NCR RealScan 7892 Owners Manual

RealScan 7892 Bi-Modal Presentation Scanner Installation/Owner Guide
497-0003071 Release E April 3, 2003
NCR RealScan 7892 Bi-Modal Presentation Scanne r Installation and Owner Guide
The product described in this book is a licensed product of NCR Corporation.
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NCR RealScan 7892 Bi-Modal Presentation Scanne r Installation and Owner Guide
This book is writt en for har d wa r e inst a ller s , s er v ic e per s o nnel, and s yst em int egr at o r s .
Notice: This document is NC R pr o pr iet ary information and is not t o be d is c los ed o r reproduced without consent.
NCR RealScan 7892 Bi-Mo da l Presenta tion Scanner User Guid e
NCR RealScan 7892 Bi-Mo d a l P resenta ti o n Sca nner P a rts Identification Manual
NCR Scanner Programming Tags
NCR Scanner/Sca le Interfac e P rogramm er’ s Gui d e (B D 20-1074-A)
Revision Record
Issue Date Remarks
A November 2000 First Issue B June 2001 Corrections: Page 2, LED Indicat or c olor s.
Worksheet 30 and 10. C October 2001 Wedge Option added D September 2002 Added U SB Connection
Added AIM Label Identifiers E April 2003 Added Reduced Space Symbology (RSS) support
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NCR RealScan 7892 Bi-Modal Presentation Scanne r Installation and Owner Guide
Revision Record.....................................................................................................................3
Table of Contents...................................................................................................................4
Understanding Your Scanner................................................................................................5
Scanner Dimensions..........................................................................................................5
Scanner Location...............................................................................................................5
Installing Your NCR RealScan 7892-0100............................................................................6
Standard Interface Connection.........................................................................................6
USB Interface Connection.................................................................................................7
Dongle Interface Setting...............................................................................................8
Programming the RealScan 7892.................................................................................9
Installing Your RealScan 7892-0200 (Wedge Option).......................................................10
Table of Contents
Operating Your Scanner......................................................................................................11
Pick-Up Scanning............................................................................................................12
Label Orientation.................................................................................................................13
Scan Pattern Location......................................................................................................13
Single Line Scanning.......................................................................................................14
Single Line Scanning Programmable Options...............................................................14
Reduced Space Symbology.............................................................................................15
Taking Care of Your Scanner..........................................................................................15
Correcting Scanner Problems..............................................................................................16
On-Site Offering............................................................................................................... 17
Depot Offering.................................................................................................................17
Identifying Program Defaults.........................................................................................18
Using the Programming Worksheets.............................................................................19
Programming Worksheets..............................................................................................20
Radio Frequency Interference Statements ......................................................................... 33
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) ..............................................................33
Canadian Department of Communications..................................................................33
Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI) ..................................................... 33
Safety Extra Low Voltage .................................................................................................... 34
Laser Safety ..........................................................................................................................35
Laser Safety Label............................................................................................................35
IEC Class 1 Laser Identification.....................................................................................35
Laser Power.....................................................................................................................36
Declaration of Conformity..................................................................................................37
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NCR RealScan 7892 Bi-Modal Presentation Scanne r Installation and Owner Guide
Underst anding Your Scanne r
The RealScan 7892 is available in two models: 7892-0100 and 7892-0200. The 7892-0100 offers IBM, RS-232, and OCIA communication, and permits you to change among these three programming types. It can be connected to the host terminal through a standard interfa c e connect io n o r through a U S B connec t i o n.
The RealScan 7892-0200 offers PC Keyboard Wedge communication only. This model is designed to address the needs of r et ailer s whose point-of-s ale applic ation d oes not accept scan data through a communication port.
Power for the RealScan 7892 is provided through a wall adapter Power Module or directly from the host terminal. Input voltage to the RealScan 7892 must be +12Vdc.
Scanner Dimensions
140 mm
(5.5 in.)
