The Digital System Development Board (DSDB) is an NI ELVIS add-on board featuring a
Zynq 7020 All Programmable SoC (AP SoC) that was designed by Digilent for National
Instruments. When paired with the NI ELVIS platform, it becomes an ideal lab installation for
classes centered on digital and analog circuits. The DSDB also has the ability to be used as a
standalone Zynq development platform, independent of NI ELVIS.
•Current and voltage monitoring on expansion connectors
•Powered from the NI ELVIS connector or 5 V barrel jack input
System Connectivity
•16-bit VGA output
•Dual-role (source/sink) HDMI port
•NI ELVIS add-on connector
•24-bit audio codec with headphone, line out, line in, and microphone jacks
•10/100/1000 Mbps ethernet
•USB-UART bridge
Interaction and Sensory Devices
•800 × 480 5-in. LCD display with capacitive touchscreen
•128 × 32 monochrome OLED Display
•Four-digit 7-segment display
•USB HID connector for mice and keyboards
•Eight FPGA-connected LEDs
•One processor-connected LED
•Four push buttons
•Eight slide switches
Expansion Connectors
•MXP Connector
•Breadboard with analog I/O from NI ELVIS and digital I/O from Zynq
•Two Pmod connectors with eight FPGA I/O each
•One Pmod connector with eight Processor I/O
The DSDB is compatible with Xilinx’s new high-performance Vivado Design Suite as well as
the ISE/EDK toolset. These toolsets meld FPGA logic design with embedded ARM software
development into an easy to use, intuitive design flow. They can be used for designing systems
of any complexity, from a complete operating system running multiple server applications in
tandem, down to a simple bare-metal program that controls some LEDs.
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Hardware Components
Figure 2. The NI Digital System Development Board
5 <Y15>
6 <K15>
7 <L16>
3 <W18>
4 <W17>
2 <Y16>
1 <AB14>
0 <AA13>
designed by
for National Instruments
Digital Systems
Development Board
1One Processor-Connected LED
2Micro SD Card
310/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet
4Dual-Role (Sink/Source) HDMI
516-Bit VGA Output
7Line Out
924-Bit Audio Codec Line In
10 MXP Connector
11 NI ELVIS II/II+ Connector
12 Breadboard with Analog I/O from
NI ELVIS II/II+ and Digital I/O from
the Zynq APSoC
The DSDB is powered from the NI ELVIS platform or an external power supply connected to
J17 (when used as a standalone platform). Connector J17 is placed in a way which doesn't allow
the connection of an external supply when the board is plugged into the NI ELVIS platform. This
was done to prevent the user from incorrectly attaching an external supply while the NI ELVIS
is powering the DSDB.
The NI ELVIS platform can deliver maximum 2 A of current on the 5 V output according to the
specifications. This should provide enough power for typical use. A typical application
represents a Zynq configuration that uses all on-board peripherals, 0.2 A load on each of the two
user supplies (5 V and 3.3 V), mouse connected to the USB HID port (J9), and analog outputs
in the MXP connector (J4) left floating. If more features are intended to be used, for example
drawing more power from the user supplies, a power demanding FPGA configuration, or
connecting a USB device that needs more than 100 mA, the DSDB board should be used as
standalone with an external power supply.
When used as a standalone platform an external power supply should be used by plugging into
the power jack (J17). The supply must use a coax, center-positive 2.1 mm internal-diameter
plug, and deliver 4.6 VDC to 5.5 VDC and at least 2 A of current (that is, at least 12.5 W of
power) for typical use cases and 4 A (20 W of power) for power demanding applications.
Suitable supplies can be purchased from the Digilent website or through catalog vendors like
DigiKey. Power supply voltages outside the above range will prevent the board from powering
up, while voltages above 18 V will cause permanent damage.
All on-board power supplies are enabled or disabled by the power switch (SW9). The power
indicator LED (LD14) is on when all the supply rails reach their nominal voltage. An overview
of the power circuit is shown in Figure 3.
