and 100BASE-X Ethernet protocols.
products from different vendors.
standard Category 5 UTP, no need for external
100BASE-TX transceiver
—Fully Integrated and fully compliant ANSI X3.263 TP-
PMD physical sublayer which includes adaptive equalization and BLW compensation
ly to industry standard Electrical/Optical transceivers
—IEEE 802.3u Auto-Negotiation for automatic speed se-
—IEEE 802.3u compatible Media Independent Interface
(MII) with Serial Management Interface
—Integrated high performance 100 Mb/s clock recovery
circuitry requiring no external filters
—Full Duplex support for 10 and 100 Mb/s data rates
—MII Serial 10 Mb/s mode
—Fully configurable node/switch and 100Mb/s repeater
—Flexible LED support
—Single register access to complete PHY status
—MDIO interrupt support
—Individualized scrambler seed for 100BASE-TX applica-
tions using multiple PHYs
—Low power consumption for multi-port applications
—Small footprint 80-pin PQFP package
System Diagram
10 AND/OR 100 Mb/s
ThunderLAN® is a registered trademark of Texas Instruments.
TWISTER™ is a trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation.
is a registered trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation.
1.1 MII Interface
Signal Name TypePin #Description
MDCI35MANAGEMENT DATA CLOCK: Synchronous clock to the MDIO managementdata in-
MDIOI/O, Z 34MANAGEMENT DATA I/O: Bi-directional management instruction/data signal that may
TX_CLKO, Z33TRANSMIT CLOCK: Transmit clock output from the DP83843:
TX_ENI25TRANSMIT ENABLE: Active high input indicates the presence of valid nibble data on
RX_CLKO, Z18RECEIVE CLOCK: Provides the recovered receive clock for different modes of opera-
I/O, Z 22CARRIER SENSE: This pin is asserted high to indicate the presence of carrier due to
I/O, Z 21COLLISION DETECT: Asserted high to indicate detection of collision condition (asser-
I24TRANSMIT ERROR: In 100 Mb/s mode, when this signal is high and TX_EN is active
put/output serial interface which may be asynchronous to transmit and receive clocks.
The maximum clock rate is 2.5 MHz. There is no minimum clock rate.
be sourcedby thestation managemententity or thePHY. Thispin requiresa 1.5 kΩpullup resistor.
receive or transmit activities in 10BASE-T or 100BASE-X Half Duplex modes.
In Repeater or Full Duplex mode, this pin is asserted high to indicate the presence of
carrier due only to receive activity.
In Symbol mode this pin indicatesthe signal detect status of the TP-PMD (active high).
tion ofCRS due tosimultaneous transmit and receiveactivity) in 10Mb/s and 100Mb/s
Half Duplex modes.
While in 10BASE-T HalfDuplex mode with Heartbeat enabled (bit 7,register 18h), this
pin is also asserted for a duration of approximately 1 µs at the end of transmission to
indicate heartbeat(SQE test).During Repeatermode the heartbeatfunction isdisabled.
In Full Duplex mode, for 10 Mb/s or 100 Mb/s operation, this signal is always logic 0.
There is no heartbeat function during 10 Mb/s full duplex operation.
25 MHz nibble transmit clock derived from Clock Generator Module's (CGM) PLL in
100BASE-TX mode.
2.5 MHz transmit clock in 10BASE-T Nibble mode.
10 MHz transmit clock in 10BASE-T Serial mode.
TRANSMIT DATA: Transmit data MII input pins that accept nibble data during normal
nibble-wide MIIoperation at either 2.5MHz (10BASE-T mode) or25 MHz (100BASE-X
In 10 Mb/s Serial mode, the TXD[0] pin is used as the serial data input pin, and TXD[3:1]
are ignored.
TXD[3:0] for both 100 Mb/s or 10 Mb/s nibble mode.
In 10 Mb/s Serial mode, active high indicates the presence of valid 10 Mb/s data on
the HALT symbol is substituted for the actual data nibble.
In 10 Mb/s mode, this input is ignored.
In Symbolmode (
transmit 5-bit data symbol.
25 MHz nibble clock in 100 Mb/s mode
2.5 MHz nibble clock in 10 Mb/s nibble mode
10 MHz receive clock in 10 Mb/s serial mode
Symbol=0), TX_ERbecomes theTXD [4] pin which isthe MSBfor the
RX_DVO, Z20RECEIVE DATA VALID:Asserted hightoindicate thatvaliddata ispresenton RXD[3:0]
1.2 10 Mb/s and 100 Mb/s PMD Interface
Signal NameTypePin #Description
O, Z12
O, Z19RECEIVE ERROR: Asserted high to indicate that aninvalid symbol has been detected
RECEIVE DATA: Nibble wide receive data (synchronous to RX_CLK, 25 MHz for
100BASE-X mode, 2.5 MHz for 10BASE-T nibble mode). Data is driven on the falling
edge of RX_CLK.
In 10 Mb/s serial mode, the RXD[0] pin is used as the data output pin which is also
clocked out on the falling edgeof RX_CLK. During 10 Mb/s serial mode RXD[3:1] pins
become don't cares.
and RX_ER. A low on this input places these output pins in the TRI-STATE mode. For
normal operation in anode or switch application, this pin shouldbe pulled high. For operation in a repeater application, this pin may be connected to a repeater controller.
within a received packet in 100 Mb/s mode.
In Symbol mode (
ceive 5-bit data symbol.
for nibble mode and RXD[0] for serial mode. Data is driven on the falling edge of
This pin is not meaningful during Symbol mode.
Symbol = 0), RX_ER becomes RXD[4] which is the MSB for the re-
TRANSMIT DATA: Differential common output driver. This differential output
is configurable to either 10BASE-T or 100BASE-TX signaling:
10BASE-T: Transmissionof Manchester encoded10BASE-T packet dataas
well as Link Pulses (including Fast Link Pulses for Auto-Negotiation purposes.)
100BASE-TX: Transmission of ANSI X3T12 compliant MLT-3 data.
The DP83843 will automatically configure this common output driver for the
proper signal type as a result of either forced configuration or Auto-Negotiation.
RECEIVE DATA:Differential commoninput buffer.This differential inputcan
be configured to accept either 100BASE-TX or 10BASE-T signaling:
10BASE-T:Reception ofManchesterencoded 10BASE-T packetdataas well
as normal Link Pulses (including Fast Link Pulses for Auto-Negotiation purposes.)
100BASE-TX: Reception of ANSI X3T12 compliant scrambled MLT-3 data.
The DP83843will automaticallyconfigure this commoninput buffer to accept
the propersignal type as aresult of either forcedconfiguration or Auto-Negotiation.
100BASE-FX or 10 Mb/s AUI TRANSMIT DATA: This configurable output
driver supports either 125Mb/s PECL, for 100BASE-FX applications, or
10 Mb/s AUI signaling.
When configured as a 100BASE-FX transmitter this output sources
100BASE-FX standard compliantbinary data for directconnection to an optical transceiver. This differential output is enabled only during 100BASE-FX
device configuration (see pin definition for
When configured as an AUI driver this output sources AUI compatible
Manchester encodeddata tosupport typical10BASE2 or10BASE5 products.
1.0 Pin Descriptions (Continued)
Signal NameTypePin #Description
I/O, Z63THIN AUI MODE: This output allows for control of an external CTI coaxial
VCM_CAPI66COMMON MODE BYPASS CAPACITOR: External capacitor to improve
100BASE-FX or 10 Mb/s AUI RECEIVE DATA: This configurable inputbuffer supportseither 125 Mb/sPECL, for 100BASE-FXapplications, or 10Mb/s
AUI signaling.
When configured as a 100BASE-FX receiver this input accepts100BASE-FX
standard compliant binary data direct from an opticaltransceiver. This differentialinput isenabled onlyduring 100BASE-FXdevice configuration(see the
pin definition for
When configured as an AUI buffer this input receives AUI compatible
Manchester data to support typical 10BASE2 or 10BASE5 products.
SIGNAL DETECT orAUI COLLISIONDETECT: Thisconfigurable inputbuffer supportseither 125 Mb/sPECL, for 100BASE-FXapplications, or 10Mb/s
AUI signaling.
