NavCom LAND-PAK User Manual Rev.E

User Guide
NavCom Technology, Inc.
Tel: +1 310.381.2000 Fax: +1 310.381.2001
LAND-PAK User Guide – Rev. D
This page is left blank intentionally.
LAND-PAK User Guide – Rev. E
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ..................................................... i
List of Figures ........................................................ iv
List of Tables ......................................................... vii
Notices .................................................................. viii
Copyright ................................................................. viii
Trademarks ............................................................. viii
FCC Notice ................................................................ ix
User Notice ................................................................ ix
Limited Warranty ........................................................ x
StarFire™ Licensing ................................................... x
USG FAR ................................................................... xi
Global Positioning System ........................................ xi
Revision History .................................................... xii
Use of This Document ......................................... xiv
Related Documents ..................................................... xiv
SF-3040 GNSS Receiver User Guide PN 96-310034-
3001 ......................................................................... xiv
SF-3040 GNSS Receiver Quick Start Guide PN 96-
310035-3001 ........................................................... xiv
LAND-PAK™ Quick Start Guide PN 96-310039-3001
.................................................................................. xv
StarUtil 3000 User Guide PN 96-310008-3001 ........ xv
Sapphire Technical Reference Manual PN 96-
3120001-3001 .......................................................... xv
RINEXUtil User Guide PN 96-310021-2101 ........... xv
Field Genius User Guide ......................................... xvi
SurvCE Integration Guide ....................................... xvi
StarPoint User Guide............................................... xvi
NavCom Release Notes .......................................... xvi
Related Standards ...................................................... xvii
ICD-GPS-200 ......................................................... xvii
GLONASS ICD, Version 5.0, 2002 ......................... xvii
NTRIP ..................................................................... xvii
RTCM-SC-104 ........................................................ xvii
CMR, CMR+ ........................................................... xvii
QZSS ...................................................................... xviii
NMEA-0183 ............................................................ xviii
Publicly Operated SBAS Signals ............................ xviii
RTCA/DO-229D ................................................. xviii
LAND-PAK User Guide – Rev. E
WAAS (Wide Area Augmentation System) ........ xviii
EGNOS (European Geostationary Navigation
Overlay Service)................................................. xviii
MSAS (MTSAT Satellite-based Augmentation
System) ............................................................... xix
GAGAN (GPS Aided Geo Augmented Navigation)
............................................................................ xix
Chapter 1 Introduction ................................... 20
Unique Features ...........................................................20
Typical Applications ......................................................22
Land Survey and GIS ............................................... 22
LAND-PAK Configurations............................................22
NavCom SF-3040 GNSS Receiver .......................... 23
Base Station and Rover Radio Modems .................. 26
Nautiz X7 Handheld Data Collector ......................... 27
Juniper Archer 2 Handheld Data Collector ............... 31
NavCom FieldGenius ............................................... 35
NavCom CAD Basic ................................................. 35
StarPoint Post-Processing ....................................... 35
Chapter 2 Inventory Check ............................ 37
LAND-PAK UHF Survey System Inventory .............. 37
LAND-PAK GSM Network Rover Inventory ............. 40
LAND-PAK Optional Accessories............................. 42
Chapter 3 Batteries ......................................... 43
SF-3040 GNSS Receiver Battery Packs ......................43
Battery Charger LEDs .............................................. 44
SF-3040 Battery Installation .........................................45
Nautiz X7 Battery Pack .................................................47
Installing the Nautiz X7 Battery ................................ 48
Charging the Battery ................................................ 48
Chapter 4 Function Test Setup ...................... 51
Nautiz X7 Configuration ................................................51
SF-3040 UHF Radio Modem Configuration..................53
Licensing Requirements ...............................................54
Radio Overview ............................................................54
Technical Specifications ...............................................55
RF Interface .............................................................. 56
