National Instruments UMI-7764, UMI-4A, UMI-Flex6, UMI-Flex4 User Manual



This user guide describes how to use the UMI-7764, UMI-4A, UMI-Flex6, and UMI-Flex4 accessories.
What You Need to Get Started ...............................................................2
Motion I/O Terminal Block.............................................................5
Amplifier/Driver Terminal Block....................................................5
Encoder Terminal Block..................................................................6
Limit Switch Terminal Block..........................................................8
Analog Input Terminal Block..........................................................9
Breakpoint Output/Trigger Input Terminal Block...........................9
Shutdown/Inhibit All Terminal Block.............................................10
Power Input Terminal Block............................................................ 10
UMI-7764 Specifications........................................................................11
Amplifier/Driver Terminal Block....................................................13
Encoder Terminal Block..................................................................15
Limit Switch Terminal Block..........................................................16
Digital I/O Terminal Blocks............................................................17
Power Input Terminal Block............................................................ 18
UMI-4A Specifications........................................................... ................19
UMI-Flex6 ..............................................................................................21
Amplifier/Driver Terminal Block....................................................21
Encoder Terminal Block..................................................................22
Limit Switch Terminal Block..........................................................24
Analog Input Terminal Blocks ........................................................25
Breakpoint Output Terminal Block .................................................26
Power Input Terminal Block............................................................ 26
UMI-Flex6 Specifications................................ .......................................27
UMI-Flex4 ..............................................................................................28
Amplifier/Driver Terminal Block....................................................28
Encoder Terminal Block..................................................................30
Limit Switch Terminal Block..........................................................32
Analog Input Terminal Block..........................................................32
Breakpoint Output Terminal Block .................................................33
Power Input Terminal Block............................................................ 33
UMI-Flex4 Specifications................................ .......................................34
FlexMotion and ValueMotion are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation. Product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.
321941B-01 © Copyright 1998, 1999 National Instruments Corp. All rights reserved. August 1999


Throughout this document, overlined text indicates that a signal is active-low.
The UMI products are connectivity accessories you can use with your motion control boards for up to four or six axes of simultaneous or independent control. Ideally suited to industrial and laboratory applications, UMI accessories connect power supplies, servo amplifiers or stepper drivers, motors, encoders, and limit switches to National Instruments plug-in motion control boards.
A UMI accessory simplifies field wiring with separate encoder, limit switch, and amplifier/driver terminal blocks per axis. All terminal blocks are industry standard and do not require any special tools for wire installation. The UMI accessory connects to the motion controller via a single interface cable. The UMI accessory has a host bus monitor power interlock that automatically disables the amplifiers if the host computer is shut down or the interface cable is disconnected.
The UMI-4A and UMI-Flex4 come with an integrated DIN-rail mounting base. The UMI-Flex6 is encased in metal and comes with attached rubber feet for desktop use; a DIN-rail mounting kit is available separately. The UMI-7764 is encased in a metal box with a hinged lid and comes with attached rubber feet for desktop use.

What You Need to Get Started

To set up and use your UMI accessory, you will need the following items:
One of the following UMI accessories:
–UMI-7764 –UMI-4A –UMI-Flex6 –UMI-Flex4
Universal Motion Interface (UMI) Accessory User Guide
UMI Accessory User Guide 2
One of the following National Instruments cables:
UMI Accessory Cable Motion Controller
UMI-7764 SH68-C68-S All 7344 controllers,
PCI-7324, PCI-7314 UMI-7764 SH68-68-S PXI-7324, PXI-7 314 UMI-4A SH50-50 , NB1 50-pin ValueMotion
controllers UMI-Flex6,
SH-Flex-100 100-pin FlexMotion
+5 V power supply(Optional) Auxiliary power supply (UMI-4A only)(Optional) ISO power supply (UMI-Flex4 and UMI-Flex6 only)
Detailed specifications for each of the UMI accessories are in the Specifications section for each device.
© National Instruments Corporation 3 UMI Accessory User Guide


This section describes the UMI-7764 terminal block. Refer to Figure 1 to help you locate the different parts of the UMI-7764 accessory.
9 8 7
2 3 45
1 Axis 1 Motion I/O Terminal Block 2 Axis 3 Motion I/O Terminal Block 3 Axis 2 Motion I/O Terminal Block 4 Axis 4 Motion I/O Terminal Block
UMI Accessory User Guide — UMI-7764 4
5 Power Input Terminal Block 6 Shutdown/Inhibit All Terminal Block 7 Inhibit Output Polarity Switch (S1) 8 Inhibit Input Polarity Switch (S2)
Figure 1.
UMI-7764 Parts Locator Diagram
9 Analog Input Terminal Block 10 68-Pin Motion I/O Connector 11 Breakpoint/Trigger Terminal