Scanner Location
When identifying a location for your NCR RealScan 7892, you must consider the length of the connecting cables. The elect r ic al out let us ed for t he Power M od ule c an be approximately 74 inches (188 centimeters) from the host terminal. Depending on which Scanner M o dule Cable yo u ha v e , the scanner can be approximat e ly 6 .6 feet ( 2 me t e r s) or 13.1 feet (4 meters) from the host terminal or PC. However , t hese distances are normally s horter d e pending on how you r o ut e t he c o nnecting cabl es . You also w a nt t o be sure that the Scanner Module Cable is long enough to permit the scanner to be picked up when required for lar ge packages.
Like any electronic device, your RealScan 7892 should not be located in direct sunlight. Temperatures above 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40 degrees Celsius) can occur when sunlight falls on objects through windows or on an outdoor checkstand.
89 mm
(3.5 in.)
140 mm
(5.5 in.)
89 mm
(3.5 in.)
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NCR RealScan 7892 Bi-Modal Presentation Scanne r Installation and Owner Guide
NCR RealScan 7892-0100
The RealScan 7892 can be connected to the host terminal through a standard interface connection or through a USB connection. Power for the RealScan 7892 is provided through a wall adapter Power Module or directly from the host terminal.
Standard Interface Connection
In most configurations the Scanner Cable connects the RealScan 7892 to your host terminal. Refer t o t he t er minal d o c umenta t ion fo r information about c onnect ing t his cable. Some terminals require a trained technician to perform this function. If a Power Module i s requir e d , it co nne c ts to a c o nne ctor o n the Scanne r Cable.
Some less common configurations require two cables: a Scanner Cable and an Interface Cable. If a Power M o d ule is required fo r t his c o nfigur at io n, it c o nnect s t o t he box on the end of the Scanner Cable.
Installing Your
Note: The Power Module is not used if the RealScan 7892 receives power from the host terminal.
Host Te rminal
Scanner Cable
Power Module
Host Te rminal
Scanner Cable
Interface Cable
Power Module
Most Common Configuratio n Uses 7892 Scan ner Cab le
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Less Common Con figuration Uses 7890 Scan ner Cab le Uses 7890 In terface Cable
NCR RealScan 7892 Bi-Modal Presentation Scanne r Installation and Owner Guide
USB Interface Connection
Connecting an NCR RealScan 7892 Bi-Modal Presentation Scanner to a USB port on a host terminal requires t wo c ables . One end of the D ongle Ad apt er C able c onnect s t o the host terminal. The other end has an Interface Box that contains a printed circuit board with all the necessary circuitry. The host terminal supplies power for this circuitry. A Scanner Cable connects the RealScan 7892 to t he Interface B ox .
Note: The RealScan 7892 receives power from the host terminal. Do not connect a Power Module to the Interface Box.
NCR 7892
Scanner Cable
Interface Box
Host Termin al
Dongle Adapter Cable
Scanner Cable
1416-C582-0030 Scanner Cable
Dongle Adapter Cable
1416-C731-0004 Latching, Double USB, Scanner is powered by terminal
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NCR Rea lScan 7892 Bi-Moda l Presentation Scanner Installation and Owner Guide
Dongle Interface Setting
J3 in the Interface Box on the end of the Dongle Adapter Cable contains a shunt that must be corr ec t ly inst a lled fo r t he host t erminal. The cable is s hipped fr o m t he fac t o r y with the shunt on pins 3 and 4. The following positions are available.
Pins 1 & 2 – Not used
Pins 3 & 4 – IBM
Pins 5 & 6 – NCR/RS-232
Pins 7 & 8 – Not used
The cover on the Interface Bo x latc hes t ogether along one side. C ar efully pr y open the latched edge to open the Interface Box. Check the shunt position on J3 and change as needed. Close the Interfac e B ox c ov er . A label is at ta ched t o t he outsid e of t he Inter fac e Box that identifies the available interface settings.
1 2
R6 R7
C6 C5 C4
C7 C8
R4 R5
R3 R2 R1
7 8
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NCR RealScan 7892 Bi-Modal Presentation Scanner Installation and Owner Guide
Programming the RealScan 7892
The RealScan 7892 must be properly programmed when using the USB Dongle connect io n t o t he ho s t terminal. This pro gramming depe nd s o n the type of ho s t terminal being used.