Channel Spacing ...................................................... 57
Data Speed............................................................... 57
Transmitter ............................................................... 57
Base Station Test Setup ...............................................58
Rover Test Setup ..........................................................61
LAND-PAK User Guide – Rev. E
Chapter 5 Field Genius ................................... 65
Summary ...................................................................... 65
Installation .................................................................... 66
Registration .................................................................. 70
SF-3040 GNSS Receiver Commands ......................... 74
Configure the Internal Radio as the Data Collector ..... 75
Perform a StarFire Quick Start .................................... 77
View StarFire Status .................................................... 80
Choose an Alternate StarFire Satellite ........................ 81
Set up StarFire Over IP ............................................... 83
Auto connect to SFOIP ................................................ 87
Reset RTK Filters ........................................................ 88
Setting Tolerances ....................................................... 90
StarFire Tolerance .................................................... 93
RTK-X Tolerance ...................................................... 95
RTK Fixed Tolerance................................................ 98
Set the Active Tolerance ........................................ 100
Chapter 6 Equipment Maintenance .............. 103
Transport ................................................................ 103
Maintenance ........................................................... 103
Battery Disposal ..................................................... 103
Safety First ............................................................. 104
A Base Station UHF Boost Radio ...................... 105
Configuration.............................................................. 106
Soft Keys ................................................................ 108
Priority RX/TX ......................................................... 109
Forward Error Correction (FEC) and Error Checking
................................................................................ 109
Operating Modes .................................................... 109
RF Frequency Configuration .................................. 111
RF Power Output .................................................... 113
Signal Threshold ..................................................... 114
Addressing Settings................................................ 115
Serial Port Settings ................................................. 116
Handshaking ........................................................... 117
Additional ................................................................ 117
B UHF Boost Radio Setup ................................. 121
C Handheld Device Specifications .................... 125
D StarFire End-User Lifetime License............... 129
E RoHS Certification .......................................... 138
RoHS 认证 ................................................................. 146
LAND-PAK User Guide – Rev. E
List of Figures
Figure 1: SF-3040 Connectors, Detail..................... 25
Figure 2: Nautiz X7 Handheld Device ..................... 28
Figure 3: Nautiz X7 Keypad, Detail ......................... 28
Figure 4: Nautiz X7 Data Collector Mating Connectors
....................................................................... 30
Figure 5: Nautiz X7 Pole Clamp and Cradle ........... 30
Figure 6: Nautiz X7 Mounted on the Pole Clamp .... 30
Figure 7: Archer 2 Handheld Device ....................... 31
Figure 8: Archer 2 Data Collector Mating Connectors
....................................................................... 32
Figure 9: Archer 2 Mounted on the Pole Clamp ...... 32
Figure 10: Archer 2 Keypad, Detail ......................... 33
Figure 11: LAND-PAK UHF Survey System............ 38
Figure 12: LAND-PAK Network Rover System ....... 40
Figure 13: Battery Pack Dual-Bay Charger ............. 43
Figure 14: Battery Chamber Release Button .......... 46
Figure 15: Battery Packs Installed in Chamber
Showing Locking Clips .................................... 47
Figure 16: Battery Charger/Charging Cable ............ 49
Figure 17: Windows Mobile Home Screen .............. 52
Figure 18: Windows Mobile Start Screen ................ 53
Figure 19: Radio Modem ........................................ 54
Figure 20: Base Station Tripod – Leg Adjustments . 59
Figure 21: Base Station Tripod ............................... 59
Figure 22: Mounting Tribrach & Tribrach Adapter ... 60
Figure 23: Pole Clamp and Cradle .......................... 61
Figure 24: Mounting the MicroSurvey Nautiz X7 ..... 62
Figure 25: Navcom FieldGenius icon ...................... 66
Figure 26: NavCom FieldGenius Setup Wizard ...... 66
Figure 27: End-User License Agreement ................ 67
Figure 28: Device Selection screen ........................ 67
Figure 29: Ready to Install screen .......................... 67
Figure 30: Application Downloading Complete Prompt
....................................................................... 68
Figure 31: FieldGenius Install screen ..................... 68
