4-Channel, ±5 V, 24-Bit Software-Selectable IEPE and AC/DC
Analog Input Module
This user guide describes how to use the National Instruments USB-9234
and includes device specifications and connector assignments.
The NI USB-9234 consists of two components: an NI 9234 module and an
NI USB-9162 carrier, as shown in Figure 1.
NI 9234
NI USB-9162
HI-Speed USB Carrier
Hi-Speed USB Carrier
NI USB-9234
Figure 1. NI USB-9234 Components
140.66 mm
(5.538 in.)
138.30 mm
(5.445 in.)
Figure 2 shows the NI USB-9234 device dimensions.
Hi-Speed USB Carrier
NI USB-9162
120.68 mm
(4.751 in.)
118.26 mm
(4.656 in.)
Safety Guidelines
Operate the NI USB-9234 only as described in this user guide.
Note Although the NI 9234 module may have more stringent certification standards than
the NI USB-9234, when used with the NI USB-9162 carrier, the combined system may be
limited. Refer to the Specifications section for more details.
Hot Surface This icon denotes that the component may be hot. Touching this component
may result in bodily injury.
Caution Do not disconnect I/O-side wires or connectors unless power has been switched
off or the area is known to be nonhazardous.
Caution Do not the remove module unless power has been switched off or the area is
known to be nonhazardous.
Caution The NI USB-9234 is not certified for use in hazardous locations.
88.12 mm
(3.469 in.)
Figure 2. NI USB-9234 Device in Millimeters (Inches)
25.34 mm
(0.998 in.)
NI USB-9234 User Guide and Specifications2ni.com
Safety Guidelines for Hazardous Voltages
If hazardous voltages are connected to the module, take the following
precautions. A hazardous voltage is a voltage greater than 42.4 V
60 VDC to earth ground.
Caution Ensure that hazardous voltage wiring is performed only by qualified personnel
adhering to local electrical standards.
Caution Do not mix hazardous voltage circuits and human-accessible circuits on the same
Caution Make sure that devices and circuits connected to the module are properly
insulated from human contact.
Related Documentation
Each application software package and driver includes information about
writing applications for taking measurements and controlling measurement
devices. The following references to documents assume you have
NI-DAQmx 8.8 or later, and where applicable, version 7.1 or later
of the NI application software.
NI-DAQmx for Windows
The DAQ Getting Started Guide describes how to install your NI-DAQmx
for Windows software, your NI-DAQmx-supported DAQ device, and how
to confirm that your device is operating properly. Select Start»All
Programs»National Instruments»NI-DAQ»DAQ Getting Started
The NI-DAQ Readme lists which devices are supported by this version of
NI-DAQmx. Select Start»All Programs»National Instruments»NI-DAQ»NI-DAQ Readme.
The NI-DAQmx Help contains general information about measurement
concepts, key NI-DAQmx concepts, and common applications that are
applicable to all programming environments. Select Start»All Programs»National Instruments»NI-DAQ»NI-DAQmx Help.
If you are a new user, use the Getting Started with LabVIEW manual to
familiarize yourself with the LabVIEW graphical programming
environment and the basic LabVIEW features you use to build data
acquisition and instrument control applications. Open the Getting Started
with LabVIEW manual by selecting Start»All Programs»National
Instruments»LabVIEW»LabVIEW Manuals or by navigating to the
labview\manuals directory and opening LV_Getting_Started.pdf.
Use the LabVIEW Help, available by selecting Help»Search the
LabVIEW Help in LabVIEW, to access information about LabVIEW
programming concepts, step-by-step instructions for using LabVIEW, and
reference information about LabVIEW VIs, functions, palettes, menus, and
tools. Refer to the following locations on the Contents tab of the LabVIEW Help for information about NI-DAQmx:
•Getting Started»Getting Started with DAQ—Includes overview
information and a tutorial to learn how to take an NI-DAQmx
measurement in LabVIEW using the DAQ Assistant.
•VI and Function Reference»Measurement I/O VIs and Functions—Describes the LabVIEW NI-DAQmx VIs and properties.
•Taking Measurements—Contains the conceptual and how-to
information you need to acquire and analyze measurement data in
LabVIEW, including common measurements, measurement
fundamentals, NI-DAQmx key concepts, and device considerations.
The Data Acquisition book of the LabWindows/CVI Help contains
measurement concepts for NI-DAQmx. This book also contains Taking an NI-DAQmx Measurement in LabWindows/CVI, which includes
step-by-step instructions about creating a measurement task using the DAQ
Assistant. In LabWindows
Using LabWindows/CVI»Data Acquisition.