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Figure 3. Power Circuit Overview
Voltage regulator circuits from Analog Devices create the required 3.3 V, 1.8 V, 1.5 V, and 1.0 V
supplies from the main power input. Table 1 provides additional information (typical currents
depend strongly on FPGA configuration and the values provided are typical of medium
size/speed designs).
5.125 VUser Voltage, Analog Reference,
Buffers for User IO
3.3 VFPGA I/O, USB ports, Clocks,
Ethernet, SD slot, Flash, HDMI, User
Voltage, LCD, touch panel, OLED
1.0 VFPGA, Ethernet CoreIC55#2:
1.8 VFPGA Auxiliary, Ethernet I/O, USB
1.5 VDDR3IC55#4:
1.8 VXADC AnalogIC26#5:
3.3 VAudio AnalogIC6:
10 VAnalog Output StageD28, C351,
1 A/0.02 to 0.5 A
2.5 A/0.1 A to
4 A/0.2 A to 4 A
1.2 A/0.1 A to
0.5 A
1.2 A/0.1 A to
1.2 A
200 mA/20 mA
150 mA/50 mA
15 mA/2 mA
-5 VAnalog Output StageD29, C355,
1.25 VXADC Precision ReferenceIC27:
2.5 VReference for DAC and ADCIC61:
19.2 VLCD BacklightIC54:
4.28 VDigital User IO BuffersIC19:
5VUser VoltageIC46:
User VoltageIC49:
15 mA/2 mA
10 mA/50 A
40 mA/0 to
40 mA
0.3 A/2 mA
0.3 A/0 to 0.3 A
0.3 A/0 to 0.3 A
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The supply rails are daisy-chained to follow the Xilinx-recommended start-up sequence.
Flicking the power switch (SW9) will enable the 5.125 V (IC53) rail, which enables the 1 V
digital supply rail, which in turn enables the supply rails 1.8 V, 3.3 V, and 1.5 V. The 1.25 V
reference, 1.8 V analog supply and 10V, -5V charge pumps ramp together with the 3.3 V rail.
Once all the channels of the ADP5052 (IC55) supply reach regulation, the PGOOD signal will
assert, enabling the 3.3 V audio supply, lighting up the power LED (LD14), enabling user
supplies (IC46, IC49) and power supply for user IO buffers (IC19) and de-asserting the
Power-On Reset signal (PS_POR_B) of the Zynq.
Each power supply uses a soft-start ramp of 1-10ms to limit in-rush current. There is an
additional delay of at least 130ms after the power rails reach regulation and before the Power-On
Reset signal de-assert to allow for the PS_CLK (IC22) to stabilize.
Input Power Monitoring
The DSDB includes a TPS25940i power monitoring switch placed on the 5 V input power rail.
This circuit provides input over and under voltage protection, fast response short-circuit
protection, and slew rate controlled startup to limit inrush current. In case the input supply
voltage is outside the operating range of 4.6 V to 5.5 V, or if the current consumption exceeds
4.4 A, the TPS25940 will turn off the board power.
User Power Supplies
The DSDB provides two user power supplies, 5 V and 3.3 V. The 5 V user supply is available
at the MXP connector, while the 3.3 V is accessible at the PMODs (JA, JB, JC), MXP connector
(J4) and in the digital breadboard (BB3). Each of these two power supplies are able to source up
to 0.3 A and provide the following protection features:
•Short-circuit protection
•0.3 A current limitation
•Reverse current protection
•Zener protection from accidental shorts to a higher voltage
•Protection from accidental shorts to a reverse polarity voltage
Both of these user supplies turn on automatically after the 5.125 V and FPGA supplies (3.3 V,
1 V, 1.8 V, 1.5 V) are in regulation and the PGOOD signal is asserted. As soon as the PGOOD
signal is deactivated, these user supplies turn off. Alternatively, the user has the ability to disable
these outputs from the FPGA by driving the USER_POWER_EN signal low.
Besides disabling user supplies the USER_POWER_EN signal will also deactivate, the 4.28 V
voltage, which is powering the buffers on the digital IOs that go to PMODs (JA, JB, JC), MXP
(J4) and digital breadboard. This way, the communication between FPGA and the above
mentioned expansion connectors is interrupted.
