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Important Information
The National Instruments MXIbus boards and accessories are warranted against defects in materials and workmanship
for a period of one year from the date of shipment, as evidenced by receipts or other documentation. National
Instruments will, at its option, repair or replace equipment that proves to be defective during the warranty period. This
warranty includes parts and labor.
The media on which you receive National Instru ments software ar e warranted not to fail to execute pro grammi ng
instructions, due to defects in materials and workmanship, for a period of 90 days from date of shipment, as evidenced
by receipts or other documentation. National Instruments will, at its option, repair or replace software media that do
not execute programming instructions if National Instruments receives notice of such defects during the warranty
period. National Instruments does not warr ant that t he operatio n of the softwar e shall be uni nte rrupt ed or erro r free.
A Return Material Authorization (RMA) number must be obtained from the factory and clearly marked on the outside
of the package before any equipment will be accepted for warranty work. Natio nal Instrum ents wil l pay the shippin g
costs of returning to the owner par ts whi ch are cov ered by w arranty .
National Instruments believes that the information in this manual is accurate. The document has been carefully
reviewed for technical accuracy. In the event that technical or typographical errors exist, National Instruments reserves
the right to make changes to subsequent editi ons of this document without prior notice to holders of this edi tion. The
reader should consult National Instruments if errors are suspected. In no event shall National Instruments be liable for
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Instruments will apply regardless of the form of action, whether in contract or tor t, including negligence. Any actio n
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National Instruments in sta llat ion, o perat ion, or ma inte na nce instr uct ions; owner ’s modif icat ion of the p roduct;
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LabVIEW®, MANTIS™, MITE™, NI-VXI™, TIC™, and VXIpc™ are trademarks of National Instruments
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National Instruments products are not design ed with comp onents and testing in tend ed to ensure a level o f reliabi lity
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monitor or safegua rd huma n he alth and sa fety in med ical or clin ical t reat ment .
FCC/DOC Radio Frequency Interference
Class A Compliance
This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in strict
accordance with the instructions in this manual, may cause interference to radio and television
reception. Classification requirements are the same for the Federal Communications Commission
(FCC) and the Canadian Department of Communications (DOC). This equipment has been tested and
found to comply with the following two regulatory agencies:
Federal Communications Commission
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device,
pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are d esigned to pro vide reasonable pro tection against
harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment
generates, uses, and can radiate rad io frequenc y energy and, if not installed and used in accord ance with
the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this
equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be
required to correct the interference at his own expense.
Notices to User: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by National Instruments could void
If necessary, consult National Instruments or an experienced radio/television technician for additional
suggestions. The following booklet prepared by the FCC may also be helpful: Interference to Home Electronic Entertainment Equipment Handbook. This booklet is available from the U.S. Government
Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.
the user’s authority to operate the equipment under the FCC Rules.
This device complies with the FCC rules only if used with shielded interface cables of
suitable quality and construction. National Instruments used such cables to test this
device and provides them for sale to the user. The use of inferior or nonshielded
interface cabl es co ul d void the user’s author ity to operate the equ ip men t under the
FCC rules.
Canadian Department of Communications
This Class A digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference- Causing Equi pment
Cet appareil numérique de la classe A respecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le matériel
brouilleur du Canada.
About This Manual
Organization of This Manual........................................................................................xi
Conventions Used in This Manual................................................................................xiii
How to Use This Documentation Set...........................................................................xiv
Related Documentation.................................................................................................xv
This manual contains instructions for installing and conf iguring the
National Instruments VXI- PCI8 022 or V ME-PC I80 22 Serie s inter face
kit for Solaris. The VXI-PCI8022 kit includes a VXI-MXI-2 module,
which plugs into a VXI mainframe and links your PCI-based computer
to the VXIbus. The VME-PCI8022 kit comes with a VME-MXI-2 that
plugs into a VME chassis an d links yo ur PCI-ba sed c ompu ter to the
VMEbus. Both kits include the PCI-MXI-2 interface board, w hich links
your computer to the MXIbus, and the NI-VXI bus interface software.
The VXI-PCI8022 and VME-PCI8 022 kits are fully V XIplug &play
This manual uses the term VXI/VME-PCI8022 when information
applies to either kit and the term VXI/VME-MXI-2 when information
applies to either the VXI-MXI-2 or the VME-MXI-2.
