NavCom StarUtil User Manual Rev.E

UUsseerr GGuuiidde
NavCom Technology, Inc.
20780 Madrona Avenue Torrance, CA 90503 USA Tel: +1 310.381.2000 Fax: +1 310.381.2001
STARUTIL User Guide Rev. E

Table of Contents

Table of Contents.................................................................................................................ii
Table of Figures ..................................................................................................................iv
Copyright................................................................................................................................................................. vi
Trademarks .............................................................................................................................................................. vi
User Notice .............................................................................................................................................................. vi
Use of this Document............................................................................................................................................... vi
Chapter 1 Introduction.....................................................................................................7
StarUtil Overview......................................................................................................................... 7
Program Initialization................................................................................................................... 7
Output Message Selection........................................................................................................... 7
Receiver Setup Parameters...........................................................................................................7
Receiver Initial Position ................................................................................................................ 8
Viewing Output Messages ...........................................................................................................8
Initiating Data Logging................................................................................................................ 8
Chapter 2 Establishing Communications & Control .....................................................9
Chapter 3 Navigation & Data Output Configuration ................................................11
Solid Earth Tide (SET) Implementation....................................................................................... 15
Receiver Initial Position Setup ....................................................................................................15
Rover / Navigation & Tracking Setup.........................................................................................16
NCT Operating Parameter Displays............................................................................................ 19
Chapter 4 Base Station Setup .......................................................................................21
RTK/dGPS Base Using Internal Radio .......................................................................................... 21
RTK Extend/RTK/dGPS Base Using External Radio....................................................................... 25
Chapter 5 RTK Extend / RTK / dGPS / SBAS Rover Setup .........................................27
RTK/dGPS Rover Internal Radio Setup ........................................................................................ 27
NCT RTK Extend Input............................................................................................................... 27
NCT RTK Input .......................................................................................................................... 28
RTCM RTK Input........................................................................................................................ 28
CMR+/CMR RTK Input............................................................................................................... 28
SBAS .........................................................................................................................................29
StarFire................................................................................................................................................................. 29
WAAS/EGNOS ......................................................................................................................................................... 29
Chapter 6 NMEA Setup and Output ..............................................................................30
NMEA GGA Station ID Field 14..................................................................................................32
Chapter 7 Data Logging.................................................................................................33
External NCT Binary Logging.....................................................................................................33
Internal NCT Binary Logging ..................................................................................................... 34
Chapter 8 StarFire Specific Operation.......................................................................38
Configure LBM Message Output................................................................................................ 38
Alternate Channel & StarFire™ Frequencies ............................................................................... 41
QuickStart .................................................................................................................................42
StarFire License Installation Using StarUtil................................................................................ 42
Chapter 9 1PPS/Events..................................................................................................43
Chapter 10 Ack/Nacks & General Commands............................................................45
Ack/Nack................................................................................................................................... 45
General Duty Commands .......................................................................................................... 46
Key.......................................................................................................................................................................... 46
Get Almanac ...........................................................................................................................................................46
Get Almanac To File ................................................................................................................................................46
Send Almanac From File .......................................................................................................................................... 46
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Get Ephemeris.........................................................................................................................................................46
CMR (In) Off ........................................................................................................................................................... 46
Chapter 11 Tools Menu ................................................................................................47
Power Management .................................................................................................................. 47
Save System Configuration ........................................................................................................ 48
Load Software Options .............................................................................................................. 49
Load Software ........................................................................................................................... 51
Appendix A NCT Solid Earth Tide (SET) Message Format .........................................53
Appendix B NCT Station ID NMEA GGA Field 14 Definitions.....................................54
STARUTIL User Guide Rev. E

