DP83849IF PHYTER® DUAL Industrial Temperature with Fiber Support (FX) and
Flexible Port Switching Dual Po rt 10/ 10 0 Mb/s Ethernet Physical Layer Transceiver
DP83849IF PHYTER® DUAL Industrial Temperature with Fiber Support (FX) and Flexible Switching
Dual Port 10/100 Mb/s Ethernet Physical Layer Transceiver
General Description
The number of applications requiring Ethernet Connectivity continues to expand. Along with this
increased market demand is a change in application
requirements. Where single channel Ethernet used to
be sufficient, many applications such as wireless
remote base stations and industrial networking now
require DUAL Port functionality for redundancy or system management.
The DP83849IF is a highly reliable, feature rich device
perfectly suited for industrial applications enabling
Ethernet on the factory floor. The DP83849IF features
two fully independent 10/100 ports for multi-port applications. NATIONAL’s unique po rt switching capabilit y
also allows the two ports to be configured to provide
fully integrated range extension, media conversion,
hardware based failover and port monitoring.
The DP83849IF provides optimum flexibility in MPU
selection by supporting both MII and RMII interfaces.
The device also provides flexibility by supporting both
copper and fiber media. In additio n this de vice includ es
a powerful new diagnostics tool to ensure initial network operation and maintenance.
In addition to the TDR scheme, commonly used for
detecting faults during installation, NATIONAL’s innovative cable diagnostics provides for real time continuous monitoring of the link quality. This allows the
system designer to implement a fault prediction mechanism to detect and warn of changing or deteriorating
link conditions.
With the DP83849IF, National Semiconductor continues to build on its Ethernet expertise and leadership
position by providing a powerful combination of features and flexibility, easing Ethernet implementation for
the system designer.
• Low-power 3.3V, 0.18µm CMOS technology
• Low power consumption <600mW Typical
• 3.3V MAC Interface
• Auto-MDIX for 10/100 Mb/s
• Energy Detection Mode
• Flexible MII Port Assignment
• Dynamic Integrity Utility
• Dynamic Link Quality Monito r ing
• TDR based Cable Diagnostic and Cable Length Detection
• Optimized Latency for Real Time Ethernet Operation
• Reference Clock out
• RMII Rev. 1.2 Interface (configurable)
• SNI Interface (configurable)
• MII Serial Management Interface (MDC and MDIO)
• IEEE 802.3u MII
• IEEE 802.3u Auto-Negotiation and Parallel Detection
• IEEE 802.3u ENDEC, 10BASE-T transceivers and filters
• IEEE 802.3u PCS, 100BASE-TX transceivers and filters
The DP83849IF pins are classified into the following interface categories (each interface is described in the sections
that follow):
— Serial Management Interface
— MAC Data Interface
— Clock Interface
— LED Interface
—JTAG Interface
— Reset and Power Down
— Strap Options
— 10/100 Mb/s PMD Interface
— Special Connect Pins
— Power and Ground pins
1.1 Serial Management Interface
Signal NameTypePin #Description
MDCI67MANAGEMENT DATA CLOCK: Synchronous clock to the MDIO
management data input/output serial interface which may be asynchronous to transmit and receive clocks. The maximum clock rate is
25 MHz with no minimum clock rate.
MDIOI/O66MANAGEMENT DATA I/O: Bi-directional management instruc-
tion/data signal that may be sou rced by the stati on management en tity
or the PHY . This pin requires a 1.5 kΩ pullup resistor.
Note: Strapping pin option. Please s ee Section 1.7 for strap
All DP83849IF signal pins are I/O cells regardless of the
particular use. The defi nition s below define the functiona lit y
of the I/O cells for each pin.
ternal pu ll-ups or pull- downs. If the default
strap value is to be changed then an exter
nal 2.2 kΩ resistor should be used. Please
see Section 1.7 for details.)
1.2 MAC Data Interface
Signal NameTypePin #Description
MII TRANSMIT CLOCK: 25 MHz Transmit clock output in 100 Mb/s
mode or 2.5 MH z in 10 Mb/s m ode derived f rom the 25 MHz reference
Unused in RMII mo de. T he d evi ce uses the X1 reference cloc k in put
as the 50 MHz reference for both transmit and receive.
SNI TRANSMIT CLOCK: 10 MHz Transmit cloc k output in 10 Mb SNI
mode. The MAC should source TX_EN and TXD_0 using this clock.
MII TRANSMIT ENABLE: Active high input indic ates th e prese nce of
valid data inputs on TXD[3:0].
RMII TRANSMIT ENABLE: Active high input indicates the presence
of valid data on TXD[1:0].
SNI TRANSMIT ENABLE: Active high input indic ates the presence of
valid data on TXD_0.
MII TRANSMIT DATA: Transmit data MII input pins, TXD[3:0], that
accept data synchronous to the TX_CLK (2.5 MHz in 10 Mb/s mode
or 25 MHz in 100 Mb/s mode).
RMII TRANSMIT DATA: Transmit data RMII input pins, TXD[1:0],
that accept data synchronous to the 50 MHz reference clock.
SNI TRANSMIT DATA: Transmit data SNI input p in, T XD _0, that accept data synch ronous to the TX_CL K (10 MHz in 10 Mb/s SNI mode).
10 www.national.com
1.2 MAC Data Interface (Continued)
Signal NameTypePin #Description
MII RECEIVE CLOCK: Provides the 25 MHz recovered receive
clocks for 100 Mb/s mode and 2.5 MHz for 10 Mb/s mode.
Unused in RMII mo de. T he d evi ce uses the X1 reference clock input
as the 50 MHz reference for both transmit and receive.
SNI RECEIVE CLOCK: Provides the 10 MHz recovered receive
clocks for 10 Mb/s SNI mode.
MII RECEIVE DATA VALID: Asserted high to i ndi ca te th at v al id d ata
is present on the corresponding RXD[3:0].
RMII RECEIVE DATA VALID: Asserted high to indicate that valid
data is present on the corresponding RXD[1:0]. This signal is not re
quired in RMII mode, since CRS_DV includes the RX_DV signal, but
is provided to allow simpler recovery of the Receive data.
This pin is not used in SNI mode.
MII RECEIVE ERROR: Asserted high synchronously to RX_CLK to
indicate that an invalid symbol has been detected within a received
packet in 100 Mb/s mode.
RMII RECEIVE ERROR: Asserted high synchronou sly to X1 when ever an invalid symbo l is detected, and CRS _DV is asserted in 100 Mb/s
mode. This pin is als o ass ert ed on d ete cti on of a Fa ls e C arr ier eve nt.