RS-232 Communication s
The RealScan 7892 must be programmed for RS-232 communications protocol and some of the RS-232 parameters must be set to specific values. Other parameters may be set as required by the host terminal. Set the required program parameters by scanning the following sequence of programming tags. These must be the first tags scanned after supplying power to the unit.
1. Programming Mode tag – puts scanner in base programming state.
2. Hex 3, Hex 0, Hex B, Hex 5 – sets the required RS-232 programming parameters.
RS-232 communications protocol
9600 baud
Odd parity
1 stop bit, 7-bit character
3. Save and Reset – saves the program just entered and resets the RealScan 7892.
The host terminal softwar e may now be configur ed to use t he c ommunicat ion port assigned by the IO Network driv er when the Dongle Ad apt er C able was plugged into the USB port.
IBM Communications
The host terminal should assign the port and associate the scanner with the application when the USB connection is made. When programming a RealScan 7892 for IBM USB communications, all parameters are set to the standard default values, and the communications pr ot o c ol is s et t o IB M U SB . T his is a c c o mplished by s c anning the following sequence of programming tags. These must be the first tags scanned after supplying power to the unit.
1. Programming Mode tag – puts scanner in base programming state.
2. Hex 3, Hex 0, Hex E, Hex 1 – sets all parameters to standard default values and
3. Change any other parameters as required by the host terminal.
4. Save and Reset – saves the program just entered and resets the RealScan 7892.
sets the communication protocol to IBM USB.
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NCR Rea lScan 7892 Bi-Modal Presentation Scanner Installa tion and Owner Guide
The RealScan 7892-0200 provides the wedge option that permits the RealScan 7892 to be connected to the host terminal through a keyboard connector. Scan data is input into the keyboard port. When connected in this configuration the RealScan 7892 cannot receive commands from the host terminal.
Configure your Wed ge o pt ion as s how n in the follo wing illust ration.
Key board Wedge Cable 1416-C636-0030(7892- 0200)
Installing Your
RealScan 7892-0200
(Wedge Option)
Host Terminal
Scanner Cable
7892 Scanner
Power Cabl e
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NCR RealScan 7892 Bi-Modal Presentation Scanner Installation and Owner Guide
Operating Your Scanner
The RealScan 7892 is designed for both presentation scanning and pass-by scanning. Pass-by scanning is often used at checkout stands, such as in grocery stores. In the checkout stand environment, nor mally large q uantit ies of it ems must be s c anned in a short amount time. Therefore, you pass t he items ov er t he scanner, mov ing them from one side of the checkstand to another. T he scanner r ead s t he label while the items ar e moving by.
With presentation scanning, you simply present the label to the scanner and then remove it. D o not mo v e t he label past the scanner, but to the scanner. Presentation scanning is particularly useful in a ret ail envir o nment where t he number of items associated with each tr ansa c tion is nor mally small. There are three simple s teps t o presenta t io n s canning.
1. Move the bar code label to the scanner as shown.
Scan Window
2. Position the bar code label completely within the red Laser Scan Pattern as
indicated below. No r ma lly t he bar c od e s hould be t hr ee t o f our inc hes from the scanner. When the label is read the Status Indicator turns green, then returns to red. If enabled, a Good Read Tone also sounds.
Laser Scan
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NCR RealScan 7892 Bi-Modal Presentation Scanne r Installation and Owner Guide
3. Move t he ba r code la b el a wa y from the scanner a s s ho w n. The sc a nne r is now
ready to read another bar code label. To read another bar code, simply perform these three steps again.
Pick-Up Scanning
Occasionally you have merchandise that cannot be picked-up and presented to the scanner. The package may be too heavy or too awkward to hold while trying to position the bar code label. In these circumstances you can pick up the scanner and take it to the merchandise. The RealScan 7892 is designed so that you can easily pick the scanne r up a nd ho l d i t . Being lightw e ight, you ca n pr e s e nt t he s c a nne r to the merchandise with little effort.
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+ 26 hidden pages