Actions of POSITION Screens
Actions of POSITION screens correspond to that of the OPERATOR’S PANEL screen (see the chapter 3.2.4).
3.2 CHECK Screens
3.2 CHECK Screens
This screen serves for displaying running programs and their states.
3.2.1 PROGRAM TEXT Screen, Listing of Running Program
In the lower part of general dis­playing area the list of the run­ning program can be seen. One block on the list is highlighted; This is the block under execu­tion. In the middle part of gen­eral displaying areas of feed and revolution can be seen (provided the number of displayed axes is not more than six). The position display is in the upper part of general displaying area. In the first column the current tool po­sition in agreement with the se­lected POSITION screen (see the chapter 3.1), in the middle column the distance to go
position, while in the right one the end position can be seen.
3.2.2 FUNCTION Screen, Subprogram and Macro Levels
In the right-side subprogram field of general displaying area the active subprogram(s) can be seen. Directly after the number of the subprogram stands the repetition number. The fields on the bottom of general displaying area show information on the revolution state of spindle (M3, M4, M5, M19), of the gear range (M11, M12,...), of the current tool (Tnnnn), of auxiliary functions (A, B and C), as well as of further (in PLC program defined) M codes. The first column shows the posi-
tion in agreement with the selected POSITION screen (see the chapter 3.2), while the second one shows the rest position.
3.2 CHECK Screens
3.2.3 LAST and ACTIVE screens. G Codes and Compensations.
On the LAST and ACTIVE screens the active G codes and compensations under block display (LAST) and program execution (ACTIVE) can be seen. The LAST screen corresponds to the values of #4000..., #4100... macro variables, while the ACTIVE screen to
that of #4200..., #4300... .
The current tool position is displayed on the upper part of general displaying area. In the first column the position in agreement with the selected POSITION screen (see the chapter 3.1), in the middle column the distance to go position, while in the right one the end position can be seen. If less than seven axes are to be displayed information on feed and spindle revolution appears in the middle part of general displaying area. In the lower part of general dis-
playing area starting from the left, downwards the G codes, the number of diameter compensation register (on the ACTIVE screen also its value), as well as the length compensation register(s) can be seen. The letter after the length compensation register displays, on which axis is the given length compensation registered. Of the G codes only those, different from default setting are displayed.
Block Input action menu: Pushing action menu button and selecting action menu
Block Input, it is possible to input and execute a program block or to modify an old
one. Block Input and execution is only available in modes jog (JOG), incremental jog (INCR) or handle (HNDL). The block demanded can be edited by the alphanumerical keys. In the line has been
edited cursor can be moved by the keys or if something is to be over-
written or deleted. For insertion use key INS. By pushing it INSERT and
OVERWRITE state can be toggled. Use buttons DEL, or (Backspace)
for deletion.
Block input can be terminated by keys (Enter), or . Then in status
field 2 the title (SBEX) (single block execution) appears. Using START button the single block is executed. With RESET key single block exetution can be cancelled
3.2 CHECK Screens
(even before pushing START) and the block can be edited again. Single block in buffer is saved and can be recalled until turning the control off. Action I can be used for input of incremental operator. Action Block Delete clears the whole block in buffer.
The general display area of OP­ERATOR’S PANEL shows a view on the state of the most essential machine control items. The controllability of different item groups from softkeys is permitted by the PLC program. The illustration shows the gen­eral displaying area of the con­trol panel. In the topmost button group the state of operation mode switches can be seen. Below it the state of axis selecting switch is shown. This is followed by the increment selecting switch, than
in the third line the percent switches are displayed. The button group in the middle reflects the state of condition switches and the one below that of PLC switches.
Actions of OPERATOR’S PANEL Screen
The following actions can be activated on Operator’s Panel screen by pressing action menu
key :
Modes 1
ns 5
rel.pnt.7 8 9 0
The first six keys are menu keys, i.e. by pressing the appropriate softkey the action keys belonging to the given menu become visible. On the menu field of action keys, if the appropriate softkey is pressed and the control accepts it the key stays depressed. The seventh CLEAR RELPNT is an action key, i.e. its pressing results in an immediate effect. The controllability of each action menu from softkeys is permitted or prohibited by the PLC program. If an action cannot be controlled from softkeys, it can be accessed from an external control device. Instruction regarding this can be found in the enclosed manual of the machine.
Operation Modes Actions (Modes)
The following modes can be selected:
3.2 CHECK Screens
Axes Actions
In the menu bar all axes of the tool machine are listed. Here the axis, with which an action must be done, can be selected. This action is necessary for example if there are more than three axes on the tool machine and the fourth axis must be controlled in Increment feed (Incr) mode by means of axis direction buttons. In this case the fourth axis has to be selected
- a highlighted frame surrounds the letter indicating the selected one in the Axis line of general displaying area -, after which it can be moved by the axis direction buttons.