The users have the ability to monitor the power of the two user supplies (3.3 V and 5 V) using
the dual channel analog-to-digital converter inside the Zynq (XADC). Both current and voltage
information from the two user supplies are routed to auxiliary analog inputs to the XADC as
differential pairs.
Table 2. Analog Input Pinout
SignalXADC portFPGA pin
The XADC core within the Zynq is a dual channel 12-bit analog-to-digital converter capable of
operating at 1 MSPS. Either channel can be driven by any of the auxiliary analog input pairs.
The XADC core is controlled and accessed from the PL via the Dynamic Reconfiguration Port
(DRP). The DRP also provides access to voltage monitors that are present on each of the FPGA’s
power rails, and a temperature sensor that is internal to the FPGA. For more information on using
the XADC core, refer to the Xilinx document 7 Series FPGAs and Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC XADC Dual 12-Bit 1 MSPS Analog-to-Digital Converter. It is also possible to access the
XADC core directly using the PS via the PS-XADC interface. This interface is described in full
in chapter 30 of the Zynq Technical Reference Manual.
The 3.3 V/5 V user voltages are sensed directly at the output through a 1/6 voltage divider. Note
that in case the user power supplies are disabled, the measurement signals
XADC_3V3_USER_VOLTAGE+/-, XADC_5V0_USER_VOLTAGE+/- are disconnected and
the XADC will read 0.The equation below shows how to compute voltage from the XADC
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The current information is collected across 0.1 sense resistors (R431, R445) placed in front of
the circuits that generate the user voltages (IC46, IC49). Since both of these circuits are linear
devices, the input current matches the current on the output. The voltage across the sense resistor
is fed into a current sense amplifier with a gain of 50, INA216A2, and divided by 5 before it is
connected to the XADC inputs. The equation below shows how to compute current from the
XADC number:
Zynq AP SoC Architecture
The Zynq AP SoC is divided into two distinct subsystems: The Processing System (PS), and the
Programmable Logic (PL). Figure 4 shows an overview of the Zynq AP SoC architecture, with
the PS colored light green and the PL in yellow. Note that the PCIe Gen2 controller and
Multi-gigabit transceivers are not available on the device found on this board.
The PL is nearly identical to a Xilinx 7-series Artix FPGA, except that it contains several
dedicated ports and buses that tightly couple it to the PS. The PL also does not contain the same
configuration hardware as a typical 7-series FPGA, and it must be configured either directly by
the processor or via the JTAG port.
The PS consists of many components, including the Application Processing Unit (APU, which
includes 2 Cortex-A9 processors), Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture (AMBA)
Interconnect, DDR3 Memory controller, and various peripheral controllers with their inputs and
outputs multiplexed to 54 dedicated pins (called Multiplexed I/O, or MIO pins). Peripheral
controllers that do not have their inputs and outputs connected to MIO pins can instead route
their I/O through the PL, via the Extended-MIO (EMIO) interface. The peripheral controllers are
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connected to the processors as slaves via the AMBA interconnect, and contain readable/writable
control registers that are addressable in the processors’ memory space. The programmable logic
is also connected to the interconnect as a slave, and designs can implement multiple cores in the
FPGA fabric that each also contain addressable control registers. Furthermore, cores
implemented in the PL can trigger interrupts to the processors (connections not shown in
Figure 4) and perform DMA accesses to DDR3 memory.
There are many aspects of the Zynq AP SoC architecture that are beyond the scope of this
document. For a complete and thorough description, refer to the Zynq Technical Reference Manual, available at Table 3 depicts the external components connected to the
MIO pins of the DSDB.
