National Semiconductor SD303EVK, LMH0303, LMH0307, SD307EVK User Manual

LMH0303 / LMH0307
National Semiconductor EVK User Manual
February 3, 2010
Evaluation Board User Guide
The SD303/SD307 Evaluation Kit (EVK) enables evaluation of the LMH0303 3G/HD/SD SDI Cable Driver with Cable Detect or the LMH0307 3G/HD/SD SDI Dual Cable Driver with Cable Detect. A graphical user interface allows managing the SMBus registers of the LMH0303 or LMH0307 device.
Evaluation Kit (SD303EVK / SD307EVK) Contents
The EVK contains the following parts:
SD303/SD307 EVK board assembly with either the LMH0303 or LMH0307 cable driver
USB cable
SD303/SD307 EVK User Guide
Evaluation Board Description
The evaluation board comes in two versions, depending on the cable driver installed:
1) SD303 with the LMH0303 cable driver
2) SD307 with the LMH0307 dual cable driver
The two cable drivers share the same evaluation board (SD303/SD307). The SD303/SD307 evaluation board silk screen shows the LMH0307 pin name terminology. Table 1 shows the pin name differences between the LMH0307
and LMH0303. The LMH0303 has a single output channel, SDO/SDO channel and refers to it as SDO0/SDO0
Reference LMH0307 Name L M H0307 Description LMH0303 Name LMH0303 Descript ion
J3 SDO0 Channel 0 true output SDO True output J4 SDO0¯¯¯¯¯ Channel 0 complement output SDO¯¯¯¯ Complement output J5 SDO1 Channel 1 true output J6 SDO1¯¯¯¯¯ Channel 1 complement output
D9 TF0P SDO0 Termination Fault TFP SDO Termination Fault
D10 TF0N SDO0¯¯¯¯¯ Termination Fault TFN SDO¯¯¯¯ Termination Fault
D8 TF1P SDO1 Termination Fault D7 TF1N SDO1¯¯¯¯¯ Termination Fault
Figure 1 shows the SD303/SD307 evaluation board.
. In addition, the LMH0307 adds a second output channel: SDO1/SDO1
Table 1. LMH0307 and LMH0303 Pin Name Comparison
. The LMH0307 has that same output
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Figure 1. SD303/SD307 Evaluation Board
SDI Input and SDO Output
The SDI input connectors (J1 and J2) are 50 SMA connectors. The SD303/SD307 is initially configured for 100 differential input. To configure the SD303/SD307 for 50Ω single-ended input, remove R28 and place 49.9Ω 0402 resistors in R9 and R10. When using only one input, the other input should be terminated with a 50 SMA termination.
The SDO output connectors (J3 and J4 for the SD303; and J3, J4, J5, and J6 for the dual output SD307) are 75 BNC connectors. When using only one side of an output pair, the other side should be terminated with a 75 BNC termination. For example, when only using SDO0 on the LMH0307, SDO0 termination.
should be terminated with a 75 BNC
DC Power Connectors and USB Connector
The red and black binding posts (J8 and J9) provide power for the LMH0303/LMH0307 device, and the USB connection provides power for the remaining board functions, including the microcontroller and the LEDs. For
proper operation, the SD303/SD307 should first be powered with a DC input voltage (between J8 and J9) of
3.3V ± 5% (3.6V maximum), and then the USB cable should be connected between the evaluation board and the PC. The POWER LED will flash Red while the board is powered from the 3.3 VDC supply alone, and then
change to solid Green once the USB cable is connected to the PC. The POWER LED will remain Green as long as the board is powered correctly.
JP1 – LMH0303/LMH0307 Jumper Connection to Microcontroller
A jumper block should be placed on JP1 to connect the LMH0303/LMH0307 pins to the microcontroller. The ALP software will not function correctly if this jumper block is not in place. Separate jumpers may be used, but they
must be placed to connect the following pins of JP1: RSTI (pins 11-12), SD/HD (pins 13-14), FAULT
jumpers) may be removed to control the LMH0303/LMH0307 pins externally, but then the microcontroller will no longer be able to communicate with the cable driver.
(pins 15-16), and RSTO
(pins 5-6), ENABLE (pins 7-8), SDA (pins 9-10), SCL
(pins 17-18). This jumper block (or individual
Controls and Indicators
The ENABLE push button switch controls ENABLE, and the ENABLE LED shows its state. The ENABLE LED is Green when the cable driver is enabled (ENABLE = 1), and Red when the cable driver is disabled (ENABLE = 0).
When the cable driver is disabled, it enters a deep power down mode, and Termination Fault detection and LOS detection no longer function.