Figure 32: FieldGenius CAB Installed Screen ......... 69
LAND-PAK User Guide – Rev. E
Figure 33: Windows Mobile Today screen ............... 69
Figure 34: FieldGenius Registration screen ............ 70
Figure 35: MicroSurvey License Maintenance screen
........................................................................ 71
Figure 36: MicroSurvey Password screen ............... 71
Figure 37: Keypad ................................................... 72
Figure 38: FieldGenius Registration Key Screen ..... 73
Figure 39: Complete FieldGenius Registration screen
........................................................................ 73
Figure 40: Instrument Selection .............................. 75
Figure 41: Link Configure ........................................ 76
Figure 42: Radio Setup ........................................... 77
Figure 43: Instrument Settings/StarFire QuickStart . 79
Figure 44: Select QuickStart Point .......................... 79
Figure 45: Instrument Settings/StarFire Status ........ 80
Figure 46: StarFire Status ....................................... 81
Figure 47: Instrument Settings/StarFire Setup ........ 82
Figure 48: StarFire Setup/Source ............................ 82
Figure 49: Instrument Settings/StarFire Setup ........ 84
Figure 50: StarFire Setup/StarFire Over IP ............. 85
Figure 51: StarFire Setup/Mountpoint Selection ...... 86
Figure 52: StarFire Setup/Auto connect to SF-IP .... 87
Figure 53: Instrument Settings/Reset RTK Filters ... 89 Figure 54: GNSS Profile/Tolerance Setting [StarFire]
........................................................................ 94
Figure 55: Tolerance 1/StarFire .............................. 94
Figure 56: GNSS Profile/Tolerance Setting [RTK-X] 96
Figure 57: Tolerance 2/RTK Extend ........................ 96
Figure 58: GNSS Profile/Tolerance Setting [RTK
Fixed] .............................................................. 99
Figure 59: Tolerance 3/RTK Fixed .......................... 99
Figure 60: GNSS Profile/Active Tolerance [StarFire]
...................................................................... 100
Figure 61: Select Tolerance .................................. 101
Figure 62: Boost Radio Wiring Diagram ................ 105
Figure 63: Radio Modem Soft Keys ....................... 108
Figure 64: LCD Display – Data Transfer Mode ...... 110
Figure 65: LCD Display – Programming Mode ...... 110
Figure 66: Active Channel ..................................... 111
LAND-PAK User Guide – Rev. E
Figure 67: Next Digit ............................................. 111
Figure 68: Set Frequency ..................................... 112
Figure 69: Main Menu – Radio Settings ................ 113
Figure 70: TX Level Option ................................... 113
Figure 71: RF Power Output Settings ................... 113
Figure 72: Main Menu – Radio Settings ................ 114
Figure 73: Sig. Threshold option ........................... 114
Figure 74: Network Address ................................. 115
Figure 75: Main Menu – Port 1 Setting ................. 116
Figure 76: Baud Rate Setting ............................... 116
Figure 77: Baud Rate Setting Change .................. 117
Figure 78: Main Menu – Additional Setting ........... 118
Figure 79: Error Correction and Error Checking .... 118
Figure 80: SL-Commands and Priority .................. 119
Figure 81: Save Changes ..................................... 119
Figure 82: Mounting the Radio Antenna Bracket .. 121
Figure 83: Mounting the Antenna and Cable ........ 122
Figure 84: Avoiding Radiation Hazard .................. 123
Figure 85: Mounting the Cable to the Radio ......... 124
LAND-PAK User Guide – Rev. E
List of Tables
Table 1: Nautiz X7 Keypad Controls ....................... 29
Table 2: Archer 2 Keypad Controls ......................... 33
Table 3: LAND-PAK UHF Survey System Contents
(PN 92-310458-3001LF).................................. 38
Table 4: LAND-PAK Network Rover Parts List (PN
92-310459-3001LF) ......................................... 41
Table 5: LAND-PAK Optional Accessories .............. 42
Table 6: Battery Charger LED Indicators ................. 44
Table 7: UHF Radio Modem Specifications ............. 55
Table 8: Transmission Output Power Values, Watts
vs. dBm ........................................................... 57
Table 9: Measurement Performance ....................... 90
Table 10: LAND-PAK Base Station UHF Amplifier
(Optional) (PN 92-310460-3001LF) ............... 106
Table 11: Radio Modem LED Indications .............. 107
Table 12: Radio Modem Soft Key Functions ......... 108
Table 13: Receiver Sensitivity ............................... 109
Table 14: Nautiz X7 Handheld Device Specifications
...................................................................... 125
Table 15: Archer 2 Specifications .......................... 127
Table 16: Toxic or Hazardous Substances or
Elements Disclosure by Part Number ............ 138
17 按部件号列出的有毒或危险物质或原件...... 147
LAND-PAK User Guide – Rev. E
LAND-PAK User Guide PN 96-310038-3001 Rev. E Aug, 2014
Serial Number:
Date Delivered:
Purchased From:
2014 by NavCom Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this work or the
computer program(s) described herein may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted by any means, without the expressed written consent of the copyright holders. Translation in any language is prohibited without the expressed written consent of the copyright holders.
