3.3V Self-Calibrating 12-Bit Plus Sign Serial I/O A/D
Converters with MUX and Sample/Hold
June 1999
ADC12L030/ADC12L032/ADC12L034/ADC12L038 3.3V Self-Calibrating 12-Bit Plus Sign Serial I/O
A/D Converters with MUX and Sample/Hold
General Description
The ADC12L030 family is 12-bit plus sign successive approximation A/D converters with serial I/O and configurable
input multiplexers. These devices are fully tested with a
single 3.3Vpower supply. The ADC12L032, ADC12L034 and
ADC12L038 have 2, 4 and 8 channel multiplexers, respectively. Differential multiplexer outputs and A/D inputs are
available onthe MUXOUT1, MUXOUT2, A/DIN1 and A/DIN2
pins. The ADC12L030 has a two channel multiplexer with the
multiplexer outputs and A/D inputs internally connected. On
request, these A/Ds go through a self calibration process
that adjusts linearity, zero and full-scale errors to less than
⁄2LSB each.
The analog inputs can be configured to operate in various
pseudo-differential modes.Afully differential unipolar analog
input range (0V to +3.3V) can be accommodated with a
single +3.3V supply. In the differential modes, valid outputs
are obtained even when the negative inputs are greater than
the positive because of the 12-bit plus sign two’scompliment
output data format.
The serial I/O is configured to comply with NSC’s
references, see the LM4040 or LM4041 data sheets.
and Motorola’s SPI standards. For voltage
n 0V to 3.3V analog input range with single 3.3V power
n Serial I/O ( MICROWIRE and SPI Compatible)
n 2, 4, or 8 channel differential or single-ended multiplexer
n Analog input sample/hold function
n Power down mode
n Variable resolution and conversion rate
n Programmable acquisition time
n Variable digital output word length and format
n No zero or full scale adjustment required
n Fully tested and guaranteed with a 2.5V reference
n No Missing Codes over temperature
Key Specifications
n Resolution12-bit plus sign
n 12-bit plus sign conversion time8.8 µs (min)
n 12-bit plus sign sampling rate73 kHz (max)
n Integral linearity error
n Single supply3.3V
n Power dissipation15 mW (max)
n Power down40 µW (typ)
1 LSB (max)
n Portable Medical instruments
n Portable computing
n Portable Test equipment
ADC12L038 Simplified Block Diagram
COPS™microcontrollers, HPC™and MICROWIRE™are trademarks of National Semiconductor Corporation.
sucessive approximation conversion time interval and the acquisition time. The rise and fall
times of the clock edges should not exceed
1 µs.
SCLKThis is the serial data clock input. The clock
applied to this input controls the rate at which
the serial data exchange occurs. The rising
edge loads the information on the DI pin into
the multiplexer address and mode select shift
register. This address controls which channel
of the analog input multiplexer (MUX) is selected and the mode of operation for the A/D.
With CSlow the falling edge ofSCLK shifts the
data resulting from the previous ADC conversion out on DO, with the exception of the first
bit of data. When CS is low continuously, the
first bit of the data is clocked out on the rising
edge of EOC (end of conversion). When CS is
toggled the falling edge of CS always clocks
out the first bit of data. CS should be brought
low when SCLK is low. The rise and fall times
of the clock edges should not exceed 1 µs.
DIThis is the serial data input pin. The data ap-
plied to this pin is shifted by the rising edge of
SCLK into the multiplexer address and mode
select register.
signment of the multiplexer address and the
mode select data.
DOThe data output pin. This pin is an active push/
pull output when CS is Low. When CS is High
this output is in TRI-STATE. The A/D conversion result (D0–D12) and converter status data
are clocked out by the falling edge of SCLK on
this pin. The word length and format of this
result can vary (see
and format are controlled by the data shifted
into the multiplexer address and mode select
register (see
EOCThis pin is an active push/pull output and indi-
cates the status of the ADC12L030/2/4/8.
When low, it signals that the A/D is busy with a
conversion, auto-calibration, auto-zero or
power down cycle. The rising edge of EOC
signals the end of one of these cycles.
This is the chip select pin. When a logic low is
applied to this pin, the rising edge of SCLK
shifts the data on DI into the address register.
This low also brings DO out of TRI-STATE.