Organization of This Manual
This manual is organized as follow s:
•Chapter 1, Introduction and Quick Start, describes the
VXI/VME-PCI8022 interface kits, lists what you need to get
started, introduces th e co nc ep ts of M X I-2, a nd inclu de s a b rief
description of the hardware and softwa re. This chap ter also
contains a Quick Start section, which has the basic information you
need to install the VXI/VME-PCI8022 interface kit with a simple
configuration, along with a Default Settings section, which lists the
hardware and software defa ult settings for easy ref erence.
•Chapter 2, PCI-MXI-2 Configuration and Installation, contains th e
instructions to configure and install the PCI-MXI-2 module.
•Chapter 3, VX I-MXI -2 Conf igurat ion and Installat ion, cont ains the
instructions to configure and install the VXI-MXI-2 module. This
chapter applies only if you order ed the VXI-PCI 802 2 inter face kit.
•Chapter 4, VME-MXI-2 Configuration and Installation, contains
the instructions to configure and install the VME-MXI-2 module.
National Instruments CorporationxiVXI/VME-PCI8022 for Solaris
About This Manual
This chapter app lies o nly if y ou ord er ed the VM E-PCI 802 2
interface kit.
•Chapter 5, NI-VXI Software Installation, contains the instructions
to install the NI-VXI software.
•Chapter 6, NI-VXI Configuration Utility, contains instruct ion s f or
using the VXI Resource Editor utility of the NI-VXI software to
configure the PCI-MXI-2 an d the VXI -MXI- 2 or VME -MXI-2 .
•Chapter 7, Using the NI-VXI Software, d iscusses progr amming
information for you to consider when developing applications that
use the NI-VXI driver.
•Appendix A, Specifications, lists various module specifications of
the PCI-MXI-2, VXI-MXI-2, and VME-MXI-2 such as physical
dimensions and power requ ireme nts.
•Appendix B, NI-VXI Software Overview, lists and describes the
main programs and files that make up the NI-V XI software .
•Appendix C, EEPROM Configuration, describes how to control the
operation of the PCI-M XI- 2 o nbo ar d EE PRO M an d how to fix a n
invalid EEPROM setting.
•Appendix D, Common Questions, addresses common questions
you may have about using the NI-VXI bus interface software on the
PCI-MXI-2 platform.
•Appendix E, Customer Communication, contains f orms you can
use to request help from National Instruments or to comment on our
products and manuals.
•The Glossary contains an alphabetical list and description of terms
used in this manual, including abbreviations, acronym s, metric
prefixes, mnemonics, and symbols.
•The Index con tains an al phabe tical list o f ke y term s and topic s in
this manual, including the page whe re you can fin d ea ch on e.
The following conventions are used in this manual:
boldBold text denotes para meter nam es, me nu s, me nu items, or dia log box
buttons or options.
bold italicBold italic text denotes a note, caution, or warning.
bold monospaceBold text in this font denotes the messages and responses that the
computer automatically prints to the screen.
italicItalic text denotes emphasis, a cross reference, or an introduction to a
key concept.
monospaceText in this font denotes text or characters that are to be literally input
from the keyboard, sections of co de, pro gramming ex ample s, and
syntax examples. This font is also used for the prope r names of disk
drives, paths, directories, p rogra ms, su bprogr am s, subroutine s, de vice
names, functions, varia bles, f ilena mes, and e xtensions, and fo r
statements and comments taken from pr ogram code .
♦A diamond is used to d enote oper ating sys tem-de pende nt ma terial.
< >Angle brackets enclose the name of a key on the keyboard–for example,
This icon to the left of bold italicized text denotes a note, which alerts
you to important information.
This icon to the left of bold italicized text denotes a caution, which
advises you of precautions to take to avoid injury, data loss, or a system
This icon to the left of bold italicized text denotes a warning, which
advises you of prec autions to take to avoid bein g el ectrica lly sho cked .
Abbreviations, acronyms, m etric pre fix es, m nemon ics, sy mbols, an d
terms are listed in the Glossary.
