NCR WorldMark 4380 Installation Manual

WorldMark 4380
Deskside Hardware Installation Guide
B003-0181-A000 11/97
The product described in this book is a licensed product of NCR Corporation.
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It is the policy of NCR Corporation (NCR) to improve products as new technology, components, software, and firmware become available. NCR, therefore, reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice.
All features, functions, and operations described herein may not be marketed by NCR in all parts of the world. In some instances, photographs are of equipment prototypes. Therefore, before using this document, consult with your NCR representative or NCR office for information that is applicable and current.
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Copyright © 1997 By NCR Corporation Dayton, Ohio U.S.A. All Rights Reserved
And thank you for purchasing the NCR WorldMark 4380 Server. This document will guide you through the steps needed to set up your server for the first time.
Note: No boards should be removed from or added to the server until after operating system installation is complete.
Refer to the Important Support Information section at the end of this document for information about:
Installation help.
Verifying remote support functionality.
Sources for updated software, diagnostics, and server information.
Other Information Sources
The NCR Info Line Faxback Services at (803) 939-2082 may have updated software installation information. Refer to the WorldMark 4380 Deskside Product Guide for additional information about troubleshooting, error and beep codes, and remote support. Refer to the Server Software Guide (OctaSCALE) for information about configuring your server.
Warranty information for the WorldMark 4380 server is available from your local sales organization.
Additional Documentation
Additional documentation is available for your WorldMark 4380 server and can be ordered through your NCR representative:
Documentation Order Number
WorldMark 4300 Deskside Service Guide NCR Remote Services User Guide WorldMark 4300 Server Management Product Guide AMIDiag User’s Guide AMIDiag Supplement (OctaSCALE)
BST0-2139-5500 BD20-1401-B000 BD20-1398-B000 BST0-2141-1300 BST0-2139-5700
WorldMark 4380 Deskside Hardware Installation Guide 1
1. Unbox and Check Your Shipment
1. Unbox and Check Your Shipment
To unpack the system:
1. Remove the foam “packing ring” from around the server.
2. Remove the protective plastic from around the server.
3. Remove the shipping insert in the tape drive.
Make sure you have everything to complete the hardware installation:
Either an external modem with AC power cable, serial port cable, and phone cable or a Server
Management Board with internal modem, serial port cable, and phone cable
Monitor (customer provided), keyboard, mouse, and associated cables
Antistatic wrist strap
WorldMark 4300 Installing Windows NT Server
WorldMark 4300 Installing MP-RAS
WorldMark 4380 Deskside Product GuideServer Software Guide (OctaSCALE)System Site Log
Remove the server off the pallet by the best means available (hoist or by hand). Place server in a location that is in accordance with the specifications in the Site Preparation Guide.
2. Check the Power Cord and Plug It Into the Server
2. Check the Power Cord and Plug It Into the Server
IMPORTANT: Do not modify or use the supplied AC power cord if it is not the exact type required. Replace it, if necessary. Make sure the supplied power cord is compatible with the AC wall outlet type in the area where the server is to be installed.
The wall receptacle must be terminated in grounding-type male plug designed for use in the region, and be labeled as certified by an agency acceptable in the region.
When you are sure that you have the correct power cord, plug it into the server AC power connector.
Do not plug the power cord into the wall outlet yet.
WorldMark 4380 Deskside Hardware Installation Guide 3
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