‘find your way’, ‘NavCom Globe’, and ‘NAVCOM TECHNOLOGY’ logos and ‘Land-Pak™’, ‘RTK/UltraRTK™’, and ‘RTK-Extend™’are
trademarks of NavCom Technology, Inc. StarFire is a registered trademark of Deere & Company. All other product and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
LAND-PAK User Guide – Rev. E
FCC Notice
NavCom-manufactured products comply with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and
2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
The NavCom-manufactured products have been tested in accordance with FCC regulations for electromagnetic interference. This does not guarantee non-interference with other equipment. Additionally, the products may be adversely affected by nearby sources of electromagnetic radiation.
The Global Positioning System (GPS) is under the control of the United States Air Force. Operation of the GPS satellites may be changed at any time and without warning.
The FCC compliance of other components within this system can be found inside the respective user guides or by contacting the manufacturer directly.
User Notice
NavCom Technology, Inc. shall not be responsible for any inaccuracies, errors, or omissions in information contained herein, including, but not limited to, information obtained from third party sources, such as publications of other companies, the press, or competitive data organizations.
This publication is made available on an “as is” basis
and NavCom Technology, Inc. specifically disclaims all associated warranties, whether express or implied.
LAND-PAK User Guide – Rev. E
In no event will NavCom Technology, Inc. be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages in connection with the use of or reliance on the material contained in this publication, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. NavCom Technology, Inc. reserves the right to make improvements or changes to this publication and the products and services herein described at any time, without notice or obligation.
Limited Warranty
NavCom warrants that its products will be free from defects in material and workmanship at the time of delivery. A full description of the warranty policy is
provided in NavCom’s Standard Terms & Conditions of Sale For NavCom Products in force at the time of
sale. Please contact your NavCom dealer or NavCom
Sales for a copy of the warranty policy for your
specific product. Please include your model and serial number, approximate date of purchase, and the dealer name where the unit was purchased through so that we may better service this request.
StarFire™ Licensing
The StarFire™ signal requires a subscription that must be purchased for products other than LAND­PAK in order to access the service. LAND-PAK system purchases include a limited-lifetime StarFire license, in that, the software currently only supports a ten-year license. This timeframe is inclusive of the expected serviceable life of the LAND-PAK product and is subject to StarFire service availability. Equipment which remains operational at the end of the ten-year period may be relicensed in 5-year increments beyond the initial license period. Licenses are non-transferable, and are subject to the terms of the StarFire™ Signal License Agreement. Additional
LAND-PAK User Guide – Rev. E
terms and conditions may apply; for full details, contact a NavCom dealer. For further details on the StarFire™ Signal Network, its capabilities, terms and conditions visit or send an email inquiry to
Technical Data Declaration (Jan 1997) The Contractor, NavCom Technology, Inc., hereby
declares that, to the best of its knowledge and belief, the technical data delivered herewith under Government contract (and subcontracts, if appropriate) are complete, accurate, and comply with the requirements of the contract concerning such technical data.
Global Positioning System
Selective availability (S/A code) was disabled on 02 May 2000 at 04:05 UTC. The United States government has stated that present GPS users use the available signals at their own risk. The US Government may at any time end or change operation of these satellites without warning.