National Instruments CorporationxiiiVXI/VME-PCI8022 for Solaris
About This Manual
How to Use This Documentation Set
NI-VXI Programmer
Reference Manual
NI-VXI Function
NI-VXI Text Utilities
Reference Manual
VICTEXT Descriptions
Getting Started
Installation and
User Manual
NI-VXI Graphical
Utilities Reference
Begin by reading this getting started manual to guide you throu gh the
installation and configuration of the hardware and software. You should
install and configure the c ompon en ts of the V XI/VM E-PCI8 022 kit in
the order in which this manual describe s them. Be sure to rev iew the
Quick Start and Default Settings sections in Chapter 1. The material in
those sections may be all you need to get up and running with your
VXI/VME-PCI8022 kit.
When you are familiar with the material in this getting started manual,
you can begin to use the NI-VXI User Manual. This manual presents the
concepts of VXI an d p repa res y ou for d etaile d e xplana tions o f the
NI-VXI functions. Study the descriptions of each function given in the
NI-VXI Programmer Reference Manual to fully understand the purpose
and syntax of eac h f unction.
Refer to the N I-VXI Graphical Utilities Reference Manual and the
NI-VXI Text Utilities R eference Manual to learn more about the NI-V XI
Related Documentation
The following documents contain information that you may find helpful
as you read this manual:
•ANSI/IEEE Standard 10 14- 198 7, IEEE S tanda rd for a Versa tile
Backplane Bus: VMEbus
•ANSI/IEEE Standard 11 55- 199 3, IE EE VMEbus Ex tensions for
Instrumentation: VXIbus
•ANSI/VITA 1-1994 , VME 64
•Multisystem Extension Interface Bus Specification, Version 2.0,
National Instruments Corporation
•PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.0, PCI Special Inte rest
•VXI-MXI-2 User Manual, National Instruments Corporation
•VME-MXI-2 User Manu al , Na tional I nstru ments C orp oration
National Instruments wants to rece ive you r com ments o n ou r prod ucts
and manuals. We are interested in the applications you develop with our
products, and we want to help if you have problems with them. To make
it easy for you to contact us, this manual contains comment and
configuration forms for you to complete. Thes e forms are in
Appendix E, Customer Communication, at the end of this manual.
National Instruments CorporationxvVXI/VME-PCI8022 for Solaris
Introduction and Quick Start
This chapter describes the VXI/VME- PCI8022 interface kits, lists what
you need to get started, introduces the concepts of MXI-2, and includes
a brief description of the hardware and softwa re.
This chapter also contains a Quick Start section, which has the basic
information you need to install the VXI/VME-P CI8022 interfa ce kit
with a simple config uration, al ong w ith a Default Settings section,
which lists the hardware and software default settings for easy
reference. Yo u may f ind th at thes e sec tions conta in a s m uc h
information as you n eed to g et star ted w ith y our VX I/VME -PC I8022
interface kit.
This manual uses the term VXI/VME-PCI8022 when information
applies to either the VXI-PCI8022 kit, which c ontains a VXI-M XI-2
module, or the VME-PCI8022 kit, w hich contains a VME -MXI-2
module. Similarly, the term VXI/VME-MXI-2 means that information
applies to either the VXI-MXI-2 or the VME-MXI-2.
The following flowchart shows where to turn in this manual for more
details on configuring and using the hardware and software.
The VXI/VME-PCI8022 interface kits link any computer with a
PCI bus (hereafter referred to as a PCI-based computer) directly to the
VXIbus or VMEbus using the high-speed Mu ltisystem eXtension
Interface bus ( MXI -2).
A PCI-based computer e quipped wi th a VXI- PCI8 022 interf ace can
function as a VXI Commander and Resource Manager. A PCI-based
computer equipped w ith a VM E -PCI802 2 c a n fun ction a s a VM Eb us
master and/or slave devi ce. The V XI/VME -PCI802 2 makes your
PCI-based computer behave as though it were plugged directly into the
VXI/VME backplane as an embedded CPU VXI/VME module.
The software included with the kits is for Sparc-based computers.
