independent voltage settings to allow the use of different digital standards supported by the
CPLD. Custom circuitry in the prototyping area has access to 24 V and 3.3 V rails from the
backplane, 5 V from the auxiliary power supply and corresponding bank power supply. Two of
the regions of the prototyping area, Bank 1 and Bank 2, include connections to two 44-pin
DSUB connectors in the front panel. A fifth region in the prototyping area, labeled RTI,
provides additional space to access the upper rear I/O connectors.
The peripherals designed into the SLSC-12101 board include two front panel LEDs (which
follow the recommendations of the SLSC Design Guidelines), a 16-position rotary switch, four
temperature sensors, and 17 ports 8-bit wide routed to their corresponding banks in the
prototyping area.
Additionally, to ease debugging and prototyping, a JTAG header compatible with Altera's USB
Blaster pinout is populated on the board which allows you to program the CPLD with a
custom design. A MICTOR connector exists between the CPLD and the SLSC connector to
allow monitoring of the SLSC interface signals using a logic analyzer such as the one on NI
Note All modifications to this module must comply with the Switch Load and
Signal Conditioning Module Design Specifications. It is the user's responsibility to
make sure that the product is modified and used in a way that complies with local
rules, regulations, and best practices.
Note All specifications and certifications in the manual apply only to the unaltered
product as provided by National Instruments. Any changes to the product invalidate
these specifications and certifications.
Related Documentation
This user guide assumes you have access to the documentation of the SLSC Module
Development Kit (MDK) and that you are familiar with the following documents:
• Switch Load and Signal Conditioning Module Design Specifications—Specifications
SLSC modules must abide in order to be compatible with SLSC systems.
• SLSC Design Guidelines—Describes best practices recommended for SLSC modules.
• SLSC-12101 Schematic—Schematic of the SLSC-12101 prototyping module.
• SLSC-12101 Specifications—Specifications of the unaltered SLSC MDK.
Other Files Available for the SLSC-12101 Module
These files are included in the SLSC Example Modules Files .zip file of the SLSC MDK.
• Module Controller VHDL code—Slsc12101Top.vhd, PkgEdBlock.vhd,
PkgRevision.vhd, PkgSlsc12101Registers.vhd, PkgSlscProtocol.vhd,
EdBlock.vhd, Interrupt.vhd, IoPort.vhd, Leds.vhd,
SpiChannelSelect.vhd, Control.vhd, CrcGen.vhd, ShiftRegister.vhd,
• Module Controller Quartus project files—SlscCpldTop.qpf, SlscCpldTop.qsf,
SlscCpldTop.sdc, SlscCpldTop.pof
• SLSC-12101 Capabilities files—SLSC-12101.bin, SLSC-12101.json
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