This pin is not required to be used by a MAC in RMII mode, since the
Phy is required to corrupt data on a receive error.
This pin is not used in SNI mode.
MII RECEIVE DATA: Nibble wide receive data signals driven syn-
chronously to the RX_CLK, 25 MHz for 100 Mb/s mode, 2.5 MHz for
10 Mb/s mode). RXD[3:0] signals contain valid data when RX_DV is
RMII RECEIVE DATA: 2-bits receive data signals, RXD[1:0], driven
synchronousl y to the X1 clock, 50 MHz.
SNI RECEIVE DATA: Receive data signal, RXD_0, driven synchronously to the RX_CLK. RXD_0 contains valid data when CRS is asserted. RXD[3:1] are not used in this mode.
MII CARRIER SENSE: Asserted high to indicate th e receive me dium
is non-idle.
RMII CARRIER SENSE/RECEIVE DATA VALID: This signal combines the RMII Carrier and Receive Data Valid indications. For a detailed description of this signal, see the RMII Specification.
SNI CARRIER SENSE: Asserted high to in dicate the receive medium
is non-idle. It is used to fra me valid receive data on the RXD _0 sign al.
MII COLLISION DETECT: Asserted high to indicate detection of a
collision condition (simultaneous transmit and receive activity) in 10
Mb/s and 100 Mb/s Half Duplex Modes.
While in 10BASE-T Half Duplex mode with heartbeat enabled this pin
is also asserted for a duration of approximately 1µs at the end of
transmission to indicate heartbeat (SQE test).
In Full Duplex M ode, fo r 10 M b/s or 100 Mb /s op eration , this signa l is
always logic 0. There is no heartbeat function during 10 Mb/s full du
plex operation.
RMII COLLISION DETECT: Per the RMII Specification, no COL signal is required. The MAC will recover CRS from the CRS_DV signal
and use that along with its TX_EN signal to determine collision.
SNI COLLISION DETECT: Asserted high to indicate detection of a
collision condition (simultaneous transmit and receive activity) in 10
Mb/s SNI mode.
11 www.national.com
1.3 Clock Interface
Signal NameType Pin #Description
X1 I70CRYSTAL/OSCILLATOR INPUT: This pin i s the primary clock
X2O69CRYSTAL OUTPUT: This pin is the primary clock reference out-
reference input fo r the DP83849IF and must be co nnected to a 25
MHz 0.005% (
either an external crys tal resonator connecte d across pins X1 and
X2, or an external CMO S-level oscil lator sourc e connec ted to pin
X1 only.
RMII REFERENCE CLOCK: This pin is the primary clock reference input for the RMII mode and mu st be connected to a 50 MHz
0.005% (
put to connect to an external 25 MHz crystal resonator device.
This pin must be left unconnected if an ex tern al C MOS os c ill ato r
clock source is used.
In MII mode, this pin provides a 25 MHz clock output to the system.
In RMII mode, this pin prov ides a 50 MHz cloc k outpu t to the sys tem.
This allows other devices to use the reference clock from the
DP83849IF without requiring additional clock sources.
If the system does not require the CLK2MAC signal, the
CLK2MAC output should be disabled via the CLK2MAC disable
+50 ppm) clock source. The DP83849IF supports
+50 ppm) CMOS-level oscillator source.
1.4 LED Interface
The DP83849IF supports three configurable LED pins. The
LEDs support two operational modes which are selected
by the LED mode s trap an d a thi rd ope rationa l mod e whic h
Signal NameTypePin #Description
LINK LED: In Mode 1, this pin indicates the status of the LINK.
The LED will be ON when Link is good.
LINK/ACT LED: In Mode 2 and Mode 3, this pi n indicates tra nsmit
and receive activity in addition to the status of the Link. The LED
will be ON when Link is good. It will blink when the transmitter or
receiver is active.
SPEED LED: The LED is ON when device is i n 100 Mb/s and OFF
when in 10 Mb/s. Functionality of this LED is independ ent of mode
ACTIVITY LED: In Mode 1, this pin is the A ctivity L ED which i s
ON when activity is present on either Transmit or Receive.
COLLISION/DUPLEX LED: In Mode 2, this pin by default indicates Collision detection. For Mode 3, this LED output may be
programmed to indicate Full-duplex status instead of Collision.
is register configurable. The definitions for the LEDs for
each mode are detailed below. Since the LEDs are also
used as strap options, the polarity of the LED output is
dependent on whether the pin is pulled up or down.
12 www.national.com
1.5 JTAG Interface
Signal NameTypePin #Description
This pin has a weak internal pullup.
This pin has a weak internal pullup.
TRSTNI, PU75TEST RESET Active low test reset.
This pin has a weak internal pullup.
This pin has a weak internal pullup.
1.6 Reset and Power Down
Signal NameTypePin #Description
RESET_NI, PU71RESET: Active Low input that initializes or re-initializes the
I, PU18
DP83849IF. Asserting this pin low for at least 1 µs will force a re
set process to occur. All internal registers will re-initialize to their
default stat es as sp eci fie d for ea ch bi t in th e Regi ste r Bloc k section. All strap options are re-initialized as well.
The default function of this pin is POWER DOWN.
POWER DOWN: The pin is an active low input in this mode and
should be asserted low to put the device in a Power Down mode.
INTERRUPT: The pin is an open drain output in thi s mode and will
be asserted low when a n in terru pt co nd itio n oc c urs . Alth oug h the
pin has a weak internal pull-up, some applications may require an
external pull-up resi ster. R egister a ccess i s requi red for th e pin to
be used as an in terrupt me chanism. Se e
Mechanism for more details on the interrupt mechanisms.
Section 5.6.2 Interrupt
1.7 Strap Options
The DP83849IF uses many of the functional pins as strap
options. The values of these pins are sampled during reset
and used to strap the device into specific modes of opera
tion. The strap option pin assignments are defined below.
The functional pin name is indicated in parentheses.
PHY ADDRESS [4:1]: The DP83849IF provides four PHY address pins, the state of which are la tch ed into the PHYC TRL re g-
ister at system Hardware-Reset. Phy Address[0] selects betwe en
ports A and B.
The DP83849IF supports PHY Address strapping for Port A even
values 0 (<0000_0>) through 30 (<1111_0>). Port B will be
strapped to odd values 1 (<0000_1>) through 31 (<1111_1>).
PHYAD[4:1] pins have weak internal pull-down resistors.
