Ford OEM 360 Surround-View Camera Controller with 3 AUX video inputs
3950 NW 120
Ave, Coral Springs, FL 33065 TEL 561-955-9770 FAX 561-955-9760
Agreement: End user agrees to use this product in compliance with all State and Federal laws. NAV-TV Corp. would not be held liable for misuse of
its product. If you do not agree, please discontinue use immediately and return product to place of purchase. This product is intended for off-road
use and passenger entertainment only.
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USB cable (updates)
The COD-F53 (Camera-On-Demand) kit allows Ford SuperDuty trucks equipped with OEM (5-camera
system) surround view cameras to be displayed on demand, without lock-out restrictions. Additional
features include adding additional AUX video inputs, turn signal cameras, easy forcing OEM cameras &
last known camera retention (from hard camera button press). NOTE: This kit will NOT program any
camera system. This module is designed for SuperDutys equipped with the OEM trailer package (5camera system).
Yellow 2 INPUT 1: VIDEO 1 trigger (+)
Red 3 INPUT 2: VIDEO 2 trigger (+)
RX (OE camera button – button side)
Blue 6 CAN-3 HIGH (camera module)
Blue 7 CAN-2 HIGH (CAN gateway)
Yellow 9 CAN-0 HIGH (CAN gateway)
OUTPUT 1: -Used for VID1 trigger--
OUTPUT 2: --Used for VID2 trigger--
OUTPUT 3: --Used for VID3 trigger--
TX (OE camera button – module side)
CAN-3 LOW (camera module)
F53 Satellite Board
COD-F53 Module
Plug & Play T-Harness
Agreement: End user agrees to use this product in compliance with all State and Federal laws. NAV-TV Corp. would not be held liable for misuse of
its product. If you do not agree, please discontinue use immediately and return product to place of purchase. This product is intended for off-road
use and passenger entertainment only.
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1. Remove the 8” SYNC 3 screen (radio):
a. Remove the center channel speaker cover on the top (middle)
of the dash (4 clips only) NOTE: this panel is very tight.
b. Remove (2) 7mm bolts securing the top
panel (previously hidden by the speaker
c. Remove the whole upper shelf panel, it
should be held in by clips only, now.
Disconnect the speaker lead. Set this
panel assembly aside.
d. Remove (2) 7mm screws on top of the climate/screen dash
panel, and then pull panel straight towards you. Disconnect
all harnesses and set the panel aside.
e. Remove (6) 7mm screws securing the screen (APIM) to
the sub-dash. Disconnect all harnesses and set the
APIM aside.
f. NOT SHOWN: the IPM (camera module) is bolted to
the sub-dash directly behind the screen with 7mm
screws. Remove it to connect the T-Harness properly.
Do not attempt to connect to the IPM while it is still
connected to the sub-dash.