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Zynq Configuration
Unlike Xilinx FPGA devices, AP SoC devices such as the Zynq-7020 are designed around the
processor, which acts as a master to the programmable logic fabric and all other on-chip
peripherals in the processing system. This causes the Zynq boot process to be more similar to
that of a microcontroller than an FPGA. This process involves the processor loading and
executing a Zynq Boot Image, which includes a First Stage Bootloader (FSBL), a bitstream for
configuring the programmable logic (optional), and a user application. The boot process is
broken into three stages:
Stage 0
After the DSDB is powered on or the Zynq is reset (in software or by pressing either the red
button labeled PS-SRSTB or PS-PORB), one of the processors (CPU0) begins executing an
internal piece of read-only code called the BootROM. If and only if the Zynq was just powered
on or the reset was triggered with the PS-PORB button, the BootROM will first latch the state
of the mode pins into the mode register (the mode pins are attached to SW8 on the DSDB). If
the BootROM is being executed due to a software or PS-SRSTB triggered reset event, then the
mode pins are not latched and the previous state of the mode register is used. This means that
the DSDB needs a power cycle to register any change in the programming mode switch (SW8).
Next, the BootROM copies an FSBL from the form of non-volatile memory specified by the
mode register to the 256 KB of internal RAM within the APU (called On-Chip Memory, or
OCM). The FSBL must be wrapped up in a Zynq Boot Image in order for the BootROM to
properly copy it. The last thing the BootROM does is hand off execution to the FSBL in OCM.
Stage 1
During this stage, the FSBL first finishes configuring the PS components, such as the DDR
memory controller. Then, if a bitstream is present in the Zynq Boot Image, it is read and used to
configure the PL. Finally, the user application is loaded into memory from the Zynq Boot Image,
and execution is handed off to it.
Stage 2
The last stage is the execution of the user application that was loaded by the FSBL. This can be
any sort of program, from a simple “Hello World” design, to a Second Stage Boot loader used
to boot an operating system like Linux. For a more thorough explanation of the boot process,
refer to Chapter 6 of the Zynq Technical Reference Manual.
The DSDB supports three different boot modes: microSD, Quad-SPI Flash, and JTAG. The boot
mode is selected using the Mode switch (SW8), which affects the state of the Zynq configuration
pins after power-on.
The three boot modes are described in the following sections.
The DSDB supports booting from a microSD card inserted into connector J15. The following
procedure will allow you to boot the Zynq from microSD:
1.Format the microSD card with a FAT32 file system.
2.Copy the Zynq Boot Image created with Xilinx SDK to the microSD card.
3.Rename the Zynq Boot Image on the microSD card to BOOT.bin.
4.Eject the microSD card from your computer and insert it into connector J15 on the DSDB.
5.Set SW8 to
6.Turn the board on. The board will now boot the image on the microSD card.
Quad-SPI Boot Mode
The DSDB has an onboard 128-Mbit Quad-SPI serial Flash that the Zynq can boot from. Vivado
and Xilinx SDK can be used to generate a Zynq boot image and program it into the Quad-SPI
flash using the USB-JTAG port. Once a boot image has been programmed into the Quad-SPI
flash, do the following to boot the DSDB:
1.Set SW8 to QSPI.
2.Turn the board on. The board will now boot the image stored in the Quad-SPI flash.
JTAG Boot Mode
When placed in JTAG boot mode, the processor will wait until software is loaded by a host
computer using the Xilinx tools. After software has been loaded, it is possible to either let the
software begin executing, or step through it line by line using Xilinx SDK.
It is also possible to directly configure the PL over JTAG, independent of the processor. This can
be done using iMPACT or the Vivado Hardware Server.
The DSDB is configured to boot in Cascaded JTAG mode, which allows the PS to be accessed
via the same JTAG port as the PL. It is also possible to boot the DSDB in Independent JTAG
mode by loading a jumper in JP1 and shorting it. This will cause the PS to not be accessible from
the onboard JTAG circuitry, and only the PL will be visible in the scan chain. To access the PS
over JTAG while in independent JTAG mode, users will have to route the signals for the PJTAG
peripheral over EMIO, and use an external device to communicate with it.
Connecting to NI ELVIS
The DSDB is fully integrated with the NI ELVIS platform, which features 12 of the most
commonly used instruments in the laboratory including an oscilloscope, digital multimeter,
function generator, variable power supplies, digital reader/writer, two- and three-wire
current-voltage analyzers, and a Bode analyzer. Integration with the NI ELVIS platform gives
students the ability to build comprehensive test benches and analog mixed-signal circuits that
can be designed and tested in one platform. The DSDB is also capable of running standalone
when the advanced functionality of the NI ELVIS is not required.