With CSlow the falling edge ofSCLK shifts the
data resulting from the previous ADC conversion out on DO, with the exception of the first
bit of data. When CS is low continuously, the
first bit of the data is clocked out on the rising
edge of EOC (end of conversion). When CS is
toggled the falling edge of CS always clocks
out the first bit of data. CS should be brought
low when SCLK is low. The falling edge of CS
resets a conversion in progress and starts the
sequence for a new conversion. When CS is
brought back low during a conversion, that
conversion is prematurely ended. The data in
the output latches may be corrupted. Therefore, when CS is brought back low during a
Tables 2, 3, 4, 5
Table 1
Table 5
show the as-
). The word length
conversion in progress the data output at that
time should be ignored. CS may also be left
continuously low. In this case it is imperative
that the correct number of SCLK pulses be
applied to the ADC in order to remain synchronous. After the ADC supply power is applied, it
expects to see 13 clock pulses for each I/O
sequence. The number of clock pulses the
ADC expects is the same as the digital output
word length. This word length can be modified
by the data shifted in on the DO pin.
Table 5
details the data required.
This is the data output ready pin. This pin is an
active push/pull output. It is low when the conversion result is being shifted out and goes
high to signal that all the data has been shifted
A logic low is required on this pin to program
any mode or change the ADC’s configuration
as listed in the Mode Programming Table
Table 5
) such as 12-bit conversion, 8-bit conversion,Auto Cal,Auto Zero etc.When this pin
is high theADC is placed in the read data only
mode. While in the read data only mode, bringing CS low and pulsing SCLK will only clock
out on DO any data stored in the ADCs output
shift register.The data on DI will be neglected.
A new conversion will not be started and the
ADC will remain in the mode and/or configuration previously programmed. Read data only
cannot be performed while a conversion,
Auto-Cal or Auto-Zero are in progress.
PDThis is the power down pin. When PD is high
the A/D is powered down; when PD is low the
A/D is powered up. The A/D takes a maximum
of 700 µs to power up after the command is
CH0–CH7These are the analog inputs of the MUX. A
channel input is selected by the address information at the DI pin, which is loaded on the
rising edge of SCLK into the address register
Tables 2, 3, 4
The voltage applied to these inputs should not
exceed V
+ or go below GND. Exceeding this
range on an unselected channel will corrupt
the reading of a selected channel.
COMThis pin is another analog input pin. It is used
as a pseudo ground when the analog multiplexer is single-ended.
These are the converter input pins. MUXOUT1
is usually tied to A/DIN1. MUXOUT2 is usually
tied to A/DIN2. If external circuitry is placed
between MUXOUT1 and A/DIN1, or MUXOUT2 and A/DIN2 it may be necessary to protect these pins. The voltage at these pins
should not exceed V
Figure 5
+This is the positive analog voltage reference
or go belowAGND (see
input. In order tomaintain accuracy the voltage
range of V
−) is
Pin Descriptions (Continued)
to 3.3 VDCand the voltage at V
cannot exceed V
+. See
Figure 6
mended bypassing.
−The negative voltage reference input. In order
to maintain accuracy the voltage at this pin
must not go below GND or exceed V
Figure 6
+, VD+These are the analog and digital power supply
pins. V
and V
are not connected together
on the chip. These pins should be tied to the
same power supply and bypassed separately
Figure 6
+ and VD+ is 3.0 VDCto 5.5 VDC.
). The operating voltage range of
DGNDThis is the digital ground pin (see
AGNDThis is the analog ground pin (see
for recom-
+. (See
Figure 6
Figure 6
Absolute Maximum Ratings (Notes 1, 2)
If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required,
please contact the NationalSemiconductor Sales Office/
Distributors for availability and specifications.
Positive Supply Voltage
Voltage at Inputs and Outputs
except CH0–CH7 and COM−0.3V to V
Voltage at Analog Inputs
CH0–CH7 and COMGND −5V to V
+−VD+|300 mV
Input Current at Any Pin (Note 3)
Package Input Current (Note 3)
Package Dissipation at
= 25˚C (Note 4)500 mW
30 mA
120 mA
Operating Ratings (Notes 1, 2)
Operating Temperature RangeT
ADC12L038CIWM−40˚C ≤ T
DI Hold Time from Serial Data515ns (min)
Clock Rising Edge
DI Set-Up Time from Serial Data510ns (min)
Clock Rising Edge
DO Hold Time from Serial DataRL= 3k, CL= 100 pF3565ns (max)
Clock Falling Edge5ns (min)
Delay from Serial Data Clock5090ns (max)
Falling Edge to DO Data Valid
DO Rise Time, TRI-STATE to HighRL= 3k, CL= 100 pF1040ns (max)
DO Rise Time, Low to High1040ns (max)
DO Fall Time, TRI-STATE to LowRL= 3k, CL= 100 pF1540ns (max)
DO Fall Time, High to Low1540ns (max)
Delay from CS Falling Edge5080ns (max)
to DOR Falling Edge
Delay from Serial Data Clock Falling4580ns (max)
Edge to DOR Rising Edge
Note 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is
functional, but do not guarantee specific performance limits. For guaranteed specifications and test conditions, see the Electrical Characteristics. The guaranteed
specifications apply only for the test conditions listed. Some performance characteristics may degrade when the device is not operated under the listed test
Note 2: All voltages are measured with respect to GND, unless otherwise specified.
