RVC controller interface &/or programmer for select GM vehicles equipped with MyLink IOH Radio
IOH = IO4 (4” screen) & IO5/IO6 (8” screen)
NTV-KIT629: Controller ONLY (for vehicles with OEM RVC)
NTV-KIT630: Controller & Programmer (for vehicles without OEM RVC)
3950 NW 120
Ave, Coral Springs, FL 33065 TEL 561-955-9770 FAX 561-955-9760

Agreement: End user agrees to use this product in compliance with all State and Federal laws. NAV-TV Corp. would not be held liable for misuse of its product.
If you do not agree, please discontinue use immediately and return product to place of purchase. This product is intended for off-road use and passenger
entertainment only.
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The GM UNI-CAM adds an additional video input on select GM vehicles equipped with the MyLink (model IOH)
4” and 8” color media screens. Forcing (aftermarket) AUX Video or front camera to display at any time is
activated with wire triggers. Note: NTV-KIT629 is a controller only, it will NOT program the MyLink radio
system for rear camera. If adding a reverse camera to a vehicle without OEM RVC and forced cam/AUX video
input is desired as well, you must purchase NTV-KIT630 (UNI-CAM with built-in programmer).
Input 1 (Force Rear Cam)*
Input 2 (Force Front Cam)
Input 3 (4” Programming Wire)**
RCA Signal (+) (Out to radio)
Output 2 (REV 12v + & FRVC)
Output 3 (12v + out when FFVC)
RCA Signal (+) Input (front cam)
RCA Signal (+) Input (rear cam)
Wire Side
Any wires not mentioned here are not used for
this installation.
KIT629: NTV-ASY166
USB Cable
*Forcing rear camera is only available for
aftermarket cameras (unless OEM rear camera
is powered with an ACC source or OUTPUT 2
manually – OEM RVC normally only powered in
**Used for (IO4) 4” screens ONLY.
Plug & Play I/O T-Harness
VSW-R included with
PIN 12 FRVC: ‘Forced Rear View Camera’
PIN 13 FFVC: ‘Forced Front View Camera’

Agreement: End user agrees to use this product in compliance with all State and Federal laws. NAV-TV Corp. would not be held liable for misuse of its product.
If you do not agree, please discontinue use immediately and return product to place of purchase. This product is intended for off-road use and passenger
entertainment only.
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1. After gaining access to the HMI module, Disconnect the gray, 12-pin plug from the OEM HMI circled
2. Disconnect the black, 16-pin plug from the OEM HMI circled above.
3. Connect the provided UNI-CAM 12-pin & 16-pin (male end) connectors into the HMI plug locations
from steps 1 & 2.
4. Connect the factory 12-pin & 16-pin plugs (previously connected to the HMI) into the provided Plug &
Play T-Harness (female end).
5. NTV-KIT629 Installation (with existing OEM reverse camera):
a. When connecting a front camera (or AUX video source) to a vehicle with an existing OEM
reverse camera, the internal relay on the UNI-CAM board is not used (RCA I/Os from module).
Complete all connections on page 5 (FIG 2) using the included VSW-R (included with KIT629) to
prevent ‘bleed-over’ image (when in front camera mode). This includes the following:
b. Black wire of VSW to chassis ground
c. OUTPUT 3 (from module) to White/Red of VSW
d. RCA connections as shown in diagram (FIG 2)
e. Continue with installation on page 4, step 7.
6. NTV-KIT630 Installation (without existing OEM reverse camera):
a. Adding a single rear camera: power your camera with an ACC source or OUTPUT 1 (especially if
using the forced feature), and connect your camera signal directly to the female RCA (into the
HMI) from the 12-pin gray plug.
b. Adding 2 aftermarket cameras: Instead of connecting camera signal directly to the HMI,
connect the RVC signal to the RCA labeled ‘BACKUP CAM’ at the UNI-CAM module. Connect the
front cam/AUX video to the RCA labeled ‘FRONT CAM’. Connect the (male) ‘VIDEO OUT’ RCA to
the female RCA from the CAM T-Harness (at the HMI). Leave the male RCA on the CAM THarness disconnected.
c. If this vehicle is equipped with a 4” screen, connect INPUT 3 (pink) to a CONSTANT 12v source.
d. Continue with installation on step 7 (next page).
Factory GM HMI (Human Machine Interface)
The UNI-CAM kit connects at the OEM
HMI Module. The location of this module
varies by vehicle.
NOTE: If this wire is not connected, the UNI-CAM PRG will program for 8” screen (image will appear zoomed in).

Agreement: End user agrees to use this product in compliance with all State and Federal laws. NAV-TV Corp. would not be held liable for misuse of its product.
If you do not agree, please discontinue use immediately and return product to place of purchase. This product is intended for off-road use and passenger
entertainment only.
4 | P a g e
7. Optional: Connect INPUT 1 &/or INPUT 2 to an ACC 12v (+) source through toggles for displaying rear
view camera and front view camera (or AUX video) at any time.
NOTE: the factory GM screen may generate parking guidelines (while in reverse), which can be
turned off in the OEM settings (through radio). This is usually required when using the UNI-CAM
for an additional AUX video input (DVD player, etc).
8. Connect the UNI-CAM module to the 18-pin plug located on the Plug & Play T-Harness.
9. KIT630 ONLY: Proceed to UNI-CAM Programming. Note: If vehicle already possesses a rear camera,
this programming step is not needed!
GM UNI-CAM Diagram (adding aftermarket cameras)