When configured as a 100BASE-FX receiver this input accepts indication
from the 100BASE-FX PMD transceiver upon detection of a receive signal
from the fiber media. This pin is only active during 100BASE-FX operation(see the pin definition for
When configured as an AUI buffer this input receives AUI compatible
Manchester data to support typical 10BASE2 or 10BASE5 products.
transceiver connected throughthe AUI. This pin is controlled by writing tobit
3 ofthe 10BTSCRregister (address 18h).The THINpin may also be usedas
a user configurable output control pin.
current allowing adjustment of the TPTD+/− output amplitude during
100BASE-TX operation.
By placinga resistorbetween thispin and groundor V
, areference current
is set up which dictates the output amplitude of the 100BASE-TX MLT-3
transmit signal. Connectinga resistor to V
will increase thetransmit ampli-
tude while connecting a resistor to ground will decrease the transmit amplitude. While the value of the resistor should be evaluated on a case by case
bases, the DP83843 was designed to produce an amplitude close to the required range of 2V pk-pk differential ± 5% as measured across TD+/−while
driving a typical100Ω differentialload withouta resistorconnected tothis pin.
Therefore this pin is allowed to float in typical applications.
This currentreference is only recognized during 100BASE-TX operationand
has no effect during100BASE-FX,10BASE-T, or AUI modes of operation.
viaa resistorto TW_AGND,which controlstheTP-PMD receiverequalization
levels. The value of this resistor is 70k ± 1%.
61BANDGAP REFERENCE: External current reference resistor for internal
bandgap circuitry. The value of this resistor is 4.87k ± 1%.
common mode filtering for the receive signal. It is recommended that a
.0033µF in parallel with a .10µF capacitor be used, see Figure 23.
1.0 Pin Descriptions (Continued)
1.3 Clock Interface
Signal NameTypePin #Description
X1I9CRYSTAL/OSCILLATOR INPUT: This pin is the primary clock reference input for
X2O8CRYSTAL/OSCILLATOR OUTPUT PIN: Thispin isused in conjunction with the X1
1.4 Device Configuration Interface
Signal NameTypePin #Description
4AN0: This is a three level input pin (1, M, 0) that works in conjunction with the AN1
the DP83843 and must be connected to a 25 MHz 0.005% (50 ppm) clock source.
TheDP83843 devicesupportseither anexternalcrystal resonatorconnectedacross
pins X1 and X2, or an external CMOS-level oscillator source connected to pin X1
only. For100 Mb/s repeater applications,X1 should be tied to the common25 MHz
transmit clock reference. Refer to section 4.4 for further detail relating to the clock
requirements of the DP83843. Refer to section 4.0 for clock source specifications.
pin to connectto an external 25 MHz crystal resonator device. Thispin must be left
unconnected if an external CMOS oscillator clock source is utilized. For more information see the definition for pin X1. Refer to section 2.8 for further detail.
pin to control the forced or advertised operatingmode of the DP83843 according to
the following table. The value on this pin is set by connecting the input pin to GND
(0), VCC(1), or leaving it unconnected (M.) The unconnected state, M, refers to the
mid-level (V
the DP83843 at power-up/reset.
AN1AN0Forced Mode
0M10BASE-T, Half-Duplex without Auto-Negotiation
1M10BASE-T, Full Duplex without Auto-Negotiation
M0100BASE-X, Half-Duplex without Auto-Negotiation
M1100BASE-X, Full Duplex without Auto-Negotiation
/2) set by internal resistors. The valueset at this input is latched into
AN1AN0Advertised Mode
MMAllcapable(i.e. Half-Duplex&Full Duplexfor10BASE-T and
0010BASE-T, Half-Duplex & Full Duplex advertised via Auto-
01100BASE-TX, Half-Duplex & Full Duplex advertised via
1110 BASE-T, Half-Duplex advertised via Auto-Negotiation
3AN1: This is a three-level input pin (i.e., 1, M, 0) that works in conjunction with the
AN0 pin to control the forcedor advertised operating modeof the DP83843 according to the table given in the AN0 pin description above. The value on this pin is set
by connecting the input pin to GND (0), V
value at this input is latched into the DP83843 at power-up, hardware or software
100BASE-TX) advertised via Auto-Negotiation
(1), or leaving it unconnected (M.) The
1.0 Pin Descriptions (Continued)
Signal NameTypePin #Description
SERIAL10I6910BASE-T SERIAL/NIBBLE SELECT: With this activelow input selected, transmit
I/O63REPEATER/NODE MODE: Selects 100 Mb/s Repeater mode when set high and
node mode when set low. When set in Repeater mode the DP83843 only supports
100 Mb/s data rates. In Repeater mode (or Node mode with Full Duplex configured), the Carrier Sense (CRS) output from the DP83843 is asserted due to
receive activity only. In Half Duplex Node mode, CRS is asserted due to either
receive or transmit activity. During repeater mode the heartbeat function(SQE) is
forced off.
The Carrier Integrity Monitor (CIM) function is automatically enabled when this pin
is set high (repeater mode) and disabled when this pin is set low (node mode) in
order to facilitate 802.3u CIM requirements.
There is an internal pullup resistor for this pin which is active during the powerup/reset period. If this pin is left floating externally, then the device will configure to
100 Mb/s Repeater mode as a result of power-up/reset.This pin must be externally
pulled low (typically 10 kΩ) in order to configure the DP83843 for Node operation.
The value of this input is latched into the DP83843 at power-up, hardware or software reset.
I/O, Z22SYMBOL MODE: This active low input allows 100 Mb/s transmit and receive data
streams to bypass all of the transmit and receive operations when set low. Note
that the PCS signals (CRS, RX_DV, RX_ER, and COL) have no meaning during
this mode. During Symbol operation, pins RX_ER/RXD[4] and TX_ER/TXD[4] are
used as the MSB of the 5 bit RX and TX data symbols.
There is an internal pullup resistor for this pin which is active during the powerup/reset period. If this pin is left floating externally, then the device will configure to
normal mode as a result of power-up/reset. This pin must be externally pulled low
(typically 10 kΩ) in order to configure the DP83843 for Symbol mode operation.
In Symbol mode this pin will indicate the signal detect status of the TP-PMD (active
This mode hasno effect on 10Mb/soperation. The value atthis input is latched into
the DP83843 at power-up, hardware or software reset.
and receive data are exchanged serially at a 10 MHz clock rate on the least significant bits of the nibble-wide MII data buses, pins TXD[0] and RXD[0] respectively.
This mode is intended for use with the DP83843 connected to a MAC using a 10
Mb/s serial interface. Serial operation is not supportedin 100 Mb/s mode, therefore
this input is ignored during 100 Mb/s operation.
There is an internal pullup resistor for this pin which is active during the powerup/reset period. If this pin is left floating externally, then the device will configure to
normal mode as a result of power-up/reset. This pin must be externally pulled low
(typically 10 kΩ) in order to configure the DP83843 for Serial MII operation when
running at 10 Mb/s.
The value at this input is latched into the DP83843 at power-up, hardware or software reset.
I/O, Z21FIBER ENABLE: This active low input allows 100 Mb/s transmit and receive data
streams to bypass the scrambler and descrambler circuits when selected. All PCS
signaling remains active and unaffected during this mode. During this mode, the
internal 100 Mb/s transceiver is disabled, and NRZI data is transmitted and
received via the FXTD/AUITD+/− and FXRD/AUIRD+/−pins.
There is an internal pullup resistor for this pin which is active during the powerup/reset period. If this pin is left floating externally, then the device will configure to
normal mode as a result of power-up/reset. This pin must be externally pulled low
(typically 10 kΩ) in order to configure the DP83843 for 100BASE-FX operation.
The value at this input is latched into the DP83843 at power-up, hardware or software reset.
1.0 Pin Descriptions (Continued)
1.5 LED Interface
These outputs can be used to drive LEDs directly, or can
be used to provide status information to a network management device. Refer to section 2.2 for a description of
how to generate LED indication of 100 Mb/s mode. The
active state of each LED output driver is dependent on the
logic level sampled by the corresponding PHY address
input upon power-up/reset. For example, if a given PHYAD
I/O42COLLISION LED: Indicates the presence of collision activity for 10 Mb/s and 100
Mb/s HalfDuplex operation.This LEDhas nomeaning for10 Mb/sor 100Mb/s Full
Duplex operation andwill remaindeasserted. During10 Mb/shalf duplexmode this
pin will be asserted after data transmission due to the heartbeat function.
The DP83843 incorporates a“monostable” function on the LED_COL output. This
ensures that even collisions generate adequate LED ON time (approximately 50
ms) for visibility.
I/O41TRANSMIT LED: Indicates the presence of transmit activity for 10 Mb/s and 100
Mb/s operation.
