Follow this guide to set up the standard configuration for the
LAND-PAK base and rover, and the internal radio modem.
With minimal setup time, LAND-PAK™ can be configured and
operating to the point of collecting positions with
By opening, assembling, and using this product, you
agree to the terms of the License Agreement contained
in the LAND-PAK Product User Guide.
Important: This device will not track satellites until after
the option file is loaded in the receiver. See instructions
contained in this guide.
Refer to the supplied LAND-PAK User Guide to check
inventory, charge batteries, and set up hardware.
Refer to these supplied guides for complete instructions for
optimum performance:
NavCom LAND-PAK User Guide
NavCom SF-3040 GNSS Receiver Product User Guide
MicroSurvey Nautiz X7 User Guide
MicroSurvey FieldGenius User Guide
SATELLINE-3ASd Radio Modems User Guide
StarPoint User Guide
NavCom Customer Support:
Install UHF Radio
Follow these steps to install the radio:
1. Turn the SF-3040 off.
2. Slide the release button downward on the radio bay.
3. Insert the multi-pin end of the radio in the bay with the
contact-side up, until a click is heard.
4. Carefully align the coaxial cable MCX connector center pin
with the radio module. Press the connector on straight
with significant pressure and without damaging the center
The battery chambers are located on the side of the
SF-3040 receiver. There are two locking clips on the outside
edge of each battery chamber to hold the battery packs in
Follow these steps to install the battery packs:
8. Open the battery pack chamber (located on the lefthand side of the SF-3040 as you hold the receiver with
the front facing toward you) by pressing downward on
the black button.
9. Align the battery pack with the chamber.
10. Holding the locking clip to the side, insert a battery pack
into each chamber, metal-contact end first.
11. Push the locking clips back into place.
Repeat steps 8 through 11 with the second battery pack.
Refer to the supplied SF-3040 GNSS Receiver
Product User Guide for complete details on battery
charging, installation, use, safety, and disposal.
The SF-3040 GNSS receiver battery packs are keyed to
5. Route the cable to prevent pinching.
prevent improper installation. There are two locking clips on
either side of the battery bay.
6. Close the door until it clicks shut.
7. Connect the radio antenna to the TNC connector.
Refer to the SF-3040 Product User Guide for additional
SF-3040 Battery Installation
Charge the batteries in accordance with the steps outlined in
the SF-3040 Product User Guide.
New batteries must be charged for a minimum of
12 hours prior to use, regardless of the LED
indicator on the charger.
Ensure that both locking clips are locked in place.
If both locking clips are not locked in place, the
battery packs can disengage.
COM Port Settings
USB Settings
Connections button
Connect Equipment
12. Fully charge the battery packs in the supplied battery
charger before operation.
13. Install the battery packs in the side battery slots.
Refer to the SF-3040 GNSS Receiver Product
User Guide for complete instructions on charging
and installing the battery packs.
Three optional power cables are also available.
14. Use one of the two supplied data cables for
USB Device cable (PN 96-212238-01): Connect the 7-
pin LEMO connector end to the USB-COM1 port on
the bottom of the SF-3040. Plug the USB end into the
COM 2 serial cable (optional) (PN 96-212169-01):
Connect the 6-pin LEMO connector end to COM2 port
at the bottom of the
SF-3040. Connect the DB9S end to the PC.
An optional COM1 serial cable
(PN 96-212170-01) is also supported.
Save Folder/Files to PC
The SF-3040 Product Configuration USB Flash
Drive (PN 82-043000-0001) includes the
Root Directory: Software Options File and StarFire
License (if purchased)
NavCom Folder: Includes these sub-folders:
Firmware, Marketing Materials, User Guides, User
Profiles, Utilities (The contents of the NavCom folder
are subject to change.)
17. Plug the SF-3040 Product Configuration USB Flash
Drive into the PC.
18. Browse to the USB Flash Drive.
19. Save the Software Options File,
StarFire License (if purchased),
and NavCom folder to the PC.
Create two folders in the NavCom
folder for the Options File and
StarFire License.
Establish Communications
20. Browse to Navcom\Utilities\StarUtil-3000 on the PC.
24. Depending on the current Connection Type, do not
change the default option, COM Port, or select USB.