Motion I/O Terminal Block

Each axis connected to the UMI-7764 has a motion I/O terminal block to which the following signals are wired:
Amplifier/driv er connections
Encoder connections
Limit switch connections
Distributed power connections Figure 2 shows which portions of the terminal block are used for different
Forward Limit
Home Input
Reverse Limit
Inhibit Input Digital Ground Analog Output
Analog Output Ground
Inhibit Output
Step (CW) Dir (CCW)
+5 V (Output)
Digital Ground
Encoder Phase A Encoder Phase A Encoder Phase B Encoder Phase B
Encoder Index Encoder Index
Limit Switch Terminals
Amplifier/Driver Terminals
Distributed Power
Encoder Terminals
Figure 2.
UMI-7764 Motion I/O Terminal Block

Amplifier/Driver Terminal Block

Each UMI-7764 axis motion I/O terminal block has five terminals for amplifier/driver connections. Refer to Figures 1 and 2 to locate the amplifier/driver terminals on your UMI-7764 accessory. Figure 3 shows the UMI-7764 amplifier/driver terminal block pin assignment for the servo/stepper axes.
© National Instruments Corporation 5 UMI Accessory User Guide — UMI-7764
Analog Output
Analog Output Ground
Inhibit Output
Step (CW) Dir (CCW)

Figure 3. UMI-7764 Axes Amplifier/Driver Terminal Block Pin Assignments

The Analog Output signals are used as command outputs to a servo amplifier or as general-purpose voltage outputs. The Step and Dir signals are used as command outputs to a stepper driver.
The Inhibit Output signals are used to disable the amplifier/driver for that axis. The UMI combines the host bus interlock circuit, the Inhibit All signal, the per axis Inhibit Input signals, and the per axis controller Inhibit Output to create the per axis Inhibit Output signal. The host bus interlock monitors the +5 V pin from the motion controller to verify that the controller is powered and properly connected to the UMI. If the host bus interlock detects a problem, if the Inhibit All signal is asserted, or if the Inhibit Input signal or the controller Inhibit Output signal for that axis is asserted, the Inhibit Output from the UMI-7764 for that axis is asserted.
You can configure the axis Inhibit Out signal as active-low or active-high output using switch S1. Setting S1 to the bottom configures the signal as active-low; setting S1 to the top configures the signal as active-high.
Note You must configure the controller’s Inhibit Output signals as active-low for proper
operation of the inhibit circuitry.

Encoder Terminal Block

Each UMI-7764 axis motion I/O terminal block has six terminals for incremental encoder connections. The UMI-7764 accepts either single-ended TTL or differential line driver inputs. You can connect open-collector encoders to the UMI-7764 accessory by installing a 2.2 k pull-up resistor to +5 V.
Note Encoders with line driver outputs are recommended for all applications and must be
used if the encoder cable length is greater than 10 feet.
UMI Accessory User Guide — UMI-7764 6
Power for the encoders is internally routed from the power input terminal block and is available on the +5 V terminal on each axis motion I/O terminal block. You must supply a +5 V source to the power input terminal block for proper operation. Refer to Figures 1 and 2 to help you locate the encoder terminals on your UMI-7764 accessory. Figure 4 shows the wiring for a differential encoder.
Note The dotted loop indicates a shielded cable.
Phase A Phase A Phase B Phase B
Index Index
Connect to Digital Ground

Figure 4. Differential Encoder Wiring

Figure 5 shows the wiring for the single-ended encoder.
Phase A
Phase B
Connect to Digital Ground

Figure 5. Single-Ended Encoder Wiring

The UMI-7764 accessory allows for differential inputs for Phase A, Phase B, and Index signals. You can easily accommodate encoders with phase relationships different from Figure 6 by swapping the signals as required by the specific application. The Inde x pulse must occur when both Phase A and Phase B signals are logic low as shown in Figure 6. Servo and closed-loop stepper applications require encoder feedback and consistent directional polarity between the motor and encoder for stable operation. The UMI-7764 uses the following standards for motor direction:
Positive = forward = Clockwise (CW) facing motor shaft
Negativ e = reverse = Counter-clockwise (CCW) facing motor shaft
© National Instruments Corporation 7 UMI Accessory User Guide — UMI-7764
The encoder inputs are filtered by both analog and digital noise filters. You must use cables with twisted pairs and an overall shield for improved noise immunity . When connecting the encoder to the UMI-7764, you should use at least 24-AWG wire.
Caution Using an unshielded cable allows noise to corrupt the encoder signals, which
results in lost counts, reduced accuracy, and other erroneous encoder and controller operations.