A 2.2 kΩ resistor should be used for pull-down or pull-up to
change the default strap option. If the default option is
required, then there is no need for external pull-up or pull
down resistors. Since these pins may have alternate func
tions after reset is deasserted, they should not be connected directly to VCC or GND.
13 www.national.com
1.7 Strap Options (Continued)
Signal NameType Pin #Description
S, O, PU
S, I, PD
FX ENABLE: Default is to disable 100BASE-FX (Fiber) mode.
This strapping option enables 100BASE-FX. An external pull-up
will enable 100BASE-FX mode.
Auto-Negotiation Enable: When high, thi s enable s Auto-Negot iation with the capab ility se t by AN0 and AN1 pin s. When low , this
puts the part into Forced Mode with the capability set by AN0 and
AN1 pins.
AN0 / AN1: These input pins control the forced or advertised operating mode of the DP83849IF according to the following table.
The value on these pins is set by connecting the input pins to
GND (0) or V
NEVER be connected directly to GND or VCC.
Fiber Mode Duplex Selection: If Fiber mode is strapped using
the FX_EN pi n , t he A N0 st ra p va lu e i s u s ed to s el e ct Hal f or F u ll
Duplex. AN_EN and AN1are ignored if FX_EN is asserted, since
Fiber mode is 100Mb on ly and does not s upport Auto-Negotia tion.
The value set at this input is latc hed into the D P83 84 9IF at Ha rdware-Reset.
The float/pull-down status of these pins are latched into the Basic
Mode Control Register and the Auto_Negotiation Advertisement
Register during Hardware-Reset.
The default is 0111 si nce the FX_EN pin has an i nternal pull-down
and the Auto-Negotiation pins have internal pull-ups.
MII MODE SELECT: This strapping option pair determines the
operating mode of the MAC Data Interface. Default operation
(No pull-ups) will ena ble no rmal M II Mo de of o peratio n. Strappin g
MII_MODE high will c ause th e dev ice to be in RM II or SNI mo des
of operation, determined by the status of the SNI_MODE strap.
Since the pins include internal pull-downs, the default values are
0. Both MAC Data Interface s mus t ha ve the ir RMII M od e setti ngs
the same, i.e. both in RMII mode or both not in RMII mode.
The following table details the configurations:
0XMII Mode
10RMII Mode
1110 Mb SNI Mode
CLK2MAC_DIS (RXD2_A)S, O, PD8Clock to MAC Disable: This strapp ing option disab les (floats) the
EXTENDER_EN (RXD2_B)S, O, PD56Extender Mode Enab le: This strapping option en abl es Ext ender
S, O, PU1
S, O, PU2
S, O, PD9
LED CONFIGURATION: This strapping option determines the
mode of operation of the LED pin s. Default is Mode 1. Mode 1 and
Mode 2 can be controlle d via the strap opt ion. All mode s are co n
figurable via register access.
See Table 3 on page 21 for LED Mode Selection.
MDIX ENABLE: Default is to enable MDIX. Thi s strap pin g option
disables Auto-MDIX. An external pull-down will disable AutoMDIX mode.
Energy Detect ENABLE: Default is to disable Energy Detect
mode. This strapping option enables Energy Detect mode for the
port. In Energy Detect mode, the device will initially be in a lowpower state until de tecting a ctivity on the wire . An extern al pull-u p
will enable Energy Detect mode.
CLK2MAC pin. Default is to enable CLK2 MAC output. An external
pullup will disa ble (float) t he CLK2MAC pin. If th e system does not
require the CLK2MAC si gnal, the CLK2MAC output should be dis
abled via this strap option.
Mode for both ports. When enabled, the strap will enable Single
Clock MII TX and RX modes unless RMII Mode is also strapped.
SNI Mode cannot be strapped if Extender Mode is strapped.
10BASE-T or 100BASE-TX or 100BASE-FX Transmit Data
In 10BASE-T or 100BASE-TX: Differential common driver transmit output (PMD Ou tput Pair). Th ese different ial ou tputs are a utomatically configured to either 10BASE-T or 100BASE-TX
In Auto-MDIX mode of opera tion, this pa ir can be used as the Receive Input pair.
In 100BASE-FX mode, this pair becomes the 100BASE-FX
Transmit pair.
These pins require 3.3V bias for operation.
10BASE-T or 100BASE-TX or 100BASE-FX Receive Data
In 10BASE-T or 100BASE-TX: Differenti al receiv e input (PMD In put Pair). These differential in puts are autom atically configured to
accept either 100BASE-TX or 10BASE-T signaling.
In Auto-MDIX mode of operation, this pair can be used as the
Transmit Output pair.
In 100BASE-FX mode, this pair becomes the 100BASE-FX
Receive pair.
These pins require 3.3V bias for operation.
FX Signal Detect: This pin provides the Signal Detect input for
100BASE-FX mode.
1.9 Special Connections
Signal NameTypePin #Description
RBIASI32Bias Resistor Connection: A 4.87 kΩ 1% resistor should be con -
PFBOUTO31Power Feedback Output: Parallel caps, 10µ F and 0.1µF, should
nected from RBIAS to GND.
be placed close to the PFBOUT. Connect this pin to PFBIN1 (pin
13), PFBIN2 (pin 27), PFBIN3 (pin35), PFBIN4 (pin 49). See
Section 5.5 for proper placement pin.
Power Feedback Input: These pins are fed with power from
PFBOUT pin. A small capacitor of 0.1µF should be connected
close to each pin.
Note: Do not supply power to these pins other than from
This section in clude s inform atio n on the var ious con figura tion options available with the DP83849IF. The configuration options described below include:
— Media Configuration
— Auto-Negotiation
— PHY Address and LEDs
— Half Duplex vs. Full Duplex
— Isolate mode
— Loopback mode
2.1 Media Configuration
The DP83849IF supports both Twister Pair (100BASE-TX
and 10BASE-T) and Fiber (100BASE-FX) media. Each
port may be independe ntly confi gu r ed fo r Twisted Pair (TP)
or Fiber (FX) operation by strap option or by register
At power-up/reset, the st ate of the COL_A and COL_B pins
will select the media for ports A and B respectively. The
default selection is TP mode, while an external pull-up will
select FX mode of operation. Strapping a port into FX
mode also automatically sets the Far-End Fault Enable, bit
3 of PCSR (16h), the Scramble Bypass, bit 1 of PCSR
(16h) and the Descrambler Bypass, bit 0 of PCSR (16h). In
addition, the media selection may be controlled by writing
to bit 6, FX_EN, of PCSR (16h).