If bit 7 (LED_Trans_MODE) of the PHYCTRL register (address 19h) is set high,
then the LED_TX pin function is changed to indicate the status of the Disconnect
function as defined by the state of bit 4 (CIM_STATUS) in the 100 Mb/s PCS configuration & status register (address 16h). See register definition for complete description of alternative operation.
TheDP83843 incorporatesa “monostable”function onthe LED_TX output.This ensures that even minimum size packets generate adequate LED ON time (approximately 50 ms) for visibility.
I/O40RECEIVE LED: Indicates the presence ofany receive activity for10 Mb/s and 100
Mb/s operation.See register definitions(PHYCTRLregister and PCSR register) for
complete descriptions of alternative operation.
TheDP83843 incorporatesa“monostable” functionon theLED_RXoutput. Thisensures that even minimumsize packetsgenerate adequateLED activetime (approximately 50 ms) for visibility.
I/O39LINK LED: Indicates good link status for 10 Mb/s and 100 Mb/s operation.
In 100BASE-Tmode, link is establishedas a result ofinput receive amplitude compliant with TP-PMD specifications which will result in internal generation of Signal
Detect as well as an internal signal from the Clock Recovery Module (cypher &
sync). LED_LINK will assert after these internal signals have remainedasserted for
a minimum of 500µs. Once Link is established, then cipher & sync are no longer
sampled andthe Linkwill remainvalid as longas SignalDetect isvalid. LED_LINK
will deassert immediately following the deassertion of the internal Signal Detect.
10 Mb/slink isestablished asa resultof the receptionof atleast sevenconsecutive
normal Link Pulses or the reception of a valid 10BASE-T packet which will cause
the assertion of LED_LINK. LED_LINK will deassert in accordance with the Link
Loss Timer as specified in IEEE 802.3.
In 100BASE-FX mode, link is established as a result of the assertion of the Signal
detectinput totheDP83843.LED_LINK willassertafter SignalDetecthasremained
asserted for a minimum of 500µS. LED_LINK will deassert immediately following
the deassertion of signal detect.
The link function is disabled during AUI operation and LED_LINK is asserted.
I/O38FULL DUPLEX LED: Indicates Full Duplex mode status for 10 Mb/s or 100 Mb/s
operation. This pin can be configured to indicate Polarity status for 10 Mb/s operation. If bit 6 (LED_DUP_MODE) in the PHYCTRL Register (address 19h) is deasserted, the LED_FDPOL pin function is changed to indicate Polarity status for 10
Mb/s operation.
The DP83843 automatically compensates for 10BASE-T polarity inversion.
10BASE-T polarity inversion is indicated by the assertion of LED_FDPOL.
ation when low. This pin can be used to drive peripheral circuitry such as an LED
input is resistively pulled low then the corresponding LED
output will be configured as an active high driver. Conversely, if a given PHYAD input is resistively pulled high
then the corresponding LED output will beconfigured as an
active low driver (refer to section 5.0.1 for further details).
Note that these outputs are standard CMOS voltage
drivers and not open-drain.
1.0 Pin Descriptions (Continued)
1.6 PHY Address Interface
The DP83843 PHYAD[4:0] inputs provide up to 32 unique
PHY address options. An address selection of all zeros
Signal NameTypePin #Description
I/O42PHY ADDRESS[0]: PHYaddress sensingpin for multiplePHY applications.PHY
address sensing is achieved by strapping a pull-up/pull-down resistor (typically 10
kΩ) to this pin as required.
The pull-up/pull-down status of this pin is latched into the PHYCTRL register (address 19h, bit 0) during power up/reset.
address sensing is achieved by strapping a pull-up/pull-down resistor (typically 10
kΩ) to this pin as required.
The pull-up/pull-down status of this pin is latched into the PHYCTRL register (address 19h, bit 1) during power up/reset.
I/O40PHY ADDRESS[2]: PHYaddress sensingpin for multiplePHY applications.PHY
address sensing is achieved by strapping a pull-up/pull-down resistor (typically 10
kΩ) to this pin as required.
The pull-up/pull-down status of this pin is latched into the PHYCTRL register (address 19h, bit 2) during power up/reset.
I/O39PHY ADDRESS[3]: PHYaddress sensingpin for multiplePHY applications.PHY
address sensing is achieved by strapping a pull-up/pull-down resistor (typically 10
kΩ) to this pin as required.
The pull-up/pull-down status of this pin is latched into the PHYCTRL register (address 19h, bit 3) during power up/reset.
I/O38PHY ADDRESS[4]: PHYaddress sensingpin for multiplePHY applications.PHY
address sensing is achieved by strapping a pull-up/pull-down resistor (typically 10
kΩ) to this pin as required.
The pull-up/pull-down status of this pin is latched into the PHYCTRL register (address 19h, bit 4) during power up/reset.
(00000) will result in a PHY isolation condition as a
result of power-on/reset, as specified in IEEE 802.3u.
1.7 Reset
Signal NameTypePin #Description
RESETI1RESET:Active high input thatinitializes or reinitializes the DP83843. Asserting this
pin will force a reset process to occur which will result in all internal registers reinitializing to their default states as specified for each bit in section 7.0, and all strapping options are reinitialized. Refer to section 5.0 for further detail regarding reset.
1.0 Pin Descriptions (Continued)
1.8 Power And Ground Pins
The power (VCC) and ground (GND) pins of the DP83843
are grouped in pairs into three categories--TTL/CMOS
Input pairs, Transmit/Receive supply pairs, and Internal
Signal NamePin #Description
IO_VSS432TTL Input/Output Supply #4
TTL Input/Output Supply #1
TTL Input/Output Supply #2
TTL Input /Output Supply #3
TTL Input/ Output Supply #5
Physical Coding Sublayer Supply
AUI Power Supply
10 Mb/s Supply
100 Mb/s Power Supply
Common Driver Supply
Common Driver Supply
CRM/CGM Supply
CRM/CGM Supply
100BASE-T PMD Supply
supply pairs. This grouping allows for optimizing the layout
and filtering of the power and ground supplies to this
1.9 Special Connect Pins
Signal NameTypePin #Description
NO CONNECT: These pins are reserved for future use. Leave them unconnected
2.0 Functional Description
2.1 802.3u MII
The DP83843 incorporates the Media Independent Interface (MII) as specified in clause 22 of the IEEE 802.3u
standard. This interface may be used to connect PHY
devices toa 10/100 Mb/s MAC ora 100 Mb/s repeater controller. This section describes both the serial MII management interface as well as the nibble wide MII data interface.
The management interface of the MII allows the configuration and control of multiple PHY devices, the gathering of
status and error information, and the determination of the
type and abilities of the attached PHY(s).
The nibble wide MII data interface consists of a receive bus
and a transmit bus each with control signals to facilitate
data transfer between the PHY and the upper layer (MAC
or repeater).
The DP83843 supports the TI ThunderLAN® MII interrupt
function. For further information please contact your local
National sales representative.
2.1.1 Serial Management Register Access
The serial MII specification defines a set of thirty-two 16-bit
status and control registers that are accessible through the
serial management data interface pins MDC and MDIO.
The DP83843 implements all the required MII registers as
well as several optional registers. These registers are fully
described in Section 7. A description of the serial management access protocol follows.
2.1.2 Serial Management Access Protocol
The serial control interface consists of two pins, Management Data Clock (MDC) and Management Data Input/Out-
and no minimum rate. The MDIO line is bi-directional and
may be shared by up to 32 devices. The MDIO frame format is shown in Table 1.
The MDIO pin requires a pull-up resistor (1.5 kΩ) which,
during IDLE and turnaround, will pull MDIO high. In order
to initialize the MDIO interface, the Station Management
Entity (SME) sends a sequence of 32 contiguous logic
ones on MDIO to provide the DP83843 with a sequence
that can be used to establish synchronization. This preamble may be generated either by driving MDIO high for 32
consecutive MDC clock cycles, or by simply allowing the
MDIO pull-up resistor to pull the MDIO pin high during
which time 32 MDC clock cycles are provided. In addition
32 MDC clock cycles should be used if an invalid start, op
code, or turnaround bit is detected.
The DP83843 waits until it has received this preamble
sequence before responding to any other transaction.
Once the DP83843 serial management port has initialized
no further preamble sequencing is required until after a
power-on/reset has occurred.
The Start code isindicated by a <01>pattern.This assures
the MDIO line transitions from the default idle line state.