The U.S. Department of Commerce Limits Requirements state that all exportable GPS products contain performance limitations so that they cannot be used to threaten the security of the United States.
Access to satellite measurements and navigation results will be limited from display and recordable output when predetermined values of velocity and altitude are exceeded. These threshold values are far in excess of the normal and expected operational parameters of the SF-3040 GNSS receiver.
LAND-PAK User Guide – Rev. E
Rev E – Aug 2014
Chapter 1: Changed battery specifications in
Table 2 and 3. Added note regarding Network RTK Added Archer 2 user information. Chapter 2: Added label colors to UHF antenna
in Table 3. Chapter 5: Changed two SFOIP servers to one
server. Changed RTK Extend operating
time to 15 minutes for nonNavCom
bases Added note regarding RTK Extend
maximum performance Added specs and note for RTK-WL. Deleted specs for StarFire Single Added note regarding Network RTK. Revised figures and instructions for
FieldGenius upgrade. Appendix C: Added Archer 2 specifications.
Rev D – Sept 2013
Chapter 2: Updated component photos
and part numbers. Chapter 4: Added controller
configuration instructions. Chapter 5: Updated specifications for
StarFire Single. Added FieldGenius software
installation and registration
Rev. C – Apr 2013
Table 8: Added tolerances for Static
Post Processing and Rapid Static
Post Processing modes.
Revision History
LAND-PAK User Guide – Rev. E
Eliminated all references to Galileo, E1
and E2A. Chapter 5: Added FieldGenius
instructions for StarFire Over IP. Chapter 5: Revised FieldGenius
instructions for StarFire Alternate
Satellite. Trade Marks – updated Added Appendix E: RoHS certification
(both English and Chinese) Added Table 14: Toxic or Hazardous
Substances or Elements Disclosure
by Part Number (both English and
Chinese) Added Note that receiver will support
SD card up to 16GB. Chapter 3: Added note to charge
batteries for 12 hours prior to first
Rev. B - Oct 2011
Chapter 1: updated Communications
with Bluetooth connectivity
information Table 7: updated bandwidth and notes Chapter 4: updated Channel Spacing updated Data Speed Table : updated Measurement
Performance with StarFire GNSS Table 13: updated bandwidth and
sensitivity Appendix A: updated Additional
Rev. A
Initial Issue
LAND-PAK User Guide – Rev. E
Use of This Document
This User Guide is intended to be used by someone familiar with the concepts of GPS and satellite surveying equipment.
Note indicates additional information to
make better use of the product.
This symbol means Reader Be
Careful. Indicates a caution, care, and/or safety situation. The user might do something that could result in equipment damage or loss of data.
Revisions to this User Guide can be obtained in a digital format from
Related Documents
SF-3040 GNSS Receiver User Guide
PN 96-310034-3001
Describes the features, setup, interfacing, configuration, specifications, and operation of NavCom’s SF-3040 receiver
SF-3040 GNSS Receiver Quick Start Guide
PN 96-310035-3001
Provides steps to quickly configure and operate the SF-3040 GNSS receiver
LAND-PAK User Guide – Rev. E
LAND-PAK™ Quick Start Guide
PN 96-310039-3001
Provides steps to configure and operate the LAND-PAK™ with minimal setup time to the point of collecting positions with RTK/UltraRTK™
Describes the standard configuration for the base and rover radio modems and controller data collection software
StarUtil 3000 User Guide
PN 96-310008-3001
Describes the operation and use of NavCom’s Windows-based control program
Sapphire Technical Reference Manual
PN 96-3120001-3001
Describes the control and output data message formats utilized by this instrument (for customer programming purposes
RINEXUtil User Guide
PN 96-310021-2101
Describes the conversion program used for NavCom proprietary output data message formats to RINEX ver 2.10 observation and navigation files (for customer programming purposes
LAND-PAK User Guide – Rev. E
Field Genius User Guide
Describes the operation and use of NavCom’s modified version of MicroSurvey Field Genius data collector program
SurvCE Integration Guide
Describes the installation, registration and use of Carlson Software’s SurvCE data collection system for Real Time Kinematic (RTK) GNSS positioning
StarPoint User Guide
Describes the operation and use of NavCom’s modified version of Viasat’s OnPoz post-processing program
NavCom Release Notes
Describes software updates for NavCom products. Current and archived Release Notes are available on the NavCom web site: r.cfm?category=releasenotes.