25. Set the appropriate options according to the Connection
COM Port:
COM Port: The appropriate PC COM Port
Baud Rate: 57600 (keep the default)
Parity: None (keep the default)
USB Port:
Bluetooth connectivity is also available. Refer to
the StarUtil 3000 User Guide for detailed
instructions on connecting a Bluetooth device.
Loading firmware via Bluetooth is not supported.
15. Locate the receiver in an area with a 360 clear view of
the sky.
16. Press and hold the On/Off switch on the front
Indicator Panel to turn on the SF-3040. All front panel
LEDs illuminate for 3 to 5 seconds during power-up.
The Indicator Panel status LEDs change from red to
2 of 7LAND-PAK Quick-Start Guide, Rev. C
21. Ensure that these files are in the StarUtil-3000 folder:
“Starutil-3k_v1_0_x.exe”, “navcomx1c45x3040.inf”
(USB driver), and 96-312007-3001.pdf.
26. Click to ensure the baud rate is correct for
The USB driver must be in the same folder as
StarUtil-3000 for the USB port to auto-recognize
the SF-3040.
22. Double-click “Starutil-3k_v1_0_x.exe” to open the
23. Click the Connections button to establish
communications between the PC and the SF-3040. The
Port Configuration window opens.
27. Click .
28. Verify that the SF-3040 is connected to the PC:
COM Port: The appropriate virtual PC COM Port
the selected port.
Messages scrolling in the Communication window
indicate that the connection is established:
LAND-PAK Quick-Start Guide
Current NAV Firmware
NAV Firmware
Click the
Firmware Info Window
Click the
NAV Unified
Firmware File
Firmware in Receiver
Upload Software Options
Software Options must be uploaded before the
StarFire License (if purchased) is loaded.
Important: This device will not track satellites until after
the option file is loaded in the receiver.
29. Select Software Options on the File Upload window.
30. Click and browse to the NavCom folder on the PC.
31. Select the software options file (the file extension is
*.opt). The path to the software options file is displayed
in the upload field.
“StarFire: Enabled” indicates that the StarFire
Software Option is loaded. It does not indicate
that a StarFire License is installed. Do not close
StarUtil-3000. Perform one of these steps:
If a StarFire License is purchased, go to the
Upload StarFire License section.
If a StarFire License is not purchased, go to the
Factory Default User Profile section.
Determine Firmware Versions
The user determines that the firmware installed in the
SF-3040 is the most current. The version of the installed
firmware is important to the proper operation of the receiver.
34. On the Detailed Views menu, click Receiver Options to
open the Receiver Options tab.
Configuration USB Flash Drive. It contains the most
current firmware. The firmware file extension is *.s19.
Open the Readme.txt file for additional information.
The *.s19 file may begin with ‘SP’ instead of ‘OC’ after
January 2012.
37. Compare the current NAV Firmware version in the
Firmware folder with the installed version displayed in
the Firmware Info window.
32. Click . At the end of the upload, a
confirmation box opens. Click OK.
The Input Terminal window also displays the
outcome of the upload. In the example below, the
load is successful:
33. Click on the Software Options window to display the
loaded software options.
If any of the purchased software options are not
displayed in the Software Options window, refer to
the section “Use the Input Terminal to Upload
Software Options” in the StarUtil-3000 User
Also refer to the Sapphire Technical Reference
Manual for detailed information on the
35. Click (refresh) on the Firmware Info window to
display the installed options.
36. Browse to the NavCom\Firmware folder on the PC. The
Firmware folder is copied from the SF-3040 Product
In the example above, the NAV firmware in the
receiver matches the firmware in the folder.
38. Perform one of the steps below:
If the NAV firmware installed in the receiver is the
most current version, go to the Upload Software
Options section.
If the NAV firmware installed in the receiver is not the
most current version:
Check the versions of the other firmware.
Write down all the firmware that must be updated.
96-310039-3001, Rev. C 3 of 7
Go to the Upload Firmware section below.
+ 4 hidden pages
You need points to download manuals.
1 point = 1 manual.
You can buy points or you can get point for every manual you upload.