NCast Digitizer Capture Card User Manual v2.0

Digitizer Capture Card -
User Manual
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction ....................................................... 3
2. Hardware Overview........................................... 3
Framerate ...................................................................................................................4
Video Capture ............................................................................................................4
3. Specification...................................................... 5
4. Software Overview............................................ 5
Windows Driver......................................................................................................... 5
Functionality ..............................................................................................................6
Windows Driver API & Other Software ...................................................................7
5. Installation ......................................................... 7
Files copied to your system .......................................................................................8
6. Quick Start......................................................... 9
Windows Movie Maker .............................................................................................9
Ncast Screen Snatcher ...............................................................................................9
7. Technical Support........................................... 10
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1. Introduction
The NCast Digitizer Capture Card functions as an analog RGB and video capture device. The Digitizer card is primarily designed for applications requiring high resolution and high frame rates. Example applications include webcasting over IP, local capture, remote viewing, and replacing dedicated monitors.
The Digitizer Capture Card is a PCI plug in card, and is compatible with Windows 2000/XP and Linux operating systems. The card is designed to work with software such as Windows Media Encoder for real time streaming and archiving of high resolution/frame rate graphics and video.
2. Hardware Overview
The Digitizer Capture Card is designed to capture high resolution and framerate graphics. The card accepts inputs from DVI and HD15 RGB inputs, and also SĀ­Video and Composite. The RGB data is transferred using the PCI bus master DMA.
The card supports resolutions up to 1600x1200 (UXGA) from an RGB source. All resolutions greater than 1024x768 are scaled down to 1024x768, as this is the highest resolution supported on output. However, a smaller resolution, such as 800x600 can be sent at either the original resolution, or scaled to a different resolution. For instance, the Digitizer card can accept an 800x600 input and scale that lower resolution to 1024x768. Ultimately, based upon user settings, the resolution from the input signal will be scaled up/down to the selected resolution.
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