Turnaround is an idle bit time inserted between the Register Address field andthe Data field. To avoid contention, no
device actively drives the MDIO signal during the first bit of
Turnaround during a read transaction. The addressed
DP83843 drives the MDIO with a zero for the second bit of
turnaround and follows thiswith the required data. Figure 2
shows the timing relationship between MDC and the MDIO
as driven/received by the Station Management Entity and
the DP83843 (PHY) for a typical register read access.
put (MDIO). MDC has a maximum clock rate of 2.5 MHz
For write transactions, the Station Management Entity
writes data to an addressed DP83843 eliminating the
requirement for MDIO Turnaround. The Turnaround time is
filled by the management entity inserting <10> for these
two bits. Figure 1shows the timing relationship for a typical
MII register write access.
2.1.3 Preamble Suppression
The DP83843 supports a Preamble Suppression mode as
indicated by a one in bit 6 of the Basic Mode Status Register (BMSR, address 01h). If the Station Management Entity
(i.e. MAC or other management controller) determines that
all PHYs in the system support Preamble Suppression by
returning a one in this bit, then the Station Management
Entity need not generate preamble for each management
The DP83843 requires a single initialization sequence of
32 bits of preamble following power-up/hardware reset.
This requirement is generallymet by the mandatory pull-up
resistor on MDIO in conjunction with a continuous MDC, or
the management access made to determine whether Preamble Suppression is supported.
While the DP83843 requires an initial preamble sequence
of 32 bits for management initialization, it does not require
a full 32 bit sequence between each subsequent transaction. A
transactions is required
2.1.4 PHY Address Sensing
The DP83843 can be set to respond to any of the possible
32 PHY addresses. Each DP83843 connected to a common serial MII must have a unique address. It should be
noted that while an address selection of all zeros <00000>
will result in PHY Isolate mode, this will not effect serial
management access.
The DP83843 provides five PHY address pins, the state of
which are latched into the PHYCTRL register (address
19h) at system power-up/reset. These pins are described
in Section 2.8. For further detail relating to the latch-in timing requirements of the PHY address pins, as well as the
other hardware configuration pins, refer to Section 3.10.
2.1.5 Nibble-wide MII Data Interface
Clause 22 of the IEEE 802.3u specification defines the
Media Independent Interface. This interface includes a
dedicated receive bus and a dedicated transmitbus. These
two data buses, along with various control and indicate signals, allow for the simultaneous exchange of data between
the DP83843and the upper layer agent(MAC or repeater).
The receive interface consists of a nibble wide data bus
RXD[3:0], a receive error signal RX_ER, a receive data
valid flag RX_DV, anda receive clock RX_CLK for synchronous transfer of the data. The receive clock can operate at
either 2.5 MHz to support 10 Mb/s operation modes or at
25 MHz to support 100 Mb/s operational modes.
The transmit interface consists of a nibble wide data bus
TXD[3:0], a transmit error flag TX_ER, a transmit enable
control signal TX_EN, and a transmit clock TX_CLK which
runs at either 2.5 MHz or 25 MHz.
Additionally, the MII includes the carrier sense signal CRS,
as well as a collision detect signal COL. The CRS signal
asserts to indicate the reception of data from the network
or as a function of transmit data in Half Duplex mode. The
COL signal asserts asan indication of a collisionwhich can
minimum of one idle bit between management
as specified in IEEE 802.3u.
occur during half-duplex operation when both a transmit
and receive operation occur simultaneously.
2.1.6 Collision Detect
For Half Duplex, a 10BASE-T or 100BASE-X collision is
detected when the receive and transmit channels are
active simultaneously. Collisions are reported by the COL
signal on the MII.
If the DP83843 is transmitting in 10 Mb/s modewhen a collision is detected, the collision is not reported until seven
bits have been received while in the collision state. This
prevents a collision being reported incorrectly due to noise
on the network. The COL signal remains set for the duration of the collision.
If a collision occurs during a receive operation, it is immediately reported by the COL signal.
When heartbeat is enabled (only applicable to 10 Mb/s
operation), approximately 1 µs after the transmission of
each packet,a Signal Quality Error (SQE) signal ofapproximately 10 bit times is generated (internally) to indicate
successful transmission. SQEis reported as a pulse on the
COL signal of the MII.
2.1.7 Carrier Sense
Carrier Sense (CRS) may be asserted due to receiveactivity, once valid data is detected via the Smart Squelch function during 10 Mb/s operation.
For 10 Mb/s Half Duplex operation, CRS is asserted during
either packet transmission or reception.
For 10 Mb/s Full Duplex operation, CRS is asserted only
due to receive activity.
CRS is deasserted following an end of packet.
In Repeater mode(pin 63/bit 9, register address19h), CRS
is only asserted due to receive activity.
2.1.8 MII Isolate Mode
A 100BASE-X PHY connected to the mechanical MII interface specified in IEEE 802.3u is required to have a default
value of one in bit 10 of the Basic Mode Control Register
(BMCR, address 00h). The DP83843 will set this bit to one
if the PHY Address is set to 00000 upon power-up/hardware reset. Otherwise, the DP83843 will set this bit to zero
upon power-up/hardware reset.
With bit 10 in the BMCR set to one, the DP83843 does not
respond to packet data present at TXD[3:0], TX_EN, and
TX_ER inputs and presents a high impedance on the
TX_CLK, RX_CLK, RX_DV, RX_ER, RXD[3:0], COL, and
CRS outputs. The DP83843 will continue to respond to all
serial management transactions over the MII.
While in Isolate mode, the TPTD+/− and FXTD/AUITD+/−
outputs are dependent on the current state of Auto-Negotiation. The DP83843 can Auto-Negotiate or parallel detect
to a specific technology depending on the receive signal at
the TPRD+/− inputs. A valid link can be established for
either TPRD or FXRD/AUI even when the DP83843 is in
Isolate mode.
It is recommended that the user have a basic understanding of clause 22 of the 802.3u standard.
2.0 Functional Description (Continued)
The 100BASE-TX transmitter consists of several functional
blocks which convert synchronous 4-bit nibbledata, as provided bythe MII, to a scrambled MLT-3 125 Mb/s serial data
stream. Because the 100BASE-TX TP-PMD is integrated,
the differential outputpins, TPTD+/−, can be directly routed
to the AC coupling magnetics.
The block diagram in Figure 3 provides an overview of
each functional block within the 100BASE-TX transmit section.
The Transmitter section consists of the following functional
— Code-group EncoderandInjection block(bypass option)
— Scrambler block (bypass option)
— NRZ to NRZI encoder block
— Binary to MLT-3 converter / Common Driver
The bypass option for the functional blocks within the
100BASE-X transmitter provides flexibility for applications
such as 100 Mb/s repeaters where data conversion is not
always required. The DP83843 implements the 100BASEX transmit state machine diagram as specified in the IEEE
802.3u Standard, Clause 24.
Figure 1. 100BASE-TX Transmit Block Diagram
– Code-group Encoding and Injection
2.0 Functional Description (Continued)
The code-group encoder converts 4 bit (4B) nibble data
generated bythe MAC into5 bit (5B) code-groups for transmission. This conversion is required to allow control data to
be combined with packet data code-groups. Refer to Table
2 for 4B to 5B code-group mapping details.
The code-group encoder substitutes the first 8 bits of the
MAC preamble with a J/K code-group pair (11000 10001)
upon transmit. The code-group encoder continues to
replace subsequent 4B preamble and data nibbles with
corresponding 5B code-groups. At the end of the transmit
packet, upon the deassertion of Transmit Enable signal
from the MAC or Repeater, the code-group encoder injects
the T/R code-group pair (01101 00111) indicating the end
of frame.
After the T/R code-group pair, the code-group encoder
continuously injects IDLEs into the transmit data stream
until the next transmit packet is detected (reassertion of
Transmit Enable).
The DP83843 also incorporates a special injection function
which allowsfor fixed transmission of special repeating patterns for testing purposes. These special patterns are not
delimited with Start of Stream Delimiter (SSD) or End of
Stream Delimiter (ESD) code-groups and should not be
enabled during normal network connectivity.
These patterns, selectable via bits [8:7] of PCRS (address
16h), include:
8=0, 7=0: Normal operation (injection disabled)
8=0, 7=1: Transmit repeating FEFI pattern
8=1, 7=0: Transmit repeating 1.28 µs period squarewave
8=1, 7=1: Transmit repeating 160 ns period squarewave
Note that these patterns will be routed through thetransmit
scrambler and become scrambled (and therefore potentially less useful) unless the scrambler is bypassed via bit
12 of LBR (address 17h). It should be noted that if the
scrambler isbypassed by forcing the
quently resetting the device) the TPTD+/− outputs will
become disabled and the test pattern data will be routed to
the FXTD/AUITD+/− outputs. Additionally, the test patterns
will not be generated if the DP83843 is in symbol mode.