NavCom Customer Support provides software updates described in the Release Notes. Submit a request for software updates via the Request Support Web page.
LAND-PAK User Guide – Rev. E
Related Standards
NAVSTAR GPS Space Segment / Navigation User Interfaces Standard; ARINC Research Corporation, 2250 E. Imperial Highway, El Segundo, CA 90245
GLONASS ICD, Version 5.0, 2002
Russian Space Agency, Information Analytical Centre Internet:
Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services (RTCM) Standard 10410.0 (RTCM Paper 200­2004/SC104-STD, Version 1.0 for Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol (NTRIP)
Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services (RTCM) Standard 10410.1 (RTCM Paper 111-2009­SC104-STD, Version 2.0 for Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol (NTRIP)
Recommended Standards For Differential GNSS Service; Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services, 1800 N. Kent St, Suite 1060, Arlington, VA 22209
Compact Measurement Record; Trimble Navigation Limited, 935 Stewart Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94085
LAND-PAK User Guide – Rev. E
Quasi Zenith Satellite System; Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), 7-44-1 Jindaiji Higashi­machi, Chofu-shi, Tokyo 182-8522
National Marine Electronics Association Standard for Interfacing Marine Electronic Devices. NMEA National Office; 7 Riggs Avenue; Severna Park, MD 21146
Publicly Operated SBAS Signals
The Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA) develops consensus-based recommendations regarding communications, navigation, surveillance, and air traffic management (CNS/ATM) system issues.
RTCA. 1828 L Street, NW, Suite 805, Washington DC 20036
These organizations implement the RTCA/DO-229D standard set by RTCA:
WAAS (Wide Area Augmentation System)
U.S. Department of Transportation; Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Ave, SW, Washington, DC 20591
EGNOS (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service)
European Space Agency; 8, 10 rue Mario-Nikis, F-75738 Paris Cedex 15, France.
LAND-PAK User Guide – Rev. E
MSAS (MTSAT Satellite-based Augmentation System)
Japan Civil Aviation Bureau; Ministry of Transport. Kasumigaseki 2-1-3, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan
GAGAN (GPS Aided Geo Augmented Navigation)
Indian Space Research Organization; Antariksh Bhavan, New Bel Road, Bangalore - 560 094, India
LAND-PAK User Guide – Rev. E
Chapter 1 .............................. Introduction
This manual describes the components of the LAND-PAK system and the integration of those components and software features not covered in the FieldGenius documentation. Refer to the Related Documents section of this document for a complete product description of the SF-3040 and FieldGenius, CAD Basic, and StarPoint software.
LAND-PAK is a complete end-user system designed for land survey applications. LAND-PAK pairs NavCom products with complementary technologies and solutions, providing land surveyors a complete turnkey system that does everything from field data collection to office processing.
Unique Features
LAND-PAK has many unique features:
A Solution That Works
The LAND-PAK data collector provides cutting-edge hardware with the most popular and easy-to-use software on the market, FieldGenius. The powerful internal radio modem gives LAND-PAK a wider coverage area, allowing for longer distances between stations.
In addition, the LAND-PAK data collector is equipped with an internal 3G cell modem that can be used to access network or NTRIP RTK corrections. These two features together with NavCom’s RTK-Extend capability make LAND-PAK the ideal solution for all GNSS survey applications.
The Network RTK software option allows
the receiver to generate and receive
LAND-PAK User Guide – Rev. E
RTCM 1000-series messages. The navigation algorithms are designed to support single-base correction configurations. Network adjusted RTK
formats are not currently supported.