Table of Figures

Figure 1: StarUtil Toolbar....................................................................................................................................................9
Figure 2: PC Port Configuration.......................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 3: PC Port Status Bar ................................................................................................................................................ 9
Figure 4: Unit Port Configuration...................................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 5: StarUtil Main GUI Window ................................................................................................................................. 11
Table 1: NCT Binary Default Output Messages ................................................................................................................. 11
Figure 6: Message Output List Control.............................................................................................................................. 12
Figure 7: NCT-2100/NCT-2000 Message List....................................................................................................................12
Figure 8: NCT Message Choice Added to Output List .......................................................................................................13
Figure 9: NCT Message Logging Port Choice....................................................................................................................13
Figure 10: NCT Message Output Rate Choice ................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 11: NMEA Messages Scheduling Window .............................................................................................................. 14
Figure 12: NCT SET NMEA Sample ................................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 13: Initial Position Location .................................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 14: Set Receiver Position ........................................................................................................................................16
Figure 15: Rover Navigation & Tracking Parameters Setup................................................................................................ 17
Figure 16: Vertical Antenna Bias........................................................................................................................................ 18
Figure 17: View NCT in ASCII Choice................................................................................................................................19
Figure 18: View of Tabbed NCT Messages in ASCII ........................................................................................................... 20
Figure 19: View of Tabbed 0xB1 in ASCII; Independent Window ......................................................................................20
Figure 20: Network Configuration Location ...................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 21: Network Configuration .................................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 22: Base Configuration Window............................................................................................................................. 22
Figure 23: Output Correction Types ................................................................................................................................. 23
Figure 24: Setup Base Location; User Input ....................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 25: Setup Base Location; Self-Survey ...................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 26: Internal Radio Settings Location ....................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 27: Radio Configuration; Operation Mode ............................................................................................................. 24
Figure 28: Radio Configuration; Power Level..................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 29: Corrections Output to Internal Radio Port Configuration.................................................................................. 25
Figure 30: RTK Base Message Output List ......................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 31: L1 SBAS Selection Window............................................................................................................................... 29
Figure 32: NMEA Output Menu Location.......................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 33: NMEA Message Choices & Data Rate ............................................................................................................... 30
Figure 34: NMEA Viewer Menu Location........................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 35: NMEA Viewer & Data Logging......................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 36: NMEA GGA Field 14 Option............................................................................................................................. 32
Figure 37: NCT External Logging Menu Location.............................................................................................................. 33
Figure 38: External Logging Setup.................................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 39: MMC Internal Logging Port Selection ..............................................................................................................34
Figure 40: MMC Internal Logging Control Location.......................................................................................................... 35
Figure 41: MMC Internal Data Logging ............................................................................................................................ 35
Figure 42: More Button Choices ....................................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 43: MMC Format Label .......................................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 44: MMC Open File for Logging ............................................................................................................................36
Figure 45: MMC Download Dialog ................................................................................................................................... 37
Figure 46: MMC Download Progress Bar ..........................................................................................................................37
Figure 47: StarFire™ Specific Menus ................................................................................................................................. 38
Figure 48: LBM Output Message List ................................................................................................................................38
Figure 49: LBM Alternate Channel .................................................................................................................................... 41
Figure 50: LBM Frequency & Channel Status .................................................................................................................... 41
Table 2: StarFire™ Channel Numbers and Satellites .......................................................................................................... 42
Figure 51: RTG QuickStart Initialization............................................................................................................................. 42
Figure 52: StarFire License Upload Location ...................................................................................................................42
Figure 53: LBM License Upload.........................................................................................................................................42
Figure 54: 1 PPS & Events Location................................................................................................................................... 43
Figure 55: 1 PPS & Event Latch Configuration ..................................................................................................................43
Figure 56: Event Latch Output Rate Configuration............................................................................................................44
Figure 57: Select Ack/Nack Logical Ports Location............................................................................................................. 45
Figure 58: Select Ack/Nack Logical Ports........................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 59: General Receiver Commands ........................................................................................................................... 46
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Figure 60: Tools Commands ............................................................................................................................................. 47
Figure 61: Power Management Control Window .............................................................................................................. 47
Figure 62: System Configuration Dump Window.............................................................................................................. 48
Table 3: Save System Settings Text File Contents .............................................................................................................. 49
Figure 63: Software Options Code Input........................................................................................................................... 49
Figure 64: Options File Opened In NotePad...................................................................................................................... 50
Figure 65: Software Options Sent .....................................................................................................................................50
Figure 66: View Installed Software Options ....................................................................................................................... 50
Figure 67: Load Software .................................................................................................................................................. 51
Figure 68: Software Upload Progress ................................................................................................................................51
Figure 69: Upload Completed Successfully........................................................................................................................ 52
Table A1: NCT Solid Earth Tide (SET) NMEA message ....................................................................................................... 53
Table B1: Beam Selection; ID X.........................................................................................................................................54
Table B2: Navigation Mode; ID YY .................................................................................................................................... 55
STARUTIL User Guide Rev. E