What You Need to Get Started
❑ A PCI-based computer
❑ VXIbus or VMEbus mainframe
Chapter 1Introduction and Quick Start
❑ PCI-MXI-2 interface board
❑ VXI-MXI-2 or VME-MXI-2 interface module
❑ MXI-2 cable
❑ NI-VXI software media for the PCI-MXI-2
MXI-2 Description
MXI-2 is the second g eneration of the Na tional I nstrume nts MX Ibu s
product line. The M XIbus is a gen eral- pur pose, 32-bit, mu ltimaster
system bus on a cab le. M XI-2 e xpand s the num be r of signa ls on a
standard MXI cable by including VX I triggers, all VX I interrupts,
CLK10, and all of the utility bus signals (SYSFAIL*, SYSRESET*,
and ACFAIL*).
Because MXI- 2 in co rpo ra tes al l o f th ese new signa ls in to a s in gl e
connector, the triggers, interrupts, and utility signals can be extended
not only to other mainframes but also to the local CPU in all MXI-2
National Instruments Corporation1-3VXI/VME-PCI8022 for Solaris
Chapter 1Introduction and Quick Start
products using a single cable. Thus, MXI-2 lets CPU interfac e boards
such as the PCI-MXI-2 perform as thou gh they were plugged direc tly
into the VXI/VME backplane.
In addition, MXI-2 boosts data thro ughp ut p erforma nce past p revious generation MXIbus produc ts b y d efini ng ne w high -perf orma nc e
protocols. MXI-2 is a superset of MXI. All accesses initiated by MXI
devices will work with MXI-2 devices. However, MXI-2 defines
synchronous MXI block data transfers which surpass previo us block
data throughput benchmarks. The new synchronous MXI block protocol
increases MXI-2 throu ghput to a maxim um of 3 3 MB/s between tw o
MXI-2 devices. All N ational Instruments MXI-2 boards are capable of
initiating and responding to synchronous MXI block cyc les.
Note:In the remainder of this manual, the term MXIbus refers to MXI-2.
Hardware Description
The PCI-MXI-2 is a half-size , PCI-compatible plug-in circuit board that
plugs into one of the expansion slots in your PCI-based computer . It
links your PCI-based co mp uter d irectly to the M XIb us a nd v ice ver sa.
Because the PCI-MXI-2 uses the same communication register set that
other VXIbus message-based de vices use, othe r MXIbus de vices view
the PCI-MXI-2 as a VXIbus devic e. The PCI- MXI -2 can also func tion
as the MXIbus System Contro ller and can term inate the MXIbus signa ls
directly on the PCI-MXI- 2. In addition , you can have up to 16 M B of
onboard DRAM on the PCI-MXI-2 that can be shared with the MXIbus
and VXI/VMEbus and used as a dedicated data buffer.
The VXI-MXI-2 m odu le is a n exte nded- class, re gister- based V XIbu s
device with optional VXIbus Slot 0 capability so that it can reside in any
slot in a C-size or D-size chassis.
Note:D-size VXI mainframes have connections for a P3 connector. The
VXI-MXI-2, however, does not have this connector and, if configured as a
Slot 0 controller, cannot p rovide the ne cessary control for VXI device s that
need P3 support.
The VXI-MXI-2 uses ad dress ma pping to convert MXIbus cycl es into
VXIbus cycles and vice versa. By connecting to the PCI-MXI-2 board,
the VXI-MXI-2 links the PCI bus to the VXIbus. The VXI-MXI-2 can
automatically determine whether it is located in VXI Slot 0 and/or if it
is the MXIbus System Controller.
The VME-MXI-2 m odu le is a single- slot, doub le- heig ht VM Ebus
device with optional VMEbus System Controller functions. It uses
address mapping to convert MXIbus c ycles into VM Ebus cycle s and
vice versa, just like the VXI-MXI-2. By connecting to the PCI-MXI-2
board, it links the PCI bus to the VMEbus. The VME-MXI-2 can
automatically determine if it is located in the first slot of a VMEbus
chassis and if it is the MXIbus System Controller.
Also, the VXI-MXI-2 and VME-MXI-2 automatically terminate the
MXIbus if installed as the first or last device in the MX Ibus. If installed
in the middle of the MXIbus, both the VXI-M XI- 2 and VME- MXI-2
automatically disable MXIbus termination. In addition, you can have up
to 64 MB of onboard DRAM on the VXI -MXI-2 and VME-M XI-2
modules that can either be shared with the VXI/VMEbus and MXIbus
or used as a dedicated data buffer.
