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Tracker Li-on battery pack
1430 mAh
Operation temperature: -20~60℃
Micro USB charging Quick Guide
Power rating:
(from USB port)
DC 3.15-4.3V, 1430mAh
Wireless charging pad 12/24V-5V
Copyright © Navisys Technology Corp.
power adapter cable
All rights reserved.
Ver. 01
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Open the battery Charging battery by connecting USB To install helpYou24, scan lower left (iOS) The last 8 digits of Tracker's IMEI is the
cover by pressing cable to any USB power sources.
or lower right (Android) QR code. One can
default account and password.
and pulling Organge LED is ON during charging also visit Apple Store (iOS) or Google Play
outward slightly. and it will be OFF as the battery is (Android) to search APP helpYou24
fully charged for downloading.
Please check the direction when install-
ing the SIM card & battery. LED blinks 5
times as battery is correctly installed.
Make sure SIM card's data function Tapping icon Password in Setting function
is enabled and pin code checking to change the password.
function is disabled.
Inserting micro SIM card &
Installing APP - helpYou24
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
SOS button
Micro phone
Battery cover
Power port cover
thru hole
micro SIM
card holder
QR code/
IMEI label
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Log in by entering the user account and
Tapping icons at bottom of APP for single/
password, or tapping the camera icon. group live tracking, normal/search mode,
Augmented Reality (AR), histroy/event
review, setting, etc.
Tapping to log out.
Suggest to activate the Cloud Notify
function for faster alert function.
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Pressing SOS button to call or send SMS 1).Orange LED blinks every 5 seconds as
to prepset phones. Orange & green LEDs battery power is low. Please charge
blinks alternatingly before SOS actions the battery as soon as possible.
are done. 2). Tracker is designed for safe-gurading
elderly, kids, or assets. Please use it
with care - not to infringe privacy laws.
Pressing internet button by thin pin; DISPOSE OF USED BATTERIES
Green LED blinks slowly for 5 minutes. ACCORDING TO THE INSTRUCTIONS.
Setting SOS/SMS phone numbers during
this time
Setting/checking functions
Setting SOS phone numbers
Internet connecting button
Setting reporting interval
(for GT-200 H sub-model only)
The color of icon will be on if the tracker
connects to the server. Otherwise, it is
gray (as the tracker is still for a while, GPS
or cellular signal is not available etc.)
Tapping here to change
reporting time interval
4:Tape / slide here to
change fence size.
3:Tap / slide here to change fence
2: Tap here to set the
selected geo-fence
1: Select / name
a geo-fence