FXEN pin (and subse-
2.2.1 Scrambler
The scrambler is required to control the radiatedemissions
at the media connector and on the twisted pair cable (for
100BASE-TX applications). By scrambling the data, the
total energy launched onto the cable is randomly distributed over a wide frequency range. Without the scrambler,
energy levels at the PMD and on the cable could peak
beyond FCC limitations at frequencies related to repeating
5B sequences (i.e., continuous transmission of IDLEs).
The scrambler is configured as a closed loop linear feedback shift register (LFSR) with an 11-bit polynomial. The
output of the closed loop LFSR is combined with the NRZ
5B data from the code-group encoder via an X-OR logic
function. The result is a scrambled data stream with sufficient randomization to decrease radiated emissions at certain frequencies by as much as 20 dB. The DP83843 uses
the PHYID as determined by the PHYAD [4:0] pins to set a
unique seed value for thescrambler so thatthe total energy
produced by a multi-PHY application (i.e. repeater) distributes the energy out of phase across the spectrum and
helps to reduce overall electro-magnetic radiation.
The scrambler is automatically bypassed when the
DP83843 is placed in
tively, controlled by bit 12 of LBR (address 17h) via software.
2.2.2 NRZ to NRZI Encoder
After the transmit data stream has been scrambled and
serialized, the datamust be NRZI encodedin order to comply with the TP-PMD standard for 100BASE-TX transmission over Category-5 unshielded twisted pair cable. There
is no ability to bypass this block within the DP83843.
2.2.3 Binary to MLT-3 Convertor / Common Driver
The Binary to MLT-3 conversion is accomplished by converting the serial binary datastream output from the NRZI
encoder into two binary data streams with alternately
phased logic one events. These two binary streams are
then fed to the twisted pair output driver which converts
these streams to current sources and alternately drives
either side of the transmit transformer primary winding
resulting in a minimal current (20 mA max) MLT-3 signal.
Refer to Figure 4 .
J11000First Start of Packet - 0101 (Note 1)
K10001Second Start of Packet - 0101 (Note 1)
T01101First End of Packet - 0000 (Note 1)
R00111Second End of Packet - 0000 (Note 1)
V000000110 or 0101 (
Note 2)
V000010110 or 0101 (Note 2)
V000100110 or 0101 (Note 2)
V000110110 or 0101 (Note 2)
V001010110 or 0101 (Note 2)
V001100110 or 0101 (Note 2)
V010000110 or 0101 (Note 2)
V011000110 or 0101 (Note 2)
V100000110 or 0101 (Note 2)V110010110 or 0101 (Note 2)
Note 1: Control code-groups I, J, K, T and R in data fields will be mapped as invalid codes, together with RX_ER asserted.
Note 2: Normally, invalidcodes (V)are mappedto 6hon RXD[3:0]with RX_ERasserted. Ifthe CODE_ERRbit inthe PCS (bit 3, register address 16h)
is set, the invalid codes are mapped to 5h on RXD[3:0] with RX_ER asserted. Refer to Section 4.14 for further detail.
Note 1)
2.0 Functional Description (Continued)
The 100BASE-TX MLT-3 signal sourced by the TPTD+/−
common driver output pins is slow rate controlled. This
should be considered when selecting AC coupling magnetics to ensure TP-PMD compliant transition times (3 ns < Tr
< 5ns).
The 100BASE-TX transmit TP-PMD function within the
DP83843 is capable of sourcing only MLT-3 encoded data.
Binary output from the TPTD+/− outputs is not possible in
100 Mb/s mode.
2.2.4 TX_ER
Assertion of the TX_ERinput while the TX_EN inputis also
asserted will cause the DP83843 to substitute HALT codegroups for the 5B data present at TXD[3:0]. However, the
SSD (/J/K/) and ESD (/T/R/) will not be substituted with
Halt code-groups. As a result, the assertion of TX_ER
while TX_EN is asserted will result in a frame properly
encapsulated with the /J/K/ and /T/R/ delimiters which contains HALT code-groups in place of the data code-groups.
2.2.5 TXAR100
The transmit amplitude of the signal presented at the
TPTD+/− outputpins can be controlled byvarying the value
of resistance between TXAR100 and system GND. This
TXAR100 resistor sets up a reference current that determines the final output current at TPTD+/−.
For 100Ω Category-5 UTP cable implementations, the
TXAR100 resistor may be omitted as the DP83843 was
designed to source a nominal 2V pk-pk differential transmit
amplitude with this pin left floating. Setting the transmit
amplitude to 2V pk-pk differential (MLT-3) as measured
across the RJ45-8 transmit pins is critical for complying
with the IEEE/ANSI TP-PMD specification of 2.0V pk-pk
differential ±5%.
The 100BASE-TX receiver consists of several functional
blocks which convert the scrambled MLT-3 125 Mb/s serial
data stream to synchronous 4-bit nibble data that is provided to the MII. Because the 100BASE-TX TP-PMD is
integrated, the differential input pins, TPRD+/−, can be
directly routed to the AC coupling magnetics.
See Figure 5 for a block diagram of the 100BASE-TX
receive function. This provides an overview of each functional block within the 100BASE-TX receive section.
The Receive section consists of the following functional
— Input and BLW Compensation
— Signal Detect
— Digital Adaptive Equalization
— MLT-3 to Binary Decoder
— Clock Recovery Module
— NRZI to NRZ Decoder
— Serial to Parallel
— DESCRAMBLER (bypass option)
— Code Group Alignment
— 4B/5B Decoder (bypass option)
— Link Integrity Monitor
— Bad SSD Detection
The bypass option for the functional blocks within the
100BASE-X receiver provides flexibility for applications
such as 100 Mb/s repeaters where data conversion is not
always required.
2.3.1 Input and Base Line Wander Compensation
Unlike the DP83223V TWISTER™, the DP83843 requires
no external attenuation circuitry at its receive inputs,
TPRD+/−. The DP83843accepts TP-PMD compliant waveforms directly, requiring only a 100Ω termination plus a
simple 1:1 transformer. The DP83843 also requires external capacitance to V
ure 23). This establishes a solid common mode voltage
that is needed since the TPRD pins are used in both 10
Mb/s and 100 Mb/s modes.
The DP83843 is completely ANSI TP-PMD compliant
because it compensates for baseline wander. The BLW
compensation block can successfully recover the TP-PMD
defined “killer” pattern and pass it to the digital adaptive
equalization block.
Baseline wander cangenerally be defined as thechange in
the average DC content, over time, of an AC coupled digital
transmission over a given transmission medium. (i.e. copper wire).
Baseline wander results from the interaction between the
low frequency components of a bit stream being transmitted and the frequency response of the AC coupling component(s) within thetransmission system. If the low frequency
content of the digital bit stream goes below the low frequency pole of the AC coupling transformers then the
droop characteristics of the transformers will dominate
resulting in potentially serious baseline wander.
It is interesting to note that the probability of a baseline wander event serious enough to corrupt data is very low. In fact,
it is reasonable to virtually bound the occurrence of a baseline wander event serious enough to cause bit errors to a
legal but premeditated, artificially constructed bit sequence
loaded into the original MAC frame. Several studies have
been conducted to evaluate the probability of various baseline wander events for FDDI transmission over copper. Contact the X3.263 ANSI group for further information.
2.3.2 Signal Detect
The signal detect function of the DP83843 is incorporated
to meet the specificationsmandated by the ANSI FDDI TPPMD Standard as well as the IEEE 802.3 100BASE-TX
Standard for both voltage thresholds and timing parameters.
Note that the reception of Normal 10BASE-T link pulses
and fast link pulses per IEEE 802.3u Auto-Negotiation by
the 100BASE-X receiver do not cause the DP83843 to
assert signal detect.
While signal detect is normally generated and processed
entirely within the DP83843, it can be observed directly on
the CRS pin (pin 22) while the DP83843 is configured for
Symbol mode.Refer to Section3.4 for further detailregarding Symbol mode operation.