StarUtil Engineering Program User Guide
P/N 96-310008-3001
Revision E July 2005


2003 by NavCom Technology, Inc.
All rights reserved. No part of this work or the computer programs described herein may be reproduced or stored or transmitted by any means, without the written permission of the copyright holders. Translation in any language is prohibited without the permission of the copyright holders.


The ‘find your way’, ‘NavCom Globe’ and NAVCOM TECHNOLOGY logos are trademarks of NavCom Technology, Inc. product and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
is a registered trademark of Deere & Company. All other

User Notice


Use of this Document

This User Guide is intended to be used by someone familiar with the concepts of surveying equipment.
and satellite
Note indicates additional information to make better use of the product.
a Indicates a caution, care, and/or safety situation.
STARUTIL User Guide Rev. E

Chapter 1 Introduction

StarUtil Overview

StarUtil is designed for use as an Engineering/OEM application. This utility is primarily used to assist in the development of user controller solutions. It is a powerful utility that allows the user to view, and or configure any of the NavCom Technology, Inc. GPS receivers to any Base or Rover configuration. It also affords the user the luxury of viewing receiver operations such as Channel Status, Position Information, Raw Measurements, and many other engineering level receiver operations, which are not necessarily useful to a user.
StarUtil allows the user to log output data to a file on the computer’s hard drive or to the internal Memory Module Card (MMC). This data can then be used for post processing or data analysis.
All examples and references in this User Guide are relative to the factory default setup, which is Rover configuration. In the examples and references to Base setup, NavCom Technology, Inc. proprietary binary RTK Base configuration is assumed.

Program Initialization

After clicking on the StarUtil Icon, the utility automatically reads the available serial ports (i.e. RS-232 ports) from the Windows rate for the PC port you have chosen, or you may have the program automatically detect the baud rate for you.
OS registry. You are then given the option to manually choose a baud

Output Message Selection

The NCT-2100/NCT-2000 GPS Engine receiver comes with a default list of messages enabled. In the case of the NCT binary messages, you will see these messages scrolling upward on the Messages screen of StarUtil. The Technical Reference Manual (TRM) provides a detailed accounting of all NCT binary messages that can be output from the receiver, any of which can be included or excluded in the NCT-2100/NCT-2000 Messages window. The user has the ability to choose the rate at which the messages are output from the receiver at any of 6-present rates, or by manually entering a value. The user has the additional option of choosing a message to be output “on change” indicating that the receiver will not output a particular message until a minimum of 1 bit has changed in the message. NMEA output messages can be viewed, and logged in their own display screen, while the output rate is chosen in a similar fashion as the NCT binary.
The NMEA messages GGA, RMC, and VTG follow the outpu rate of the 0xB1 message up to a
rate of 10 HZ, when NMEA output rate for the e messages are set to “On Change”. Setting the
oxB1 message rate greater than 10 HZ will force the GGA, RMC, and VTG messages to a 1 Hz output rate.

Receiver Setup Parameters

StarUtil has been designed to allow the user the flexibility of configuring the receiver as a Base or Rover receiver. Tool bar icons are provided to simplify the process of configuring the receiver for typical Base or Rover operation (i.e. single button setup). If the user has more specific requirements,
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they may access additional menu screens that allow setup of such items as the internal radio, or L­Band Module.

Receiver Initial Position

After removing the receiver from the box and powering up, the position first seen may be the location of the NavCom Technology, Inc. production center. It is recommended that this position be changed to a position within 500km of your actual location in order to quickly acquire satellites and receive a new almanac from the GPS system.

