Troubleshooting Guide – StarFire™ License Requirements
This guide will step through the StarFire™ licensing process via NavCom’s StarUtil GUI program and binary data
For all receiver models, the end-user and purchasing agent are required to complete an End User License
Agreement (EULA) form in addition to a Purchase Order. The EULA can be obtained from any NavCom
authorized reseller or NavCom Sales. NavCom recommends that end users submit license renewals 15 to 30
days in advance to ensure uninterrupted service for field hardware.
SF-3050 GNSS Receivers
Required information:
Unit serial number, located on the side panel of the SF-3050. The digital serial number matches the
unit serial number. In this product design, the StarFire receiver is located on the same board as the
GNSS receiver, which differs from older NavCom products as a result of technology advancements.
To retrieve the digital serial number from the receiver with StarUtil, follow these steps:
Select Receiver Options from the Detailed Views menu
ewal licenses are supplied to the end-user by Over-The-Air (OTA) broadcast. The customer selects the date
and time in GMT for the Over-The-Air broadcast of the StarFire license.
The scheduled broadcast must be at least 3 business days after a valid P.O. is received by NavCom
Specify broadcast date and time in GMT on the P.O.
NavCom confirms the date & time of broadcast via email.
The broadcast procedure for Over-The-Air StarFire licensing is subject to change.
For special-case scenarios, customers may request to receive the StarFire license via email
to upload via data cable using StarUtil-3000, or another controller solution. The request must
be specified in the P.O.
Rev. A i Release - October 09

Troubleshooting Guide – StarFire™ License Requirements
Over-The-Air Broadcast
The StarFire license is broadcast at the scheduled time and 5 minutes later as a backup.
To ensure reception, turn on the receiver before the specified broadcast time. Do not turn off
the receiver until verifying that the license is saved.
The receiver must be tracking StarFire satellites at the broadcast times, though the receiver
is not required to be operating in StarFire mode during the broadcasts.
To retrieve the digital serial number from the receiver with a terminal program like HyperTerminal, follow these
At the command line, enter [MSGPRODUCTINFO]
The receiver will respond with:
The response shows the product type, digital serial number, and system revision number
SF-2110, SF-2040 and SF-2050 GPS Receivers
Required information:
Unit serial number, located on the bottom panel
of the SF-2040 and rear panel of the SF-2110
and SF-2050
LBM digital serial number, located in hex data
record D1
Renewal licenses are supplied by email and must be manually loaded to the receiver.
To retrieve the hex data record D1 from the receiver with StarUtil, follow these steps:
View → D1 - LBM License Status
o Click Retrieve in the lower right-hand corner
o The LBM serial number is located at the top of the window
o If the end-user is unable to retrieve the serial number, StarUtil must establish communication
to receiver’s control port
Rev. A ii Release - October 09