2.3.3 Digital Adaptive Equalization
When transmitting data at high speeds over copper twisted
pair cable, frequency dependent attenuation becomes a
concern. In high speed twisted pair signalling, the frequency content of the transmitted signal can vary greatly
during normal operation based primarily on the randomness of the scrambled data stream. This variation in signal
at the VCM_CAP pin (refer to Fig-
2.0 Functional Description (Continued)
TPRD +/−
Figure 1. Receive Block Diagram
2.0 Functional Description (Continued)
attenuation caused by frequency variations must be compensated for to ensure the integrity of the transmission.
In order to ensure quality transmission when employing
MLT-3 encoding, the compensation must be able to adapt
to various cable lengths and cable types depending on the
installed environment. The selection of long cable lengths
for a given implementation, requires significant compensation which will over-compensate for shorter, less attenuating lengths. Conversely, the selection of short or
intermediate cable lengths requiring less compensation will
cause serious under-compensation for longer length
cables. Therefore, the compensation or equalization must
be adaptive to ensure proper conditioning of the received
signal independent of the cable length.
The DP83843 utilizes an extremely robust equalization
scheme referred to herein as ‘Digital Adaptive Equalization.’ Existing designs use an adaptive equalization scheme
that determines the approximate cable length by monitoring signal attenuation at certain frequencies. This attenuation value was compared to the internal receive input
reference voltage. This comparison would indicate that
amount of equalization to use. Although this scheme is
used successfully on the DP83223V TWISTER, it is sensitive totransformer mismatch, resistor variation and process
induced offset. The DP83223V also required an external
attenuation network to help match the incoming signal
amplitude to the internal reference.
Digital Adaptive Equalization is based on an advanced digitally controlled signal tracking technique. This method
uses peak tracking with digital over-sampling and digitally
controlled feedback loops to regenerate the receive signal.
This technique does not depend on input amplitude variations to set the equalization factor. As a result it maintains
constant jitter performance for any cable length up to 150
meters of CAT-5. Digital Adaptive Equalization allows for
very high tolerance to signal amplitude variations.
The curves given in Figure 6illustrate attenuation at certain
frequencies forgiven cablelengths. This isderived from the
worst case frequency vs. attenuation figures as specified in
the EIA/TIA BulletinTSB-36. These curves indicate the significant variations in signal attenuation that must be compensated for by the receive adaptive equalization circuit.
Figure 7 represents a scrambled IDLE transmitted over
zero meters of cable as measured at the AII (Active Input
Interface) of the receiver. Figure 8 and Figure 9 represent
the signal degradation over 50 and 100 Meters of CAT-5
cable respectively, also measured at the AII. These plots
show the extreme degradation of signal integrity and indicate the requirement for a robust adaptive equalizer.
The DP83843 provides the added flexibility of controlling
the type of receive equalization required for a given implementation. This is done through TW_EQSEL (bits [13:12]
of the PHYCTRLregister, address 19h).While digital adaptive equalization is the preferred method of cable compensation for 100BASE-TX, the ability to switch the equalizer
completely off or to a fixed maximum is provided. This feature is intended as a test mode only and, if enabled, will
inhibit normal performance of the DP83843.
2.3.4 MLT-3 to NRZI Decoder
The DP83843 decodes theMLT-3 information from the Digital Adaptive Equalizer block to binary NRZI data. The relationship of binary to MLT-3 data is shown in Figure 4.
enuation (dB)
Figure 1. EIA/TIA Attenuation vs Frequency for 0, 50,
The Clock Recovery Module (CRM) accepts 125 Mb/s
NRZI datafrom the MLT-3 to NRZI decoder. TheCRM locks
onto the 125 Mb/sdata stream and extracts a 125 MHz reference clock. The extracted and synchronized clock and
data are used as required by the synchronous receive
operations as generally depicted in Figure 5.
The CRM is implemented using an advanced digital Phase
Locked Loop (PLL) architecture that replaces sensitive
analog circuits. Using digital PLL circuitry allows the
DP83843 to be manufactured and specified to tighter tolerances.
For further information relating to the 100BASE-X clock
recovery module, refer to Section 4.3.
CAT-5 cable
2.0 Functional Description (Continued)
Figure 1. MLT-3 Signal Measured at AII after 50 meters
of CAT-5 cable
Figure 2. MLT-3 Signal Measured at AII after 100 meters
of CAT-5 cable
2.3.6 NRZI to NRZ
In a typical application, the NRZI to NRZ decoder is
required in order to present NRZ formatted data to the
descrambler (or to the code-group alignment block, if the
descrambler is bypassed, or directly to the PCS, if the
receiver is bypassed).
The receive data stream is in NRZI format, therefore, the data
must be decoded to NRZ before further processing.
2.3.7 Serial to Parallel
The 100BASE-X receiver includes a Serial to Parallel converter which supplies 5 bit wide data symbols to the
Descrambler. Converting to parallel helps to decrease
latency through the device, as well as performing the
required function for ultimately providing data to the nibblewide interface of the MII.
2.3.8 Descrambler
A 5-bit parallel (code-group wide) descrambler is used to
descramble the receive NRZ data. To reverse the data
scrambling process, the descrambler has to generate an
identical data scrambling sequence (N) in order to recover
the original unscrambled data (UD) from the scrambled
data (SD) as represented in the equations:
Synchronization of the descrambler to the original scrambling sequence (N) is achieved based on the knowledge
that the incoming scrambled data stream consists of
scrambled IDLE data. After the descrambler has recognized 12 consecutive IDLE code-groups, where an IDLE
code-group in 5B NRZ is equal to five consecutive ones
(11111), it will synchronize to the receive data stream and
generate unscrambled data in the form of unaligned 5B
In order to maintain synchronization, the descrambler must
continuously monitor the validity of the unscrambled data
that it generates. To ensure this, a line state monitor and a
hold timer are used to constantly monitor the synchronization status. Upon synchronization of the descrambler the
hold timer starts a 722 µs countdown. Upon detection of
sufficient IDLE code-groups within the 722 µs period, the
hold timer will reset and begin anew countdown. Thismonitoring operation will continue indefinitely given a properly
operating network connection with good signal integrity. If
the line state monitor does not recognize sufficient
unscrambled IDLE code-groups within the 722 µs period,
the entire descrambler will be forced out of the current state
of synchronization andreset in order to re-acquire synchronization.
The value of the time-out for this timer may be modified
from 722 sto 2 ms by setting bit 12 of the PCSR (address
16h) to one.The 2 ms option allows applications with Maximum Transmission Units (packet sizes) larger than IEEE
802.3 specifications to maintain descrambler synchronization (i.e. switch or router applications).
Additionally, this timer may be disabled entirely by setting
bit 11 of the PCSR (address 16h) to one. The disabling of
the time-out timer is not recommended as this will eventually result in a lackof synchronization between the transmit
scrambler and the receive descrambler which will corrupt
data. The descrambler time-out counter may be reset bybit
13 of the PCSR.
2.3.9 Code-group Alignment
The code-group alignment module operates on unaligned
5-bit data from the descrambler (or, if the descrambler is
bypassed, directly from the NRZI/NRZ decoder) and converts it into 5B code-group data (5 bits). Code-group alignment occurs after the J/K code-group pair is detected.
Once the J/K code-group pair (11000 10001) is detected,
subsequent data is aligned on a fixed boundary.
2.3.10 4B/5B Decoder
The code-group decoder functions as a look up table that
translates incoming 5B code-groups into 4B nibbles. The
code-group decoder first detects the J/K code-group pair
preceded by IDLE code-groups and replaces the J/K with
2.0 Functional Description (Continued)
the MAC preamble. Specifically, the J/K 10-bit code-group
pair is replaced by the nibble pair (0101 0101). All subsequent 5B code-groups are converted to the corresponding
4B nibbles for the duration of the entire packet. This conversion ceases upon the detection of the T/R code-group
pair denoting theEnd of Stream Delimiter(ESD) or with the
reception of a minimum of two IDLE code-groups.
2.3.11 100BASE-X Link Integrity Monitor
The 100BASE-X Link Integrity Monitor function (LIM)
allows the receiver to ensure that reliable data is being
received. Without reliable data reception, the LIM will halt
both transmit and receive operations until such time that a
valid link is detected (i.e. good link).
If Auto-Negotiation is not enabled, then a valid link will be
indicated once SD+/− is asserted continuously for 500 µs.
If Auto-Negotiation is enabled, then Auto-Negotiation will
further qualify a valid link as follows:
— The descrambler must receive a minimum of 12 IDLE
code groups for proper link initialization.
— The Auto-Negotiation must determine that the
100BASE-X function should be enabled.
