NI SCXI -1339
Terminal Block for the NI SCXI-1129
This guide describes how to install and connect signals to the
National Instruments SCXI-1339 terminal block to configure the
SCXI-1129 switch module as a dual 4 × 32 matrix.
Screw terminals on the SCXI-1339 allow you to access each 4 × 32 matrix.
The SCXI-1339 also contains terminals for scanner advanced output and
external input trigger signals.
Refer to the NI Switches Getting Started Guide to determine when to install
the terminal block. Visit
switching solutions.
ni.com/switches for information on other
The following conventions are used in this guide:
» The » symbol leads you through nested menu items and dialog box options
to a final action. The sequence File»Page Setup»Options directs you to
pull down the File menu, select the Page Setup item, and select Options
from the last dialog box.
This icon denotes a note, which alerts you to important information.
This icon denotes a caution, which advises you of precautions to take to
avoid injury, data loss, or a system crash. When this symbol is marked on a
product, refer to the Read Me First: Safety and Radio-Frequency
Interference document for information about precautions to take.
bold Bold text denotes items that you must select or click in the software, such
as menu items and dialog box options. Bold text also denotes parameter

italic Italic text denotes variables, emphasis, a cross reference, or an introduction
to a key concept. This font also denotes text that is a placeholder for a word
or value that you must supply.
monospace Text in this font denotes text or characters that you should enter from the
keyboard, sections of code, programming examples, and syntax examples.
This font is also used for the proper names of disk drives, paths, directories,
programs, subprograms, subroutines, device names, functions, operations,
variables, filenames and extensions, and code excerpts.
1. Unpack the Terminal Block
To avoid damage in handling the terminal block, take the following
Caution Never touch the exposed pins of connectors.
• Ground yourself using a grounding strap or by touching a grounded
• Touch the antistatic package to a metal part of your computer chassis
before removing the terminal block from the package.
Remove the terminal block from the package and inspect the terminal block
for loose components or any sign of damage. Notify NI if the terminal
block appears damaged in any way. Do not install a damaged terminal
block into your system.
Store the SCXI-1339 in the antistatic envelope when not in use.
2. Verify the Components
Make sure that you have the following items:
❑ SCXI-1339 terminal block
❑ SCXI chassis
❑ SCXI-1129 switch module
❑ 1/8 in. flathead screwdriver
❑ Numbers 1 and 2 Phillips screwdrivers
NI SCXI-1339 Installation Instructions 2 ni.com

❑ Long-nose pliers
❑ Wire cutter
❑ Wire insulation stripper
3. Connect Signals
To connect the signal(s) to the terminal block, refer to Figures 1 and 2
while completing the following steps:
Caution This module is rated for Measurement Category I and intended to carry signal
voltages no greater than 150 V. This module can withstand up to 800 V impulse voltage.
Do not use this module for connection to signals or for measurements within Categories II,
III, or IV. Do not connect to MAINS supply circuits (for example, wall outlets) of 115 or
230 VAC. Refer to the NI Switches Getting Started Guide for more information on
measurement categories.
When hazardous voltages (>42.4 V
low-voltage (≤42.4 V
1. Prepare the signal wire by stripping the insulation no more than 7 mm
2. Remove the top cover screw.
3. Unsnap and remove the top cover.
4. Loosen the two strain-relief screws on the strain-relief bar.
5. Run the signal wires through the strain-relief opening.
6. Insert the stripped end of the wire fully into the terminal. Secure the
7. Connect the safety earth ground to the safety ground lug.
8. Tighten the two screws on the strain-relief assembly to secure the
9. Reinstall the top cover.
/60 VDC) cannot be connected to any other relay terminal.
from the end of the wire.
wire by tightening the screw of the terminal. No bare wire should
extend past the screw terminal. Exposed wire increases the risk of a
short-circuit causing a failure.
/60 VDC) are present on any relay terminal, safety
10. Replace the top cover screw.
© National Instruments Corporation 3 NI SCXI-1339 Installation Instructions