If the LOSEN register bit (bit 4 of register 05h) is set, then the cable driver can be disabled with LOS functioning. With LOSEN set, LOS
by pushing the ENABLE switch will still power down the device completely (including powering down Termination Fault detection and LOS device will power down with the LOS
power back on.
is combined with the ENABLE functionality. In this mode, disabling the device
detection), but if ENABLE is left active and the signal is removed from the input, the
detection still functioning. When the input signal is reapplied, the device will
detection still
The SD/HD push button switch controls SD/HD, and the SD/HD LED shows its state. The SD/HD LED is Green when the cable driver is configured for HD/3G edge rates (SD/HD = 0), and Red when the cable driver is configured for SD edge rates (SD/HD = 1). The default setting for the SD/HD LED is Green for HD/3G edge rates.
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push button switch controls RSTI driver to its default register settings. The RSTI the cable driver is held in reset (RSTI toggle reset: once to put the device in reset mode (RSTI
, and the RSTI
LED is Green during normal operation (RSTI
= 0). To reset the device, the RSTI
LED shows its state. RSTI
= 0), and again to resume normal operation (RSTI
is used to reset the cable ¯¯¯¯
= 1), and Red when
switch must be pushed twice to fully
= 1)
with the default register settings.
LED shows the state of RSTO
. The RSTO
LED is normally Red to indicate RSTO
= 0. RSTO
is the
reset output used when daisy chaining multiple cable drivers on the same SMBus. After writing a new device address to register 00h (the ID register), the RSTO high until the device is reset with RSTI
LED changes to Green to indicate RSTO
= 1. RSTO
Termination Faults (TFxx)
The Termination Fault LEDs show the state of the Termination Faults on the cable driver outputs. The Termination Fault LEDs are Green to indicate proper termination, Red to indicate improper or missing termination, and off to indicate the Termination Faults are not valid under the current cable driver conditions.
The cable driver must be enabled and must have a valid input signal in order to properly detect cable termination on the output. If no signal is detected and the LOS
LED is Red, then the Termination Fault detectors (TF1P, TF1N, TF0P, and TF0N for the LMH0307) cannot determine the state of the output termination and the LEDs will be off. When a valid input signal is applied, the Termination Fault detectors will show the correct state of their termination. If the cable driver is disabled or if the output channel is powered down, the Termination Fault LEDs will be off.
The LOS signal (LOS the LOS ¯¯¯¯
LED shows the status of the input signal detector. The LOS
= 1), and Red when no signal is detected (LOS
detection is disabled as well and the LOS
LED will be Red to indicate no signal can be detected. If the
LED is Red, then the Termination Fault detection does not function and the TFxx LEDs are forced off.
LED is Green to indicate a valid input
= 0). When the cable driver is disabled (ENABLE = 0),
With the LOSEN register bit (bit 4 of register 05h) set, the LOS disabled. In this mode, LOS cable driver will power down but keep the LOS
is combined with the ENABLE functionality, and if the input signal is removed then the
detection running. The device will power back on once an input
detection may still function while the cable driver is
signal is detected. (While in this mode, disabling the device by pushing the ENABLE switch will still power down the device completely, including powering down Termination Fault and LOS
LEDs and Push Button Switches Summary
Table 2 shows a summary of the LEDs provided to assist the user in determining the configuration of the board, and Table 3 shows a summary of the push button switches provided to allow control of the board functions.
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Table 2. SD303/SD307 LED Indicators
LED Reference
D1 POWER Green POWER=1, board powered
D2 ENABLE Green ENABLE=1, device enabled D3 SD/HD Green SD/HD=0, HD/3G mode SD/HD=1, SD mode N/A
D4 MODE Off N/A N/A No function, LED always off D5 RSTO¯¯¯¯¯ Red RSTO¯¯¯¯¯ =1 RSTO¯¯¯¯¯ =0 N/A D6 RSTI¯¯¯¯ Green RSTI¯¯¯¯ =1, normal operation RSTI¯¯¯¯ =0, device held in reset N/A
D7 TF1N Off
D8 TF1P Off
D9 TF0P Off
D10 TF0N Off
D11 LOS¯¯¯¯ Red
Reset *
Function when GREEN Function when RED Function when OFF
When flashing Red, indicates
TF1N=0, SDO1¯¯¯¯¯ properly terminated
TF1P=0, SDO1 properly terminated
TF0P=0, SDO0 properly terminated
TF0N=0, SDO0¯¯¯¯¯ properly terminated
LOS¯¯¯¯ =1, signal detected at
the 3.3 VDC supply is connected but the USB is not ENABLE=0, device powered down
TF1N=1, Termination Fault on SDO1¯¯¯¯¯
TF1P=1, Termination Fault on SDO1
TF0P=1, Termination Fault on SDO0
TF0N=1, Termination Fault on SDO0¯¯¯¯¯
LOS¯¯¯¯ =0, no input signal
Board not powered
Termination Fault not valid (channel is powered down or no input signal detected) Termination Fault not valid (channel is powered down or no input signal detected) Termination Fault not valid (channel is powered down or no input signal detected) Termination Fault not valid (channel is powered down or no input signal detected)
* Shows the default value after the board is reset (or initially powered on) with no input signal.