Increment Actions (Incr)
In the menu bar the eligible increment sizes are listed. If one is selected, it is surrounded by a highlighted frame. The selected increment has function in the Incremental feed (INCR) and Manual handle feed (HNDL) modes. The values seen in the menu bar are in increments.
% Actions
The rapid traverse, spindle and feedrate switches can be modified by pressing softkeys.
The current position of switches can be seen in the middle of general displaying area at addresses G, S and F.
Conditions Actions
The following states can be switched on or off:
Single block 1
Cond. block 2
Cond. stop 3
Block return 4
Block restart 5
Dry run6Machin
e lock 7
3.2 CHECK Screens
Machine Actions (Mach)
Maximum eight optionally used softkeys. Their captions are determined by the PLC program, about their operation and usage instructions can be read in the enclosed manual of the machine. Provided the :197 module of PLC program does not contain the caption of keys, the
PLC1, PLC2 ... PLC8 is set automatically.
Clear Relative Position Actions (Clear Relpnt)
The relative coordinate displays can be zeroed by means of action keys. Relative position setting by axes is discussed in the chapter 3.4.5.
3.2.5 MESSAGES Screen
In this general displaying area the momentary messages in waiting state can be seen. As in the 2nd field of the status bar only the active message (waiting for intervention) can be read, this general displaying area shows, whether there are any other messages at the moment apart from those seen in status bar, that due to this cannot be displayed.
3.3 PROGRAM Screens
3.3 PROGRAM Screens
Screens of actions executed on part programs.
3.3.1 DIRECTORY Screen
In the top line of general displaying area the number of programs in memory and the free memory in bytes can be seen. The programs in memory are listed in the middle part. The control records the programs
according to their code; These numbers can be read in the first column. In the middle column may be the name of program (it is not obligatory to name the program, therefore this column may be here and there blank). The last column contains the program length in bytes. If above or below the last column arrows can be seen, this means, that the entire list does not have enough room in the general displaying area and in the direction of the arrow further programs can be found. On the list a highlighting bar can
be moved by means of arrow keys. This highlighting bar enables to select the program with which an action needs to be done.
Actions of DIRECTORY Screen
The following actions and action menus can be activated to the DIRECTORY screen by
means of pressing action menu key :
3.3 PROGRAM Screens
New Action: When pressing the
softkey a window opens in the bottom left part of general displaying area, where the program num­ber can be typed in. The input can be terminated by any arrow key. In this case a new program oc­curs with the number entered, or an error mes­sage is displayed, if there is already a program with the same number or if there is no room in the memory.
If the program number input is terminated by the arrow pointing to the right, the name of the program can also be specified here. When typing a name, switch-over between normal and capital letters can be done by
means of the page keys, while by pressing INS , and ', :, " or ! accented or special
characters can be entered. Search Action: After pressing the softkey a program number can be entered into the window
in the bottom left corner of general displaying area. By terminating number input by means of any arrow key the highlighting bar goes to the registered program, or an error message is displayed, if there is no program with the entered number in the memory.
Delete Action Menu: By pressing the key another three actions occur: Ramdisc, Exec,
Cancel. By means of Ramdisc key it can be decided, whether the programs in
memory or the programs of NCT90RD unit connected to the control are to be deleted. As the effect of Exec the action is executed, while with the help of Cancel the action can be canceled; In this case the first level of the action menu is displayed.
Load Action Menu:
By pressing the key the following actions appear in the menu bar: Serial, Ramdisc, Prom, Exec and Cancel. By means of the first three switches it can be set, from where is the program to be loaded in the control memory. As the effect of
the loading process starts, while with the help of Cancel the first level of action
menu can be displayed.
SSave Action Menu: By pressing the key the following actions appear: Serial, Ramdisc, Exec
and Cancel. By means of the first two switches it can be set, where to is/are the selected program(s) to be saved. The saving process starts as the Exec key is affected, while the Cancel key displays the first level of action menu, this way canceling the action.
Run Action Menu: By pressing the key the following softkeys appear in the menu bar: Auto,
Manual data input, DNC and DNC NCT, Table. By means of the first softkey
) the program can be selected for automatic operation. The key is ineffective, if
(Auto the control is in automatic mode and state INTD, STRT or STOP is in effect. With the help of the second action key the program of manual data input mode can be selected. The last two action keys determine the DNC mode. The DNC
key switches
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