2.2 Auto-Negotiation
The Auto-Negotiation function provides a mechanism for
exchanging configuration information between two ends of
a link segment and automatically selecting the highest per
formance mode of operation supported by both devices.
Fast Link Pulse (FLP) Bursts provide the signalling used to
communicate Auto-Negotiation abilities between two
devices at each end of a link segment. For further detail
regarding Auto-Negotiation, refer to Clause 28 of the IEEE
802.3u specification. The DP83849IF supports four differ
ent Ethernet protocols (10 Mb/s Half Duplex, 10 Mb/s Full
Duplex, 100 Mb/s Half Duplex, and 100 Mb/s Full Duplex),
so the inclusion of Auto-Negotiation ensures that the high
est performance protocol will be selected based on the
advertised ability of the Link Partner. The Auto-Negotiation
function within the DP83849IF can be controlled either by
internal register access or by the use of the AN_EN, AN1
and AN0 pins.
2.2.1 Auto-Negotiation Pin Control
The state of AN_EN, AN0 an d AN1 det ermine s wheth er the
DP83849IF is forced into a specific mode or Auto-Negotia
tion will advertise a specific ability (or set of abilities) as
given in
be selected without requiring internal register access.
The state of AN _EN, AN0 and A N1, upon po wer-up/ reset,
determines the state of bits [8:5] of the ANAR register.
The Auto-Negotiation function selected at power-up or
reset can be cha nged at any time by writin g to the Basic
Mode Contro l Register (BMCR) at address 00h.
Table 1. These pins allow configuration options to
When Auto-Negotiation is enabled, the DP83849IF transmits the abilities programmed into the Auto-Negotiation
Advertisement register (ANAR) at address 04h via FLP
Bursts. Any combination of 10 Mb/s, 100 Mb/s, HalfDuplex, and Full Duplex modes may be selected.
Auto-Negotiation Priority Resolution:
— (1) 100BASE-TX Full Duplex (Highest Priority)
— (2) 100BASE-TX Half Duplex
— (3) 10BASE-T Full Duplex
— (4) 10BASE-T Half Duplex (Lowest Priority)
The Basic Mode Control Register (BMCR) at address 00h
provides control for enabling, disabling, and restarting the
Auto-Negotiation process. When Auto-Negotiation is dis
abled, the Speed Selection bit in the BMCR controls
switching between 10 Mb/s or 100 Mb/s operation, and the
Duplex Mode bit controls switching between full duplex
operation and half duplex operation. The Speed Selection
and Duplex Mode bits have no effect on the mode of oper
ation when the Auto-Negotiation Enable bit is set.
The Link Speed can be examined through the PHY Status
Register (PHYSTS) at address 10h after a Link is
The Basic Mode Status Register (BMSR) indicates the set
of available abilities for technology types, Auto-Negotiation
ability, and Extended Register Capability. These bits are
permanently set to indicate the full functionality of the
DP83849IF (only the 100BASE-T4 bit is not set since the
DP83849IF does not support that function).
The BMSR also provides status on:
— Whether or not Auto-Negotiation is complete
— Whether or not the Link Partner is advertising that a re-
mote fault has occurred
— Whether or not valid link has been established
— Support for Management Frame Preamble suppression
The Auto-Negotiation Advertisement Register (ANAR) indi-
cates the Auto-Negotiation abilities to be advertised by the
DP83849IF. All available abilities are transmitted by
default, but any ability can be suppressed by writing to the
18 www.national.com
ANAR. Updating the ANAR to suppress an ability is one
way for a management agent to change (restrict) the tech
nology that is used.
The Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Ability Register
(ANLPAR) at address 05h is used to receive the base link
code word as well as all next page code words during the
negotiati on. Furthermore, the ANLPAR will be updat ed to
either 0081h or 0021h for parallel detection to either 100
Mb/s or 10 Mb/s respectively.
The Auto-Negotiation Expansion Register (ANER) indicates additional Auto-Negotiation status. The ANER provides status on:
— Whether or not a Parallel Detect Fault has occurred
— Whether or not the Link Partne r supp orts the N ext Pag e
— Whether or not the DP83849IF supports the Next Page
— Whether or not the current page being exchanged by
Auto-Negotiation has been receiv ed
— Whether or not the Link Partner supports Auto-Negotia-
2.2.3 Auto-Negotia tion Para llel Detection
The DP83849IF supports the Parallel Detection function as
defined in the IEEE 802.3u specifi ca tio n. Para lle l De tect io n
requires both the 10 Mb/s and 100 Mb/s receivers to moni
tor the receive signal and report link status to the AutoNegotiation function. Auto-Negotiation uses this informa
tion to configure th e corre ct techno logy i n the e vent th at the
Link Partner does not support Auto-Negotiation but is
transmitting link signals that the 100BASE-TX or 10BASET PMAs recognize as valid link signa ls .
If the DP83849IF co mp lete s Au to-Negotiation as a result of
Parallel Detection, bits 5 and 7 within the ANLPAR register
will be set to reflect the mode of operation present in the
Link Partner. Note that bits 4:0 of the ANLPAR will also be
set to 00001 based on a successful parallel detection to
indicate a valid 802.3 selector field. Software may deter
mine that negotiation completed via Parallel Detection by
reading a zero in the Link Partn er Au to-N eg oti ati on Ab le b it
once the Auto-Negotiat io n Compl ete b it i s s et. I f co nfi gure d
for parallel detect mode and any condition other than a sin
gle good link occurs then the parallel detect fault bit will be
2.2.5 Enabling Auto-Negotiation via Software
It is important to not e that i f the DP 8384 9IF has been initia lized upon power-up as a non-auto-negotiating device
(forced technology), and it is then requ ire d that Auto-Negotiation or re-Auto-Negotiation be initiated via software,
12 (Auto-Negotiation Enable) of the Basic Mode Control
Register (BMCR) must first be cleared and then set for any
Auto-Negotiation function to take effect.
2.2.6 Auto-Negotiation Complete Time
Parallel detection and Auto-Negotiation take approximately
2-3 seconds to co mp let e. In addition, Auto-Negotia tio n wi th
next page should take approximately 2-3 seconds to com
plete, depending on the number of next pages sent.
Refer to Clause 28 of the IEEE 802.3u standard for a full
description of the individual timers related to Auto-Negotiation.
2.3 Auto-MDIX
When enabled, this function utilizes Auto-Negotiation to
determine the proper configuration for transmission and
reception of data and subsequently selects the appropriate
MDI pair for MD I/ MD IX o pe ra ti on. T h e fu nc t io n us es a r an
dom seed to control switching of the crossover circuitry.