Higher Accuracy and Reliability
With the internal radio modem and RTK options on the SF-3040 receiver, LAND-PAK is capable of performing centimeter-accurate RTK surveys. The RTK algorithm developed by NavCom provides fast initialization, and the NavCom ultra-compact binary data format for RTK ensures robust data throughput. The receiver can utilize NavCom RTK/UltraRTK, RTCM, Network RTCM, NTRIP, CMR and CMR+ data streams from other base stations to minimize base-rover separation and allow for flexibility with pre­existing GNSS survey systems.
GNSS Performance
The NavCom SF-3040 receivers use the NavCom Sapphire GNSS engine. The technology is based on NavCom’s Touchstone™ ASIC, of which more than 100,000 are in use worldwide. Incorporated are NavCom patented interference suppression and multipath mitigation, a 5 Hz raw data rate (up to 10 Hz1 optional), and 5 Hz geodetic-quality positioning (up to 10 Hz1 optional).
Separate Software Option Required
RTK-Extend™ enables continuous RTK-level positioning accuracy during radio communication
outages by utilizing NavCom’s global StarFire™
corrections. Traditionally, when an RTK rover loses
communication with the base station, it is unable to continue to provide position updates for more than a
LAND-PAK User Guide – Rev. E
few seconds, resulting in user down-time and
reduced productivity. With RTK Extend™, a NavCom StarFire™ receiver operating in RTK mode, can transition to RTK Extend™ mode and maintain
centimeter level positioning during communication
loss for up to 15 minutes. RTK Extend™ allows more
efficient and uninterrupted work, enabling focused concentration on the work rather than the tools.
Complete Portable System
LAND-PAK is a highly integrated solution designed for productivity with minimal setup time and maximum portability. Covering the entire land survey process, it contains a complete base and rover system for field data collection and back office processing.
Typical Applications
The LAND-PAK system meets the needs of the following applications:
Land Survey and GIS
Boundary Survey Topographical Surveys in Rough Terrain Construction Site Stake-out High-Accuracy Data Collection for Post-Processing Hydrographic Survey
LAND-PAK Configurations
LAND-PAK is available in the following configurations:
LAND-PAK Survey System
(PN 92-310458-3001LF)
RTK base and rover SF-3040 GNSS receivers
(one each) with internal 1W UHF modules
LAND-PAK User Guide – Rev. E
NavCom handheld controller running
Windows Mobile 6 w/ internal GPRS cell modem and Bluetooth
NavCom FieldGenius data collector software NavCom CAD Basic desktop software StarPoint Post-Processing desktop software Accessories kit; range pole, cradle, chargers,
carrying cases, etc.
LAND-PAK Network Rover
(PN 92-310459-3001LF)
RTK Rover SF-3040 GNSS Receiver
NavCom handheld controller running
Windows Mobile 6 with internal GPRS cell modem and Bluetooth
NavCom FieldGenius data collector software NavCom CAD Basic desktop software StarPoint Post-Processing desktop software Accessories kit; range pole, cradle, chargers,
carrying cases, etc.
NavCom SF-3040 GNSS Receiver
LAND-PAK includes the SF-3040 GNSS receiver, which delivers decimeter-level position accuracy (post-convergence period) to the precise positioning community via StarFire corrections. This unique unit is designed to integrate easily into real-time kinematic (RTK), field data verification, topographical surveys, and a wide variety of surveying applications. It resolves ambiguities at startup or on satellite reacquisition typically within 2 seconds, and with appropriate software options, delivers centimeter­level position accuracy via external RTK correction
LAND-PAK User Guide – Rev. E
formats. It is capable of RTK/UltraRTK™, RTCM 2.3 and 3.0 (code and phase), RTCM 3.1, types 1001­1012, 1019, 1020, and 1033 (Network RTK), and CMR/CMR+ dGPS operating methods.
The receiver simultaneously accepts additional dGPS corrections1 (WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS, GAGAN), assuring seamless position output.
The robust SF-3040 housing has a female standard 5/8-inch BSW threaded mount (5/8-11 UNC) with a depth of 16 mm (0.63 inch) for mounting on a surveyor’s pole, tripod, mast, or any apparatus that accepts the thread size.
The SF-3040 GNSS engine includes a digital ASIC to handle high-speed signal processing.