The PCI-MXI -2, V X I-MX I -2, a nd V M E-MX I- 2 produc t s a chi ev e
high-performance blo ck transfer rates by integra tin g the MITE custom
ASIC, a sophisticated dual-channel DMA controller with standard
interfaces for V XI, VM E, M XI, a nd P CI. B y u si ng MITE DM A t o
transfer data and command s to and from devices, the MITE frees up a
computer’s microprocessor to perform other tasks such as data analysis
and presentation. In addition to DMA, the MITE incorporates both the
new Synchronous MXI pr otocol an d V ME6 4 M BL T (8 -by t e bloc k
transfers in which both the address bus and data bus a re used to transfer
data) directly into the ASIC to perform the fastest transfer operation to
Software Description
The NI-VXI bus interfa ce softwa re for the PCI-MXI- 2 and Solaris 2. x
includes a Resource Manager, graphical and text-based versions of an
interactive VXI resour ce editor prog ra m, a com pre hensiv e libra ry of
software routines for V XI/VME p rog ramm ing, a nd grap hica l and
text-based versions of an interactive control program for interacting
with VXI/VME. You can use this software to seamlessly program
multiple-mainframe configurations and have software compatibility
across a variety of VX I/V ME con t rolle r p lat form s.
The NI-VXI software is a 32-bit driver de signed for Solaris 2. 5.1 or
higher compatible operating systems.
National Instruments Corporation1-5VXI/VME-PCI8022 for Solaris
Chapter 1Introduction and Quick Start
Optional Software
Your VXI/VME-PCI8022 kit includes the NI-V XI bus interface
software. In addition, y ou can use the Na tional I nstru ments L abV IEW
and LabWindows
ease your program ming ta sk. The se stan dardiz ed p rog rams ma tch the
modular virtual instrument capability of VXI and can reduce your VXI/
VMEbus software developme nt time. These programs ar e fully
VXIplug&play compliant and feature extensive libraries of VXI
instrument drivers written to take full advantage of direct VXI control.
LabVIEW is a complete programming en vironme nt that departs from
the sequential nature of traditional programming languages and features
a graphical programming env ironme nt.
LabWindows/CVI is an interactive C developmen t environment for
building test and measurement and instrum ent control sys tems. It
includes interactive code-generation tools and a graphical editor for
building custom user interfaces.
LabVIEW and LabWindows/CVI include all the tools needed for
instrument control, data acquisition, analysis, and presentatio n. When
you order the LabVIEW VXI Deve lopment System fo r Sun or the
LabWindows/CVI VXI Developm ent System for Sun, you also get
more than 500 complete instrument drivers, which are modular,
source-code program s that handle the commun ication with you r
instrument to speed your applic ation de velopm ent.
/CVI application programs and instrument drivers to
Quick Start
You can use this Quick Start section as a guide to q uickly con figur e
and operate your VXI or V ME system using the PCI-M XI- 2 a nd the
The Quick Start summary assum es tha t y ou inten d to perf orm a basic
configuration as follows:
•You have one PCI-MXI-2 interface module, which you will install
in your PCI-based co mpu ter a s the Reso urc e M ana ger ( logic al
address 0).
•You have either one C-size VXI-MXI -2 or one 6U , B-size
VME-MXI-2, which you will install in a VXI or VME chassis,
respectively, and connect to the PCI-MXI-2.
•You will be using the NI-VXI software for initialization,
•You will use the default hardware and software settings.
Refer to the end of this chapter for a complete listing of the hardware
and software default settings. I f you ne ed m ore info rm ation, o r if y ou
want to try a different configuration, plea se refer to the ap propria te
hardware or softwa re chapt ers in thi s manua l, which descri be the
installation and configuration steps in greater detail.
Hardware Installation
To guard against electrostatic discharge, touch the antistatic plastic
package to a me tal p art of y our comp uter b ef ore remo ving the
PCI-MXI-2 from the package. Install the PCI-MXI-2 in an available
PCI slot in your PCI-based computer.
Chapter 1Introduction and Quick Start
configuration, and device interac tion.
–The PCI-MXI-2 is the main contr oller, the VXI/VME Resource
Manager, and a m ess age - bas ed devic e.
–Your system contains only one VX I or VM E ch assis.