2.2.4 Auto-Negotiation Rest art
Once Auto-Negotiation has completed, it may be restarted
at any time by setting bit 9 (Res tart Auto- Negotiat ion) of th e
BMCR to one. If the mode confi gured b y a su cces sful Au toNegotiation loses a valid link, then the Auto-Negotiation
process will resume and attempt to determine the configu
ration for the link. This function ensures that a valid configuration is maintained if the cable becomes disconnected.
A renegotiation requ es t fro m any en tity, such as a management agent, wi ll cause th e DP83849I F to halt any tr ansmit
data and link pulse activity until the break_link_timer
expires (~1500 ms). Consequently, the Link Partner will go
into link fail and normal Auto-Negotiation resumes. The
DP83849IF will resume Auto-Negotiation after the
break_link_timer has expired by issuing FLP (Fast Link
Pulse) bursts.
19 www.national.com
MDIO bus in a system must have a unique physical
The DP83849IF supports PHY Address strapping of Port A
to even values 0 (<0000_0>) through 30 (<1111_0>). Port
B is strapped to odd values 1 (<0000_1>) through 31
(<1111_1>). Note that Port B address is always 1 greater
than Port A address.
For further detail rela ting to the la tch -in timi ng requi rement s
of the PHY Address pins, as well as the other hardware
configuration pins, refer to the Reset summary in
Section 6.0.
Refer to Figure 2 for an exam ple o f a PH YAD connection to
external components. In this example, the PHYAD strapping results in address 00010 (02h) for Port A and address
00011 (03h) for Port B.
2.4.1 MII Isolate Mode
The DP83849IF can be put into MII Isolate mode by writing
to bit 10 of the BMCR register.
When in the MII isolate mode, the DP83849IF does not
respond to packet data present at TXD[3:0], TX_EN inputs
and presents a high impedance on the TX_CLK, RX_CLK,
RX_DV, RX_ER, RXD[3:0], COL, and CRS outputs. When
in Isolate mode, the DP83849IF will continue to respond to
all management transactions.
While in Isolate mod e, th e PM D ou tput pair will not transm it
packet data but will continue to source 100BASE-TX
scrambled idles or 10BASE-T normal link pulses.
The DP83849IF can Auto-Negotiate or parallel detect to a
specific technology depending on the receive signal at the
PMD input pair. A valid link can be established for the
receiver even when the DP83849IF is in Isolate mode.
Figure 2. PHYAD Strapping Example
PHYAD2 = 0PHY AD3 = 0
PHYAD1 = 1
20 www.national.com
2.5 LED Interface
The DP83849IF supports three configurable Light Emitting
Diode (LED) pins for each port.
Several functions can be multiplexed onto the three LEDs
using three different modes of operation. The LED operation mode can be selected by writing to the LED_CFG[1:0]
register bits in the PHY Control Register (PHYCR) at
address 19h, bits [6:5]. In addition, LED_CFG[0] for each
port can be set by a strap option on the CRS_A and
CRS_B pins. LED_CFG[1] is only controllable through reg
ister access and cannot be set by as strap pin.
See Table 3 for LED Mode selection.
The LED_LINK pin in Mode 1 indicates the link status of
the port. In 100BASE-T mode, link is established as a
result of input receive amplitude compliant with the TPPMD specifications which will result in internal generation
of signal detect. A 10 Mb/s Link is est abli shed as a result of
the reception of at least seven consecutive normal Link
Pulses or the reception of a valid 10BASE-T packet. This
will cause the as sertion of LED_LINK. L ED _LIN K w il l d ea s
sert in accordance with the Link Loss Timer as specified in
the IEEE 802.3 specification.
The LED_LINK p in in Mode 1 w i ll be O FF w h en no LI N K is
The LED_LINK pin in Mode 2 and Mode 3 will be ON to
indicate Link is good and BLINK to indicate activity is
present on activity. The BLINK frequency is defined in
BLINK_FREQ, bits [7:6] of register LEDCR (18h).
Activity is defined as configured in LEDACT_RX, bit 8 of
register LEDCR (18h). If LEDACT_RX is 0, Activity is sig
naled for either transmit or receive. If LEDACT_RX is 1,
Activity is only signaled for receive.
The LED_SPEED pin indicates 10 or 100 Mb/s data rate of
the port. The LED is ON when operating in 100Mb/s mode
and OFF when operating in 10Mb/s mode. The functional
ity of this LED is independent of mode selected.
The LED_ACT/LED_COL pin in Mo de 1 ind ic ates the pre sence of either transmit or receive activity. The LED will be
ON for Activity and OFF for No Activity. In Mode 2, this pin
indicates the Collision status of the port. The LED will be
ON for Collision and OFF for No Collision.
The LED_ACT/LED_COL pin in Mode 3 indicates Duplex
status for 10 Mb/s or 100 Mb/s operation. The LED will be
ON for Full Duplex and OFF for Half Duplex.
In 10 Mb/s half duplex mode, the collision LED is based on
the COL signal.
Since these LED pins are also used as strap options, the
polarity of the LED is dependent on whether the pin is
pulled up or down.
2.5.1 LEDs
Since the Auto-Negotiation (AN) strap options share the
LED output pins, the external components required for
strapping and LED usage must be considered in order to
avoid contention.
Specifically, when the LED outputs are used to drive LEDs
directly, the active state of each output driver is dependent
on the logic level sampled by the corresponding AN input
upon power-up/reset. For example, if a given AN input is
resistively pulled low then the corresponding output will be
configured as an active high driver. Conversely, if a given
AN input is.4( w)5ee ss.tsv4( w)5 y10.2( su)12.8(tlle12.8(d c)12.8(ei-1.12(g)12.8(e,th)12.8(e )13.3(the))13.3(tc)12.8(nres)10.32po)n12.8(d in12.8(dg-0.5(s)]TJT*0.0033 Tc-0.0013 Tw[(tu)12.96tpu)13.96tp1.63 w)5.63ig.l-1.4(gb)12.96esguas.o-0.47 w45
21 www.national.com
= 0
Figure 3. AN Strapping and LED Loading Example
2.5.2 LED Direct Control
The DP83849IF provides another option to directly control
any or all LED outputs throu gh the LED Di rect Contro l Reg
ister (LEDCR), address 18h. The register does not provide
read access to LEDs.
AN1_A = 1
AN0_A = 1
2.6 Half Duplex vs. Full Duplex
The DP83849IF supports both half and full duplex operation at both 10 Mb/s and 100 Mb/s speeds.
