This guide describes how to install and use the SCXI-1303 terminal block
with SCXI-1102,SCXI-1102B, SCXI-1102C, and SCXI-1100 modules.
The SCXI-1303 32-channel isothermal terminal block is a shielded board
with screw terminals that connect to the SCXI-1102/B/C and the
SCXI-1100 modules. The SCXI-1303 has a high-accuracy thermistor,
cold-junction temperature sensor, and an isothermal copper plane to
minimize the temperature gradients across the screw terminals when you
measure with thermocouples.
The terminal block has 78 screw terminals for easy connection. Thirty-two
pairs of screw terminals connect to the 32 differential inputs of the SCXI
modules. One pair of terminals connects to the module’s chassis ground
pins. Three terminals connect to the SCXI module OUTPUT and AOREF
pins and to the SCXIbus guard. All of the other terminals—OUT0+,
OUT0–, OUT1+, OUT1–, OUT2+, OUT2–, OUT3+, OUT3–, and
AIREF—are reserved for future use.
The terminal block has a pullup resistor connected between CH+ and +5 V
and a bias resistor connected between CH– and chassis ground. These
resistors help you detect open thermocouples by detecting saturation of the
module amplifier output.
What You Need to Get Started
To set up and use your SCXI-1303, you will need the following items:
Copyright 1998 National Instruments Corp. All rights reserved.August 1998
❑ SCXI chassis
❑ SCXI-1102/B/C or SCXI-1100 module
❑ One package of four 10 MΩ resistor networks
❑ No. 1 and No. 2 Phillips-head screwdrivers
/10 in. and 1/4 in. flathead screwdrivers
❑ Long-nose pliers
Changing Resistor Networks
Use long-nose pliers to remove or replace the resistor networks in the
sockets; be careful not to damage the network package. Make sure pin 1
of each network is in the correct position in the socket. Refer to Figure 4 to
locate pin 1 for each resistor network socket.
Each resistor network is labeled with descriptive numbers on the left front
side, and pin 1 is located directly beneath the darkened symbol within these
numbers. The 10 Ω resistor network is labeled 100 (10 × 10
resistor network is labeled 106 (10 × 10
these resistors.
Ω). Figure 1 shows examples of
Ω); the 10 MΩ
Mfr. code
Pin 1
a. 10 Ω Resistor Networkb. 10 MΩ Resistor Network
Figure 1.
Open Thermocouple Detection
The SCXI-1303 circuitry helps you detect an open thermocouple. To detect
whether any thermocouple is open, check whether the corresponding SCXI
module channel is saturated. The SCXI-1303 has pullup and bias resistors
that saturate the channel by applying +5 V at the input of the open channel.
Notice that this will result in saturation to either of the positive or negative
SCXI-1102/B/C Module
You can replace the 10 Ω bias resistor networks (factory shipping
configuration) in the SCXI-1303 with the 10 MΩ resistor networks
supplied in the kit. With the 10 MΩ resistor networks, it does not matter
whether your signal is ground-referenced or floating. The channels with
open thermocouples will saturate at all sample rates of the module. To
replace your resistor networks, refer to the Changing Resistor Networks
For the open thermocouple channel to saturate without disturbing th e
measurements on any other channel, use an interchannel delay of 200 µs
at a gain of 100 or higher, which corresponds to a sample rate of 5 kHz.
With the 10 Ω bias resistors installed in the SCXI-1303, you can measure
accurately at the module’s maximum sampling rate, but the open
thermocouple channel may not saturate if the interchannel delay is less
than 200 µs or if the sample rate is more than 5 kHz at a gain of 100 or
If you want fast open-thermocouple detection and you have a short
thermocouple or if high accuracy is not important, you can replace the
pullup resistors with a lower value resistor network. For example, you
could replace the pullup resistor network with a 1 MΩ, 10-pin bused
configuration resistor network (not supplied) and have a sample rate of
20 kHz (interchannel delay of 50 µs typical). With a 10 Ω bias resistor
network, the current leakage would be 5 µA (5 V/1 MΩ), which may result
in a larger offset error because of thermocouple lead resistance. To replace
your resistor networks, refer to the Changing Resistor Networks section.
Errors Due to Open-Thermocouple Detection Circuitry
Open-thermocouple detection circuitry can cause two types of
measurement errors. These errors are the results of common-mode voltage
at the input of the SCXI module and current leakage into your signal leads.
Common-Mode Voltage at the Input of the
SCXI Module
With 10 MΩ pullup and bias resistors, a common-mode voltage of
2.5 VDC will develop if the thermocouple is floating. At a gain of 100,
the common-mode rejection of the SCXI-1102/B/C module is sufficiently
high that the resulting offset voltage is negligible.
If your application demands extremely high accuracy, you can eliminate
this offset error by calibrating your system. You can also remove the pullup
resistor, giving up the open-thermocouple detection feature in the process
or use the 10 Ω bias resistor networks, which will bring the common-mode
voltage down to nearly 0 VDC.
National Instruments Corporation3SCXI-1303 Installation Guide
Current Leakage
The open thermocouple detection circuitry results in a small current
leakage into the thermocouple. With the 10 MΩ bias and pullup resistor
networks, the current leakage results in a negligible error. With the 10 Ω
bias resistor, the 10 MΩ pullup resistor connected to 5 VDC causes a
current leakage of approximately 0.5 µA (5 V/10 MΩ) to flow into the
unbroken thermocouple. If the thermocouple is very long, a voltage drop
can develop in the thermocouple because of lead resistance. For example,
if you have a 24 AWG J-type thermocouple that is 20 feet long, a voltage
drop of approximately 8.78 µV (0.878 Ω/double ft × 20 double ft × 0.5 µA)
can develop in the thermocouple, which corresponds to an error of 0.18° C.
If your application demands very high accuracy , you may want to eliminate
this error by removing the appropriate pullup resistor network or by
calibrating the system offset.
Temperature Sensor Output and Accuracy
The SCXI-1303 temperature sensor outputs 1.91 to 0.58 V from 0° to 55° C
and has an accuracy of ±0.5° C over the 15° to 35° C range and ±0.9° C
over the 0° to 15° and 35° to 55° C ranges
National Instruments software can convert a thermistor voltage to the
thermistor temperature for the circuit diagram shown later in this guide. In
LabVIEW , you can use the Con vert Thermistor Reading virtual instrument
(VI) in the Data Acquisition»Signal Con di tio ning palette. If you are
using LabWindows/CVI or NI-DAQ, use the
function. The VI takes the output voltage of the temperature sensor, the
reference voltage, and the precision resistance and returns the thermistor
Alternatively, you can use the following formulas:
T(° C) = T
where T
Includes the combined effects of the temperature sensor accuracy and the temperature difference between the temperature
sensor and any screw terminal. The temperature sensor accuracy includes tolerances in all component values, the effects
caused by temperature and loading, and self-heating.