A valid link for a non-Auto-Negotiating application is indicated by either the Link LED output or by reading bit 2 of
the Basic Mode Status Register BMSR (address 01h). For
a truly qualified valid link indication as a result of AutoNegotiation, bit 2 of the BMSR register (address 01h) must
be read.
2.3.12 Bad SSD Detection
A Bad Start ofStream Delimiter (Bad SSD)is any transition
from consecutive idle code-groups to non-idle code-groups
which is not prefixed by the code-group pair /J/K.
If this condition is detected, the DP83843 will assert
RX_ER and present RXD[3:0] = 1110 to the MII for the
cycles that correspond to received 5B code-groups. In
order to exit this state the PHYTER must receive at least
two IDLE code groups and the PHYTER cannot receive a
single IDLE code group at any time. In addition, the False
Carrier Event Counter (address 14h) will be incremented
by one. Once the PHYTER exits this state, RX_ER and
CRS become de-asserted.
When bit 11 of the LBR register is one (BP_RX), RXD[3:0]
and RX_ER/RXD[4] are not modified.
2.3.13 Carrier Integrity Monitor
The Carrier Integrity Monitor function (CIM) protects the
repeater from transient conditions that would otherwise
cause spurious transmission due to a faulty link. This function is required for repeater applications and is not specified for node applications.
The REPEATER pin (pin63) determines the defaultstate of
bit 5 of the PCS register (Carrier Integrity Monitor Disable,
address 16h) to automatically enable or disable the CIM
function as required for IEEE 802.3 compliant applications.
After power-up/reset, software may enable or disable this
function independent of Repeater or Node mode.
If the CIM determines that the link is unstable, the
DP83843 will not propagate the received data or control
signaling to the MII and will ignore data transmitted via the
MII. The DP83843 will continue to monitor the receive
stream for valid carrier events.
Detection of an unstable link condition will cause bit 4 of
the PCS register (address 16h) to be set to one. This bit is
cleared to zero upon a read operation once a stable link
condition is detected by the CIM. Upon detection of a stable link, the DP83843 will resume normal operations.
The Disconnect Counter (address 13h) increments each
time the CIM determines that the link is unstable.
The 10BASE-T Transceiver Module is IEEE 802.3 compliant. It includes the receiver, transmitter, collision, heartbeat, loopback, jabber, and link integrity functions, as
defined in the standard. An external filter is not required on
the 10BASE-T interface since this is integrated inside the
DP83843. Due to the complexity and scope of the
10BASE-T Transceiver block and various sub-blocks, this
section focuses on the general system level operation.
2.4.1 Operational Modes
The DP83843 has 2 basic 10BASE-T operational modes:
Half Duplex mode
Full Duplex mode
Half Duplex Mode
In Half Duplex mode the DP83843 functions as a standard
IEEE802.3 10BASE-Ttransceiversupportingthe
CSMA/CD protocol.
Full Duplex Mode
In Full Duplex mode the DP83843 is capable of simultaneously transmitting and receiving without asserting the
collision signal. The DP83843's 10 Mb/s ENDEC is
designed to encode and decode simultaneously.
2.4.2 Oscillator Module Operation
A 25 MHzcrystalor can-oscillator with thefollowing specifications is recommended for driving the X1 input.
1. CMOS output with a 50ppm frequency tolerance.
2. 35-65% duty cycle (max).
3. Two TTL load output drive.
Additional output drive may be necessary if the oscillator
must also drive other components. When using a clock
oscillator it is still recommended that the designer connect
the oscillator output to the X1 pin and leave X2 floating.
2.4.3 Smart Squelch
The smart squelch is responsible for determining when
valid data is present on the differential receive inputs
(TPRD+/−). The DP83843 implements an intelligent
receive squelchto ensure that impulsenoise on the receive
inputs will not be mistaken for a valid signal. Smart squelch
operation is independent of the 10BASE-T operational
The squelch circuitry employs a combination of amplitude
and timing measurements (as specified in the IEEE 802.3
10BASE-T standard) to determine the validity of data on
the twisted pair inputs (refer to Figure 10).
The signal at the start of packet is checked by the smart
squelch and any pulses not exceeding the squelch level
(either positive or negative, depending upon polarity) will
be rejected. Once this first squelch level is overcome correctly, the opposite squelch level must then be exceeded
within 150 ns. Finally the signal must exceed the original
squelch level within a further 150 ns to ensure that the
input waveform will not be rejected. The checking procedure results in the loss of typically three preamble bits at
the beginning of each packet.
Only after all these conditions have been satisfied will a
control signal be generated to indicate to the remainder of
the circuitry that valid data is present. At this time, the
smart squelch circuitry is reset.
Valid data is considered to be present until squelch level
has not been generated for a time longer than 150ns, indicating the End of Packet. Once good data has been
detected the squelch levels are reduced to minimize the
effect of noise causing premature End of Packet detection.
The receive squelch threshold level can be lowered for use
in longer cable applications. This is achieved by setting the
LS_SEL bit in the 10BTSCR (bit 6, register 18h). Collision
For Half Duplex, a10BASE-T collision is detectedwhen the
receive and transmit channels are active simultaneously.
Collisions are reported by the COL signal on the MII.
If the ENDEC is transmitting when a collision is detected,
the collision is not reported until seven bits have been
received while in the collision state. This prevents a collision beingreportedincorrectly due to noiseon the network.
The COL signalremains set forthe duration of thecollision.
If the ENDEC is receiving when a collision is detected it is
reported immediately (through the COL).
When heartbeat is enabled, approximately 1 µs after the
transmission of each packet, a Signal Quality Error (SQE)
signal of approximately 10 bit times is generated (internally) to indicate successful transmission. SQE is reported
as a pulse on the COL signal of the MII.
2.4.4 Carrier Sense
Carrier Sense (CRS) may be asserted due to receiveactivity once valid data is detected via the smart squelch function.
For 10 Mb/s Half Duplex operation, CRS is asserted during
either packet transmission or reception.
For 10 Mb/s Full Duplex operation, CRS is asserted only
due to receive activity.
CRS is deasserted following an end of packet.
In Repeater mode, CRS is only asserted due to receive
2.4.5 Normal Link Pulse Detection/Generation
The link pulse generator produces pulses as defined in the
IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T standard. Each link pulse is nominally 100 ns in duration and is transmitted every 16 ms ± 8
ms, in the absence of transmit data.
Link pulse is used to check the integrity of the connection
with the remote end. If valid link pulses are not received,
the link detector disables the 10BASE-T twisted pair transmitter, receiver and collision detection functions.
When the link integrity function is disabled, the 10BASE-T
transceiver will operate regardless of the presence of link
2.4.6 Jabber Function
The jabber function monitors the DP83843's output and
disables the transmitter if it attempts to transmit a packet of
longer than legal size. A jabber timer monitorsthe transmitter and disables the transmission if the transmitter is active
for approximately 20-30 ms.
Once disabled by the Jabber function, the transmitter stays
disabled for the entire time that the ENDEC module's internal transmit enable is asserted. This signal has to be deasserted for approximately 400-600 ms (the “unjab” time)
before the Jabber function re-enables the transmit outputs.
The Jabberfunction is only meaningfulin 10BASE-T mode.
2.4.7 Status Information
10BASE-T Status Information is available on the LED output pins of the DP83843. Transmit activity, receive activity,
link status, link polarity and collision activity information is
output to the five LED output pins (LED_RX, LED_TX,
LED_LINK, LED_FDPOL, and LED_COL). Additionally, the
active high SPEED10 output will assert to indicate 10 Mb/s
If required, the LED outputs can be used to provide digital
status information to external circuitry.
The link LED output indicates good link status for both 10
and 100 Mb/s modes. In Half Duplex 10BASE-T mode,
LED_LINK indicates link status.
The link integrity function can be disabled. When disabled,
the transceiver will operate regardless of the presence of
link pulses andthe link LED will stay asserted continuously.
2.4.8 Automatic Link Polarity Detection
The DP83843's 10BASE-T transceiver module incorporates an automatic link polarity detection circuit. When
seven consecutive link pulses or three consecutive receive
2.0 Functional Description (Continued)
packets with inverted End-of-Packet pulses are received,
bad polarity is reported.
A polarity reversalcan be caused by a wiring error at either
end of the cable, usually at the Main Distribution Frame
(MDF) or patch panel in the wiring closet.
The bad polarity condition is latched and the LED_ FDPOL
output is asserted. The DP83843's 10BASE-T transceiver
module corrects for this error internally and will continue to
decode received data correctly. This eliminates the need to
correct the wiring error immediately.