Half-duplex relies on the C SMA/C D protoc ol t o handl e colli sions and network access. In Half-Duplex mode, CRS
responds to both transmit and receive activity in order to
maintain compliance with the IEEE 802.3 specification.
Since the DP83849IF is designed to support simultaneous
transmit and receiv e act ivi ty it is capabl e of su ppor tin g full duplex switched ap pli ca tio ns with a throughput of up to 200
Mb/s per port when operating in either 100BASE-TX or
100BASE-FX. Because the CSMA/CD protocol does not
apply to full-duplex operation, the DP83849IF disables its
own internal collision sensing and reporting functions and
modifies th e behavior of Carr ier Sense (CRS ) such that it
indicates only receive activity. This allows a full-duplex
capable MAC to operate properly.
All modes of operation (100BASE-TX, 100BASE-FX,
10BASE-T) can run either half-duplex or full-duplex. Addi
tionally, other than CRS and Collision reporting, all remaining MII signaling remains the same regardless of the
selected duplex mode.
It is important to understand that while Auto-Negotiation
with the use of Fast Link Pulse code words can interpret
and configure to full-duplex operation, parallel detection
can not recognize the difference between full and halfduplex from a fixed 10 Mb/s or 100 Mb/s link partner over
twisted pair. As specified in the 802.3u specification, if a
far-end link partner is configured to a forced full duplex
100BASE-TX ability, the parallel detection state machine in
the partner would be unable to detect the full duplex capa
bility of the far-end link partner. This link segment would
negotiate to a half duplex 100BASE-TX configuration
(same scenario for 10Mb/s).
Auto-Negotiation is not supported in 100BASE-FX operation. Selection of Half o r Ful l-du ple x o pera tio n is co ntrolled
by bit 8 of the Basic Mode Control Register (BMCR),
address 00h. If 100BASE-FX mode is strapped using the
FX_EN pin, the AN0 strap value is used to set the value of
bit 8 of the BMCR (00h) register. Note that the other AutoNegotiation strap pins (AN_EN and AN1) are ignored in
100BASE-FX mode.
2.7 Internal Loopback
The DP83849IF includes a Loopback Test mode for facilitating system diagnostics. The Loopback mode is selected
through bit 14 (Loopback) of the Basic Mode Control Reg
ister (BMCR). Writing 1 to this bit enables MII transmit data
to be routed to the MII receive outputs. Loopback status
may be checked in bit 3 of the PHY Status Register
(PHYSTS). While in Loopback mode the data will not be
transmitted onto the media. To ensure that the desired
operating mode is maintained, Auto-Negotiation should be
disabled before selecting the Loopback mode.
2.8 BIST
The DP83849IF incorporates an internal Built-in Self Test
(BIST) circuit to accommodate in-circuit testing or diagnostics. The BIST circuit can be utilized to test the integrity of
the transmit and receive data paths. BIST testing can be
performed with the part in the internal loopback mode or
externally looped back using a loopback cable fixture.
The BIST is implemented with independent transmit and
receive paths, with the tran sm it bl ock gene rati ng a con tin u
ous stream of a pseudo random sequence. The user can
select a 9 bit or 15 bit pseudo random sequence from the
PSR_15 bit in the PHY Control Register (PHYCR). The
received data is compared to the generated pseudo-ran
dom data by the BIST Linear Feedback Shift Register
(LFSR) to determine the BIST pass/fail status.
The pass/fail status of the BIST is stored in the BIST status
bit in the PHYCR reg ister. The status bit defaults to 0 (BIST
fail) and will transition on a successful comparison. If an
error (mis-compare) occurs, the status bit is latched and is
cleared upon a subsequent write to the Start/Stop bit.
For transmit VOD testing, the Packet BIST Continuous
Mode can be used to allow continuous data transmission,
setting BIST_CONT_MODE, bit 5, of CDCTRL1 (1Bh).
The number of BIST errors can be monitored through the
BIST Error Count in the CDCTRL1 (1Bh), bits [15:8].
22 www.national.com
3.0 MAC Interface
The DP83849IF support s se veral m odes of op eration using
the MII interface pins. The optio ns are defi ned in th e foll ow
ing sections and include:
— MII Mode
— RMII Mode
— 10 Mb Serial Network Interface (SNI)
— Single Clock MII Mode (SCMII)
In addition, the DP83849IF supports the standard 802.3u
MII Serial Management Interface and a Flexible MII Port
Assignment scheme.
The modes of operation can be selected by strap options
or register control. For RMII mode, it is recommended to
use the strap option, since it requires a 50 MHz clock
instead of the normal 25 MHz.
In each of these modes, the IEEE 802.3 serial manage-
23 www.national.com
3.2 Reduced MII Interface
The DP83849IF incorporates the Reduced Media Independent Interface (RMII) as specified in the RMII specification
(rev1.2) from the RMII Consortium. This interface may be
used to connect PHY devices to a MAC in 10/100 Mb/s
systems using a reduced number of pins. In this mode,
data is transferred 2-bits at a time using the 50 MHz
RMII_REF clock for both transmit and receive. The follow
ing pins are used in RMII mode:
— RX_ER (optional for Mac)
— RXD[1:0]
— X1 (RMII Reference clock is 50 MHz)
In addition, the RMII mode supplies an RX_DV signal
which allows for a simpler method of recovering receive
data without having to separate RX_DV from the CRS_DV
indication. This is especially useful for diagnostic testing
where it may be desirable to externally loop Receive MII
data directly to the transmitter.
The RX_ER output may be used by the MAC to detect
error conditions. It is asserted for symbol errors received
during a pack et, False Carrier even ts, and also for FIFO
underrun or overrun conditions. Since the Phy is required
to corrupt receive data on an error, a MAC is not required
to use RX_ER.
It is important to note that since both digital channels in the
DP83849IF share the X1/RMII_REF input, both channels
must have RMII mod e enabled or both chann el s m us t hav e
Table 4. Supported packet sizes at +/-50ppm frequency accuracy
RMII mode disabled. Either channel may be in 10Mb or
100Mb mode in RMII or non-RMII mode.
Since the reference clock operates at 10 times the data
rate for 10 Mb/s operation, transmit data is sampled every
10 clocks. Likewise, receive data will be generated every
10th clock so that an attached device can sample the data
every 10 clocks.
RMII mode requires a 50 MHz oscillator be connected to
the device X1 pin. A 50 MHz crystal is not supported.
