SF-2110 Quick Start Guide
Follow this Quick Start Guide to set up the standard
configuration of the SF-2110, designed for productivity
with minimal setup time.
The supplied CD-ROM (P/N 96-314001-3001) includes
guides with complete instructions for optimum
9 SF-2110 User Guide
9 StarUtil-2110 User Guide
9 SF-2110 Technical Reference Manual
TNC Connector 1
L1/StarFire Antenna
TNC Connector 1
L1 Antenna
Port A
Port B
Power Port
Power Port
Connect Equipment
1. Connect the supplied Positronic 9-Pin connector of the
serial cable (P/N 94-310260-3006LF) to Port A or Port B
of the SF-2110. Connect the DB9 end to the PC.
BSW Antenna Mount
2. Mount the supplied L1/L-Band GPS Antenna
(P/N 82-001017-0001LF) to a mast. Locate the antenna
in an area with a 360º clear view of the sky.
3. Connect the supplied GPS antenna cable
(P/N 94-310261-3012LF) to the GPS Antenna. Connect
the other end to the TNC connector, labeled ANT 1, on
the receiver.
9 MODEL SF-2110R only: To track
StarFire™ signals, mount the L-Band
antenna (PN: 82-001018-0001LF) to a
mast. Connect the supplied GPS antenna
cable to the L-Band Antenna. Connect the
other end to the TNC connector, labeled
ANT 2, on the SF-2110R receiver.
4. Connect the supplied 110/220V AC power
cord into the supplied AC/DC power adapter
(P/N 82-020005-3001LF).
TNC Connector
Run StarUtil-2110
8. Insert the supplied CD-ROM (P/N 96-314001-3001)
into the PC CD-ROM drive.
9. Locate and double-click the file, StarUtil-2110.exe.
10. Click the
communications between the PC and the SF-2110
receiver. The PC Port Configuration window opens.
11. In the Device name drop-down list, select the
PC COM port connected to the receiver.
12. Accept the default option, Auto Baud, or uncheck the
Auto Baud box and select a baud rate from the dropdown list if the current receiver settings are known.
13. Click the OK button. The status bar at the bottom of
the StarUtil window indicates a successful
connection in green. NCT Messages scroll down the
Messages tab.
icon on the StarUtil toolbar to establish
5. Connect the Positronic 9-pin end of the power adapter to
the receiver power port.
6. Plug the power cord into an AC receptacle.
TNC Connector 2
96-310031-3001, Rev. A
Port A
Port B
7. Depress the On/Off switch on the front panel for more
than 3 seconds to power on the receiver. All LEDs
illuminate for 3-5 seconds during power-up.
9 MODEL SF-2110R only: Select Tools > SF-2110
Configuration from the menu bar. The SF-2110
Configuration window opens. Select Dual as the
Number of Antenna.

Configure Navigation Mode
14. Click the icon on the toolbar to configure the
rover. The Rover / Navigation & Tracking Setup
window opens. Use of the default settings is
recommended. Configure only the settings below:
9 Elevation Mask: Enter a value between 0 and 90
degrees to set the elevation angle at which the
receiver will start processing GPS data from satellites.
The default elevation mask is 7 degrees to prevent
position jumps due to frequent satellite re-acquisitions
at lower elevation mask angle limits.
9 Navigation Rate: The number of navigation solutions
per second. The available rates are: 1Hz (default),
5Hz, and 10Hz. The 5Hz and 10Hz navigation rates
are purchased software options.
Schedule Message Output
15. Schedule and configure messages for output:
9 Select Receiver > Messages > NCT output to open the
NCT Binary Messages window.
9 Select Receiver > Messages > NMEA output to open the
NMEA Messages window.
9 Port Configuration: Right-click on the Port cell to
select Port A or Port B, based on where the
message is needed (i.e., control port or data port).
9 Rate Configuration: Use of the default value (On
Change) is recommended for messages with a
consistent periodic rate. On Change schedules the
receiver to output the specified message each time
new data is available.
Right-click on the Rate cell to open the menu to
schedule the frequency of output for a message.
9 Select View from the menu bar to view data output
from common NCT Binary Messages.
9 Select Tools > NMEA Viewer from the menu bar to
view data output from the scheduled NMEA
Configure Data Ports
16. Click the icon on the toolbar to configure the baud
rate of the receiver ports. The Unit Port Configuration
window opens.
The Navigation Rate setting in the Rover / Navigation
& Tracking Setup window sets the output of the NCT
Binary messages B0 and B1 and the NMEA
messages GGA, RMC, and VTG provided that those
messages are set to On Change in the NCT Binary
Messages window and the NMEA Messages window.
9 Min SVs for Solution: Four satellites are the minimum
SVs required for a 3D navigation solution, plus an
acceptable PDOP.
9 Max PDOP for Solution: Enter the highest PDOP
value according to application requirements. The
maximum PDOP value for solution is 25.5.
9 Access to RTG input is available only by purchase of
a license for the StarFire™ subscription service.
Click the Apply button. Then click the Retrieve
button to confirm the receiver accepts new settings.
9 Add Messages:
• NCT Binary Messages Window: Right-click in a blank
Message ID cell. A menu opens. Click on a message
to add it to the output list or click Other to type in the
hex ID of a message.
• NMEA Messages Window: Right-click in a blank
Message Type cell. A menu opens. Click on a
message to add it to the output list.
17. Click the Port A and/or Port B drop-down lists to
select a new baud rate, and if necessary, select the
18. Click the Apply button and then click the Retrieve
button to confirm that the receiver accepts the new
19. Click the OK button.
SF-2110 Quick Start Guide