Limit Switch Terminal Block

Each UMI-7764 axis motion I/O terminal block has five terminals for Forward and Reverse Limit and Home Input switch connections. Refer to Figures 1 and 2 to help you locate the limit switch terminals on your UMI-7764 accessory. See Figure 7 for the UMI-7764 limit switch terminal block pinout.
Phase A
Phase B

Figure 6. Encoder Signal Phasing—CW Rotation

Forward Limit
Home Input
Reverse Limit
Inhibit Input
Digital Ground

Figure 7. UMI-7764 Limit Switch Terminal Block Pin Assignment

Y ou can conf igure the axis Inhibit Input signals as active-lo w or active-high inputs using switch S2. Setting S2 to the bottom configures the signal as active-low; setting S2 to the top configures the signal as active-high. The Inhibit Input signals include a 3.3 kΩ pull-up resistor on their inputs.
UMI Accessory User Guide — UMI-7764 8

Analog Input Terminal Block

For analog input wiring, the UMI-7764 has a 6-position terminal block, which provides access to the four analog input channels on your motion controller. Refer to Figure 1 to help you locate the analog input terminal block on your UMI-7764 accessory. See Figure 8 for analog input terminal block pinout information.
Analog Input Ground Analog Reference (Output) Analog Input 4 Analog Input 3 Analog Input 2 Analog Input 1
Figure 8.
UMI-7764 Analog Input Terminal Block Pin Assignments

Breakpoint Output/Trigger Input Terminal Block

For breakpoint output and trigger input wiring, the UMI-7764 has a 10-position terminal block. This terminal block provides access to the four breakpoint outputs and the four trigger inputs. Refer to Figure 1 to help you locate the breakpoint output/trigger input terminal block on your UMI-7764 accessory. See Figure 9 for more information on breakpoint output and trigger input wiring.
Figure 9.
UMI-7764 Breakpoint/Trigger Terminal Block Pin Assignments
Breakpoint 4 Breakpoint 3 Breakpoint 2 Breakpoint 1 Digital Ground +5 V (Output) Trigger 4 Trigger 3 Trigger 2 Trigger 1
© National Instruments Corporation 9 UMI Accessory User Guide — UMI-7764

Shutdown/Inhibit All Terminal Block

The UMI accessory has a 4-position terminal block for shutdown and inhibit all wiring. Refer to Figure 1 to help you locate the shutdown/inhibit all terminal block on your UMI-7764 accessory. See Figure 10 for more information on shutdown/inhibit all wiring.
Digital Ground NC Shutdown Inhibit All
Figure 10.
The Inhibit All signal acts as a global inhibit, and, when asserted, activ ates the Inhibit Outputs. The Inhibit All signal includes a 3.3 k pull-up resistor on its input. The Shutdown signal is passed through to the motion controller and is typically used to disable the controller.

Power Input Terminal Block

The UMI-7764 has a 2-position terminal block for wiring power to the unit. Refer to Figure 1 to help you locate the power input terminal block on your UMI-7764 accessory. Figure 11 shows the 2-position terminal block pinout.
Figure 11.
To properly operate your UMI-7764 accessory, you must supply a +5 V source to
the power input terminal block.
The +5 V power is redistributed to other terminal blocks as an output power source.
Shutdown/Inhibit All Terminal Block Pin Assignments
+5 V
Digital Ground
2-Position Power Input Terminal Block Pin Assignment
UMI Accessory User Guide — UMI-7764 10

UMI-7764 Specifications

The following specifications apply only to the UMI-7764 accessory. To obtain a system specification, you must account for your motion controller. Please refer to your controller specifications to determine overall system specifications.
Some signals have compatibility defined as signal pass-through. This means the UMI-7764 may have passive filtering on these signals but will not affect the voltage range or current handling capability. Consult your motion controller specifications to determine the allowable voltage range and logic level compatibility of the signal.
These specifications are typical at 25 °C unless otherwise specified. Refer to your motion controller user manual for detailed specifications on encoder inputs, limit and home switch inputs, breakpoint outputs, trigger inputs, and analog inputs.

Encoder Interface (Each Axis)

Inputs......................................................Quadrature, incremental
Differential input threshold....................±0.3 V (typical)
Single-ended input threshold .................TTL/CMOS
Voltage range.........................................0 to 5 VDC
Noise filter (RC time constant)..............100 ns
Max quadrature frequency .....................1 MHz

Limit and Home Switch Inputs (Each Axis)

Noise filter (RC time constant)..............10 µs
Compatibility .........................................Signal pass-through

Trigger Inputs

Noise filter (RC time constant)..............100 ns
Compatibility .........................................Signal pass-through
© National Instruments Corporation 11 UMI Accessory User Guide — UMI-7764 Specifications
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