To tolerate potential frequency differences between the 50
MHz reference clock and the recovered receive clock, the
receive RMII function includes a programmable elasticity
buffer. The elasticity buffer is programmable to minimize
propagation delay based on expected packet size and
clock accuracy. This allows for supporting a range of
packet sizes including jumbo frames.
The elasticity buffer will force Frame Check Sequence
errors for packets which overrun or underrun the FIFO.
Underrun and Overrun conditions can be reported in the
RMII and Bypass Register (RBR). The following table indi
cates how to program the elastic ity buf fer fifo (in 4-bit increments) based on expected max packet size and clock
accuracy. It assumes both clocks (RMII Reference clock
and far-end Transmitter clock) have the same accuracy.
Packet lengths can be scaled linearly based on accuracy
(+/- 25ppm would allows packets twice as large). If the
threshold setting must support both 10Mb and 100Mb
operation, the setting should be made to support both
The DP83849IF incorpor ate s a 10 M b Se rial Netw ork Int erface (SNI) which al lo ws a simple serial dat a in terface for 10
Mb only devices. This is also referred to as a 7-wire inter
face. While there is no defined standard for this interface, it
is based on early 10 Mb physical layer devices. Data is
clocked serially at 10 MHz using separate transmit and
receive paths. The following pins are used in SNI mode:
3.4 Single Clock MII Mode
Single Clock MII (SCMII) Mode allows MII operation using
a single 25MHz reference clock. Normal MII Mode requires
three clocks, a reference clock for physical layer functions,
a Transmit MII clock, and a Receive MII clock. Similar to
RMII mode, Single Clock MII mode requires only the refer
ence clock. In addition to reducing the number of pins
required, this mode allows the attached MAC device to use
only the reference clock domain. Since the DP83849IF
has two ports, this actually reduces the number of clocks
from 6 to 1. A/ C Timing re quir ements for SC MII op erat ion
are similar to the RMII timing requirements.
For 10Mb operation, as in RMII mode, data is sampled and
driven every 10 clocks si nce the refere nce clock is a t 10x
the data rate.
Separate control bits allow enabling the Transmit and
Receive Single Clock modes separately, allowing just
transmit or receive to operate in this mode. Control of Sin
gle Clock MII mode is through the RBR register.
Single Clock MII mode incorporates the use of the RMII
elasticity buffer, which is required to tolerate potential fre
quency differences between the 25MHz reference clock
and the recovered receive clock. Settings for the Elasticity
Buffer for SCMII mode are detailed in the following table.
Table 5. Supported SCMII packet sizes at +/-50ppm frequency accuracy
The DP83849IF supports a flexible assignment scheme for
each of the channels to the MII/RMII interface. Either of
the MII ports may be assigned to the internal channels A/B.
These values are contro lled by th e RMII and Bypass Reg
ister (RBR), address 17h. Transmit assignments and
Receive assignments can be made separately to allow
even more flexibility (i.e. both channels could transmit from
MII A while still allowing separate receive paths for the
Inaddition, the opposite receive channel may beusedasthe transmit source for each channel. As shown inFigure4, Channel A receive data may be used as the Channel B transmit data sourcewhile Channel B receive data may be used as the Channel A transmit data source. For proper clock synchronization,this function requires the device be inRMII mode or Single Clock MII mode ofoperation.A configuration strap isprovided on pin 56,RXD2_B/EXTENDER_ENto enable this mode.
Channel A
Channel B
26 www.national.com
3.5.1 RX MII Port Mapping
Note that Channel A is the master of MII Port A, and Channel B is the master of MII Port B. This means that in order
for Channel B to control MII Port A, Channel A must be
configured t o either co ntrol MII Po rt B or be Disa bled; the
reverse is also true.
Table 6. RX MII Port Mapping Controls
RBR[12:11]Desired RX Channel Destination
00Normal Port
01Opposite Port
10Both Ports
Table 7. RX MII Port Mapping Configurations
Channel A RBR[12:11]Chan nel B RBR[12:11]RX MII Port A SourceRX MII Port B Source
0000Channel AChannel B
RX MII Port Mapping controls and configurations are
shown in the following tables:
0001Channel AChannel B
0010Channel AChannel B
0011Channel ADisabled
0100Channel AChannel B
0101Channel BChannel A
0110Channel BChannel A
0111DisabledChannel A
1000Channel AChannel B
1001Channel BChannel A
1010Channel AChannel B
1011Channel AChannel A
1100DisabledChannel B
1101Channel BDisabled
1110Channel BChannel B
27 www.national.com
3.5.2 TX MII Port Mapping
TX MII Port Mapping controls and configurations are
shown in the following ta bles:
Table 8. TX MII Port Mapping Controls
RBR[10:9]TX Channel Source
00Normal Port
01Opposite Port
10Opposite RX Port
Table 9. TX MII Port Mapping Configurations
Channel A RBR[10:9]Port A TX SourceChannel B RBR[10:9]Port B TX Source
00MII Port A00MII Port B
01MII Port B01MII Port A
10RX Channel B10RX Channel A
3.5.3 Common Flexible MII Port Configurations
Table 10. Common Flexible MII Port Configurations
ModeChannel A
Normal00000000MII port A assigned to Channel A, MII
Full Port Swap01010101MII port A assigned to Channel B, MII
Extender/Media Converter11101110MII RX disabled, Channel A transmits
Broadcast TX MII Port Axx00xx01Both Channels transmit from TX MII
Broadcast TX MII Port Bxx01xx00Both Channels transmit from TX MII
Channel B
Port B assigned to Channel B
Port B assigned to Channel A
from Channel B RX data, Channel B
transmits from Channel A RX data
Port A
Port B
Mirror RX Channel A10xx11xxChannel A RX traffic appears on both
Mirror RX Channel B11xx10xxChannel B RX traffic appears on both
Disable Port A1111xxxxMII Port A is disabled
Disable Port Bxxxx1111MII Port B is disabled
28 www.national.com
3.5.4 Strapped Extender or Media Converter Mode
The DP83849IF provides a simple strap option to automatically configure both channels for Extender or Media Converter Mode with no device register configuration
necessary. The EXTENDER_EN Strap can be used in
conjunction with the Auto-Negotiation Straps (AN_EN,
AN0, AN1), the RMII Mode Strap, and the Fiber Mode
(FX_EN) Strap to allow many possible configurations. If
Table 11. Common Strapped Extender/Media Converter Mode Configurations
ModeAuto-Negotiation StrapsFiber Mode Straps
100Mb Copper ExtenderBoth channels are forced to 100Mb Full Duplex Disabled for both channels
100Mb Fiber ExtenderN/AEnabled for both channels
10Mb Copper ExtenderBoth channels are forced to 10Mb Full DuplexDisabled for both channels
100Mb Media ConverterOne channel is forced to 100Mb Full DuplexEnabled for the other channel
3.5.5 Notes and Restrictions
— Extender/Media Converter: Both chann els must be op-
erating at the same speed (10 or 100Mb). This can be
accomplished us ing s traps or c hannel regis ter c ontrols .