2.4.9 10BASE-T Internal Loopback
When the 10MB_ENDEC_LB bit in the LBR (bit 4, register
address 17h) is set, 10BASE-T transmit data is looped
back in the ENDEC to the receive channel. The transmit
drivers and receive input circuitry are disabled in transceiver loopback mode, isolating the transceiver from the
Loopback is used for diagnostic testing of the data path
through the transceiver without transmitting on the network
or being interrupted by receive traffic. This loopback function causes thedata to loopback just prior to the 10BASE-T
output driver bufferssuch that the entire transceiver path is
2.4.10 Transmit and Receive Filtering
External 10BASE-T filters are not required when using the
DP83843 as the required signal conditioning is integrated.
Only isolation/step-up transformers and impedance matching resistors are required for the 10BASE-T transmit and
receive interface. The internal transmit filtering ensures
that all the harmonics in the transmit signal are attenuated
by at least 30 dB.
2.4.11 Encoder/Decoder (ENDEC) Module
The ENDEC module consists of essentially four functions:
The oscillator generates the 10 MHz transmit clock signal
for system timing from an external 25 MHz oscillator.
The Manchester encoder accepts NRZ data from the con-
troller or repeater, encodes the data to Manchester, and
transmits it differentially to the transceiver, through the differential transmit driver.
The Manchester decoder receives Manchester data from
the transceiver, converts it to NRZ data and recovers clock
pulses for synchronous data transfer to the controller or
The collision monitor indicates to the controller the presence of a valid 10 Mb/s collision signal.
2.4.12 Manchester Encoder
The encoder begins operation when the Transmit Enable
input (TX_EN) goes high and converts the NRZ data to
pre-emphasized Manchester data for the transceiver. For
the duration of TX_EN remaining high, the Transmit Data
(TPTD+/−) is encoded for the transmit-driver pair
(TPTD+/−). TXD must be valid on the rising edge of Transmit Clock (TX_CLK). Transmission ends when TX_EN
deasserts. The last transition is always positive; itoccurs at
the center of the bit cell if the last bit is a one, or at the end
of the bit cell if the last bit is a zero.
2.4.13 Manchester Decoder
The decoder consists of adifferential receiver and a PLL to
separate a Manchester encoded data stream into internal
clock signals and data. The differential input must be externally terminated with either a differential 100ohm termination network to accommodate UTP cable.
The decoderdetects the end ofa frame whenno more midbit transitions are detected. Within one and a half bit times
after the last bit, carrier sense is de-asserted. Receive
clock stays active for five more bit times after CRS goes
low, to guarantee the receive timings of the controller or
2.5 100 BASE-FX
The DP83843 is fully capable of supporting 100BASE-FX
applications. 100BASE-FX is similar to 100BASE-TX with
the exceptionsbeing the PMD sublayer,lack of datascrambling, and signalingmedium and connectors. Chapter 26 of
the IEEE 802.3u specification defines the interface to this
PMD sublayer.
The DP83843 can be configured for 100BASE-FX operation either through hardware or software. Configuration
through hardware is accomplished byforcing the
(pin 21) to a logic low level prior to power-up/reset. Configuration through software is accomplished bysetting bits 9:7
of the LBRregister to <011>, enabling FEFI (bit 14 of register PCSR(16h)), bypassing the scrambler (bit 12 of register
LBR(17h)) and disabling Auto-Negotiation. In addition, setting the FX_EN bit of the PHYCTRL register (bit 5, address
19h) accomplishes the same function as forcing the
pin (pin 21) to a logic low. In 100BASE-FX mode, the FX
interface is enabled along with the Far End Fault Indication
(FEFI) and Bypass Scrambler functions. Auto-Negotiation
must be disabled in order for 100BASE-FX operation to
work properly.
The diagram inFigure 11 is a block diagram representation
of the FX interface and the alternative data paths for transmit, receive and signal detect.
FXEN pin
2.0 Functional Description (Continued)
TO ML T-3 /
Figure 1. 100Base-FX Block Diagram
2.5.1 FX Interface
When the FX interface is enabled the internal 100BASE-TX
transceiver is disabled. As defined by the 802.3u specification, PMD_SIGNAL_indicate (signal detect function),
PMD_UNIT_DATA.request (transmit function) are supported by the FXSD+/−, FXRD+/−, and FXTD+/− pins
The DP83843 transmits NRZI data on the FXTD+/− pins.
This data is transmitted at PECL signal levels. 100BASEFX requires no scrambling/de-scrambling, so thescrambler
is bypassed in the transmit path. All other PMA and PCS
functions remain unaffected.
The DP83843 receives NRZI data on the FXRD+/− pins.
This data is accepted at PECL signal levels. 100BASE-FX
requires no scrambling/de-scrambling, so the de-scrambler
is bypassed in the receive path. All other PMA and PCS
functions remain unaffected.
Signal Detect
The DP83843 receives signal detect information on the
FXSD+/− pins. This data is accepted at PECL signal levels.
Signal detect indicates that a signal with the proper amplitude is present at the PMD sublayer.
2.5.2 Far End Fault Indication
Auto-Negotiation provides a mechanism for transferring
information from theLocal Station to the Link Partner that a
remote fault has occurred for 100BASE-TX. As Auto-Nego-
tiation is not currently specified for operation over fiber, the
Far End Fault Indication function (FEFI) provides some
degree of communication between link partners in support
of 100BASE-FX operation.
A remote fault is an error in the link that one station can
detect while the other cannot. An example of this is a disconnected fiber at a station’s transmitter. This station will
be receiving valid data and detect that the link is good via
the Link Integrity Monitor, but will not be able to detect that
its transmission is not propagating to the other station.
A 100BASE-FX station that detects such a remote fault
(through the deassertion of signal detect) may modify its
transmitted IDLE stream from all ones to a group of 84
ones followed by a single zero (i.e. 16 IDLE code groups
followed by a single Data 0 code group). This is referred to
as the FEFI IDLE pattern. Transmission of the FEFI IDLE
pattern will continue until FXSD+/− is re-asserted.
If three or more FEFI IDLE patterns are detected by the
DP83843, then bit 4 of the Basic Mode Status register
(address 01h) is set to one until read by management. It is
also set in bit 7 of the PHY Status register (address 10h).
The first FEFIIDLE pattern may containmore than 84 ones
as the pattern may have started during a normal IDLE
transmission which is actually quite likely. However, since
FEFI is a repeating pattern, this will not cause a problem
with the FEFI function. It should be noted receipt of the
FEFI IDLE pattern will not cause CRS to assert.
To enableFiber mode without FEFI, set bits 9:7 of the LBR
register to <011>, disable FEFI (bit 14 of register
PCSR(16h)), bypass the scrambler (bit 12 of register
2.0 Functional Description (Continued)
2.0 Functional Description (Continued)
The Manchester encoder accepts NRZ data from the MII,
encodes the data to Manchester and sends it to the driver.
The driver transmits the data differentially to the transceiver.
2.6.2 AUI/TP Autoswitch
The DP83843 has an autoswitching feature that allows
switching between the AUI and TP operation. The AUI/TPI
autoswitch feature (AUTOSW_EN) is enabled by bit 9 of
the 10BASE-T Control and Status Register (10BTSCR). If
AUTOSW_EN is asserted (default is de-asserted) and the
DP83843 is in 10 Mb/s mode it automatically activates the
TPI interface (10 Mb/s data is transmitted and received at
the TPTD+/− and TPRD+/− pins respectively). If there is an
absence of link pulses, the transceiver will switch to AUI
mode. Similarly, when the transceiver starts detecting link
pulses it will switch to TP mode. The switching from one
mode to the next is only done after the current packet has
been transmitted or received. If the twisted pair output is
jabbering and gets into link fail state, then the switch to AUI
mode is only doneafter the jabbering is done, including the
time it takes to unjab (unjab time).
2.6.3 Ethernet Cable Configuration / THIN Output
The DP83843 offers the choice of Thick Ethernet
(10BASE5) and Thin Ethernet (10BASE-2). The type of
cabling used is controlled through bit 3 of the 10BTSCR
register (address 18h). TheDP83843 also provides a THIN
output signal whichcan be used todisable/enable an external DC-DC converter which is required for 10BASE-2 applications to provide electrical isolation. This enables a
10BASE-2 and10BASE-5 common interface application.
15 Pin D AUI Connector
Figure 1. AUI Typical Setup
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