Viewing Output Messages

Only a limited number of the many NCT2000D output messages can be viewed within the utility. These can be found under the "View" menu of the main StarUtil window. When a message is checked on this menu, a screen with a selection tab will be created in the main workspace window and displaying for the corresponding message. If you wish, you can remove the screen from the main workspace window by dragging the tab and placing it anywhere on the Windows This will make the display a freestanding window. If you wish to put it back, simply drag the window frame back to the StarUtil main workspace window.

Initiating Data Logging

You can create a log file of the messages from the receiver by selecting "File\Logging..." from the main StarUtil window menu. Simply select a folder and enter a file name to begin logging. A folder named in year, month, day [yymmdd] format will be created under the chosen folder, and the logged data will be placed there. To stop logging, select "File\Close log" from the main StarUtil window menu.
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Chapter 2 Establishing Communications & Control

In order to execute StarUtil double click on the icon. Once StarUtil is active, communications with the GPS system must be established by pressing the Configure Com Port button on the main StarUtil window toolbar, see Figure 1. This can also be accomplished via the Menu bar by clicking PC Port\Configure PC COM Port.
Figure 1: StarUtil Toolbar
A new window will appear as in Figure 2. StarUtil includes an Auto Baud Detect feature that will allow for quick protocol connection between the PC, and the GPS receiver. You are also given an opt-out if you choose to manually pick a baud rate. Check the Auto Baud box to initiate automatic detection, uncheck the box to choose a baud rate from the pop-up window.
StarUtil automatically reads the available serial ports (i.e. RS-232 ports) from the Windows
registry, and displays them in a pop-up window. Choose the Com Port that you will be using to control the GPS receiver. Typically RTS/DTR and Parity options will remain in the default states unless your system requires that these options be changed. Once the connection is established the PC COM Port Status Bar at the bottom of the main StarUtil window will provide connection information as shown in Figure 3. Information provided is PC COM port baud rate, GPS receiver port baud rate for both Com Ports, Data Logging Status, and any Input activity. There is also an Auto Baud button, which only becomes active after the initial connection has been established.
Figure 2: PC Port Configuration
Figure 3: PC Port Status Bar
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Now that PC Port Configuration has been established, the receiver must have its logical ports setup to meet the specific requirements of the application. At this point you may choose to change the Control Port to Com 1, elect an output port for NMEA, or an input port for the correction information being received from an external source. The Unit Port Configuration screen can be reached by pressing the Ports icon on the Toolbar, or from the Menu Bar pressing RECEIVER\SETUP\PORTS. Figure 4 shows a typical Unit Port Configuration used for outputting NMEA data via the Data Port [Port A/Com 1], controlling the receiver via Com 2 [Port B], and receiving RTK corrections via the *internal radio. The Physical Ports area of Figure 4 displays the baud rate, and parity at which the port communicates to the Controller Solution.
Internal radio option available on the RT-3010 & RT-3020 models only.
Figure 4: Unit Port Configuration
The Default Settings of the Physical Ports is set to 19200. The baud rate can be changed by simply clicking on the pull-down menu for port A and B and selecting any of the predetermined baud rates as shown in Figure 4.
The default logical physical mapping places the Control in the Current Port B, and Data, & NMEA, in the Non-Current Port A. The logical physical mapping of ports can be changed by clicking on any port and the pull-down menu shown in Figure 4. Logically, there are six ports and physically there are two, Port A [Com1], and B [Com 2]. The six logical ports are Control, Data, NCT RTK, NMEA, RTCM, and CMR as shown in Figure 4. Control and NCT RTK are very similar and work with proprietary messages. The RTCM port receives differential corrections as a rover, and sends out RTCM 104 corrections if the receiver has been set up as a base station; the CMR port operates in similar fashion. The NMEA port communicates messages using a protocol for communications between marine instrumentation. This interface permits flexibility in communication and control of the various message streams.
The “Apply” button sends the changes to the receiver, and will store the values in NVRam for recovery after a power cycle. The “Retrieve” button will send a request to the information stored in NV-Ram pertinent to this particular display. These two buttons operate as
described for each window in which they appear. Checking the Use Defaults box will apply the factory default configuration for both Physical and Logical Ports.
receiver for the
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Chapter 3 Navigation & Data Output Configuration