–There is no shar ed m emory u s ed on t he PC I-b ase d co mput er ,
the PCI-MXI-2, or the VXI/VME-MXI-2.
By default, the PCI-MXI-2 automatically detects whether it should be
the system controller on the MXIbus. Verify that the correct cable end
labeled Connect This End To D evic e Closest To MXIb us C ontroller I n This Daisy Chain is attached securely to the PCI-MXI-2. The cable
must be connected in this manner so that the PCI-MXI-2 can correctly
detect whether it should be the system controller on the MXIbus. For
more information , refe r to Chap ter 2, PCI-MXI-2 Co nfiguratio n and Installation.
You received either a VXI-M XI-2 or a VM E-MX I-2 in your VXI /
VME-PCI8022 kit. To guard a gainst e le ctrostatic disc harg e, touch the
antistatic plastic package to a metal part of your computer before
removing the VXI-MXI -2 or VME-MXI -2 from the pa ckage. Install the
VXI-MXI-2 in the first slot of a VXI chassis, or install the VME-MXI-2
in the first slot of a VME chassis.
The VXI/VME-MXI-2 default configuration automatically detects
whether it should be the VX I /VME bus system co ntroller. T he V XI/
VMEbus system controllers oper ate certain VX I/VMEbus lines as
required for VX I/V ME syste ms. Ve rif y tha t a ny oth er VX I/V ME
devices with system controller capability that are located in the same
National Instruments Corporation1-7VXI/VME-PCI8022 for Solaris
Chapter 1Introduction and Quick Start
chassis are not co nfigu red as s yste m cont rolle r. Hav ing mor e th an one
device configured as system controller will damage the VXI/VME
For VXI sys tem s tha t in cl ud e V ME d ev ice s , en s ure th at th e V ME
devices are not configured in the upper 16 KB (starting from 0xC 000)
of the A16 address spac e. T his region is r eserv ed for V XI d evice
configuration registers, which are used for initializing, configuring, and
interacting with VXI devices. Th e PCI-M XI-2 and V ME-MX I-2 also
use this region for th is purpo se.
Also ensure that no V XI devic es in your sy stem are conf igured f or
either logical addresses 0 or 1. These are the default configurations for
the PCI-MXI-2 and the VXI-MXI-2, respectively.
For more details on the VXI-MXI-2 or VME-MXI-2 hardware, refer to
either Chapter 3, VXI-MXI-2 Configura tion a nd Installation, or
Chapter 4, VME-MXI-2 Configuration and Installation.
Installing and Loading the NI-VXI Software for Solaris 2.
The instructions in this section are specific to users of the Solaris 2.x
1.Type the following co mman d to c hange to a tempo ra ry direc tory :
cd /tmp
2.Type one of the following commands to copy and install script from
the NI-VXI diskette:
•If you are not running volume management:
tar xvf /dev/diskette INSTALL
•If you are running volume management:
tar xvf /vol/dev/rdiskette0/unlabeled INSTALL
Note:The device name shown in this code example may be different for your
system. Please refer to your system’s user guide or system administrator for
the correct device name. If it is different, modify the
reflect the correct device name.
3.Type the following command to execute the install script:
4.Type the following command to remove the install script:
The NI-VXI driv er for Sol aris 2.x is added to the driver list
automatically during installation. It is loaded the first time you open the
driver (for example , ru nning
When used with a VXI-MXI-2, resman identifies and configures the
VXI devices, including the VXI-MXI-2. When used with a
PCI-MXI-2 to access devices in the VME chassis.
resman configures the V ME-MXI- 2 to allow the
resman does not
configure VME de vices. The VM E spec ifica tion does not s pec ify the
initialization and configuration procedures that the VXI specification
However, it is recommended that you enter the information about your
VME devices into the
vxiedit or vxitedit utility. resman can then
properly configure the various device-specific VME address spaces and
VME interrupt lines. For more information on configurin g non-VXI
devices in your VXI system, refer to the de scription of the Non-VXI
Device Configuration Editor in Chapter 3, VXI Resource Editor:
VXIedit, in the NI-VXI Graphical Utilities Reference Manual. For more details about installing the NI- VXI software, r efer to Chapter 5, NI-VXI
Software Installation, in this manual.