Note 3: When the input voltage (V
The 120 mA maximum package input current rating limits the number of pins that can safely exceed the power supplies with an input current of 20 mA to four.
Note 4: The maximum power dissipation must be derated at elevated temperatures and is dictated by T
allowable power dissipation at any temperature is P
Capacitance of Logic Inputs10pF
Capacitance of Logic Outputs20pF
) at any pin exceeds the power supplies (V
=(TJmax − TA)/θJAor the number given in the Absolute Maximum Ratings,whichever is lower. For this device,
max = 150˚C. The typical thermal resistance (θJA) of these parts when board mounted follow:
+ = +2.500 VDC,V
GND or V
−=0VDC, 12-bit + sign conver-
+ and V
− ≤ 25Ω, fully-differential input
(Note 10)(Note 11)(Limits)
500700µs (max)Serial Data Clock Falling Edge to
VA+orVD+), the current at that pin should be limited to 20 mA.
max, θJAand the ambient temperature, TA. The maximum
Note 5: The human body model is a 100 pF capacitor discharged through a 1.5 kΩ resistor into each pin.
Note 6: See AN450 “Surface Mounting Methods and Their Effect on Product Reliability” or the section titled “Surface Mount” found in any post 1986 National
Semiconductor Linear Data Book for other methods of soldering surface mount devices.
Note 7: Two on-chip diodes are tied to each analog input through a series resistor as shownbelow.Input voltage magnitudeup to 5V above V
will not damage this device. However, errors in theA/Dconversion can occur (if these diodes are forward biased by more than 50 mV) ifthe input voltage magnitude
of selected or unselected analog input go above V
to ensure accurate conversions.
+ or below GND by more than 50 mV.As an example, if VA+ is 3.0 VDC, full-scale input voltage must be ≤3.05
+ or 5V below GND
Note 8: To guarantee accuracy, it is required that the V
Note 9: With the test condition for V
Note 10: Typicals are at T
Note 11: Tested limits are guaranteed to National’s AOQL (Average Outgoing Quality Level).
Note 12: Positive integral linearity error is defined as the deviation of the analog value, expressed in LSBs, from the straight line that passes through positive
full-scale and zero. For negative integral linearity error, the straight line passes through negative full-scale and zero (see
Note 13: Zero error is a measure of the deviation from the mid-scale voltage (a code of zero), expressed in LSB. It is the worst-case value of the code transitions
between 1 to 0 and 0 to +1 (see
Note 14: Total unadjusted error includes offset, full-scale, linearity and multiplexer errors.
Note 15: The DC common-mode error is measured in the differential multiplexer mode with the assigned positive and negative input channels shorted together.
Note 16: Channel leakage current is measured after the channel selection.
Note 17: Timingspecifications are tested at the TTLlogic levels, V
to 1.4V.
Note 18: The ADC12L030 family’s self-calibration technique ensures linearity and offset errors as specified, but noise inherent in the self-calibration process will
result in a maximum repeatability uncertainty of 0.2 LSB.
Note 19: If SCLK and CCLK are driven from the same clock source, then t
Note 20: The “12-Bit Conversion of Offset” and “12-Bit Conversion of Full-Scale” modes are intended to test the functionality of the device. Therefore, the output
data from these modes are not an indication of the accuracy of a conversion result.
= 25˚C and represent most likely parametric norm.
Figure 4
+ and VD+ be connected together to the same power supply with separate bypass capacitors at each V
−) given as +2.500V the 12-bit LSB is 610 µV and the 8-bit LSB is 9.8 mV.
Figure 2
Figure 3
= 0.4V for a falling edge and VIH= 2.4V for a rising edge. TRI-STATEoutput voltage is forced
is 6, 10, 18 or 34 clock periods minimum and maximum.
AC Electrical Characteristics (Continued)
FIGURE 1. Transfer Characteristic
FIGURE 2. Simplified Error Curve vs Output Code without Auto-Calibration or Auto-Zero Cycles
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