The operating software is also capable of supporting internal and external radio modems. Refer to Chapter 7 of the SF-3040 GNSS Receiver Product User Guide for details on the removable radio modem. The internal radio modem supports Satel, Pacific Crest, and TrimTalk over-the-air modulation formats.
The receiver can output proprietary raw satellite measurements and Position Velocity Time (PVT) data as fast as 10Hz (optional) through two 115 kbps serial ports with less than 20ms latency.
Note that the Field Genius software disables this feature by default to avoid errors in applications where reception of these signals is not aligned for the area of intended satellite operation.
The SF-3040 is operated on internal removable batteries or on external power. Refer to Chapter 6 of the SF-3040 GNSS Receiver Product User Guide for details.
Integrated GNSS and L-Band Antenna
LAND-PAK User Guide – Rev. E
The all-in-one housing incorporates our compact GNSS antenna with excellent tracking performance and a stable phase center for GPS L1 and L2. It tracks and receives GPS (L1, L2, L2C, L5), GLONASS (G1, G2), StarFire, and SBAS (WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS, GAGAN) signals. The NGS calibration table for this product is available on the following link:;jsess ionid=3DE81666766F189AFA9D57D343082098?ma nu=NavCom
The SF-3040 provides two communication port connectors. The 7-pin female LEMO connector communication port, labeled USB-COM1, and the 6­pin female LEMO connector communication port, labeled COM2, are located on the bottom of the receiver (refer to Figure 1).
Figure 1: SF-3040 Connectors, Detail
Each port conforms to the EIA RS-232 standard. Available data rates are from 1.2 to 115.2kbps for the serial ports. The USB port operates at 2.0 Mbps.
LAND-PAK User Guide – Rev. E
Refer to the supplied SF-3040 GNSS
Product User Guide for further
information about the SF-3040 ports.
The SF-3040 GNSS receiver is Bluetooth-capable. The Bluetooth module permits cable-less operation between the receiver and the Nautiz X7 data controller, with less than 0.2% data loss. Wireless connectivity is provided within a range of 5 m (16 ft) once a connection is established, and a data rate of
230.4 Kbps is supported, 10 Hz maximum. The initial paring sequence must be conducted within 2m (6ft) of the SF-3040. The Bluetooth interface allows interleaved RTK data from a data collector GSM radio modem and SF-3040 data positioning (i.e., two communication links on one port).
Base Station and Rover Radio Modems
The LAND-PAK Survey System includes two internal UHF radio modules that output up to 1W of power in the 403 to 473 MHz band. The radios are digitally synthesized and can be tuned to any in-band frequency in 25KHz steps. An optional 35W booster is available for the base station, but must be ordered at the desired center frequency.
Set the radio modems only to a
licensed frequency. It must comply with local regulatory authorities.
It is the user’s responsibility to acquire all necessary radio licenses prior to operation.
LAND-PAK User Guide – Rev. E
User Interface
The LAND-PAK 1W radio modems are configurable via FieldGenius software installed on the Nautiz X7 handheld controller, a laptop, or a PC.
Configuration of the 35W radio is accomplished by using the front-panel softkeys located on the radio.
Nautiz X7 Handheld Data Collector
The Nautiz X7 806MHz high-speed handheld data collector features 128MB of RAM, 4GB of Flash storage, and a 5600mAh Li-ion battery with up to 12 hours of operation on a single charge. It has an integrated SiRF Star III GPS, Bluetooth 2.0, and
802.11b/g WLAN functionality and a built-in 3 megapixel camera with autofocus and LED flash.
With an IP67 rating, the Nautiz X7 is impervious to dust and water and can withstand vibration, and repeated drops. (Refer to Figure 2.)
Refer to the Nautiz X7 Quick Start Guide for detailed instructions on getting started. Refer to Table 4 for specifications.
Always use the supplied stylus on the
Nautiz X7 touch screen. Never use sharp objects. Use supplied screen protectors to increase the life of the touch screen.
LAND-PAK User Guide – Rev. E
User Interface
Figure 2: Nautiz X7 Handheld Device
Figure 3: Nautiz X7 Keypad, Detail
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