Both channels must be in Full Duplex mode. Both chan
nels must either be in R MII Mode (R BR:RMII_EN = 1) or
full Single Clock MII Mode (RBR:SCMII_RX = 1 and
RBR:SCMII_TX = 1) to ensure synchrono us operation.
only one RX to TX path is ena bled, SCMII_RX in the RX
channel (RBR register 17h bit 7) and SCMII_TX in the
TX channel (RBR register 17h bit 6) must be set to 1.
Media Conversion is only supported in 100Mb mode;
one channel must be in Fiber Mode (100Base-FX) and
the other channel must be in Copper Mode (100BaseTX).
— Broadcast TX MII Port Mode: To ensure sync hro nou s
operation, both channels must be in RMII Mode (RBR
register 17h bit 5 = 1) or in Single Clock TX MII Mode
(RBR register 17h bit 6 = 1). Both channels must be op
erating at the same speed (10 or 100Mb). Both channels
must be in Full Duplex mode to ensure no collisions are
seen. This is because in Single Clock TX MII Mode, a
collision on one PHY channel would cause both chan
nels to send the Jam pattern.
— RMII Mode: Both Channels must have RMII Mode en-
abled or disabled concurrently due to the internal reference clocking scheme. In Full Port Swap Mode,
Channels are not required to have a common speed.
— 10Base-T Serial M ode: This MAC-side mode, also
known as Serial Network Interface (SNI), may not be
used when both channels share data connections (Ex
tender/Media Converter or Broa dcast TX MII Port). This
is due to the requirement of synchronous operation be
tween channels, which is not supported in SNI Mode.
— CRS Assignment: When a channel is n ot in RMII Mode ,
its associated CRS pin is sourced from the transmitter
Extender Mode is strapped but RMII Mode is not, both
channels will automatically be configured for Single Clock
MII Receive and Transmit Modes. The optional use of
RMII Mode in co njun cti on w ith E xte nde r Mode a llo ws f lexi
bility in the system design.
Several common configurations are shown in Table 11.
and controlled by the TX MII Port Assignment, bits [10:9]
of RBR (17h). When a channel is in RMII Mode, the as
sociated CRS pin is sourced from the receiver and con-
trolled by the RX MII Port Assignment, bits [12:11] of
RBR (17h).
— Output Enables: Flexible MII Port Assignment does not
control signal output enables.
— Test Modes: Test modes are not designed to be com-
patible with Flexible MII Port Selection, which assumes
default MII pin directions.
— LED Assignment: LEDs are associated with their re-
spective digital channels, and therefore do not get
mapped to alternate channels. For example, assertion
of LED_LINK_A indicate s valid lin k status fo r Channel A
independent of the MII Port Assignment.
— Straps: Strap pins are always associated with their re-
spective channel, i.e. a strap on RX_ER_A is used by
Channel A.
— Port Isolate Mode: Each MII port’s Isolate function, bit
10 of BMCR (00h) is always associated with its respec
tive channel, i. e. the Isolat e func tion fo r Port A i s alwa ys
controlled by Channel A’s BMCR (00h). Due to the var
ious possible combi nation s of TX and RX po rt selectio n,
it may not be advisable to place a port in Isolate mode.
— Energy Detect and Powerdown Modes: The output
enables for each MII port are alwa ys controlled b y the re
spective channel Energy Detect and Powerdown functions. These functions shoul d be dis abled wh eneve r an
MII port is in use b ut not ass igned to its defau lt chann el.
Note that Extender/Media Converter modes allow the
use of Energy Detect and Powerdown modes if the RX
MII ports are not in use.
29 www.national.com
3.6 802.3u MII Serial Management Interface
3.6.1 Seri al Managemen t Register Access
The serial management MII specification defines a set of
thirty-two 16-bit status and control registers that are acces
sible through the management interface pins MDC and
MDIO. The DP83849IF im pleme nts all the requi red MII re g
isters as well as several optional registers. These registers
are fully described in Section 7.0. A descri ption of the seria l
management access protocol follows.
3.6.2 Serial Management Access Protocol
The serial co ntrol interface co nsists of two pins, Management Data Clock (MDC) and Management Data Input/Output (MDIO). MDC has a maximum clock rate of 25 MHz
and no minimum rate. The MDIO line is bi-directional and
may be shared by up to 32 devices. The MDIO frame for
mat is shown below in Table 12.
In addition, the MDIO pin requires a pull-up resistor (1.5
Ω) which, during IDLE and turnaround, will pull MDIO
high. In order to initialize the MDIO interface, the station
management entity sends a sequence of 32 contiguous
logic ones on MDIO to provide the DP83849IF with a
sequence that can be used to establish synchronization.
This preamble may be generated either by driving MDIO
high for 32 consecutive MDC clock cycles, or by simply
allowing the MDIO p ull-up r esi stor to pull th e MDIO pin hig h
during which time 32 MDC clock cycles are provided. In
addition 32 MDC clock cycles should be used to re-sync
the device if an invalid start, opcode, or turnaround bit is
The DP83849IF waits until it has received this preamble
sequence before responding to any other transaction.
Once the DP83849IF serial manage ment port has be en ini
tialized no further preamble sequencing is required until
after a power-on/reset, invalid Start, invalid Opcode, or
invalid turnaround bit has occurred.
The St art co de is indicated by a <01> pattern. Th is assure s
the MDIO line transitions from the default idle line state.
Turnaround is defined as an idle bit time inserted between
the Register Address field and the Data field. To avoid contention during a read transaction, no device shall actively
drive the MDIO signal during the first bit of Turnaround.
The addressed DP83849IF dri ve s the MDI O with a zero for
the second bit of turnaround and follows this with the
required data.
Figure 5 shows the timing relationship
between MDC and th e MDIO as dr iven/re ceiv ed by the Station (STA) and the DP83849IF (PHY) for a typical register
read access .
For write transactions, the station management entity
writes data to the addressed DP83849IF thus eliminating
the requirement for MDIO Turnaround. The Turnaround
time is filled by the management entity by inserting <10>.
Figure 6 shows the timing relationship for a typical MII register write access.