At this point the GPS receiver is ready to be configured for your specific application requirements. The GPS receiver is factory defaulted to output 7 NCT binary messages via the factory default control port Com 2. After successfully establishing communications with the receiver, you should see NCT messages scrolling up in the Messages tab of StarUtil’s main window as seen in Figure 5.
Figure 5: StarUtil Main GUI Window
The messages chosen afford the user the ability to get started viewing, collecting, and analyzing GPS receiver data immediately. The default messages output from the receiver are shown in Table 1.
Message Rate Description
On Change
On Change
On Change
On Change
On Change
Raw Measurement Data
On Change
600 Sec
Software Versions
Table 1: NCT Binary Default Output Messages
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The user is allowed to add or delete NCT and/or NMEA message from each format’s output list. This is established by clicking on RECEIVER\MESSAGES\NCT OUTPUT from the StarUtil Menu bar as shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Message Output List Control
After choosing the message output type [in this case NCT Binary] the window shown in Figure 7 will appear allowing you to add or delete any of the NCT Binary messages, and schedule the frequency of their output.
Figure 7: NCT-2100/NCT-2000 Message List
To add messages to the NCT Output List right click in the blank Message ID cell. A list of commonly used messages will appear; see Figure 8. Click on the message of your choice and it will be added to the list. Right click on the Port cell to choose where the message will be sent; see Figure 9. Right click on the Rate cell and you will be given several options as to the frequency of the output for the message; see Figure 10. Pressing the “Apply” button will send the new list, and scheduling information to the receiver. If a message you wish to schedule is not in the preset list, choose “Other” and you will be given the opportunity to manually enter the hex ID of the message you need.
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There are two check boxes that allow the end user to quickly delete all messages in the NCT­2100/NCT-2000 Message List. By checking the “Turn Off All Other Messages On All Ports” box, and clicking Apply, all NCT-2100/NCT-2000 messages previously scheduled for output on Control, Data, or NCT RTK will be deleted from the message list and data output will stop.
By checking the “Turn Off All Other Messages On Only This Port” box, and clicking Apply, all NCT­2100/NCT-2000 messages previously scheduled for output on Control will be deleted from the message list and data output on the Control Port will stop, leaving any data scheduled for output on the Data or NCT RTK port to flow freely as scheduled.
Pressing the Clear button will clear the NCT-2100/NCT-2000 messages list on the screen, but will not affect the output of the receiver.
Deleting a message can be accomplished in one of two ways, either click on the message and press the Delete key on the keyboard, or Right click on the message, and choose Delete from the popup menu; see Figure 8.
Figure 8: NCT Message Choice Added to Output List
Figure 9: NCT Message Logging Port Choice
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Figure 10: NCT Message Output Rate Choice
The NCT messages scheduled should appear scrolling up in the Messages tab of the main StarUtil window as seen in Figure 5, StarUtil Main GUI Window.
NMEA messages and output rates are chosen in similar fashion via the RECEIVER\NMEA\MESSAGES menu choice. Additionally, the end user can now have a NCT Proprietary NMEA Type string output from the NMEA port by choosing NCT SET from the NMEA messages list as shown in Figure 11, which will provide Solid Earth Tide (SET) correction information.
Figure 11: NMEA Messages Scheduling Window
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Solid Earth Tide (SET) Implementation

In order to have the SET correction information applied to the position solution there are several caveats that must be engaged.
1. Navigation MUST be valid.
2. SET Software Option is Enabled.
3. Navigation Mode is set to RTG from the Rover / Tracking & Navigation Setup, Figure 15.
4. SET are applied (“USE”) from the Rover / Tracking & Navigation Setup, Figure 15.
5. SET correctors are valid (minimum of 1 run of the SET algorithm).
Once the criteria above have been met, the SET corrections will be applied to the position solution, and displayed as North, East, and Up corrections in millimeters on the B1 Solution Window. It will also be output on the NMEA port. A sample SET message appears in Figure 12, a detailed description of the NMEA Type message structure can be found in Appendix A Table A1.
Figure 12: NCT SET NMEA Sample

