National Instruments PXIe-4309 Calibration Procedure



32 Ch (8 ADC), 2 MS/s, 18 - 28 bit, Flexible Resolution PXI Analog Input Module
This document contains the verification and adjustment procedure for the PXIe-4309 module.
Note To maintain forced air cooling in the PXI Express system, refer to the
Maintain Forced-Air Cooling Note to Users.


Documentation.......................................................................................................................... 2
Test Equipment......................................................................................................................... 3
Test Conditions......................................................................................................................... 4
Self Calibration................................................................................................................. 4
Verification ............................................................................................................................... 5
DC Offset Accuracy ......................................................................................................... 6
DC Voltage Accuracy....................................................................................................... 9
Adjustment................................................................................................................................ 13
EEPROM Update ..................................................................................................................... 16
Reverification ........................................................................................................................... 17
Specifications............................................................................................................................ 17
Worldwide Support and Services ............................................................................................. 17


Calibrating the PXIe-4309 requires the installation of NI-DAQmx on the calibration system. Driver support for calibrating the PXIe-4309 was first available in NI-DAQmx 17.1. For the list of devices supported by a specific release, refer to the NI-DAQmx Readme, available on the version-specific download page or installation media.
You can download NI-DAQmx from LabWindows™/CVI™, C/C++, C#, and Visual Basic .NET. When you install NI-DAQmx, you only need to install support for the application software that you intend to use.
No other software is required to verify the operation of the TB-4309 (ST), TB-4309 (MT), or CAL-4309. NI-DAQmx supports LabVIEW,


Consult the following documents for information about the PXIe-4309, NI-DAQmx, and your application software. All documents are available on software.
PXIe-4309 and TB-4309 (ST)/TB-4309 (MT) Getting Started Guide and Terminal Block Specifications
NI-DAQmx driver software installation and hardware setup.
PXIe-4309 User Manual
PXIe-4309 usage and reference information.
PXIe-4309 Specifications
PXIe-4309 specifications and calibration interval.
NI-DAQmx Readme
Operating system and application software support in NI-DAQmx.
NI-DAQmx Help
Information about creating applications that use the NI-DAQmx driver., and help files install with the
LabVIEW Help
LabVIEW programming concepts and reference information about NI-DAQmx VIs and functions.
NI-DAQmx C Reference Help
Reference information for NI-DAQmx C functions and NI-DAQmx C properties.
NI-DAQmx .NET Help Support for Visual Studio
Reference information for NI-DAQmx .NET methods and NI-DAQmx .NET properties, key concepts, and a C enum to .NET enum mapping table.
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Test Equipment

Table 1 lists the equipment recommended for the performance verification and adjustment procedures of the PXIe-4309. If the recommended equipment is not available, select a substitute using the requirements listed in Table 1.

Table 1. Recommended Equipment for PXIe-4309 Verification and Adjustment

Equipment Recommended Model Requirements
Calibrator Fluke 5700A Output Range:
±15 V, ±10 V, ±1 V and ±0.1 V
Accuracy: 10 ppm of output (±15 V, ±10 V, ±1 V)
20 ppm of output (±0.1 V)
Output Impedance: 50 Ω.
DMM PXI-4071 or PXIe-4081 DC Voltage
Input Range: 10 V
Accuracy: 12 ppm of reading,
0.5 ppm of range
PXI Express Chassis PXIe-1062Q If this chassis is unavailable, use
Connection Accessory CAL-4309 For automated verification use the
Low thermal EMF test lead kit Pomona Model 72928 Low thermal EMF banana-to-banana
Low thermal EMF double banana plug shorting bar
Pomona Model 5145 Low thermal EMF double banana
PXIe-4309 Calibration Procedure | © National Instruments | 3
another PXI Express chassis, such as the PXIe-1082 or PXIe-1078.
For manual verification use the TB-4309 (ST) or TB-4309 (MT). When using these terminal blocks for verification connect only one channel to the calibrator at a time.
and banana-to-probe test lead sets.
plug shorting bar.

