Navico LGC-4000 Baja, EGC-16W, LGC-4000 Lowrance OEM 6-PK, LGC-4000 Suzuki OEM 1-Pk, LGC-4000 Mercury OEM 6-Pk Product Brief

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Product Brief
High Sensitivity GPS Antennas
LGC-4000, LGC-4000 Baja, & EGC-16W
Prepared by Greg Konig
Preliminary Revision 2.0
October 2008
Navico company confidential – do not distribute
Product Description & Customer Benefits
Lowrance’s next generation external GPS-WAAS antenna – maximum
reliability and speed in an easy to install package
NMEA2000 compatible antenna with 2’ pigtail connector
Compact, waterproof design
Top mount installation, eliminating the quick mount bracket
WAAS enabled 16 channel GPS receiver
High sensitivity receiver design provides quick time to first fix, strong signal lock and resistance
to interference, quick re-acquisition time
True 5Hz (5 times per second) update rate provides more accurate acceleration/deceleration
speed over ground and rate of turn measurement
Industry standard 1 Hz (1 time per second)
Some competitors advertise 5Hz or 10Hz update; however, they achieve this through
repeating or averaging 1 Hz updates
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Product Description & Customer Benefits
Eagle’s next generation external GPS-WAAS antenna – maximum
reliability in an easy to install package
Smart antenna with 2’ pigtail connector
Compact, waterproof design
Top mount installation, eliminating the quick mount bracket
WAAS enabled 16 channel GPS receiver
High sensitivity receiver design provides quick time to first fix, strong signal lock and resistance
to interference, quick re-acquisition time
1Hz (1 time per second) update rate
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• No branding, in plain box, combined in 6 pk carton
• Stainless-steel self tapping screws, rubber gaskets, warranty card
LGC-4000 ‘Blank’ OEM 6-Pk000-0125-37
• Eagle branded single pack in plain box with label
• Includes spat/pole mount and bolts, 15’ cable, stainless-steel self tapping screws, rubber gasket, manual/docs
EGC-16W (spare)000-0125-22
• Lowrance branded single pack in printed gift box
• Antenna PCB ruggedized - encased in epoxy
• Includes 2 x NMEA2000 T-connectors, 2’ cable, 15’ cable, set of m/f terminators, power node, stainless-steel self tapping screws, rubber gasket, manual/docs
LGC-4000 Baja000-0125-31
• Lowrance branded in plain box, combined in 6 pk carton
• Stainless-steel self tapping screws, rubber gaskets, warranty card
LGC-4000 Lowrance OEM 6-PK000-0125-32
• Single non-branded GPS antenna module with clamshell packaging, with Suzuki labeling
• Includes NMEA2000 T-connector
• Stainless-steel self tapping screws, rubber gasket, Suzuki documentation
LGC-4000 Suzuki OEM 1-Pk000-0125-35
• 6 GPS antenna modules with specific Mercury label logo, in plain box, combined in 6pk carton
• Stainless-steel self tapping screw, rubber gaskets, Mercury documentation
LGC-4000 Mercury OEM 6-Pk000-0125-36
Part Number Model # Model Specific Differences
000-0125-28 LGC-4000
• Lowrance branded single pack in printed gift box
• Includes NMEA2000 T-connector, spat/pole mount and bolts, 15’ cable, stainless-steel self tapping screws, rubber gasket, manual/docs
Product Versions
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Strategy & Positioning
Market Insight
GPS is a core component of navigation systems, and is being widely adopted as an input into vessel management systems
Speed of signal acquisition and update, precision and reliability of location are quality differentiators
Distribution Channels
1. Engine/vessel companies – Suzuki, Evinrude, Murphy, etc.
2. Boatbuilders
3. Dealers & distributors – including offroad suppliers
4. Retail accounts
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Buyer Demographics
The primary USA LGC-4000 Baja Off-Road Customer is a 30 to 45 year old male, he owns
an off-road vehicle and spends on average $1,500 per year on ruggedized electronics
The primary USA LGC-4000 Bass-Boat / Power-Boat Customer is a 30 to 45 year old
male, he owns a Bass Boat and spends on average $1,500 per year on marine electronics.
The typical EU LGC-4000 Sail Boat / Power Boat Customer is a 30 to 50 year old male, he
owns a 20’ sail boat and spends on average $1,000 per year on marine electronics.
The primary markets for the LGC-4000 are USA, EU and AUS/NZ. The primary market
for the LGC-4000 Baja is the USA. The primary market for EGC-16W is USA and EU, with small market in AUS/NZ.
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Key Value Proposition
Reliable and high speed GPS antenna
High sensitivity 16 channel antenna
enhancement for Eagle GPS products:
FishElite 480/640c/642cSeaCharter 642cIntellimap 642c
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