Receiver Initial Position Setup

Depending on your Latitude & Longitude, you may be required to enter an initial position in order to start navigating in the shortest period of time. This is accomplished by clicking on the menu bar RECEIVER\SETUP\INITIAL POSITION as shown in Figure 13.
Figure 13: Initial Position Location
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The Set Receiver Position screen will appear as shown in Figure 14. The Receiver Position Menu is comprised of Message Block 0x46 Initial Time and Position.
Figure 14: Set Receiver Position
Click the Set Time box to change the elapsed time since the beginning of the week in seconds if known. It is not mandatory to set this field since once a satellite is tracked GPS Week Number, and GPS Week Seconds will automatically update. After the receiver starts tracking satellites, time cannot be set since the time from the satellite is assumed to be more accurate.
Click the Set Position box in order to change the initial position the receiver will use to track satellites. Typically a position within 500km will be close enough to pickup satellites and acquire almanac and ephemeris information. The position can be entered in DDMMSS format, or by use of the pull down window DDMM format. Similarly the ellipsoidal height can be entered in meters or feet.
Once the position has been entered, press the “Apply” button and the receiver will use the newly entered position to locate its first satellite and update almanac and ephemeris information. Collection of a new almanac requires 12.5 uninterrupted minutes of continuous satellite tracking.

Rover / Navigation & Tracking Setup

Typically the receiver will come from the factory setup as a GPS autonomous rover. Depending on the options purchased, you may set the receiver up to accept dGPS/RTK/RTG corrections from an external source. Figure 15 shows the Navigation & Tracking Setup window and the various options available to the user as a rover. This menu comprises message blocks 0x47 (SV Tracking Control), and 0x49 (Solution Control). Access this window by clicking RECEIVER/SETUP/ROVER-TRACKING & NAVIGATION, or click the Rover icon on the main StarUtil toolbar.
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Figure 15: Rover Navigation & Tracking Parameters Setup
The Navigation Elevation Mask selects the elevation angle the receiver starts processing GPS data from the satellites. The default is set to 7 degrees because GPS measurements of satellites at lower elevation tend to deteriorate accuracy.
The Navigation Rate is the number of Navigation Solutions per second. The default rate is 1 Hz and can be increased up to 25 hz as a purchased option.
The Navigation Rate of the 0xB1 message is changed here and NOT on the NCT Message
Output list. Attempting to change the Nav Rate in the NCT Message Output list will delete the 0xB1 message from the output list.
The minimum amount of satellites required for navigation is a user input value =>3. The default is 3 and denotes a 2 dimensional navigation solution. If height solution is needed, an additional satellite must be manually entered bringing the total to 4. Obviously, the larger the number of satellites required for navigation, yields a longer period of time before position output
The default setting for Max PDOP is 10. The quality of GPS data is dependent on the geometry between the receiver and satellites; this includes the number of satellites that can be "seen" by the receiver and the angle between the receiver and satellites. A satellite near the horizon usually provides a lower quality signal because of greater atmospheric interference and the increased likelihood of the signal reflecting from surface features, this is known as "multipath" error. The effect of geometry on GPS quality is measured by PDOP (position dilution of precision). PDOP is the overall measure of the precision obtainable with a given satellite geometry. For example, a PDOP of 4 or less yields excellent precision, a PDOP between 5 and 7 is acceptable and a PDOP of 7 or more is considered poor.
A 2D solution is an altitude hold mode. This typically indicates that the receiver is navigating using only 3 satellites, and the altitude component is a manually entered valued. This altitude value used can either be the value entered or the last computed altitude. A 3D solution typically indicates that the receiver is navigating using 4 or more satellites. When the 2D/3D button is in the Auto mode,
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