Test Conditions

The following setup and environmental conditions are required to ensure the PXIe-4309 meets published specifications.
Keep connections to the PXIe-4309 as short as possible. Long cables and wires act as antennas, picking up extra noise that can affect measurements.
Verify that all connections to the terminal block are secure.
Use shielded copper wire for all cable connections to the TB-4309. Use twisted-pair wire to eliminate noise and thermal offsets.
Maintain an ambient temperature of 23 °C ±5 °C. The PXIe-4309 temperature will be greater than the ambient temperature.
Keep relative humidity below 80%.
Allow a warm-up time of at least 15 minutes to ensure that the PXIe-4309 measurement circuitry is at a stable operating temperature.
Ensure that the PXI/PXI Express chassis fan speed is set to HIGH, that the fan filters are clean, and that the empty slots contain filler panels. For more information, refer to the Maintain Forced-Air Cooling Note to Users document available at
Allow adequate warm-up time for all of the instruments and equipment according to the manufacturer instructions.

Initial Setup

Refer to the PXIe-4309 and TB-4309 (ST)/TB-4309 (MT) Getting Started Guide and Terminal Block Specifications for information about how to install the software and hardware and how to
configure the device in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX).
Note When a device is configured in MAX, it is assigned a device identifier. Each
function call uses this identifier to determine which DAQ device to verify or to verify and adjust. This document uses Dev1 to refer to the device name. In the following procedures, use the device name as it appears in MAX.

Self Calibration

The PXIe-4309 includes a temperature controlled internal reference and self-calibration circuitry used during self-calibration to adjust for drift over time and temperature.
Note No signal connections are needed for self-calibration.
Complete the following steps to self-calibrate the device.
1. Wait 15 minutes for the device to warm up.
2. Launch MAX.
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3. Select My System»Devices and Interfaces, and then select the PXIe-4309 device to self calibrate.
4. Right-click the device and select Self-Calibrate.
Note Once self-calibration is completed, maintain ambient temperature within
±1 °C of the self-calibration temperature.


The following procedures describe the sequence of operation and provide test points required to verify the PXIe-4309. The verification procedures assume that adequate traceable uncertainties are available for the calibration references.
Note The verification procedure requires performing a self-calibration as a first
step unless self-verification is done immediately after an adjustment. Refer to the Self
Calibration section for instructions on performing a self calibration.
Warranted specifications have As-Found Limits (V) for verification before adjustment and
As-Left Limits (V) for reverification after adjustment. Warranted specifications unaffected by
adjustment have test limits with no additional qualification.
Note If any test fails verification or reverification, confirm that you have met the
Test Conditions before returning your device to NI. Refer to Worldwide Support and Services for assistance in returning the device to NI.
PXIe-4309 Calibration Procedure | © National Instruments | 5

DC Offset Accuracy

CAL-4309 PXIe-4309
Complete the following steps to verify the DC offset accuracy:
1. Short input channels 0 through 31. Depending on the terminal block used for verification, refer to step a or b for specifics about how to short the input channels of the PXIe-4309.
a. CAL-4309. Connect the double banana plug shorting bar to the input of the CAL-4309
as shown in Figure 1. This connection shorts all 32 input channels of the PXIe-4309.
i. Attach the CAL-4309 terminal block to the PXIe-4309 module.
ii. Tighten the mounting screw at the top of the terminal block to secure the terminal
block to the module.
iii. Wait ten minutes for the thermal EMF to stabilize.
iv. Connect the double banana plug shorting bar to the input of the CAL-4309 as
shown in Figure 1.
v. Wait two minutes for the thermal EMF to stabilize.

Figure 1. PXIe-4309 DC Offset Verification Setup Using the CAL-4309

b. TB-4309 (ST). Use nickel plated copper wire to short channels 0 through 31 as shown
in Figure 2.
i. Loosen the top cover screws and remove the top cover.
ii. Use nickel plated copper wire to short channels 0 through 31 as shown in
Figure 2.
iii. Reinstall the top cover and tighten the top cover screws.
iv. Attach the TB-4309 (ST) terminal block to the PXIe-4309 module.
v. Tighten the mounting screw at the top of the terminal block to secure the terminal
block to the module.
vi. Wait ten minutes for the thermal EMF to stabilize.
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