The NI-DAQmx Library book of the LabWindows/CVI Help contains API
overviews and function reference for NI-DAQmx. Select Library Reference»NI-DAQmx Library in the LabWindows/CVI Help.
NI USB-9234 User Guide and Specifications4ni.com
/CVI™, select Help»Contents, then select
Measurement Studio
If you program your NI-DAQmx-supported device in Measurement Studio
using Visual C++, Visual C#, or Visual Basic .NET, you can interactively
create channels and tasks by launching the DAQ Assistant from MAX or
from within Visual Studio .NET. You can generate the configuration code
based on your task or channel in Measurement Studio. Refer to the DAQ Assistant Help for additional information about generating code. You also
can create channels and tasks, and write your own applications in your
ADE using the NI-DAQmx API.
For help with NI-DAQmx methods and properties, refer to the NI-DAQmx
.NET Class Library or the NI-DAQmx Visual C++ Class Library included
in the NI Measurement Studio Help. For general help with programming in
Measurement Studio, refer to the NI Measurement Studio Help, which is
fully integrated with the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET help. To view
this help file in Visual Studio. NET, select Measurement Studio»NI Measurement Studio Help.
To create an application in Visual C++, Visual C#, or Visual Basic .NET,
follow these general steps:
1.In Visual Studio .NET, select File»New»Project to launch the New
2.Find the Measurement Studio folder for the language you want to
3.Choose a project type. You add DAQ tasks as a part of this step.
Project dialog box.
create a program in.
ANSI C without NI Application Software
The NI-DAQmx Help contains API overviews and general information
about measurement concepts. Select Start»All Programs»National Instruments»NI-DAQ»NI-DAQmx Help.
The NI-DAQmx C Reference Help describes the NI-DAQmx Library
functions, which you can use with National Instruments data acquisition
devices to develop instrumentation, acquisition, and control applications.
Select Start»All Programs»National Instruments»NI-DAQ»NI-DAQmx C Reference Help.
With the Microsoft .NET Framework version 1.1 or later, you can use
NI-DAQmx to create applications using Visual C# and Visual Basic
.NET without Measurement Studio. You need Microsoft Visual Studio
.NET 2003 or Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 for the API documentation
to be installed.
The installed documentation contains the NI-DAQmx API overview,
measurement tasks and concepts, and function reference. This help is
fully integrated into the Visual Studio .NET documentation. To view the
NI-DAQmx .NET documentation, go to Start»All Programs»National
Instruments»NI-DAQ»NI-DAQmx .NET Reference Help. Expand
NI Measurement Studio Help»NI Measurement Studio .NET Class
Library»Reference to view the function reference. Expand
NI Measurement Studio Help»NI Measurement Studio .NET Class
Library»Using the Measurement Studio .NET Class Libraries to view
conceptual topics for using NI-DAQmx with Visual C# and Visual
Basic .NET.
To get to the same help topics from within Visual Studio, go to
Help»Contents. Select Measurement Studio from the Filtered By
drop-down list and follow the previous instructions.
Device Documentation and Specifications
Documentation for supported devices and accessories, including PDF
and help files describing device terminals, specifications, features, and
operation are on the NI-DAQmx CD that includes Device Documentation.
Insert the CD, open the Device Documentation directory, and double-click
the Device Documents shortcut for your language to find, view, and print
device documents.
Note You can also download these documents at ni.com/manuals.
Training Courses
If you need more help getting started developing an application with
NI products, NI offers training courses. To enroll in a course or obtain
a detailed course outline, refer to
Technical Support on the Web
For additional support, refer to ni.com/support or zone.ni.com.
NI USB-9234 User Guide and Specifications6ni.com
Installing the Software
Software support for the NI USB-9234 for Windows Vista/XP/2000 is
provided by NI-DAQmx. The DAQ Getting Started Guide, which you can
download at
instructions for installing software and hardware, configuring channels and
tasks, and getting started developing an application.
If you are using other software, refer to the installation instructions that
accompany your software.
Example Programs
The NI-DAQmx CD contains example programs that you can use to get
started programming with the NI USB-9234. Refer to the NI-DAQmx for USB Devices Getting Started Guide that shipped with your device, which
is also accessible from Start»All Programs»National Instruments»NI-DAQ for more information.
Installing the NI USB-9234 Device
Before installing the device, you must install the software you plan to use
with the device. Refer to the Installing the Software section of this guide
and the documentation included with the software for more information.
Installing the NI 9234 in the NI USB-9162 Carrier
The NI 9234 module and NI USB-9162 carrier are packaged separately.
Refer to Figure 3, while completing the following assembly steps:
1.Make sure no signals are connected to the NI 9234 module and the
USB cable is not connected to the device.
2.Remove the protective cover from the 15-pin D-SUB connector.