Table 3. SD303/SD307 Push Button Controls
Control Reference Description
S1 SAVE No function. S2 RESET¯¯¯¯¯¯ Push to completely reset the board, device, and ALP software. S3 ENABLE Toggles ENABLE. Push to set ENABLE=0 and power down the device. Push again to set ENABLE=1
and re-enable the device.
S4 SD/HD Toggles SD/HD. Push to set SD/HD=1 and enable SD mode. Push agai n to set SD/HD=0 and enable
HD/3G mode. S5 MODE No function. S6 RSTI¯¯¯¯ Toggles RSTI¯¯¯¯ . Push once to set RSTI¯¯¯¯ =0 and reset the device. Push again to set RSTI¯¯¯¯ =1 and return
to normal operation following the reset.
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Software Setup
System Requirements
Operating System: Windows XP or Vista USB: 2.0
Download the latest software from Extract the ALPF_monthdayyear_major version_minor version.exe” (ex. ALPF_07312008_125_0016.exe) file to a temporary location that can be deleted later.
Make sure the evaluation board is not connected to the PC. The following installation instructions are for the Windows XP Operating System.
Install the ALP software
Execute the ALP Setup Wizard program called “ALPF_monthdayyear_major version_minor version.exe” (ex. ALPF_07312008_125_0016.exe) that was extracted to a temporary location.
There are 7 steps to the installation once the setup wizard is started:
1. Select the “Next” button.
2. Select “I accept the agreement” and then select the “Next” button.
3. Select the location to install the ALP software and then select the “Next” button.
4. Select the location for the start menu shortcut and then select the “Next” button.
5. There will then be a screen that allows the creation of a desktop and Quick Launch icon. After selecting the desired choices select the “Next” button.
6. Select the “Install” button, and the software will then be installed to the selected location.
7. Uncheck “Launch Analog LaunchPAD” and select the “Finish” button. The ALP software will start if “Launch Analog LaunchPAD” is checked, but it will not be useful until the USB driver is installed.
Power on the SD303/SD307 evaluation board with a 3.3 VDC power supply. Numerous LEDs will turn on, and the POWER LED will flash Red. Connect the PC and the SD303/SD307 evaluation board together with the USB cable. The POWER LED will stop flashing, and the “Found New Hardware Wizard” will open on the PC. Proceed to the next section to install the USB driver.
Install the USB driver
There are 6 steps to install the USB driver:
1. Select “No, not at this time” then select the “Next” button.
2. Select “Install from a list or specific location” then select the “Next” button.
3. Select “Search for the best driver in these locations”. Uncheck “Search removable media” and check “Include this location in the search”.
4. Browse to the Install Directory which is typically located at “C:\Program Files\National Semiconductor Corp\Analog LaunchPAD\vx.x.x\Drivers” and select the “Next” button. Windows should find the driver.
5. Select “Continue Anyway”.
6. Select the “Finish” button.
The software installation is complete. The POWER LED on the board should turn to solid Green. The ALP software may now be launched, as described in the next section.
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Software Description
Make sure all the software has been installed and the hardware is powered on and connected to the PC. Execute “Analog LaunchPAD” from the start menu. The default start menu location is “Programs\National Semiconductor Corp\Analog LaunchPAD vx.x.x\Analog LaunchPAD”.
The application should come up in the state shown below (for the LMH0307). If it does not, see “Trouble Shooting” at the end of this document.
Figure 2. ALP Startup Screen for LMH0307
LMH0303/LMH0307 Profiles
There are separate profiles for the LMH0303 and the LMH0307. The ALP software automatically detects which device is connected and configures the profile accordingly. There are four application tabs for the LMH0303/LMH0307 device.
Information Tab
The Information tab is shown in Figure 3 (for the LMH0307).
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Figure 3. LMH0307 Information Tab
LMH0303 and LMH0307 Tab
The LMH0303/LMH0307 tabs present a high level view of the cable driver. Figure 4 shows this tab for the LMH0307, and Figure 5 shows this tab for the LMH0303.
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Figure 4. LMH0307 Main Tab
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Figure 5. LMH0303 Main Tab
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