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The signals from the NI ELVIS edge connector are routed to the Power breadboard header, the
NI ELVIS Analog breadboard header, and the programmable logic of the Zynq. The connections
are described in Tables 4 and 5 below. NI ELVIS pins not listed in the tables below are not
connected to any device on the DSDB. Note that +5 V from this connector is also used to power
the entire board. The GND pins of the NI ELVIS connector, the ground plane of the DSDB, and
the pins labeled GND on the breadboard headers are all connected. For further information on
the functionality of the pins on the NI ELVIS connector, please refer to the NI ELVIS
The DSDB features a Quad-SPI serial flash device, the Spansion S25FL128S. The Multi-I/O SPI
Flash memory is used to provide non-volatile code and data storage. It can be used to initialize
the PS subsystem as well as configure the PL subsystem (bitstream).
The relevant device attributes are:
•128 Mbit
•x1, x2, and x4 support
•Speeds up to 94 MHz. In Quad-SPI mode, this translates to 376 Mbps
•Powered from 3.3 V
The SPI Flash connects to the Zynq-7000 AP SoC supporting up to Quad-I/O SPI interface. This
requires connection to specific pins in MIO Bank 0/500, specifically MIO[1:6,8] as outlined in
the Zynq datasheet. Quad-SPI feedback mode is used, thus qspi_sclk_fb_out/MIO[8] is left to
freely toggle and is connected only to a 20K pull-up resistor to 3.3 V. This allows a QSPI clock
frequency greater than FQSPICLK2.
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DDR3 Memory
The DSDB includes two Micron MT41J128M16JT-125 or MT41K128M16JT-125 DDR3
memory components creating a single rank, 32-bit wide interface and a total of 512MiB of
capacity. The DDR3 is connected to the hard memory controller in the Processor Subsystem
(PS), as outlined in the Xilinx Zynq TRM (ug585).
The PS incorporates an AXI memory port interface, a DDR3 controller, the associated PHY, and
a dedicated I/O bank. Interface speeds of up to 525MHz/1050 Mbps are supported.
DDR3 uses 1.5 V SSTL15 single-ended and DIFF_SSTL15 differential signaling. Address and
control signals are routed in a tree topology with minimal stubs and series termination scheme.
Data signals follow a point-to-point scheme and benefit from on-die termination (ODT) on both
The target trace impedance is 40 (±10%) for single-ended signals, and 80 (±10%) for
differential. A feature called DCI (Digitally Controlled Impedance) is used to match the drive
strength and termination impedance of the PS pins to the trace impedance. On the memory side,
each chip calibrates its on-die termination and drive strength using a 240 resistor on the ZQ
Due to layout reasons, the two lower data byte groups (DQ[0-7], DQ[8-15]) were swapped. To
the same effect, the data bits inside byte groups were swapped as well. These changes are
transparent to the user. Appropriate Xilinx PCB guidelines were followed during design.
Both the memory chips and the PS DDR bank are powered from the 1.5 V supply. The mid-point
reference of 0.75 V is created with a simple resistor divider and is available to the Zynq as
external reference.
For proper operation it is essential that the PS memory controller is configured properly. Settings
range from memory timings to the board trace delays. For your convenience, the Zynq preset file
for the DSDB is provided on the Digilent DSDB Resource Center and can be used to
automatically configure the correct parameters.
For best DDR3 performance, DRAM training is enabled for write leveling, read gate, and read
data eye options in the PS Configuration Tool in Xilinx tools. Training is done dynamically by
the controller to account for board delays, process variations, and thermal drift. Optimum
starting values for the training process are the board delays (propagation delays) for certain
memory signals. process variations, and thermal drift. Optimum starting values for the training
process are the board delays (propagation delays) for certain memory signals.
Board delays are specified for each of the data byte groups in absolute terms and then relative to
CLK. These parameters are board-specific and were calculated from the PCB trace length
For more details on memory controller operation, refer to the Xilinx Zynq TRM (ug585).