Device Interaction
After resman has detected and configured all VXI /VM E de vice s, you
can view specific information on e ach device in your system by using
vxiedit or vxitedit utilities. These utilities include a Resource
Manager Display, which contains a description for each device,
including each VXI devic e’s lo gica l add ress.
You can interact with your VXI/VME devices by using the
victext utilities. These utilities let you interactively control your
VXI/VME devices without h avin g to use a co nvention al pr ogram min g
language, LabVIEW, o r La bWind ows/CV I.
National Instruments Corporation1-9VXI/VME-PCI8022 for Solaris
vic or
Chapter 1Introduction and Quick Start
This help file shows you the syntax for this command, which reads VXI
device configuration register s. The first argum ent is a logical add ress,
and the second is the o ffset of the VXI device configuration register to
be read.
Now type:
vxiinreg 1,0
This should return a value, such as:
Return Status (0): SUCCESS.
value = 0x4ff6
If the value ends with ff6, you have successfully read the National
Instruments manufactur er I D fr om the I D re giste r for the VX I/
You may now wan t to r ead th e configu ra tio n r egi sters fr om other VX I
devices in your system using the co mm an d
accesses only the upper 16 KB of A1 6 spa ce. Try r eading the register s
from one of the devices listed in the Resource Manager Display of
PCI-MXI-2 can access each of the devices in your VXI system
vxiinreg. Thi s co mm and
vxiedit or vxitedit. In this way, you can verif y that your
You can also access V XI a n d V ME devices that are conf igu r ed in A1 6 ,
A24, and A32 address space by using the
For more informa tio n r egar ding
to the NI-VXI Graphical Utilities Reference Manual. For more
information rega rdin g
the NI-VXI Text Utilities Reference Manual.
Default Settings
This section summarizes the hardware and software default settings for
the VXI/VME-PCI8022 kit. If you need more information about a
particular setting, or if you want to try a different configuration, please
refer to the ap pro pria te ha rdwa re o r soft w are c hapt e rs in th is ma nua l.
The manual flowch ar t at the b egin ning of this ch ap ter dire c ts yo u to
where to find the inf orma tion y ou need .
This section summarizes the hardware and software default settings for
the PCI-MXI-2 .
Table 1-1.
PCI-MXI-2 Hardware Default Settings
Hardware ComponentDefault Setting
U17 Switch 1 (FOV)OFF: PCI-MXI-2 boots off the user-
configured half of the EEPROM.
U17 Switch 2 (TST)OFF: Factory configuration of the
EEPROM is protected.
U17 Switch 3 (POS)OFF: Do not alter this setting.
U17 Switch 4 (CT)ON: Do not alter this setting.
DRAM SIMM InstalledPer customer order
Editor FieldDefault Setting
Default Controller (LA-1)F irst Remote Controller
System IRQ Level1
Servant Area Size0
Number of Handlers1
Number of Interrupters0
Protocol Register0xFF0
Read Protocol Re sponse0x8448
Table 1-4. PCI-MXI-2 Bus Configuration Editor Default Settings
Editor FieldDefault Setting
MXI System ControllerAuto
MXI Bus Timeout Valu e1 ms
MXI CLK10Receive
MXI Transfer Limi tUnlimited
VXImove uses Synchronous MXIEnabled
MXI-2 Auto RetryEnabled
A24/A32 Write PostingDisabled
Editor FieldDefault Setting
Requested Memory16 KB *
A16 Write PostingDisabled
A24/A32 Write PostingDisabled
Interlocked ModeDisabled
VXI/VME System ControllerAuto
VXI/VME Bus Timeout Value125 µs
VXI/VME Auto RetryDisabled
VXI/VME Trans fe r Li mi t256
VXI/VME Arbite r Typ ePriority
VXI/VME Reque s t Lev e l3
VXI/VME Fair Reques tEnabled
VXI/VME Arbite r Ti me o u tEnabled
MXI System ControllerAuto
MXI Bus Timeout Valu e1 ms
MXI Auto RetryDisabled
MXI Transfer Limi tUnlimited
MXI Parity CheckingEnabled
MXI Fair RequesterDisabled
MXI CLK10Set by hardware switch
(VXI-MXI-2 only)
* Assumes no DRAM is installed. If DRAM is installed, the Address
Space would be A32, and Requested Memory would match the
amount of DRAM.